Posts for upthorn

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I'm seeing a few improvements in Spring Yard and Labyrinth, I'll test a bit and see if I can make those faster.
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I'd actually just as soon have the old announcements with no summary at all. If I want to read the post, I'll click the link. Otherwise, it's just additional clutter in #nesvideos.
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Post subject: Testing to make sure I read that right.
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I moved the posts into a separate thread. Edit: I must have misunderstood.
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Hey just watched your LZ1 wip yesterday, and I notice one place underwater where you hit a wall on your way down from a jump. I think this could be avoided by letting go of the jump button slightly earlier, or not charging the spin-dash as much before that jump.
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Because of the way S3K stores and reads level layout data, there's a bunch of junk above every level, so even if there were places where it seems like using Tails to fly over the level would be faster, there'd be a whole bunch of junk in the way, which Tails could easily get caught on. For this reason, a Tails only S3K TAS would probably end up looking a lot like the current S+T S3K TAS, but slower.
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marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
I have spoken with Pu7o about this, and together we've corrected this, and the other inconsistency in Tails' flight, and he will be releasing a new version of the hack shortly.
Between me reading the message and clicking "quote", you put on this :-) Out of curiosity, what caused these inconsistencies? Were they tied to the different location the flight code got called or was it something else?
The flight code was being called from a different location than it should have been. Additionally, pu7o had previously failed to implement the check that disallows Tails from flying above the camera boundaries that is present in S3K. So: new version of the hack will have much more potential for site acceptability. But: new version of the hack is unlikely to sync with old GMV, even just through GHZ1. However: Better tools will be available if you wish to reTAS the corrected version.
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Yeah I just tested how Tails flight works in Tails in Sonic 1, and Tails in Sonic 1 screwed it up. In S3K: if you jump with C, and press B the next frame, and then continue to alternate B and C, you continue to jump as normal until gravity brings your y velocity to -1024 or above. In TnS1: f you jump with C, and press B the next frame, and then continue to alternate B and C, you immediately begin flight with your y velocity halved. This behavior is very inaccurate to how Tails works in the official games, and is likely to reduce acceptance of the hack on this site. Addendum: Pu7o and I have spoken about this, and together we've corrected this, and the other inconsistency in Tails' flight, and he will be releasing a new version of the hack shortly.
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Pu7o wrote:
unless the emulator is doing something wrong, I don't think 1036 speed can get through without getting snapped in half, period.
Unless the emulator (or the code) is doing something wrong, it shouldn't be possible to start flight at all with speed > 1024 upwards...
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
If you look at the map you can see that an earlier part of the level is almost as high as that wall. If you spindash jump and fly from there, I think you should be able to clear the wall entirely, without bumping it and losing your forward momentum.
Thanks for the link, but I have been using the maps at Sonic Retro.
Incidentally, I've just completed a much better set of maps, with start positions, all objects, and pixel-perfect landscape collision displayed. Examples follow: All maps are in the same location, using the same file naming convention, for ease of use.
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satan wrote:
But I think it just boils down to the fact that I'm the only one here who finished the game.
Finishing the game aside, I think you're probably the only person here who's even made it past the first level!
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satan: You might be the most qualified person on the forums to TAS this game. Well, you or aqfaq. But it definitely can't hurt for you to give it a try, too.
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Swedishmartin wrote:
this is how my code looks at the moment:
int main()
	int fib(int x)
		if x<2
		 return 1;
		 return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2);

	int n;
	printf("Integer goes here, yo: ");
	scanf("%i", &n);
	printf("\nThe Fibbonacci number of %i is %i", n, fib(n));
	return 0;
The program fails when trying to print the numbers. Why? (Because %i signifies an integer, right? So I have to use %i two times, right?) And would it be possible to put the \n line break in the scanf, to make the code neater? And what's up with signed/unsigned integers? What does it mean?
firstly, it's %d, not %i. provides a nice reference for all the format identifiers. As for signed int vs unsigned int, it's pretty simple. A signed int (assuming a 32-bit int size) can be any value from -2147483648 to 2147483647. an unsigned int can be any value from 0 to 4294967295. A slightly more in-depth explanation is that it's a different way of interpreting the same binary data: -1 in a signed int is the same binary value as 4294967295 in an unsigned int (11111111111111111111111111111111) and -2147483648 in a signed int is the same binary value as 2147483648 in an unsigned int (10000000000000000000000000000000). "int" by itself usually defaults to signed, although I believe most compilers allow you to customize this in their options somewhere. Also, if that code block is accurate, I'm surprised it gets to the printf before choking. The fib function definition should go above main, not inside it.
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marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
In MZ Act 1, it's possible to use the same trick that is used in the currently published S1 TAS to go through the wall. Failing that, it would be better to have Tails start flying over the wall from earlier and higher, so he doesn't get stuck at it for so long.
I will try the Sonic glitch to see if it is faster or not; but as for the wall, I just want to point out that Tails clears that wall faster than Knuckles does.
Yeah, he climbs it faster, but because he gets stuck on it and can't do the knuckles glide to head straight down, it takes longer for him to spindash, and the overall level time is slower than Knux's. If you look at the map you can see that an earlier part of the level is almost as high as that wall. If you spindash jump and fly from there, I think you should be able to clear the wall entirely, without bumping it and losing your forward momentum. I can send you the special gens hack, too, but first I need to find where in the Tails in S1 ROM a couple of things are, so all the display functionality works properly.
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
In SYZ Act 2, you take a different route from the Knuckles TAS, but it ends up slower. Tails should be essentially able to duplicate the Knuckles route.
Not quite [difference between Tails flight and Knux glide]
Well the thing is, Knuckles' route is essentially the same as Sonic's route, and there's nothing Sonic can do that Tails can't. Even the thing where you let go of the jump button so Sonic starts going down faster, and then hold it again after bouncing off an enemy can be done without triggering Tails' flight, so long as you start holding on the exact frame you bounce off the enemy. And that's not even necessary here.
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
And in LZ Act 3, you do a good job of duplicating the Knuckles strat, but you're 2 seconds slower because of the unnecessary swimming.
Of the two swimming bits (to get to the cork, and to get the shortcut), the second one is mandatory and can't be skipped; it is what allows me to go into the ground.
Yeah, I know. I meant the bit before the cork. It's slower than what sonic does.
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
In SLZ Act 1, Tails has a jump-strength advantage over Knuckles which should end up with Tails having a faster time, rather than slower. Again, I think this has to do with poor use of the flight ability.
I think you mean at the very beginning, right?
Yeah. The second use is a very good use of the flight.
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
In SLZ Act 3... at the boss fight, Robotnik will take damage from the spike balls even if he's already flashing, which could probably speed up the fight a bit.
I wish it could... but the spikes go on the wrong way and can only be used when Robotnik already going back -- but by then, he has already been defeated.
I swear I remember being able to manipulate which side of the see-saws he drops the spike balls on by changing which side of each is down before he arrives.
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
In SBZ Act 1, it's possible to use the same zip trick that the published Sonic TAS uses. It's not as fast as the Sonic or Knuckles versions, and requires somewhat more precise placement on the piston, though.
It requires the camera hack, which is why I haven't tried it; and it being slower limits its usefulness.
Actually the first version of the TAS which made use of it was done before sonic 1 camhack existed. As for it being slower, that's a poor choice of words on my part, what I meant is that it takes like a second longer to get into the wall, because of the delay Tails has between ducking and the camera panning down, which neither Sonic nor Knuckles has.
marzojr wrote:
upthorn wrote:
In SBZ Act 3, it's perfectly possible to use the same zip trick that's used in the published Sonic 1 TAS
I had actually missed that one... will see about implementing it when I get around to that stage of the game once again.
How it works is that there's a collision weirdness with the 45 degree slope. If you're going at 6pix/f or faster (which is very easy to do with spindash), you can go from not being on the slope yet, to being inside the slope to the point where it acts as a wall instead of a floor. I forget the exact positioning required, but you should be able to find it by watching position on the currently published S1 TAS.
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Hang on a minute. I haven't actually watched this yet because in your PM you told me you weren't going to submit it. Now that I know you do plan to, I'd like to review it for technical stuff before you submit, so you don't have to go through the trouble of submitting only to have it rejected on technical grounds. Edit: I'll be editing this post with observations as I make them:
  1. In GHZ act 1, you fly a couple of times where it seems unnecessary, and it slows you way down. You should be able to match (or even improve) the Knuckles time of 0:17:26, (your time is 0:17:47)
  2. In GHZ act 2, it looks possible for tails to do the same trick that sonic and Knuckles do, but it turns out they placed an additional invisible wall there. Some of the jumps seem inoptimal, though. Remember that jumping (and bouncing, too) will usually you down at the peak. (Though, this route might be more entertaining, if you don't want pure speed to be your goal)
  3. In GHZ act 3, again it looks like you didn't take the optimal route, you might want to look at the Knuckles TAS again. Your ghz3 is almost a full second longer than its...
  4. In MZ Act 1, it's possible to use the same trick that is used in the currently published S1 TAS to go through the wall. Failing that, it would be better to have Tails start flying over the wall from earlier and higher, so he doesn't get stuck at it for so long.
  5. In SYZ Act 2, you take a different route from the Knuckles TAS, but it ends up slower. Tails should be essentially able to duplicate the Knuckles route.
  6. In SYZ Act 3, you duplicate the Knuckles strategy too precisely, it would be much faster if you used Sonic's version of grabbing the speed shoes, rather than triggering Tails' flight.
  7. In LZ Act 1, I don't understand why you fly on the way down at the start, it delays your landing on the necessary switch.... The second flight is good, though.
  8. Again in LZ act 2, I see unnecessary, slow swimming, which could be eliminated to save time
  9. And in LZ Act 3, you do a good job of duplicating the Knuckles strat, but you're 2 seconds slower because of the unnecessary swimming. Unlike in GHZ 2, these changes don't add anything to the entertainment value of the movie.
  10. In SLZ Act 1, Tails has a jump-strength advantage over Knuckles which should end up with Tails having a faster time, rather than slower. Again, I think this has to do with poor use of the flight ability.
  11. In SLZ Act 3, it looks like you make some poor use of the flight ability. Additionally, at the boss fight, Robotnik will take damage from the spike balls even if he's already flashing, which could probably speed up the fight a bit.
  12. In SBZ Act 1, it's possible to use the same zip trick that the published Sonic TAS uses. It's not as fast as the Sonic or Knuckles versions, and requires somewhat more precise placement on the piston, though.
  13. In SBZ Act 3, it's perfectly possible to use the same zip trick that's used in the published Sonic 1 TAS
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My ROM is labelled (JU), which would mean the same thing as (UJ). Anyway, it is nice to see this game TASed, though it is incredibly unfortunate that they just totally threw away everything they had from the first Rocket Knight Adventures, in order to build this boring game from scratch. At least the first three levels are kind of entertaining to see TASed, though.
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Wow. The camera angles really do make a difference! I went into this one expecting to be bored (I mean, there've been, what, 100 0 star runs already, none significantly different looking than the prior) but instead this completely rekindled my interest in Mario 64 TASes. I'd vote yes if I could. PS: It's worth mentioning that I didn't even manage to watch the previous submission which had an unprecedented number of camera angle complaints, I'm just compariing this one to the last one that got published. PPS: Damn. Rikku beat me to the "if I could vote" joke.
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I'd like to suggest a combination between option 3 and option 10. Ratings, with median visible to all users, and more specific information visible to judges. I also have the suggestion that people who post on the workbench forum have the option to make the post anonymous, so they feel more free to speak their precise opinions.
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Vykan12 wrote:
I would reccomend the authors to fix the camera angles if the process only requires hexing the inputs and changing the c-button inputs.
As I understand it, there are two significant problems with this suggestion:
  1. In Mario 64, joystick movement is relative to the camera angle. So if you change the camera angle, you also have to adjust the joystick input for all frames afterwards, until the camera angle is reset to what it was during the initial recording.
  2. There can be slowdown if too many things are on the screen at once, so there could be additional lag to compensate for as well.
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Post subject: Re: Night Trap
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Timeraner wrote:
Night Trap is a pretty good game, and it can be run on emulators (I have it), but nobody is speed running it! I hope that this post will convice somebody to make a speed run of it.
How about you?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Another idea: Re-enable voting, but make poll results viewable only to judges.
I believe that this would be better than what we had before, and what we had before was better than this. Perhaps poll results could become visible once the submission has been accepted or rejected, though.
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I strongly disagree with removing the poll. The inability to vote anonymously has a strong tendency to quash desire to state opinions contrary to that which has the most appearant support. Additionally, even with no votes currently cast, it can make it somewhat less friendly to vote no, because then the author might take it personally and have it influence their opinion of you in future, et cetera. With the poll system, because people have the ability to vote "no" without posting, it's much easier to get the first "no" vote in. After a few "no" votes have been cast, and show up on the vote result, it becomes psychologically and socially much easier for any individual to vote no and post their reason. Whereas without the quasi-anonymous poll, anyone who votes against the popular trend may face ostracism for it, and anyone who votes no may face the wrath of the submission's author. Put together, the result, plain and simple, is most likely to be a drastic increase in the (already present) tendency for the workbench voting to be skewed heavily away from the negative.
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DarkKobold wrote:
A reason to not obsolete Guano's run - It has different goals than this run. Guano's aimed to complete the game the fastest, and did so using *all of the tricks known at the time.
You forgot that Guano's run has a unique aspect (JXQommentary) which will be lost to new viewers forever when it is obsoleted. Edit: Oh, you said "A reason", not "reasons". And actually weren't trying to be exhaustive. Sorry. Edit2: For what it's worth, if I were a judge, the course of action I would take is to accept this and delay publication until Guano's is obsoleted. Because the goals are different enough from pure fastest completion to merit side-by-side publication, but this run is not different enough from the currently published fastest completion to merit side-by-side. And the TAS length is longer, so that argues against obsoletion. Just my two cents though.
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This run looks well optimized, and is short enough to keep from getting repetetive. I also chuckled at about 55 seconds in where the barrel rolls up the pile of crates. PS: voted yes.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Feel free to comment.
It's a shame that they totally changed the physics between RKA and this game, so bunny hopping is no longer possible. At the giant rotating screw thingy, is there any order you could remove the screws where you wouldn't have to wait for two cycles in order to get the last one? Why do you take damage at the start of the train segment?
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I vote for Model A or Model B with One Movie For All. Addendum: I support Model A/B because this way it is possible to expand to support multiple TASers TASing together over the internet.
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The optimization is this run is obvious. Unfortunately it suffers from the same problem as my Knuckles Chaotix run, where the ratio of gameplay to cutscene/load-time is incredibly low. As a result, by the time I watched to the third world, I was too bored to continue. Voting "no". This is really unfortunate, because the game is good, with colorful graphics and everything, and I actually have been looking forward to this run, and I was really hoping to be able to vote yes on this.
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