Posts for nitsuja

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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Because each kill takes (Number of hitsx16 frames + reward spawn + frames of manipulation if applicable) and I'd need a total of 20 kills to earn at least 120 rupees. It's not so much whether or not the amount of frames are less (because they clearly are) it more of a "Will I be able to naturally come across that many enemies of that one type before the first Crystal Dungeon?" Which isn't quite so sure as I'll be warping everywhere.
You can get way more than 120 rupees on just the rats before the sanctuary. They're one hit kill and can also be manipulated to bunch up so you can kill 2 or 3 with one sword slash which is luck-manipulated to make them all drop rupees. Keep in mind though that boomarang-ed enemies only drop 1 rupee and (I think) don't count toward the sequence.
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Ha, I was just wondering about this. This is a really crazy glitch. You end up at the triforce in less than 3 minutes after the game turns on. And the ending was messed up because the "it's raining at the intro" flag never got turned off. I don't think it'll be useful in a full run for taking any shortcuts though, since the game remains nearly-permanently confused after doing any part of it. However, left+right and up+down still let you moonwalk around which might look cool and possibly be useful since the direction you're facing isn't only graphical, and some items behave a bit differently when used while doing this. I don't know if this movie should be published though... On one hand, not much happens and it's really easy to do, but on the other it certainly aims for fastest time and looks (like it should be) impossible...
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Could you explain what "there's some graphic glitches" means exactly? Sometimes one might want to test out how efficient things are without having to be recording a movie of it, it wouldn't be that important though. Recognizing left-ctrl and right-ctrl separately might require DirectInput, I'll have to check though, but if it does I'm not about to rewrite the input code to use it for this one thing. I think the toggle keys would be a lot more useful if there was a hotkey that switched controllers around so you could use only 1 set of controls for all players, but should I bother with controllers 3-5 or just have one hotkey that switches controllers 1 and 2? Frame advance sound can be made an option easily. (Should it be in a dialog or would it be better to have it on a hotkey?) Oh, and I'll see about the ctrl+... problem. (Btw this is starting to have less and less to do with the thread's original topic, should this move somewhere else?)
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Actually, it seems to have been made with 1.43 Final, since I can play it back just fine, but it desyncs like that when I switch to the WIP's timing. (When you post a movie you should say what your emulator version and sound/sync settings are.) edit: Watched all of it, it's pretty good so far (and is accompanied by some cool music) but I get the impression it's possible to refill your magic more often without wasting more time than the extra dashes would save. I'd also say, do the leftrightleftrightleftright thing less often when you have to wait, but I guess that doesn't matter much.
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I can't beat anything after 4R on IKA or after 5C on Normal. But for some reason I was able to get all the way up to the last ship on 8C without taking a single hit the first time I tried it (then I got destroyed 5 times in a row). I'm convinced that levels like 0R are not humanly possible to beat, although the later IKA levels seem to be a little easier than the normal ones. Hmm, this kind of makes me want to see a speed run of this game, just to see if it can be done if for nothing else...
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OK, here's an update that addresses basically all of the latest issues brought up. DeHackEd is kindly hosting it at: and another mirror at and the source at There's no combo/macro support but the toggle key option does help a little for that. Here's the full info: Snes9x 1.43 improvement v2 New Improvements: * Added a display option to maintain correct aspect ratio. * Changed Toggle buttons to be an option applied per controller. * Made "fast-forward" and "show input" customizable hotkeys, so input can now be shown while playing. * Removed 1-frame lag from the input that's displayed, fixed lack of refresh of paused games. * Gave frame advance sound even when FMOD is being used. * Mostly fixed the input display problems with multiple controllers. Previous Improvements: * An option to switch between WIP and Final timing has been added, so you can record for the version of your choice and play back either type of movie. * The option to allow left+right and up+down to be pressed has been added. * Movie play and record dialogs contain relevant sync-related emulator options. * Added "toggle buttons" to toggle a button being held, so it isn't necessary to hold down lots of keys at once in 2P runs or other games that involve lots of button-holding. * JMA support etc. has been put back in. * Customizable hotkeys * Made black bar at bottom of game optional * Fixed joypad dialog and added turbo buttons * Enabled the GUI option to use video memory and bilinear-filter any mode, not just OpenGL * Zelda desync bug fixed (credit to FabianX) * Sound desync bug workaround (option) (credit to Bisqwit) * Option to display movie input buttons (credit to Bisqwit) * Gave frame advance sound (unless using FMOD) Because there is now an option to switch between timing modes: * This version can play all movies made with either the Final or the WIP, with the right settings on. * This version can make movies for either the Final or the WIP, whichever is desired. Known Issues / things to watch out for: * If you do not record a movie with the WIP1 timing, you may get occasional desyncs while recording. * Turning on Left+Right/Up+Down will usually cause movies that were made without this option to desync. * If you turn on Left+Right/Up+Down, no *official* version of the Snes9x emulator will be able to play back the movie that's generated. * Movies will still desync if you play them without letting the game emulate for at least 10 seconds to "warm up" first. * Some games (such as Super Bomberman and Mortal Kombat II) require Volume Envelope to be OFF to record reliably. * Some games (such as Nosferatu) still rely on specific sound settings (such as a certain KHz rate, etc.) to play back reliably. * If a movie of a game that was affected by the sound desync bug (such as Out of this World) is recorded with this emulator, it can also be played back in this version, but if you want to play it back with an official version you'll have to set the sound playback rate to <No Sound> when playing it. * When a controller is set to Toggle Mode, you can change input between frames, but you have to hit frame advance once to see the result. * When a controller is set to Toggle Mode, loading a save state will not revert the buttons being held down to what they were when the save was made. * There is no frame counter when you're not watching or recording a movie. * Key conflict catching is not very comprehensive and can also catches things that are no longer conflicts (in which case, just ignore the color). * The sync settings aren't saved in the movie file and thus can't be restored automatically -- therefore, when posting/submitting a movie, please say what these settings were set to when recording. Hints: * It's useful to assign a key to "All Mod" in the Turbo part of the joypad configuration, which causes all non-directional buttons to rapid-fire if pressed while the "All Mod" button is being held -- handy for skipping past titles/dialogs or whatever without needing to dedicate more than 1 key to autofire. * For best-looking graphics, in the Display settings turn on Stretch Image, Use Video Memory, Maintain Aspect Ratio, and set Output Image Processing to 2xSaI. * You can increase the "Skip Rendering" number in the Settings to much higher than before, to skip through movies extremely fast if your computer can handle it.
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BoltR wrote:
Get nitsuja's fix, you can remap things in that...
But I don't know how to enable joypad buttons to activate hotkeys/save/load, I have no joypads to test such functionality with. You can map them to things that don't require shift being held, though.
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Sure, I'll put up some source soon. About frame counter not working: It works fine for me in both playback and recording. Remember that it doesn't work if you're not watching/recording a movie (although I can see it being useful for testing outside of a movie, like in Gens, so that could be changed). Also, if you assign a modifier like Alt as a hotkey, other things that use Alt+something may not activate. Toggle buttons can be made an option per controller, but for some reason I thought it might be useful to be able to use both at the same time (at least for normal gameplay, locking on the "run" button" or something). They can also be displayed, but not any changes while the game is paused, since Snes9x currently has no way to draw things between frames (I'm sure that can be changed, I'm just not sure how to force a display update yet). I think frame skip depends on the keyboard repeat rate, when you're holding it down the game just advances 1 frame every time a key down event comes in (like it did originally). The turbo button is handled a little differently from the other keys, so I haven't gotten around to making it customizable yet. There's a bunch of other hotkeys that are still hardcoded too (like the layer-hiding ones). Aspect ratio: OK, I'll take a look at this too.
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OK, I have another new version at: Here's the info: Snes9x 1.43 improvement v2 New Improvements: * Full compatibility with both Snes9x 1.43 WIP 1 and with Snes9x 1.43 Final. In other words, an option to switch between WIP and Final timing has been added, so you can record for the version of your choice and play back either type of movie. * The option to allow left+right and up+down to be pressed has been added. * Movie play and record dialogs contain the relevant sync-related emulator options, directly changeable in both places. * Added "toggle buttons" -- you can map keys to toggle a button being held, so it isn't necessary to hold down lots of keys at once in 2P runs or other games that involve lots of button-holding. * JMA support etc. has been put back in. Previous Improvements: * Customizable hotkeys * Made black bar at bottom of game optional * Fixed joypad dialog and added turbo buttons * Enabled the GUI option to use video memory and bilinear-filter any mode, not just OpenGL * Zelda desync bug fixed (credit to FabianX) * Sound desync bug workaround (option) (credit to Bisqwit) * Option to display movie input buttons (credit to Bisqwit) * Gave frame advance sound (unless using FMOD) Because there is now an option to switch between timing modes: * This version can play all movies made with either the Final or the WIP, with the right settings on. * This version can make movies for either the Final or the WIP, whichever is desired. KNOWN ISSUES: * Movies will still desync if you play them without letting the game emulate for at least 10 seconds to "warm up" first. * Turning on Left+Right/Up+Down will usually cause movies that were made without this option to desync. * Some games (such as Super Bomberman and Mortal Kombat II) require Volume Envelope to be OFF to record reliably. * Some games (such as Nosferatu) still rely on specific sound settings (such as a certain KHz rate, etc.) to play back reliably. * If a movie of a game that was affected by the sound desync bug (such as Out of this World) is recorded with this emulator (by turning on the Fake Mute desync workaround), it can also be played back in this version, but if you want to play it back with an official version you'll have to set the sound playback rate to <No Sound> when playing it.
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I got it to work btw, I think it didn't open because my download was corrupted or something, redownloaded it and it was fine. I'm getting a little tired with all the desync and version confusion, so the next version I put up will be compatible with both WIP and Final, able to play and record both versions of movies depending on if you check a "Use WIP1 timing" checkbox, and with all the possibly-desync-causing options layed out directly in the play and record movie dialogs.
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Truncated wrote:
What's worse is that nitsuja's sync test desyncs for me as well. Picks Shang, beats Baraka, fatality, fights reptile for a while, then pulls a missed slash with the back+punch and gets pummeled.
You have to turn on "Generate sample data in sync with sound CPU" in the sound settings. If it doesn't let you do this, then first you have to set Sound Driver to Snes9x DirectSound. (And remember to leave volume envelope height reading off, of course.)
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ventuz wrote:
watched it... desync for me, you went thru option and leave difficult with "medium" and select baraka and fight like a retard (lol had to say it..) - used zeldafix version with VEHR off. CRC32: 70BB5513
These are made for Snes9x 1.43 WIP, so Final/zeldafix will certainly desync. But, uh, I can't get Highness's to play back in anything. For me, he selects "very hard", beats the 1st round with Baraka using mostly flying kicks, then gets unexpextedly foot-swept in round 2, pummeled, and (later) uppercutted into the acid.
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(oops, double post...)
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Well, I'd like to see a 100% Great Cave Offensive run. AFAIK some of the treasures require 2 players though.
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I can't get it to play back either. In addition to other sound settings, it would help to know the CRC32 of the ROM you're using. (My ROM's CRC32 is 70BB5513, and here's a (partial) test run I can play back with it on my version: ) (By the way, I think the fixes I put in don't actually affect this game -- volume envelope height reading could already be turned off in the official versions. And I guess turning it off it does screw up the sound, like the intro swish is wrong and the announcer says "F-fight!" instead of "Fight!", but the music and other sound effects sound pretty normal to me.)
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I was already thinking about doing this, I'll see how Zsnes handles it. Also, it would be neat if there was some way to make recording 2-player games with 1 person drastically easier, like a button to toggle input being duplicated to another controller, and a way to set all the keys for the next frame without having to hold them all at the same time while hitting frame advance, so I'll see about these sometime.
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I can put JMA back in pretty easily, I think. It'll be mostly 1.43 Final except with the APU timing reverted to WIP. (But then JMA games won't be able to open in the only official version that would be able to play the movie (the WIP), so I think I'll also have a fully Final-based version too for those who want to use it.) I can put left+right support it in my version as an option, which will need to be turned on before playback. If it's on all the time by default then you might accidentally hit left+right while recording and then way later discover it doesn't play back on an official version. About the input display: Yeah, it needs some work. And I'll make it optional in the same way that the display of the current frame is optional, (a hotkey to enable/disable it) since having it as a setting for movie playback is a pretty goofy way of doing it. About sounds missing, when I was recording a test movie of Mortal Kombat II, the voice and sound effects got all screwed up (missing some segments and repeating others strangely), but it sounded pretty normal on playback.
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I can make a patch that uses 1.43 Final instead of the WIP. But the reason I switched to using the WIP is because 1.43 Final seems to have introduced an extra desync bug in the way save states interract with APU timing. In other words, anything that's based on 1.43 Final will probably desync every once in a while when recording. But I can still provide a WIP-based version and a Final-based version. Removing the left+right and up+down restrictions should be pretty easy. Actually I meant to have this in my last update but I guess I forgot to put it in.
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Zeldafix version 3 would almost certainly desync because it's based on 1.43 Final and AFAIK this movie was recorded with the WIP. The newer patch is based on 1.43 WIP so it should be able to play this movie fine. But, all this only applies to the full from-reset movie, because the save state format has been changed for the zelda fix, so save-state-based movie clips aren't compatible between versions even though from-reset movies are. In fact, I have a question for Truncated and maybe Omni: how were you able to get Zeldafix version 3 to even play the movie file? Mine gets a "wrong format" error message because the save state in the movie doesn't match up with the new format. Which movie file are you talking about? VIPer7: I don't recall your run having volume height envelope off, but now it must be off? Whichever it is, make sure all the segments are recorded with the same sound settings or you'll have a heck of a time hex-editing it together.
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I kind of like this game, and this movie's not bad, but like you said you can improve it, so... I'd like to see an improved version that is faster and also tries to show off more instead of just aiming for fastest time.
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Highness -- Mortal Kombat II simply has the same problem as Super Bomberman 2; you have to turn Volume Envelope Height Reading off in order for it to record without desyncs, and it must also be off when playing back the resulting movie. Phil -- I'm guessing that between the zelda fix, the sound desync workaround, and turning volume envelope reading off, Final Fight Guy will no longer desync either. (And same for Mario RPG, although I haven't tested these yet.) Keep in mind that turning volume envelope reading off has the side effect of making some games (like Tetris Attack) sound terrible, but for most games there's no audible change.
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OK, that's another one to check. (I watched your Final Fight Guy WIP... you managed to make that much of it while fighting constant desyncs?)
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That's odd. I'll try it out and see what happens. It's possible there is another desync problem happening, which may be specific to Mortal Kombat 2. (EDIT: actually it was just the volume-height-envelope-reading-kills-the-sync problem, turning that option off in the sound settings and turning on sync sound with CPU fixes things.) I'll also see if Mario RPG is fixed. (What other games are known to still desync?) Oh, I forgot to mention: For those who don't want to download AVIs, this version can be used to watch the SMV of my just-published Out of this World run with sound on.
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Highness, I just posted a newer patched version here: (at/near bottom) which basically obsoletes the one posted in this thread, so try it out and see if it still desyncs. Keep in mind that the bug where you have to let the game "warm up" for 10 seconds or it will desync is still there, so make sure you do that before reporting a desync caused by not waiting long enough. (This newer version is based on the WIP instead of the Final because there seem to be extra desync problems in the Final. As luck would have it, Zelda 3 plays exactly the same between both versions, so runs currently being made of it can switch to using this new WIP-based version without starting over.)
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Hey, I've compiled a new modified version of Snes9xw 1.43 WIP which is as desync-proof as I could make it (and also has a bunch of useful features missing from the original). Anybody who's having problems making a run because of desyncs should try this out. Get it at: EDIT: Actually, get the newer version instead at Let me know if you encounter any problems with it. Here is the full information: Movie-Specific Improvements: * Zelda desync bug fixed (credit to FabianX) * Sound desync bug workaround (option) (credit to Bisqwit) * Another desync bug avoided by using the WIP's APU timing instead of the Final's. * Option to display movie input buttons (credit to Bisqwit) * Gave frame advance sound (unless using FMOD) (nitsuja) General Improvements: * Customizable hotkeys (nitsuja) * Made black bar at bottom of game optional (nitsuja) * Fixed joypad dialog, added turbo buttons (nitsuja) * Enabled the GUI option to use video memory and bilinear-filter any mode, not just OpenGL Movie compatibility details: * Movies made with this version are compatible with Snes9X 1.43 WIP 1. * This version will play movies made with Snes9X 1.43 WIP 1. * This version can only play some movies made with Snes9X 1.43 Final. * If a movie of a game that was affected by the sound desync bug (such as Out of this World) is recorded with this emulator, it can also be played back in this version, but if you want to play it back with the official Snes9X 1.43 WIP version you'll have to set the sound playback rate to <No Sound> when playing it. KNOWN ISSUES: * Movies will still desync if you play them without letting the game emulate for at least 10 seconds to "warm up" first. * Some games (such as Nosferatu) still rely on certain sound settings (such as 33khz rate etc.) to play back reliably. * Some games (such as Super Bomberman) still rely on certain sound settings (such as Volume Envelope OFF) to record reliably.