Posts for theenglishman

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I got uncapped too! Right now I'm trying to upload a YouTube mirror for my WIP of Metal Gear Solid.
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Flip wrote:
You can find a TAS on the PS2 version here: final time 1:48:07. Since it's on the (ugly) PS2 version, the TMP+Stock glitch isn't used, but instead the big boulder before Dos Gigante gets skipped.
I'm 45 minutes into this run and it is already almost physically painful to watch. And it's not just the inherent sloppiness that comes out of really basic route mistakes. Several parts are even slower than Derek Taylor's runs! However the run does get much better near the endgame (especially from Chapter 5-2 onwards). It was at least entertaining (either by being really bad or surprisingly good, depending on the level; the Krauser fight comes to mind).
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Since Dolphin is supposedly rather close to completion I thought I'd necro this old thread. Unfortunately I don't have a way to play the PAL version at full speed but I can test as much as I can on the NTSC version (eventually, since I need to get back home first to do some more proper testing). I'm drawing up a potential route composed of some of Derek Taylor's old videos and I would like any help I can get (especially from Europeans TASers with copies of RE4). Let's get this party started!
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wellbe6 wrote:
I'll never be able to get a video up, guys. So here are just times for levels that I got.
Okay so you can't provide video. What about pictures? Just take a picture of your TV/monitor or something, shouldn't be too hard. There's also that lovely PrntScrn button right above F10. Hit it with your time showing, then paste the image into Paint or something. One last chance, wellbe6. Or the lolcat goes back up...
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goldfish wrote:
OmegaWatcher wrote:
-not enough minerals
Yeah seriously, I can't believe no one else noticed this. I too am compelled to vote no. I just can't support a run that doesn't throw away master balls, score 99 goals, or - at the very least - complete the game with MissingNo.
Okay, to be fair he did manage to construct additional pylons. That should be worth a meh vote in my books, at the very least.
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wellbe6 wrote:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Silver Stars Down Deep - 1'46"25 (TAS) Sorry, don't have a vid. This is my first TAS.
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pirohiko, what have you done to my childhood? I demand it back!
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Congratulations on the publication wwmarx. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of this run, I think you have a lot of potential for entertaining us even more in the future, and I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do next.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
theenglishman wrote:
I like how the guy in the background is doing a dance or something. XD
Great, now I'll NEVER be able to unsee that. Thanks a lot ;)
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Okay, so I'm watching the beginning of the run, and everything's fine and dandy, and I say to myself, "This is pretty neat, sure the novelty of the glitches has worn off a bit but it's still fun to wa--" And then the cutscene after Angel Island 2 was skipped. "Ha!" I say, "that was a pretty good one! What's next, insta-death at the start of Hydrocity 2? Skipping the eggmobile ride in Launch Base 2? Zipping through Sandopolis 1 backwards? PLAYING KEEP-AWAY WITH SOME RINGS AND A LIGHTNING SHIELD DURING A BOSS FIGHT?!" How I laughed at the silliness of such impossible things. You deserve about a hundred of these. But I don't want to kill your bandwidth. Oh, and you owe me a new pair of 2XL Roots grey sweatpants. I'll send you the bill in the morning.
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Okay, first of all, you need to end this movie at the last possible moment of control. That means skipping the final cutscene, skipping the credits, and choosing not to save afterwards. You should update the movie file. As for the actual run: it was better than I expected. I've tried and failed to TAS this game before so it's great to see someone actually TAS this game. The problem is: lag. Lots of it. And it's not your fault, there's no real way to manage it. That and the few surfing levels that are there incredibly tedious, but I doubt even nitsuja could make those fun. Additionally there's a boost button (A I believe) on the Atlasphere which you did not use during Crunch's levels. It's a borderline yes and meh vote, but I'm going with meh. I'm blaming the game though.
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I propose that this should be the screenshot. I....I don't know what to say guys. This is amazing. Now get working on that 120*, pronto!
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Kitsune wrote:
Fairly anti-climactic ending, if you ask me. Still not sure how I beat the final fight, there. Kind of a twist ending, though. Kinda funny how the dude survived, although not much was explained about it, and it explains how the ship stopped moving. xD
The final fight you beat by targeting MB. You can actually do it after only killing two enemies in that final section. I can forgive the ending because it subverts the whole black-dude-dies-first thing by the making the black dude the only GF trooper to survive to the end! When I first saw him in the trailer I was thinking "he's first to go", but I came out surprised!
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Kitsune wrote:
She should have at least had good voice acting. I mean, her voice actor pretty much just sounded like she was phoning it in.
I partially agree (though as I said above, I think her voice actress is perfectly average). There are times where she's really good, which just contrasts her phoning-it-in moments even more. The other voice acting in the game is pretty good, I thought. I especially liked Adam's VA. He made Adam someone who is simultaneously likeable and a total douchebag.
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Kitsune wrote:
Omega Metroid is friggin impossible without all the little Metroids gang raping me. I barely got rid of three of them. Not exactly sure what my strategy is here.
Dunno. But you have to use a super missile on the Metroids once you freeze them, a normal missile won't work. Also, the Queen Metroid is invincible until you destroy the flunky Metroid she produces. So ignore her and focus on the little guys.
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Kitsune wrote:
The part on the lift is starting to piss me off. I cabn handle the Zebesians just fine, but that one thing, I dunno. Can't figure out his pattern, his attacks just come too fast.
Get used to that guy, you'll see him a LOT in the coming levels :P As for his attack patterns, use sensemove when he charges the purple beam, and fire a missile at him when he charges a red beam.
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Post subject: Re: Was anyone else disappointed playing Metroid: Other M?
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Kitsune wrote:
they turned Samus into a whiny emo girl!
*sigh* They did not TURN her into an emo. Samus has had no distinct personality until Other M. You can complain about Samus' character, but it is not character assassination, because there was no character to assassinate in the first place. I hate it when people assume that every AFGNCAAP is a stoic badass just because they don't talk. Gah. Sorry, that's just kind of a berserk button for me. I was not disappointed by Other M, at least not where gameplay is concerned. I think the first-person shenanigans is all about where you have your sensor bar placed and how far away you are from the TV. That would render it a hardware problem, and not a problem with the game. Personally, I never had issues with switching between perspectives. PROS The third-person controls are great, it's atmospheric, runs like Grease Lightning and the Ridley fight is one of the best (and hardest) boss fights in the series. The story is interesting, even if the actual storyTELLING was a bit melodramatic. The emphasis on one-on-one combat is greatly appreciated; I really liked how enemies, especially the Space Pirates, were individual powerful foes on their own and not just something to distract you on the way to the next powerup. I also really appreciated the upped difficulty level. CONS The hitbox for Overcharges (jumping on an enemy's head) can be a bit screwy. The FPS cursor occasionally blended into the foreground, making it hard to see. Samus' voice actress was perfectly average, which is why I think she irked so many fans: she wasn't great, and she didn't have any memorable so-bad-it's-good howlers either. Also, whoever developed the Where's Waldo pixel hunting should be shot in the head and made to bag groceries for old ladies. Despite its flaws I still really like this game. I can't wait to go for 100% and get the secret ending. And then go through Hard Mode's forced 0% run *gulp*
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OH MY GOD THIS IS THE GREATEST TAS I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. So there's this guy, named A, and he's a little boy and this GIANT TREE is like "Thou must goeth inside me and getteth the stone and blahblahblah" But A is like "..." AND THEN THE TREE'S LIKE "Where dost thou goest? How dost thou floateth in the air?" AND A'S LIKE "..." AND HE ESCAPES THE FOREST And then he goes to this big Temple, and there's these monks in the basement who are all chanting like "EEEEEEEeeeeeoooooEEEEEoooooeeeee" I had a group of monks in MY basement once! But they weren't paying the rent so I had to evict them from my can of tuna. So anyways he goes in the Temple and HE JUMPS THROUGH A WALL AND GOES THROUGH TIME I jumped seven years through time once! It was a tax dodge, thought of it myself. ---- Seriously though, that was one HELL of a run. It had enough new tricks to keep it entertaining, and it was the little things that really amazed me like Z-target moonwalking as Adult!Link as well as the bigger improvements. That Death Mountain seamwalk came out of nowhere! I saw the YouTube version rather than the current submission, so I haven't seen the Ganon fight yet, but rest assured I've seen enough of it for one huge epic YES VOTE.
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EDIT: I'm a massive douche, it's apparently on YouTube.
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The Mac version of DeSmuME does not appear to have any TAS tools - not even frame advance (just movie recording, and save/load state). Either I'm a total moron or something's a bit fishy here, and I think I know which option I prefer ;)
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Any status updates regarding the GPU fix, or anything to make MGS1 and Crash 2 TASable again?
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This shit be awesome, yo. An easy yes vote :P
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Um, all I can say is good luck with that! It would probably be best to set your ambitions a little lower to start; you should focus on getting your script well-received on FanFiction, and maybe people will enjoy it there. Who knows, some really good fanfic scripts get turned into films made by their fans, so maybe someone else will make it for you! Just please, whatever you do, don't turn into this guy.
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Managed to beat Centaurs' Forest without too much trouble. That invicibility helmet is an awesome gamebreaker :)
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I played Crash 2 (and Crash 3) with those old PS1 controllers they gave out before DualShock. The D-pad movement (especially in Crash 3, which was actually designed for DualShock 1) is amazingly precise. The Crash games are linear 3D platforming at its finest :D
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