Posts for nitsuja

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Warp wrote:
Aren't (NTSC) and (USA) actually the same thing? Shouldn't the latter be used?
For game versions, NTSC generally means "USA or Japan", so either USA or Japan would be better, as it's more specific than NTSC, unless the game in question is actually a combined "(JU)" type ROM.
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Considering how barely possible the any% run was (and still is?) to record, starting a 100% run now would be somewhat insane...
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VBAlink made tons of changes, so don't expect a small update to integrate link support into re-recording VBA. It might be easier to apply it the other way around, actually, but either way it won't be simple to do or likely to happen soon.
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Kitsune wrote:
Are you saying that NONE of the Pokémon I train will evolve in this game?
Look a few posts above... Somebody just said that the Pokémon will start to evolve after you get to the end credits (which apparently is only halfway through the game).
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Bisqwit wrote:
EDIT: Works when I add www. to the domain name.
Now that is odd, because www. is not part of the domain name, and I get a 404 if (and only if) I add that. BoltR: Your Mario Paint movie seems to have been taken down, and I haven't seen it, and wonder if my movie is faster... probably not, because I wasn't actually aiming for fastest time, just a "pretty fast" playthrough of the first level without luck manipulation. (I would be more concerned about filling this thread with off-topic posts, but I don't see what other good could come of a thread about pointless things to do.)
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If you play it back in Gens 9j it automatically sets up the controls for you.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
404 here.
When, now? It's working for me... are some people still not able to connect to that or was it simply down before? What about this url?
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
I'm pretty sure that some of the physics are different, or the layout is different. There was a post where it mentioned someone couldn't keep P-Speed in SMA, but could in SMB3...
Let's see how many gameplay differences you can spot between this SNES movie and the first 3 levels of Genisto's NES SMB3 movie.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Here's a tool to help in finding situations where branch names could apply. It can also be used to resolve misspellings / inconsistencies ...
For some reason, mazzeneko isn't showing up on that page. The first two entries for "SNES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV" have no author shown there.
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upthorn wrote:
Yeah, I know I can spindash through it, but spindashing loses speed very quickly going up those hills. When I tried this, I didn't have enough height on my jump after I got through the cord. I could spindash through, stop, and spindash again, but getting the game to let me spindash up those hills is a complicated time-consuming affair.
Not to belabor this too much, but... Something must have been wrong with that spindash, it doesn't lose speed anywhere near that quickly. There was enough speed left to jump up and slam into the ceiling, which is more than enough height to continue onto that ledge. Definitely no need to do 2 spindashes there.
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S@G wrote:
no, thats not possibel, Mario Jumps different on the SNES Version.
Not true. I should know... Mario handles exactly the same as long as you don't press left+right.
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Actually it does, since they rewrote the whole renderer after 1.43.
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Truncated wrote:
nitsuja: Is there any reason why we shouldn't begin recommending 1.5 as the preferred snes9x version here, if it includes everything "we" added in 1.43 and supports more games?
Because the update to 1.5 emulation-wise was major and didn't receive enough testing, so while it fixed a lot of bugs, a lot of other games broke or became very screwed up (Mortal Kombat II, Wild Guns, Super Star Wars, Pilotwings, Super Off-Road The Baja, among others). Also a few things like cheat codes and multiple-joystick controls broke in the port. So I recommend not using version 1.5 for making movies and don't think it's worth supporting that version at this site. However, all of the above problems have since been fixed, so whenever 1.51 is released, I think we should begin using that as the preferred snes9x version for making new movies.
  • Pro: Emulates more games and emulates existing games better
  • Pro: Can record SuperScope, Mouse, and Justifier input, and can record resets
  • Pro: More features (better cheat search and RAM watch, more graphics filters, less AVI problems, etc.)
  • Pro: Is being tested for all platforms (at least Windows, Mac, Linux; movies should be compatible between the three, except in cases of unreliable-playback movies)
  • Con: Can't play any movies made in previous versions of Snes9x (way too many core emulation changes for that to be remotely possible; just use an older version to play existing movies)
  • Con: While it's more accurate, it's also slower due to less shortcuts being taken and abandonment of some old but fast parts of the emulation code. Won't matter much unless your CPU is really outdated.
EDIT: I'm now having doubts that people here would choose to use this newer version, because the more accurate emulation causes games to load significantly slower, in actual frames. Nevertheless, for games that use peripherals or don't have an existing run to compare with, it would still make sense to use this version.
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Myria wrote:
Hehe, you could do the flyswatter game in Mario Paint. Of course, the problem with mouse games is that they have a wide possibility of inputs per frame, so it's trivially easy to move the cursor ridiculously and not look anything like mouse movement.
Allow me to demonstrate: flyswattest.avi
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Rick wrote:
I meant the TAS-ing version. I like the spiffied up emu better.
It is "spiffied up". Moreso than the current TAS version, in fact (it's an upgrade of that). And it does play Doomsday Warrior; I checked.
Rick wrote:
Plus, once I decide to make a TAS that's not going to suck, I won't have to download anything further. =P
If you really can't stand to download more than one thing, then OK, just wait...
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Rick wrote:
Well if the emu is ever booted up to the 1.5 version, I'll be sure to play it again.
1.5 was already released. You should check the Snes9x forum sometime...
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It wouldn't work too well to get the description from the posts this time. Well, someone could pick any bunch of posts in this thread and string them together to get an awfully funny description... I liked the "Totally rad? More like totally unfair!" part.
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comicalflop wrote:
... if I complete the level and redo and start+select at the last bonus because once you get stuck as the multicolored rhino you can't get out ... If you can make a SNES9x version that is capable of tracking the rhino glitch ...
I was only warning you not to do that rhino glitch. I found a way to get much further up the castle with it than in that video, and at some point transform into a zombified Dixie, but if the whole thing relies on an emulator bug then it should not go into the run. Until a later version of the emulator has been released that has the bug fixed, at which point you can see if it's really possible to do without crashing the game.
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Are you watching your versions together when making the movie? If you leave the previous one paused in another window and periodically advance it to sync up with your new one being recorded, you can check that you're never losing any frames to it. (And I would keep another window open for comparing with the Any% run wherever it's applicable.)
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I was tempted to (but didn't) vote No just because of the humor factor of those last two posts, but... what's going on with these votes? Is someone picking random votes on random submissions?
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There seems to be a problem with the video scaling.... Here is the sort of output I get for 640x480 -> 320x240 (Mario 64 title screen): The smaller the scaling should be, the more pieces of a smaller segment of the screen are repeated, and (because the height is less) the closer it is to the bottom.
void VCRComp_startFile( const char *filename, long* width, long* height, long* rate, int fps )
	// testing (actually a dialog sets these here)
	*width = 320; // 50% scaling
	*height = 240; // 50% scaling
	*rate = 32006; // apparently the default in Mario 64
	avi_opened = 1;
	frame = 0;
	infoHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
	infoHeader.biWidth = *width;
	infoHeader.biHeight = *height;
	infoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
	infoHeader.biBitCount = 24;
	infoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
	infoHeader.biSizeImage = *width  *  *height  *  3;
I haven't noticed anything wrong with the A/V sync or sound scaling. (And *rate is not later being set to 48000 each time.)
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There were some other warnings that were disabled because they would happen almost all the time in some games... Probably should add some options to enable them, if not fix the issues behind them. One bug that hasn't been tracked down is that sometimes when you load a savestate, it will think a different button is being pressed than what you were pressing when you made the savestate (it won't show it in the input display or record it in the movie, but the game will act like you pressed it). So keep that in mind when loading a savestate. If the cursor starts moving before you thought you told it to, or something like that, it could be that bug happening. 3 buttons vs. 6 buttons: I don't think it matters at all.
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I forgot to post about this before:
Arne_the_great wrote:
Game crashes and goes very fast up Castle Crush, but I don't think this really can be used. test it yourself
When I played back that movie with debugging on, Snes9x actually crashed. It's an emulator bug; the game is supposed to freeze and stop instead of letting you zoom straight up the castle. It might be possible to do it a certain way to get similar results, but on the current version of Snes9x you cannot be sure that what you are seeing is really what the emulation is supposed to be doing. In case anyone is thinking about trying that trick... [I am saying, don't even try it yet because it probably shouldn't happen.]
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S@G wrote:
I meened an no flute-warp speedrun. So pretty all Levels, I hope you understand wat I mean.
For SMB3 it is probably possible to "port" a NES run to SNES if all you want is prettier graphics. It would take some effort though, editing in a delay at every transition sequence and deleting a frame wherever the NES version lags (which normally only happens every 9 minutes or so, but not always).
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It needs a Snes9x version 1.5 or newer to run that game; 1.43 is too inaccurate for it to run.