Posts for nitsuja

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Blackpearl wrote:
i don't understand why but is only with this emulator i got crash if game audio is set to mono (base from dkc2),
It's probably crashing because you have "Sync samples with sound CPU" turned on. But switching to Stereo is a good idea anyway, I think this game does make use of it somewhat.
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New FCEU, here are the changes:
  • Made PAL game detection a little better.
  • Added the ability to play Famtasia/VirtuaNES/Nintendulator movies directly from FCEU by interfacing with nesmock.exe. (It creates *_autoconverted.fcm and plays that.) Of course this does not guarantee they will stay synchronized, but I've had success playing old Mario, Arkanoid, and Gimmick! FMVs so far (without even fiddling with the offset fields).
  • AVI garbled sound bug fixed
  • AVI audio/video sync fixed
  • AVI splits to filename_part#.avi after about 1.9 GB
  • Quitting the program normally while recording an AVI no longer corrupts the AVI.
  • Quitting the program normally while recording a movie no longer truncates (which required hex editing to fix) all of your progress since the last time you stopped recording.
  • Fixed resuming a movie to properly update the emulator version number in the movie.
  • Read-only option of playing a movie is now saved.
  • Made input settings of which peripherals are on reset to gamepads upon playing a movie so you don't have to reset it yourself to play movies of games with peripherals.
  • Gave frame advance sound, and added option to mute it
  • Rewrote sound update code to make sound a little better when different speeds are used and also to allow the game to emulate at a noticeably higher maximum speed than before. Also added an option to use the old code in case that works better for some situations.
  • If you specify to save something to a nonexistent directory, the directory (or directories) will be created.
  • Possibly fixed some problem with save states. (Removed a suspicious hack that looked like it could change a save state to something different than what it was saved as, which might have been causing desyncs or other problems. This will not help with save states made with earlier versions, so make sure your save states are new (saved in this version) from playing from movie start.)
  • Made the windows 48x48 icon less crappily scaled
  • Changed default movie directory (if you didn't override it) to .\movie instead of .\fcs
I was thinking about doing some other stuff but I think that's enough changes for now to justify a new release.
Post subject: Re: New release: version 1.4.0
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1302)
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Bisqwit wrote:
So... who will compile the Windows version?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
However, be careful. Sometimes that many button presses can make the game lag.
Only if the game makes something happen for each button press and/or is programmed exceedingly poorly (I have never seen any console or handheld game lag from mere button presses). It can't hurt to check that it's not slower, though.
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Well, it's a known problem (my fault) that the emulator requires that option to be off but doesn't warn you if it's on. (After I found that out, I expected it would cause some confusion like this, but it's not a high priority right now because it's not a problem after people figure it out.) Anyway... wow, that was stunning, uh... dialog manipulation, Spezzafer. Now all you or someone has to do is make the rest of the run as perfect as that. About the menu screen delay: The Zelda subcreen delay problem is a known issue that for some reason affects all N64 emulators except one or two recently that are doing something specific to avoid it. It's in the emulator core itself (has nothing to do with the plugins you're using) and it's not something I would have a clue how to fix, so anyone making a run of this game for now will just have to accept that the menu screen takes longer to load than normal.
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megaman wrote:
Ugh... mupen64 is SO SLOW... I can't stand it!
ventuz wrote:
speed vary from plugin / plugin setting, therefore if you dont like the speed, change the plugin and their plugin setting in "faster" config.
It also depends a lot on your computer, of course. Nintendo 64 is not fast to emulate - it's already taking a lot of shortcuts just to get it as fast as it is, but that will only go so far if your computer (and/or graphics card) is too outdated. To get reasonable speed, my guess is that you need at least a 1.5 GHz processor, at least 256 MB of RAM, and a graphics card with at least 64 MB of video memory. (If you mean it's slow in comparison with other N64 emulators... I haven't found other N64 emulators to be all that much faster to tell the truth, but even if that's the case... well, this thread isn't about other emulators, is it?)
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It seems likely that the random results are being determined one step earlier than most games do it. In other words, to manipulate that enemy to miss, you probably have to change the frame that you choose attack on that ended the previous battle (and if it's the first battle in the game, you'll just have to live with the fact that the first battle can't be manipulated). It could also be even further back than that, and it could require many frames instead of just 1 frame to make a difference, or it could depend on how many times you moved the battle menu cursor or how many sound effects it made - I wouldn't know, but whatever it is things will have to be set up to work out in advance. (BTW, isn't there a thread in the SNES games section that would be better for asking this question in? You don't seem to be asking about luck manipulation in general.)
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Genisto wrote:
I created the save state 9 after I completed the stage 6-1 and the save state 0 before the completion. The desynchro happen more frequently with the save state 9.
OK, I took a look at this and here is what I can tell so far: - Save state 9 always leads to a desync there (at the plant) - Save state 0 never has a desync there - Playing back the current movie from the beginning, it always reaches the state of state 9 and desyncs. (Thus, it is not the random desync problem where it sometimes desyncs on playback but not always.) - Save state 0 is inconsistent with the contents of the movie. There is no way for the input and initial state to lead to state 0... unless the game's memory is tampered with in-between, which is what seems to have happened for you, possibly (and this is a wild guess) from a bug with save states. - A hex diff between state 0 (+ some playback frames so the frame counts match) and state 9 reveals that about 6 variables are different between the states, including a variable which I made sure always starts at exactly the same value. The result is that the game glitches out for 1 frame or so before the last plant in one of the states (9), but not the other. So, I have some questions: - Could you explain more about how you made (and got to) state 0? Specifically, did you load a previous save state and record from that when you were recording the level that now desyncs, or did you watch the movie from the start and resume recording to record that level? If it was from an existing save state, apparently something was wrong with that save state you recorded from, so more information about that could help. Was it made in a different version of FCEU or something? Did you at any point continue from a save state you made with another version (or record any part of the movie with another version) after switching to the newer version of FCEU? - What changed between when you saved state 0 and when you completed 6-1? Did you run your movie through any external tools? I'm wondering if maybe something corrupted the initial state stored in this movie. (Actually, I doubt that is the problem because I couldn't find any differences in that between this version and your earlier WIP, but maybe it went through a transitional phase.) BTW: This movie is looking amazing so far, especially all the tricks you do with shells.
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It plays fine for me with any (of these mentioned) plugins. You just have to turn off the "Raw Data" option in your input plugin, it doesn't matter what the plugin version is.
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Hmm, I must have been wrong about it working with up/down. That always seems to result in a ground slam even on the same frames that left/right would cause a screen throw.
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That's part of the new mapper code from fceu-mm, I guess they put in something that has trouble compiling. You should be able to fix it by commenting out the extern of CHRRAM on line 3 of mmc.h. I don't know why they were externing a static variable, but probably the only reason it compiled for me was because nothing uses that variable.
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Tompa (paraphrased) wrote:
Has anyone ever thought about making this TAS on the SNES version? Pressing left and right at the same time makes Mario run backwards at full P speed, even if swimming underwater.
I think somebody should look into this more. It's actually a pretty neat bug that will drastically change the gameplay in a way that's fun to watch (i.e. since you don't have to gain a full P meter, you're no longer limited to staying on the ground as much as possible, and there are more options for movement). Unfortunately the SNES version has much longer startup time and transitions between levels, but the actual levels will each be considerably faster (like 2 to 10 seconds faster per level except for autoscrollers or 'leftscrollers'). EDIT: So much for that idea, I guess. Carry on, I still want to see this 100% or warpless run done... the current one really needs improving.
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I am pretty sure I got it to work a few times with holding up instead of left/right (and might even have left an instance or two of that in the movie), but it was much less reliable in most situations. It could be that you have to still be on the same side as you started, and that pushing up for enough frames usually puts you too high on the screen for it to work, especially if using a fast-moving character like Raphael. Either that, or I hit left/right at the last moment to do the actual throw and forgot I did that. Also, I seem to remember needing to be offset somewhat to the left/right (instead of directly below) for it to work.
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I think this is the 3rd post in a row where Kitsune is asking to send or receive ROMs, that really shouldn't be posted on these forums... Anyway, if you really have the wrong ROM then a warning would have popped up when you clicked to play the movie, did that happen? Otherwise it might be your controller settings - make sure they match up with what's in the movie and that you don't have any "raw data" option on in the input settings.
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Yeah, it just started working a couple minutes ago, I'll take a look...
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megaman wrote:
Okay, so does this mean you don't want me to try again?
Nobody said that. If you think you can do better, go ahead and try again, otherwise maybe you should try working on a different game.
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Genisto wrote:
The random desync still exists in smb3. Random desync at frame 145422 (at the end of stage 6-1, on the last plant)
Hmm, I can't download this, I guess I'll try later... Is this something where it sometimes desyncs when it gets around frame 145422, or does it always desync when it gets there? If it always desyncs there, then it's not the random desync bug, it's something else. That save state might help catch what happened, though (the earlier it is in the movie, the better).
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JXQ wrote:
In the middle of the level, the bottom point changes and the screen scrolls up. Sonic dies whenever he touches the bottom of the screen, whether or not it's actually the bottom of the level. Knuckles is able to perform this trick at a higher elevation, turning the bottom of the screen into a non-issue.
In that case, I must have made Sonic jump on something while he was offscreen that put him high enough up to not get killed by that initial scrolling, but later fell down too low or into a pit. The landscape of the terrain offscreen seems to change depending on how many blocks (or maybe pixels) the screen is scrolled horizontally at the start of pressing a direction to do the glitch. (I think this is why sometimes it doesn't work at all - if the ground level offscreen directly by the spikes is above you, then you won't even get offscreen.) (The only thing to go by was the sound, so it was kind of hard to tell exactly what I was doing besides jumping at sort-of-random intervals.)
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Blackpearl: The WIP you just posted of the 1st level is 93 frames slower than the example JXQ posted. Since you're trying to be as fast as possible, that's too much of a difference - I think you should try again until you can get it at least as fast as JXQ did.
Blackpearl wrote:
Your right ineed , i wanted this realy ... But this won't be called a time run after. And i don't think if a time based run will be accepted if i avoid warp portal.
It could still be accepted; other runs have been made with restrictions like this (no warps, no damage, 100% items, etc.) and were accepted. If you do this, you just have to make sure that you follow the rule (no warp barrels to ! rooms) for the entire game and don't change your mind about it partway through. And, provide some good reason for why it's more entertaining to do it that way. BTW, what the heck is "it's jesus overlol555"?
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Jabo's D3D plugins are pretty fast, you might even want to use the oldest version of those you can find that still works. Also, check all the settings of your new video driver - antialiasing isn't the only thing you can turn off to affect performance. There's usually stuff like settings for how aggressively it should optimize the graphics in general, how much video memory to use for textures, what to do for mipmaps, fog, vsync and copy modes, texture depth, with separate settings for Direct3D and OpenGL, etc. All of those could make a difference in the frame rate you get. (And make sure your video driver is really the newest version, of course.) Your video adapter's display mode (resolution and refresh rate) might make a difference to the graphics plugins, also. I doubt this is it, but maybe it has to do with multithreading with your changed OS, in which case it could help to set the process priority of the emulator to be higher... or it could be that you just have a lot more junk running in the background taking up memory and causing slowdown.
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I doubt that would work for this game. It works for (2D) Mario games, but not consistently even then. And if it did work, the people making it wouldn't like the stylistic/other inconsistencies between different segments made by different people... it's a lot easier to coordinate when there's only 1 person doing the recording per movie. Test runs of different segments can be useful though, and they don't necessarily need to be done by the same person in order to provide helpful information.
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Oh, and one of the boss fights from Mischief Makers stood out as being amazingly fun and original - "CERBERUS alpha" (Lunar), the multi-stage wolf/motorcycle riding boss that shoots giant ride-able missiles at you. I think that's my favorite boss fight of any game, actually.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
But Asteron was talking about the stationary one.
nitsuja wrote:
I think they were talking about the one where you don't move, though (the "breakdance" move).
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I know everyone's past thinking about this by know, but I still think there must be some way to abuse that crumbling block glitch in 1-2. I tried not-very-optimized to see the best time I could get without picking up the running shoes, and it was 0:22, could probably get a bit better but it's not enough to compete with 0:17. But I did notice that the glitch does some weird stuff with corrupting game's memory a bit and allowing sonic to walk around on top of basically random stuff outside of the level (when he either shoots off to the left of it or goes high enough into the air). Going left, I was able to get the camera to scroll past that spiky area to within about 1 screen away of the goal, so maybe with enough random fiddling it's possible to find something useful for it. (When sonic is offscreen, he can still jump around and do stuff, and what he does there has some effect on what happens.) Also, I don't know if this would affect a TAS or if you all know this already, but I found you can safely stand in-between individual spikes in those groups of spikes that are all over the place, if you press opposite your direction of movement in the air above them. At least, it worked on that first spike patch in 1-2, allowing (easily) getting on top of the crumbling blocks by the shoe without bouncing off of that enemy.
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I thought it was just a known feature that they give you a couple of extra coins if you jump on their backs a few times.