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Yo, Cui! Glad to see you here! The ghost platform bug is a special case of the egg despawn glitch, like we use in the vanilla Airman stage. I described it in this video, and I talked a lot more about eggs in this video. Think you can find a faster setup for it?
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I found an extremely interesting setup that lets me get a zip off a ghost platform. The ghost haunts slot 18, so I had to be extra careful to make sure nothing would spawn before I was ready for it. The moving platforms in particular would ruin it because their code is able to properly clean up the bad data. This is 100 frames slower, but I know we can do better. Link to video
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Why does this keep happening??
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Some more notes as I watch through this: 2:32 This is the same setup as tcu, which means it's subject to that awful 256-frame rule. Our setup is much faster. No Gemini scrolls to improve zips. 2:55 He didn't discover the weird Item 2 ceiling glitch, so that section is slower. He also sets up the zip with his alternate tech. 3:54 Holy shit, this is awesome! 3:58 Looks like he did rediscover the ceiling glitch. Hmm. 5:16 We used a Gemini scroll to improve this zip. 5:27 Our climbs are very similar, but Shinryuu and I managed to throw in a jump to spice things up a bit. 5:39 I used jump mashing to get another zip in the next screen. OK, I don't really want to watch beyond Plug just yet, but this run is awesome so far.
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Ooooh. My friend found this on YouTube as well. I can tell LongBao wasn't watching subpixels by the way he expresses himself through jumping. Looks like he independently discovered Item 2 zips, but they're totally different from the way I do them. Watch 1:14, for example; I didn't think such a setup was possible. Shinryuu, we gotta dig into this.
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Oh, and a couple of zipless WIPS! Link to video Link to video
Post subject: Recent Findings
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Some recent findings: A better strat for the Item 2 ride in zipless Crash Link to video The closest we will ever come to skipping the refights. Except maybe this. Link to video Zipless version of the Leaf Shield Boobeam fight Link to video A new glitch in Rockman Exile that saves a few frames. It requires a Pipi in the same room as a platform-type sprite, which only occurs at that one screen in Airman's stage in vanilla rm2. Link to video I tried to use the Atomic Fire underflow glitch to get through the drills and do the knockback glitch on the crusher. It's pretty slow :/ Link to video
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Shinryuu and I have been going crazy on the Boobeam fight. I found a new fight that saves 43 frames (applicable to any% and zipless), and we've been hammering out all kinds of optimizations to it. Leaf Shield is involved. I ended up with this insane frame tie in the zipless version. This idea dump vid is just the beginning. Link to video Seriously, I have a version where I switch to W here just to waste a shield, and that's a frame tie with the alternative fight where I don't pull that absolutely baffling move.
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Been working on Buster-only for this game. I'm aware of the ill-fated submission from 2013; don't worry, this one's got damage and glitches! Link to video Link to video Link to video Link to video I suppose this zipless clip from 3 years ago also counts. Link to video
Post subject: Clip dump!
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I've been playing around with "rapid respawns." I actually hate the Blocky glitch. It just looks like invincibility cheats to me. I may have found my first time-entertainment tradeoff. Link to video Link to video Link to video This clip abuses rapid respawns but is mainly focused on testing an idea from the Wily Wars submission thread. Link to video This is a preview of the new energy route for zipless. Link to video Here's what I've been up to in the A button challenge. Link to video And a bonus clip that shows in real time where the game checks for collisions with the level geometry. Link to video
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Here are some notes adapted from my video descriptions. Gemini Time This is a really sweet weapon. It's the Metal Blade reskin of the hack. It can fire in 8 directions, but it gets 5 shots on screen instead of 3. The throwing animation doesn't slow you down at all, which is really nice (it kind of looks like you're slipping on ice, but it's normal walking physics). And if that wasn't enough, you can press select to make a fully controllable invincible twin! It can jump and shoot, and you can recall it by pressing start. Very cool! The twin can't scroll the screen, but if he reaches the edge, it will scroll forward and you'll continue from his location (does the real Mega Man die‽). Gemini Scroll Here's where it gets good. If you recall the twin on the exact frame the screen scroll starts, the scroll will initiate but you'll be at your original self's location. This is SUPER broken. It lets us get inside walls super easily and do birdscroll-like boss entries every time. I'm calling this glitch the Gemini scroll, because apparently I love to name things I didn't discover. Up+down fun The floating Metal Blade glitch got even cooler. Now they might have insane vertical speed depending on which 2 or 3 arrows you press. We haven't found a use for it yet, but it's swaggy 😎 Item 2 In v1.0, this Item used to be Beat carrying you around. Now you just walk on air. When active, it gives you constant grounded movement speed, so it can be worthwhile to keep it out even when not using the tricks below. Zips You can use the bizzarro magic levitation to get stuck inside the ceiling just like the classic Item 1 and 3 tech from the vanilla game. Seems to be the exact same bug. Additionally, once in the ceiling, you can gain as much height as you want by holding up or right, a feat which would require elaborate setups with two or three Item 1s in vanilla. You can initiate a zip only by standing halfway inside a ground tile, and getting pushed up into a ceiling that extends fully above you. This only works if a ceiling chunk juts down by at least two tiles. Kind of like setting up a vanilla Item 1 zip if you could only stand on the exact center of the platform. Bonk warp If the zips weren't enough for you, there's also an upwarp bug that you can trigger if you bonk the ceiling on the way out of a zip, which potentially allows you to extend it into another ceiling. Corner boosts You can levitate into a ceiling corner and get pushed ahead by about 5 pixels. It's barely noticeable as a viewer. Snake Buster This weapon covers the entire half (?) of the screen Mega Man is facing. It also lets you shed your skin by pressing select, which increases your speed up to 2 levels. This is a huge speed boost, and is always worth it to do at the start of a level. No exploits with this weapon, we are using it fully as intended! Refills Rockman 2: Basic Master has a built-in energy balancer, and collecting refills does not freeze the game. This makes refill strats extremely easy.
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Rockman 2: Basic Master Figured this was worth its own thread at this point. This hack is a ton of fun. I really like the Gemini weapon, although in the TAS we like it for much different reasons >:) We're basically bullying the author for one little programming mistake in the twin feature. Here's the rundown: tcu made this submission Link to video I found some improvements Link to video Then Shinryuu got involved and we found even more improvements Link to video (At this point I stopped posting userfiles because tcu seems to have disappeared) Then I teased some new tech... Link to video ...and here it is! Link to video I put this Item 2 tech to use on the first three stages, but I didn't feel like redoing the boss fight until this weekend. Then I realized I could set up a slippery entry and reuse inputs! Woohoo! Actually, I just found some improvements over the Gemini stage shown in this video, but I figured a progress update would be nice.
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I wish I understood baseball enough to fully appreciate this! This is the game, right? I tried to follow along but I just got confused.
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I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life than at 2:12, when that thing hyaw-hyaw-hyawed up out of nowhere, sang "Pop Goes the Weasel," then hyaw-hyaw-hyawed away. Also, that pinwheel loading screen gives me the willies. The way it's shot from an imposing low angle, the way it pops in silently and animates for a single frame...bleaugh.
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Nice! All the cutscene skips consolidated into one action-packed run. I could barely keep up!
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Vote no? Not I! You can't escape my love for this movie. My cursor's clicking yes, but my heart is saying no. Just to watch this movie is having the best day of my life. It ain't no lie, baby, Y. E. S. This movie made me lose all my senses. I ain't Dr. Right, but if you're looking for a yes vote... I'm feeling this movie, cause I like it like this. I'm a believer, I couldn't vote no if I tried. The public have voted you their published run.
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adelikat wrote:
I love all that fancy TASing to get to the spot, just to make a regular jump anyone could do. Climatic-anti-climatic ending. Love it.
You gotta. Have you seen the alternative?? Oh, whoops. I meant this.
g0goTBC wrote:
Inb4 someone goes to fix the Wikipedia page before this movie gets judged. This would be the ultimate troll.
Reverse citogenesis
CoolHandMike wrote:
Wikipedia is the worst
You're not kidding. This is not my first edit skirmish. Apparently the article on red-black trees needs to be a fully valid piece of C software with bits of Wikipedia as comments.
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feos wrote:
warmCabin wrote:
So I've got a 4K encode of an old Mega Man 2 TAS that I'd like to submit to the YouTube channel (still need to add the logo and the disclaimer). I'm trying to follow this guide to get a feel for how the sideloading process works, but all the links seem to be broken. Is there a replacement for the Encoder TASVideos Channel Manager?
There's no replacement but it's not used anymore either, because we don't store encodes on the server anymore, we upload them directly to yt. If your encode is good, upload it to mega or any other fitting file hosting and we'll grab it from there.
Forgot about this discussion ._. This is the TASEncoding package everyone uses these days, correct? Would you want me to upload the X resolutions output by it or do you just need a logo + disclaimer on the 4K one for YouTube?
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A third Rockman 2 zipless run on this site!? Let's goooo!! Unlike Challenger, I have no qualms writing a wall of text. Here I go.
Rockman 2
General How confident are you in your route? If I'm reading your description right, the Quick fight w/ Crash Bombs saves (28 - 7) * 45 = 945 frames, as opposed to the measly (14 - 7) * 20 = 140 frames on NES. But that's the same ballpark as Item 1 strats in Air, which you didn't metion. How does that work out in this remake? I notice you always take damage to switch. Does the 13-frame quirk (or similar) exist in Wily Wars? Does double death exist, or the highest-ledge teleport thing? I would also encourage you to check for "menu anisotropy." You never know! Crash Did you try a longer Item 2 ride in the first Met screen, like NES zipless? If that's slower, how about dodging/dboosting that last Met and placing the Item 2 higher up for a faster climb? Metal Why not use Item 2 to fly over all the blockies and pierobots? Bubble Since jumps aren't slow, is it not possible to kill the first anglerfish with, say, 5 hops? Flash How about swapping to Item 2 instead of Metal Blade? A ride over the final hallway saves maybe half a second on NES (extra menu included). Heat Is it really not viable to mash lemons into the prop tops? What's so bad about the tellies? Could do the cheeky Item 3 placement just after switching. Actually, have you considered Item 2 strats over the pillars, like what RTA NES route does? Wood Can the rabbits simply be dodged by jumping, saving the switch to Crash? The bats can problably be RNG manipped to avoid taking damage. Although you need an excuse to switch weapons anyway. Love the monkeys section! Can you use your poor man's Item 1 to dodge that one rooster that hits you? I guess that depends on how "free" the dboost weapon switches are. With i-frames as slow as they are, is Atomic Fire viable for the boss? Can you hold a charge through the door? Wily 1 Considering how much Item 3 energy you have left after Wily 4, maybe you could use it here instead of taking damage from that Sniper Joe and switching off it. There's got to be a way to place the final Item 1 left enough to jump up the ladder :/ You don't end the dragon fight on the highest possible block. I honestly have no clue how to manipulate that bastard; maybe spend some time on the lowest block? Wily 2 Have you seen my crusher knockback idea? On NES, the Picopico spawns operate on a pretty nasty framerule. So nasty you could call it a cycle. If Wily Wars does the same, I bet Metal Blade would still be faster for those little guys. Wily 4 Love the extra Item 3 placements! Love your Item 1 placement to start the Boob fight. I thought I'd try it on NES, but the hitboxes don't quite line up the same :/ I bet you could shoot the final Crash Bomb on the leftmost ledge and get the kill a few frames sooner. Boss Rush Have you considered a pure clockwise order like the most recent NES any%? The idea being that you're TAS, you can switch weapons fast so who cares. Did you pre-empt the health bar on Wily Machine phase 2? Very cool.
Rockman 3
Wily 1 OG Rockman 2 does underwater physics by lagging out every 5th frame. If Wily Wars does the same, can you poke your head above water during this boss's i-frames to save some time?
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Location: United States Have you guys seen Mitch's work on routing the 5-1 glitch for warpless? He found that JP is faster by 6.6 seconds (or 13.2 Mitch seconds (he accidentally had the timers running at half speed)) thanks to the extra cloud. He also did a run of it.
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Link to video New zip just dropped
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Link to video I am! Shin and I are four stages in. He found some improvements on my improvements (but the ghost is still tcu) and we're kind of pinging back and forth. tcu, we'd love to hear from you! Neither of us has really messed with it in the last 2-3 weeks. That video goes through the very last frame of the very latest WIP.
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Oh yeah, I voted yes too! Those Gemini zips are really clever. You clearly did more than just copy the world record. ----------------- More improvements. This is the cool new zip setup for Snake. No more waiting on the yoku blocks, which means no more framerule. Link to video User movie #637792162013061522
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Link to video More improvements. No userfile yet because I found a setup for the zip that doesn't require waiting for the yoku blocks as I uploaded this.
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So I've got a 4K encode of an old Mega Man 2 TAS that I'd like to submit to the YouTube channel (still need to add the logo and the disclaimer). I'm trying to follow this guide to get a feel for how the sideloading process works, but all the links seem to be broken. Is there a replacement for the Encoder TASVideos Channel Manager?
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