Posts for nitsuja

Post subject: Re: Finally!
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
And I´ve noticed that if there´s SRAM in the vbm file, it must works perfectly on ALL versions of the game, since all accept the same SRAM.
For the record, this doesn't make sense in general. The different versions would still need identical timing for a movie to really work in all of them. Make sure to post a WIP here or at least show your progress to someone if you start actually making any progress, so someone can verify where the SRAM you're using came from and/or let you know whether what you've done so far looks OK.
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This is bizarre. It plays fine if I rename the pinball quest ROM to anything else than "Pinball Quest (U).nes", but if it's called that then it always desyncs. FCEU version isn't making a difference, location of the ROM doesn't matter and of course its contents aren't changing. I think the contents of the "Recent ROMs" menu must be changing (or corrupting) some variable used for emulation... Anyway, I ended up watching it without desync in FCEU 0.98.15 with my cfg file and a renamed rom.
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Xkeeper wrote:
Last resort: config file
I think you meant fceu98.cfg, fceu.cfg isn't used note: if this still doesn't work, the next possibility would be a ROM that's different but somehow has an identical checksum
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Xkeeper wrote:
Can you post a screenshot of the desync after a few seconds?
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Huh, well that didn't change the behavior, so it probably wasn't a version problem. Are you able to watch your own movie (downloaded from the submission) play back to the ending?
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Could you post a link to the specific FCEU version you used? I can't get this movie to play for more than 40 seconds in any version I've kept...
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A Runnelid wrote:
... 2-players wouldn't be the best thing since they might get in the way of each other, and ultimately slow each other down in different ways. The 2-player factor interfers with the as-fast-as-possible approach.
No it doesn't. One player starts ahead of the other, you would have to purposely slow down with that player for them to interfere with each other. Additionally, one player starts the first race further ahead than is possible in a 1-player game, so even without any other tricks made possible by the 2 players somehow interacting, the best in-game time one of the players can get in 2-player mode will definitely be better than the best you could do in 1-player. The 2 players could probably be played independently then hexed together later, except the item pickups would be trickier if it turns out that one player can affect the other's randomness (which I'm not sure is true, or even if the item pickups are random at all). However, the task is monumental enough as it is with only 1 player that, for the sake of getting something done in any reasonable amount of time, it might be better to start out playing 1-player. Playing 2 players but trying to put in the same level of effort that would've been used for a 1-player run will definitely result in slower overall times.
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KaitouKid wrote:
Game locks up in every version of SNES9x I've tried. Doesn't get past the title screen. Oops. -.-
And you tried turning off "Sync samples with sound CPU" in the playback dialog?
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I know the judges will figure it out either way, but it's unsettling to the people who watch the movie and want to vote on it when they realize they must answer a different question than the poll asks to avoid conflicting with the purpose of having the voting system. Part of the problem is that, for movies that would obsolete an existing run, the question should really be "Did you like watching the movie more than you liked watching the other one?" Probably the only way of implementing that is to have the submitter indicate a movie number to obsolete in a separate field. Even if the voting question isn't changed, that extra submission information would still help with the processing of submissions.
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FODA wrote:
I played it on nitsuja's new fceu and it desync quickly. Then i played it on blip's fceu and it went fine.
Are you sure you got 0.98.15? This movie was made in that version so it can't be a problem with that, unless you're using something older. It worked fine for me on all the versions I have...
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I believe the question was "Should this movie be published?", but sometime recently it was changed to "Did you like watching this movie?" I don't know which is better but neither seems complete... EDIT: Started posting before those last 2 posts were there. I agree with Arc that a 1-5 scale rating could be more helpful than yes/meh/no, although I don't know if those particular descriptions of what each rating means are the best ones to use.
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Assassin wrote:
it seems to work right, but would you mind throwing some more $1BDE values at it and see how it holds up?
Looks like it works fine. The only problem I see now is that, for instance, 8DFF displays as 0©:05:51 instead of 10:05:51. But who's going to play a 10+ hour game of TMNT4 anyway?
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Here are the problems I have with this:
  • A lot of the movement only used diagonal directions, so all the circling and zig-zagging didn't look as smooth as it could have with more gradual angle changes that don't look so obviously limited by 4 directions.
  • didn't kill those 2 enemies that appeared around frame 11500, looks out of place since he'd been killing everything else before that. This run is so close to being 100% kills already, and I'm sure the ones that weren't killed wouldn't be impossible to kill.
  • staying all the way on the right side of the screen the first level intros was kind of boring, especially because he did it the exact same way more than once before doing something else
  • clearly wasn't minimizing lag around frames 29300/29900/30500/31200/31800/23400, despite saying he tried killing some enemies fast to avoid lag (this is probably where he lost the time he was confused about)
  • shooting up lots of barriers that could be glitched through instead... The only instance of glitching through them I saw was around frame 39863, which was followed by backing out and shooting random holes through it for no apparent reason, and never showing it off again. I think it's important to show it off more, considering how few quirks the game has besides that one.
  • laser's maybe not the best choice, and trying a larger variety of weapons would help
  • ending the input so early just to sit there for the final "boss" really isn't interesting to me.
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I don't know if the door-slamming is even luck at all. At least, nothing done in the level changes whether it happens. BTW, I knew it probably wouldn't work, but here is all that happens when trying to beat 1-8 the sneaky way.
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Assassin wrote:
have you considered making a bugfix? where's the routine at?
I hadn't, no. I know the time in seconds is stored at 0x7E1BDE (as a 2-byte int) and that the mistake happens because it converts the individual digits of hex to decimal (so for instance 1C becomes 1*10+12=22 instead of 27) but I don't know where the code that does that is located.
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Maybe those people that say "but I can't do a TAS, it could take years!" will finally get a solid example. Are you going to try hex-editing later stages in or just redoing most of them?
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cheeseman wrote:
But... It's slower than Adebis's by a few frames. But I don't know why! I can't figure out where I lost time.
Use the frame counter (period key) and compare the two movies at different points. Either pick some time and stop them both at that time and see which one looks further ahead, or pick a place in the level and see which one gets there earlier. Then try again halfway to some other place to narrow it down if that doesn't make it clear already, and repeat. I haven't watched it, so this is just a wild guess, but I think it's likely you lost time in one of these 3 places: - getting the mushroom - jumping from that pipe to the blocks that go over it and another pipe partway through the level - touching the flagpole
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Bob A wrote:
the links are broken.
What links? You mean this one? It's not broken, it's just confusing. Open it as a browser page instead of saving it. EDIT: Oh, and DeHackEd's page goes down occasionally, as it did just now, so maybe that's what you meant. (I still think the links should contain a trailing / to avoid confusion.)
Post subject: Re: Viewing memory contents?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1302)
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Luke wrote:
I was wondering if there's an easy way to monitor the contents of particular locations in memory. For example, say I want to be able to see 009B and 0600 every frame while I'm recording a movie.
As FCEU is currently, no, not if the locations you're interested in don't all fit on one page of the memory viewer (unless you don't mind scrolling back and forth). Maybe isolating the addresses in the cheat finder would work better (then alt, n, c to bring up cheat finder and click to dismiss it each frame) but that's still not terribly convenient.
Post subject: Re: ARGH! Can't play games on Mupen64!
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Swedishmartin wrote:
When I wanna play, I get a message saying that I need to choose a graphics plugin at the yada-yada menu, but I can't choose any plugins! Niether sound, input or RSP. Where are you supposed to get them?
They're included with the emulator, in a folder called "plugin", so you should already have them unless you deleted that folder or moved your mupen64.exe to someplace without moving that folder with it. Are you sure you're choosing your plugins from the right place? You have to choose "Options->Settings..." from the menu.
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What happens if you have 99 potions already and set up the item-morphing trick, then get 2 potions in a battle instead of 1? Does it change the item 2 steps at once?
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KDR_11k wrote:
I think it won't be accepted. If something isn't accessible without save RAM that usually means it's not permitted for a TAS. That's to make sure the initial state and the game behaviour are known and standardized so noone can hide cheats in the saveRAM (perhaps using a buffer overflow exploit or somesuch) and do things the game wouldn't normally allow.
I think some exceptions can be made for this. Especially in this case (for a hard mode run) if the SRAM it starts with is the same thing that Atma's published from-start movie ends with. (Which is something that anybody can verify without even needing any emulator modifications.)
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cheeseman wrote:
How do you do that backjumping trick? I made a test run without it, and it would be as fast as Adebis if it had. I can't get it to work!
Press the comma key (,) when watching the other movie to see what buttons it presses. If that doesn't work then you should probably get a newer version of Snes9x from this thread. Also, you'll need to enable "Allow Left+Right / Up+Down" in the Record/Play Movie dialog. I think it's something like: left+right+Y for 1 frame, then right+Y+B for the next frame, then hold right+Y like normal. Also, remember to also do entertaining things throughout the level. One good way to do this is to get as many points as you can possibly get without slowing down.
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Vatchern wrote:
Can anyone get the HP of the last boss for me? (it has several parts to it)
From left to right: 48 HP at address 0583 48 HP at address 0581 96 HP at address 0449 48 HP at address 0582 48 HP at address 0584 Also, there's apparently an extra, hidden part with 48 HP at address 0580. It takes 2 damage from Thunder like everything else does when the screen flashes, but nothing else can hurt it that I can tell. EDIT: heh, looks like you already figured it out, I guess.
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Would it be faster to wait until you get to the shuriken before getting FEOK? You would lose a lot of time mainly from longer boss fights and no otterhead teleports, but presumably you'd also gain a lot of time from not having to go so incredibly far out of your way get 99 potions at the start of the game (you'd still have to get some minimum amount to skip battles, but not nearly as many, and some of them could be bought).