Posts for nesrocks

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I've yet to see an anime that fares better at storytelling than its manga counterpart. I thought the Death Note manga was brilliant... Not sure about the anime, haven't seen it.
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Looking back this topic has been derailed a few pages already.
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That trick was so surprising, I think he didn't mention it on purpose. Loved it.
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Read the text, watched the run. You people make me proud! Is what I would say if I ever taught you anything, which I didn't, I was merely here first. You are doing extremely nice runs on games I love (which is the only reason I picked them). Thank you for making these videos. How did you improve the bosses? If there's one thing I thought was perfect, that thing has to be the boss battles. Especially level 3 (which was funny btw). Did you improve them by lag control? I see some of them had better luck manipulation. Also, way to abuse the game's physics! It created some funny moments. Also... WOW I don't wanna spoil the surprise but that was surprising. Haha!!! @Eye Of The Beholder: basically most of my runs can be improved. If you want to tackle something, look at my published movies ;) Except yo! noid, don't tackle that.... Just kidding, you can tackle it. But the other ones will be easier. Hint: gauntlet has a known error and I didn't manipulate lag very well. Street Fighter 2010 is really old (2005!).
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I think I can't see a relation to what you're saying with what I asked, or you guys are still missing my point. :) A spaceship is moving at 200 thousand meters per second east, while another object is moving 200 thousand meters per second west. To the crew in the ship the other object is moving at 400 thousand meters per second, faster than light, even though they can't see it. No?
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Of course I don't know how to answer your question warp :) The problem here is that I asked what would one "see". Is that the problem? That you can't see something traveling faster than c, but something CAN travel faster than c? What I meant was if something can travel faster than c (relative to something else), not if you can see it. Sorry about that.
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I see what you did, but that's a little bit different than what I asked, because in your situation you aren't really moving something faster than c. In the situation I mentioned, there is a body of matter moving in one direction and another body of matter moving in the opposite direction, so relative to each other one of them is faster than c. No? If c is a constant, then light moves at c, but the other object is moving faster.
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I have another question.... What if I'm traveling at 66% of c and someone else is traveling at 66% of c in the oposite direction? I will see him traveling faster than c?
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What kuwaga said. Also, I live in Brazil so I didn't include myself in the first world perspective.
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In the "first world" people are educated. That's why when disaster struck Japan everyone helped each other, even in a desperate situation. In Africa you don't think of others, you think of yourself. Yourself first. So what is human nature? The problem doesn't seem to be the system in the first world countries, but the wealth of the countries living in misery. If there's misery, human nature shows its fangs. Of course I'm speaking generally, there are exceptions.
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The problem with that, alden, is not capitalism, it is human nature.
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Well then, I've fallen prey to the media tactic of labeling the protest simply as anti-capitalism. There are people in wall street holding signs that say "capitalism doesn't work", which helps support that. Also, people are posting anti-capitalism stuff on my facebook page. Imagine my rage, now they're gone too far. I'm all about capitalism. People have to work and it's the best way to make them work without simply forcing them. It also matches best how the world has worked since life began. It's a freedom based model. Anything other than that sounds utopic and not practical to me... Ipads don't fall from heaven. If the corporate jerk with 3 trillion dollars on his bank account has that much money it is because he delivered something people were willing to pay for. People have forgotten that money doesn't create goods, it simply represents value on a trade system. A trade system based on people creating value. You can't have everyone sitting on their butts at home eating and watching tv, they have to work to earn the goods. The beauty is that if you don't want to be a part of capitalism you can go live in the country without an ipad, growing your vegetables and have no electricity. Of course, the model has its imperfections and it's not always fair. What I'm saying is that anarchy is not a solution, and whining also isn't. Protesting against some corporation or the government running over people's rights is something that has to be done. If that's what they're doing in wall street, there's noone in their right mind that would be against it. Just don't mix "we demand justice" with "the system is the problem". Not everyone agrees with that. Sorry about the rant, I like my system and clean facebook page :P
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Can someone tell me what they are protesting about?
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Up to the 1 minute mark it was good. Could that first minute be called dubstep? Because after that if became the worst kind of "music" ever conceived.
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Are you guys serious? This isn't "disguised". People play it to help science and to compete. If they have any fun while doing it, it comes from that.
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Ok I am easily entertained. Couldn't stop laughing on 1 2 and 3! My name is Trollbot...
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I didn't know about that palm attack! It does a lot of damage O_o I like your clever use of the game's moveset on every situation, it's well done. The glitching... Wow, nice find. Hell yes vote. "Initiate any combo, after the second hit press down for one frame, wait nine frames then press forward+Y. " What sense does this make? The move isn't accessible because you don't have enough red crystals, and yet, you move your controller correctly and you execute the move. What the.... :)
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I'm very happy with the submission text. Glitches? Awesome! 15k frames improvement? Check. I need to watch this soon.
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That's exactly what I was gonna ask... So if there's no grid then we can't know our speed, only the speed of things compared to us...
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I have a serious question: what stops a spaceship from just accelerating indefinitely? How long would it take to reach the speed of light with normal thrusts (ignore fuel consumption)? Would something drag it down? Would it implode like a black hole (due to near infinite mass) and destroy the thrusters?
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Openness to Experience/Intellect High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 84) Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You probably have a messy desk! (Your percentile: 17) Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Your percentile: 12) Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Your percentile: 83) Neuroticism High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Your percentile: 49) This is pretty accurate. Kuwaga: you just said what you think about the picture: "fake". That's your answer!
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You can't bend that which does not exist! (space). This is witchcraft.