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After seeing DwainumB's wip yesterday, I decided to investigate for a few hours into the zipping glitch, and think I have a pretty good understanding on how it works. How this game works movement-related is pretty wierd. There are two heights you can be at in the game, which translate to being on ground and being on elevated ground: I'll call these 'ground' and 'high ground' respectively. High ground is higher than ground, so if there's high ground next to ground, Lucas will jump from high ground to ground, and effectively change his 'height' from high ground to ground. The jump triggers the switch from high ground to ground. Note that you can only jump either on ledges facing downwards or on corners. I have no idea why you cannot jump off ledges facing upwards. Now, consider this situation: This is probably the most important screen in the entire game, and for good reason. Black is ground, green are walls, and orange is high ground. Notice how high ground is just above a wall? This is what I outlined as the red section, and it is crucial. There are two things to understand before carrying on: the first is that walls cover both ground and high ground. In the case that you are on high ground, ground also becomes walls, unlike what one would think; so the only way to progress into these 'walls' is to jump or use a slope. However, if walls cover both ground and high ground, how would it be possible to progress in this case? Flowers are actually a special case, in that they allow to walk over walls. The thing with flowers is that they lower! And this is where the zipping glitch happens.. When Lucas walks on a flower, it will start to move, then dive back into the ground after a short amount of time. In the case that they lower, they turn from being high ground back into ground, and Lucas will do a special animation not found anywhere else in the game: he will fall. What happens if he falls into a wall? This is where the madness begins. The programmers knew of this case, and so implemented a very half-assed zipping mechanic: if Lucas is detected to be into a wall, he gains a ton of backwards speed, and basta. The backwards speed is I assume a result of helping innocent players who entered a wall by accident, and 'push' them back this way. This way, it would also be impossible for an human player to zip on purpose, because it would require precise frame perfect imputs. Except there's two problems with this zipping mechanic. The first is that it only gives Lucas speed, and doens't force him to use it. This means, if there's no input, Lucas will stay lodged in his wall just fine. This is normally not a problem, because there's not a lot of places to go from being stuck in a wall; you can usually only do wall to wall movement, so there's not a lot to go to from the green spot. The second problem is how the change from high ground to ground is controlled. Remember that Lucas will only transition from high ground to ground either if he jumps (initiated on walking to ground while on high ground while not facing up) or falling (special animation specific to flowers.) But what happens if we interrupt, or even skip the falling animation? It turns out there isn't any check for that, and so Lucas stays in high ground even though the ground beneath him. Game broken! Pointing back to what we said earlier, while on high ground, ground becomes walls. We are effectively zipping onto the ground!! This makes the glitch extremely powerful, since you can essentially walk around freely on the entire map (and the whole game is on one single map.. in theory, I'll get back to that later.) Specifically, once you are on high ground, since we don't have access to flowers anymore, the only way to fall back to ground is to either: - jump, and we can't jump (since we can't stand still on high ground anymore while holding a direction.) - walk onto a slope - interact with water (as it affects both ground and high ground) - interact with pits (same as water) - interact with rocky terrain (no idea why this affects it..) The only reason we would want to get back on high ground again would be to interrupt zipping (which is needed in a lot of cases.) Now that we can walk freely around the map, what can we do? Well, not a whole lot. We can walk to the last area of the game, but no actors are spawned; we can walk to other areas, but only three are loaded when we zip in this specific spot (this, the dark forest, and the cactus garden.) Because this game is heavily checkpoint and event-based, we can't do anything at all! However, for loaded areas, all the terrain is fully fonctional (you can still die on water, fall into pits, etc.) To add insult to injury, you can't interact with other actors at all! This means you can't just walk around the entire game at zipping speed, moving some ants along the way. A shame, but overall, the zipping glitch still remains its usefulness for faster movement, as long as a flower and a wall are accessible nearby.
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Link to video Movie file. 22005 rerecords. For reference, a rerecord is made each time you load a state. Small update on this.. HFD | 8 478 920 score, 587 hits XY | 8 524 990 score, 599 hits Score at powerup ship. This TAS is put indefinitely on hold until an emulator with rerecording features exists (BizHawk is on that path with importing a MAME core.) I've also made an embarrassing scoring mistake at the start, so that's why I'm planning to restart this anyway. This will probably delay it by a few months at best, unfortunately. 1-1 is much more irritating to TAS than I initially thought, for a few reasons that I'll outline, but the main one is definitely the hypers. In this first half of the stage, most of the scoring opportunities are present while hypering. This already leads up to some roadblocks, that I'll call 'limits'; these block completely any further scoring until you pass that limits. Hard limits are impossible to get through, and are represented in the form of bees and hyper timeouts; since they control hypers, it means that scoring is forcibly limited to these hard limits. The other type of limits I will talk about are 'soft' limits: these are limits that can be extended with skillful play, and are mostly chaining related (how much enemies do I need to leave to continue my chain?). And this is where TASing comes in! While normal scoring segments can't really be improved upon (although they can with a particular glitch I'll talk about later), these soft limits can be extended almost infinitely, both through the use of precise play and glitches. In fact, the only soft limit I meet in this segment is fully extended to its corresponding hard limit (hyper timeout). I'll mostly talk about how I managed to break these soft limits here, as they are the main limiter of scoring gameplay. The other huge hassle was the tower miniboss. The problem with the tower miniboss is that it structures all the future hard limits we come across, because we're dependant on it to grind a bunch of hits on it thanks to our first hyper, and so the chain of hard limits gets structured as this: First hyper (tower) > Timeout > Second hyper > Timeout. We have very limited control over when hypers start, and because of their fixed duration there's not a whole lot of breaking new strategies you can do (especially in 1-1), so my route for this segment is akin to HFD's route and the hard limits are the same. Given that, there's is only one soft limit in this segment: at the moment of the first hyper's timeout, just before the second powerup ship. In scoring, you would need to leave some enemies unscratched by the hyper, even though it would be possible to hit them and get more hits + score. This is the soft limit I was referring to earlier. So how do I get past it? Before I continue, I first need to explain how big ships work. Take for example the medium-sized turret ship, after the turret miniboss. One particularity of these ships, found in all big ships is that they have two hitboxes: one at the front, smaller and in the middle, and one in the back and wider. This interesting quirck makes for some interesting results that allow for more scoring, thanks to the hyper's behavior. First, we know that the laser is actually two weapons: laser + aura. This would not make a single difference if we weren't under hyper. Furthermore, there is a failsafe present to avoid hitting the two hitboxes with the same weapon; it will simply not register the hit. But what happens if we hit the two hitboxes with two separate weapons? There isn't a failsafe for that, and so we get more hits. However, this is extremely precise to do, as if any of the weapons touch the hitbox that doens't belong to them, the hit is cancelled. I refer to this as 'diagonal grinding', and is also the source of the wierd movement you see when I laser enemies. Going back to our soft limit, the way I handle it is give zero fucks in regards to that limit and extend all the way to the hard limit. This results in a big problem; we only have a single ship, the powerup ship, to somehow keep the hit counter up for a ridiculous amount of time. We know that hitting a big ship with laser will set our hit gauge to a fixed height. What I do is what I call hooking. Because of the gauge set mechanic with hitting a big ship with the laser, if we hit the powerup ship for one frame, then hook off him, our gauge still get sets, then lowers slowly. At the last possible frame, simply hit the powerup ship again to get the gauge set, and repeat! Because the gauge reset with lasering lasts exactly 9 frames, we are able to hit the powerup ship once every 8 frames instead of once every other frame, essentially making the powerup ship last four times as long and keeping our chain easily. All of this had to be done by hand, since FBA doens't have ram search, any precise values and doens't work at all in general. I believe the switch is the best decision I can take, so you'ill have to wait a few months on the run.
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Non, il faudra déja que tu la mettes en ligne, sur un site de type imgur, puis mettre le lien vers l'image en crochets.
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Mets ton lien sous crochets [image.png] .
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After three months of Hourglass-related issues, I have managed to run the game stably on Win7. Switching to a 64 bit build fixed all of my issues, surpsingly (it feels surreal having Hourglass be stable.) I'll be not TASing this then.
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Movie file?
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Working on a run of this game, both going for S and H ending (I am going for the H ending first, since it is shorter and will allow me to familiarise myself with the game). Unlike what appearances would suggest, this game is hard. Awfully hard, both in a normal setting (unless you follow a walkthrough, but that defeats the purpose of the game) and a speedrun setting makes it even harder. Most of the game is highly RNG dependant and can depend on frame perfect tricks. Here is the current world record for H ending, although segmented: Link to video Note that the current nico TASes are extremely outdated: they don't use some tricks, for exemple, the corridor skip, and don't play around with the cursor (what is this, 2006?)
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Link to video Movie file While dicking around and failing to get any progress done (mostly entering into walls) I've started doing a TAS of this game on MRGP - Monkey Race Grand Prix. This completes all the courses in Grand Prix mode. I chose this mode instead of time trial because of the presence of items and other monkeys, making it a lot more interesting in my opinion. Fortunately, this mode is much easier to optimise than normal gameplay, as this time you have control over the monkey and not the field. As such, movement isn't terribly complex to optimise (and I've gotten pretty good at it at this point.) Many times you'ill see me bump instead of cutting corners, and that is because bumps waste almonst no speed. One interesting thing about this run is that we have 5 laps. This might sound it will make a boring and repetitive TAS, but each lap ends up being different because of interaction with monkeys/items. Manipulating monkeys (movement and behavior based on your position) is a difficult ordeal but gives you an extra around 15 speed for each bump, so I abuse it whenever I can. Items are a whole different beast. This game has zero RNG: this works against us here, as instead to decide item box drops the game bases itself on a global timer that runs upon startup of GP. Manipulation of this is borderline impossible, as the timer is long. This means I have to make do with what the timer gives me. However, items are pretty interesting as a lot of items are useful. The two items I used in this track are bananas and ice cubes. Starting with ice cubes, I didn't actually 'use' ice cubes, but another monkey launched an ice cube at me. This is because the ice cube is an offensive move, and it has an interesting effect: it gives you a huge spike of speed (more than double normal speed) but at the cost of being able to change direction only by bumps. This is the second fastest form of movement possible, although its boost lasts on a wider period on time than a banana boost. Bananas are the other item abused here. They have the property to massively increase your speed upon landing on one for about a second, then applying a short, almonst irrelevant slowdown. The main attraction of banana boosts instead of ice cubing is that since banana boosting retains your speed. As such, they can be combined with other means of movement! The most notable exemple in the run is at the third lap, where I use a strategically dropped banana a turn earlier to banana boost immediatly after exiting a booster, spiking my speed up to almonst 390 and allowing a much faster wall, saving more than a second.
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Je préfère utiliser IRC (on peut utiliser le chan officiel, #tasvideos.)
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Hetfield90 wrote:
As for branches, I pushed for my v1 run to obsolete the shoryuken run to show the history of any% routes since obtaining the shoryuken was previously thought to be faster. But this was also done under the premise that FractalFusion and I were working on a true 100% run that collects both X's and Zero's parts to obsolete the current "best ending, no upgrades" run. That way all of the game's options for item acquisition(minimal X parts, all X parts, no Zero parts, all Zero parts) would still be represented in as few as two branches. In my v1 thread, Mothrayas suggested having 3 branches("any%", "all upgrades", and "best ending, no upgrades") until such a run was completed, and that the "100%" run could obsolete both the "all upgrades" and "best ending, no upgrades" runs since it alone covers the two options for item acquisition in this game which "any%" does not. In agreement with this, I think that this run should be published as a separate "all upgrades" branch so that the site is not without a shoryuken run for the time being, but under the premise that it and the "best ending, no upgrades" run can be later obsoleted by a true "100%" run to eliminate redundancies between branches.
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Pareil, suis disponible.
Post subject: Masterjun on how to lua
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<Masterjun> lua is the best thing
<Niamek> Masterjun: Yeah I agree. But when it's only for displaying value on screen. Maybe bizhawk can do the job?
<Masterjun> if it's just for displaying values on the screen, you aren't doing it right
<Niamek> What do you mean?
<Masterjun> :D
<Masterjun> I mean
<Masterjun> then you lack creativity
<Niamek> Well I mean: Why. What should I do better when I have simply x,y and speed
<Niamek> No RNG yet, but I'll get to it.
<Masterjun> speed value has to be green when you're at top speed and gradually change color when losing speed
<Masterjun> x should flash various colors just because it's cool
<Masterjun> y has to jump around on the screen to make it stand out better
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And mentionned on reddit, and arstechnica, and kotaku
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This movie is well made, and I found no obivious mistakes watching on fast forward, as well as showcasing interesting tech. On the other hand, the movie is incredibly boring and beats all known records in fastest time to put anyone to sleep. Voting no. (Note to anyone watching this movie: there is no problem with the ending input, since L needs to be held to scroll Bowser's text at the end of the game.)
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Use userfiles to upload it if you can't submit for now.
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Can you provide your movie file, or do you intend on submitting this anyway?
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Location: France Movie file 8842 frames ahead (02:27.37 seconds.) ACAC doens't have autoscrollers, but Temple of Sands 1 is the exception to that rule, and has a shitton of platform cycles. Ultimately, however, they rely on the two longest: the first floating platform in the middle of the level (10 seconds per cycle) and the floating platform at the very far right of the level (7 seconds per cycle). These two cycles are unavoiable. Ironically, although ToS1 is the level with the second largest amount of ways to get out of bounds in the game, and void access, going there is extremely useless, since the void is too far down and there's no way to navigate around OOB thanks to huge walls and no way around void thanks to death barriers. While I manage to beat the first cycle thanks to a new sick out of bounds strategy, I am barely too slow for the second cycle, even with another strat abusing convenient level geometry (although I still show it off.) ToS1 also allows for a greater degree of playaround than other levels, and I use that to its fullest extent.
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Same problem as feos. All the roms/bios-es I try don't work properly.
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Link to video Temp encode.
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You cannot edit the time of your submission; it is timed from first to last input of your movie. In the future, I would suggest doing such submissions over at userfiles.
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MovieRules wrote:
Snes9x v1.43 movie files are deprecated and not accepted, unless a continuance is granted.
MovieRules wrote:
Your movie should begin from the console power-on and end when the last decisive action has been delivered. There are no specific rules for an exact endpoint but it must adhere to the following rules: It must beat the game (1-level movies that don't finish the game are rejected).
MovieRules wrote:
We do not allow save-anchored movies. We want a standard starting point for movies (power-on). Saves introduce an infinite amount of possible variation that may cause the game to behave differently compared to starting from power-on. They can also can be hacked, allowing nearly transparent cheating.
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