Posts for nitsuja

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AngerFist wrote:
So you finished this run in like 4-5 days? I just hope its not played too sloppy...
4-5 days is long enough to make a run of this sort of game, I think. But I watched one of the WIPs and wasn't really amazed; I had the impression that this game can be done much faster. (I have no evidence for that yet... haven't really looked into it.) I know the desyncs are complicating things, though, so at least this shows a run of this game can progress in spite of them. (note: My theory was that you can avoid desyncs in this game by never saving on even-numbered frames or never saving on odd-numbered frames.) One thing I forgot to say earlier: I would rather see a run that doesn't make use of the in-level warps, because it's boring to see the player enter all these potentially interesting levels only to jump in a barrel and skip the whole level, over and over, especially since then it seems like you spend more time watching the level-complete animation and world-map movement than actual gameplay. (Besides that, this is by far my favorite DKC game - I'd like to see what's possible in it.)
Blackpearl wrote:
I hope so , is only my first run but i think he is good. Im so dumb.... i forgot to record the longest stage in the game -_-
For future refence: Make sure you always have the frame counter (.) turned on, that way if you're accidentally not recording there's a better chance you'll notice something is wrong, because you won't see the frame count if you're not recording.
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Tailz wrote:
However I did leave the very first stage alone because I liked the way it ends.
Eh, I think the first stage also needs redoing, mainly because it took longer to fill up the level meter than necessary (there were several soldiers alive onscreen for much of it). About the white soldier, maybe there's some trick to them, such as they're invincible to damage after being shot, in which case you could just shoot them occasionally in-between killing other guys, instead of having to concentrate fire on them for an extended time. You might want to check if grenades do more damage to them than a gunshot, also. I haven't watched your WIP yet, I'll do that...
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  • The Chrono Trigger final battle, especially the 2nd part which has really great music.
  • Several boss battles from Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter were quite memorable, and that game has very nice music everywhere.
  • Final Fantasy V final battle.
  • Maybe Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories final battle, although it was too drawn out.
  • Super Mario Bros 3 final battle.
  • Definitely NOT the Chrono Cross final battle.
  • Haven't played Xenosaga but its final battle has wonderful music.
  • Thanks for reminding me how to post bulleted lists.
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Yes; you have to: - push into the stunned foot soldier in any one direction for at least some number of frames - still be within grabbing distance afterward - try to throw it while still holding the direction you were pushing This must all happen before the stun wears off, and it won't work if you try doing this at a time when the game has disabled the screen throw.
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Ah, OK, I guess so, but anyway I really don't think there's much of a time loss there, not compared to the door reacting to the star's power and slowly opening.
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That's why I'm saying don't walk from the center of the main hall to the secret slide the first time! Whomp's Fortress is closer to the secret slide than the lobby start point is (unless I'm completely wrong about that...), so you shouldn't be comparing the difference of JRB->slide with lobby->slide, you should be comparing the difference of JRB->slide with Whomp's->slide.
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FODA wrote:
nitsuja wrote:
Couldn't the secret slide wait until leaving Whomp's Fortress, if it's faster to reach it from there than from the main lobby?
one has to enter it twice, and every time you finish it, you're sent to the center of the main hall.
That's completely unrelated to what I said. Couldn't you go in the order of JRB->Whomp's->Secret Slide x2? (If it is faster to get from Whomp's to the secret slide than it is to get from the lobby to the secret slide the first time, I mean.)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1302)
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Couldn't the secret slide wait until leaving Whomp's Fortress, if it's faster to reach it from there than from the main lobby? Anyway, the opening-door animation takes maybe 10 seconds, and going from the lobby to the secret slide can't take nearly that long.
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FODA wrote:
and nitsuja, watching the video i made (re-entering the JRB and choosing "exit") looks clearly slower than just opening the door.
I didn't say re-enter JRB, I said re-enter the secret star level near JRB and choose exit from there, that should be fast given that you can jump back into it perfectly and the game drops you right into that level instantly. I'm guessing it's at least 5 full seconds slower to open the door.
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Walker Boh wrote:
And exiting the Jolly Roger Bay-room via the star door should be the best option I guess, since then you are close to the Princess Secret Slide.
Doesn't the open-star-door animation take a really long time? I think it would be much faster to do the secret star by JRB last, and then re-enter it and pause-exit to the lobby (it doesn't have an intro screen so it should be faster than pause-exit from the main JRB). Foda: That's great that you got it to work. It looks like it was more the wall than the door that was the trick.
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I would guess that it saves considerably more time in the long run to skip Celes, as well. And I hope it is faster or at least as fast, because it would be cool to see this used in a run of this game. I'm not sure why the current plan is to not do the sketch glitch, though (it seems like it would help a lot even with also using Gogo, but I must be wrong about that).
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Vatchern: Could you switch to the new version of FCEU? It fixed 2 desync bugs that happen in this game, so I think you'll run into trouble later on if you don't.
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Walker Boh wrote:
But it sure is cool! And it made me smile when I saw it at a few places. I think one of them was to enter the Hazy Maze Cave after getting the star from Toad. Awesome!
That looked like it saved some time the 2 or 3 times it was used. I think they were talking about the one where you don't move, though (the "breakdance" move).
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I think his position at the far edge of the door was important, and it looked like he was changing his angle back and forth until it worked. I didn't think it was before, but maybe the jumping against the door was also important (it might be thinner higher up, or it might be that you need to press against the very top-left corner of its collision box to pass through it).
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The star movies are recommended to newcomers to the site to watch. So, for a movie to have a star, it should be something that a first-time viewer is likely to appreciate, more importantly than it being frame-perfect. I think this movie certainly fits that requirement. It will probably be improved upon as many other star movies have, but it's not so imperfect that it was received negatively enough to give people the wrong idea about what sort of movies are recommended. Also, if it should be improved, then giving it a star gives people a bit more of an incentive to improve it, right?
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Foda: How close have you gotten so far to getting it to work? (The thing that comes closest to looking like what he did in the video even if it didn't work to get through the door.) Inzult: Those coin glitches all look really slow and tedious to do, compared to just grabbing 100 coins normally.
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JXQ: I find it difficult to believe that you got so lucky the first time you ran it that even 1 more frame of improvement anywhere always causes a longer delay later, and even if that's the case, it should at least be possible to add in the right delays to get the same time you got before (that's why I feel not enough options have been tried to know that it can't be improved, because you haven't even gotten the same time as you got before by different means). So... good luck with figuring this out, anyway. BTW, I'm starting to wonder if I understand what this "lava bounce" is - I remember seeing Sonic hit the lava and lose some rings in this stage in one of Xebra's WIPs, but it didn't seem especially faster than what you're doing now so maybe I'm not thinking of the same thing. I also find it difficult to believe that whatever the stunt is can't be reproduced, unless maybe it depends on how many rings you are holding and you simply don't have as many rings as Xebra had before.
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Tailz wrote:
Yeah, I need to get a better handle on the grenades, then it would work right?
Besides that, there were too many times where you weren't shooting anything and there were still guys left alive onscreen (the faster you kill them the faster new ones spawn, so you should move the cursor to where they're going to be and kill them on the 1st frame they appear, which is usually before you can even see them). Also, on some levels you missed a disintegrating piece or two. And, you spent a lot of the time huddled in the left corner of the screen, which is a little boring to see. Not to be discouraging, but I think you should start over, really take your time on one level, and post a WIP here of it when you're done with it, so suggestions can be offered on how it might be improved before you spend any effort on the levels after it.
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OK, but I wouldn't continue from your current WIP of your 1-player run if you intend to submit it - what I saw of it wasn't good enough for submitting, despite being an improvement over before.
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About 2 player runs: One important thing, if you're playing using a keyboard, is to configure your keys such that the keys you need to be able to press at the same time all register even when also holding the frame advance key. The input display feature (,) will again help with determining this. The max I've been able to get on my keyboard is 8 different game buttons at once plus frame advance (not using ctrl/shift/alt as apparently they don't work too well), which is probably plenty for a game like this. I would say to use auto-hold keys to make that a lot easier, but FCEU doesn't have those yet (although it's in VBA and Snes9x and probably is easy to hack into FCEU). Besides that, the other trick is to just use frame advance. It's not much of a problem controlling 2 people since no matter how much extra thinking you need to do the game won't go forward without you telling it to, and if you mess up 1 of the players then you have save states for that. Also, sometimes it's easiest to play one player for a short segment, load, play the other player for that segment, load, then remember what buttons you hit for each player and combine them. As relates to this run: If you don't think you're up to making the run 2-player, I don't think it would be rejected just because of that if you can make it good enough on its own, but it won't end up being as good as it could be and would probably be obsoleted if somebody every tries a 2-player run of it.
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Well, for 100% the autoscrollers are required, so the best thing to do is make them as interesting as possible. They make up a large part of the minimal run and that's one of the most fun parts to watch, I thought. (I wonder if it would work to beat an autoscroller without pressing any buttons except the jump button perfectly timed, for a change of pace, until the end of course. It would preferably be an autoscroller that doesn't at first glance look like it's possible to beat that way.)
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First of all, look at the date of the movie: 2001-02-06. I think that makes it older than any other movie on this site (and older than the site itself by several years). It's only still hosted here because nobody has done a better run of it since then. Hopefully that is going to change, thanks to what you can see going on in the thread that Bag of Magic Food posted.
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Andy Olivera wrote:
I think the proper solution would be to call FCEUI_AVISoundUpdate() at the end of FlushEmulateSound(), instead of in FCEUD_WriteSoundData(). That would cause the sound to be updated immediately after the video. Do you concur?
Well, the problem is not only in the AVI; The sound you hear from the emulator also gets totally screwed up, either when making an AVI or when using a speed that's not 100%, so I think it can't be only the location of AVISoundUpdate(). But, it's possible that I'm talking about a completely unrelated problem. (edit: hmm, I think that mess of a function called FCEUD_Update() is the main culprit, although FCEUD_WriteSoundData() seems to be a bit buggy too.) (edit2: Moved FCEUI_AVISoundUpdate() into FCEU_WriteWaveData(), it stopped the sound from becoming garbled, but it still drifts a little. I'm guessing there's some accumulating rounding error that has to be corrected.)
Andy Olivera wrote:
This could also be caused by the RGBA formatting(AVIzlib doesn't have a 32-bit mode), but I can't confirm it.
I think you're right that this is the problem, it is probably a bug in those codecs (or the support of them) that makes it upside-down with 32-bit output. This shouldn't be too hard to fix by changing the AVI output to be 24-bit. (edit: Done.)
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Tailz wrote:
Still having trouble with the grenade thing, I've held the button and skipped 1 frame and he still threw it, then did the same with 2, 3, and 4, and he still threw the damn thing. I watched 2-3 shots fire and got the same result.
It's a lot more than 4 frames. It's at least 12, I think, but you can keep doing other stuff during that time so it's not like you just have to wait 12 frames every time you fire. Press , (the comma key) and play my test movie using frame advance to see what buttons I push to pull it off. I think it has to do with holding B after the 1st shot to cancel later shots while still holding A long enough to cancel the grenade. Also, what do you think about using 2 players? Is there any reason not to do it besides it being harder to record? One player could destroy all the buildings while the other player kills the necessary number of bad guys, or they could take turns (or maybe both concentrate fire on heavier targets if the game counts it as doing damage faster).
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What speed did I record at? I left it paused and only used frame advance (besides unpausing during the waits). That's pretty much necessary for this game. BTW, you can get a newer version of FCEU for recording this here. It fixes autofire and improves frame advance and some other stuff. I tested that it emulates this game exactly the same as 0.98.12 and it does, so you might as well switch to it for this.