Posts for nesrocks

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I agree that communism is the ideal thing (in my opinion so ideal that it is utopic as there are way too many people that won't work unless they absolutely have to) but it still involves people having to work. The discussion brought up by nfq was the mistaken relation between people having to work to be able to live and capitalism. I merely said that it does not have to do with the system, but with the simple fact that people have to work to be able to live. "Work" isn't just getting a job and having wages, it's doing stuff you don't necessarily want. So even if you worked for nobody you'd still need to work to plant the vegetables you eat, fix your house, etc. To believe that capitalism is the culprit of that reality is insane.
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It's not capitalism that makes you work. It's reality. I'm not even sure if you're joking or being serious, but that's a thread derail.
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I have often wondered why don't new games for the NES get made. I mean, yes, some people make some simple games, but we don't see something like a new ninja gaiden quality game. I often thought the problem was techinical, but from my recent research I found out that a lot of people currently know a lot about how the NES works. Still, no new awesome games. So I think it's because of how they were made. Commercial NES games were done in a professional environment, meaning there was a boss and a team of artists and programmers with their salaries. This meant that one person had the final word and that they worked full time. Nowadays whenever I see homebrew projects by more than one person, there's always the problem that they don't get along. Someone may suddenly quit or disappear for no reason, or someone will simply decide to kick another person from the project, etc. So homebrew nes games are usually done by a single person, and rarely that person is both a great programmer and a great artist and is able to do it is a full time project. It is a shame, really. But I guess it goes with the nature of the platform. It's way easier for someone to make a game for PC than for the NES.
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You're pretty young still. I'm 35 and I've learned that my life is mine to live. As long as you don't hurt others you should do with your life whatever you want to do with your life. It's yours. The criticism that comes from people close to you should be taken as suggestions from different points of view. They are interesting insights and may come from people with more experience. But, ultimately, do whatever you want. Now, of course, there's reality, and that means being able to be responsible and take care of yourself. Having a means of income, thinking about the future, where will you live, etc. Plan that. But don't live the life others tell you to, live your life.
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So many improvements! And yay for a lot less time collecting olives. I share your nightmares. Loved the improvement in style as well, showing off tricks whenever possible. Brilliant use of the staircase glitch, I couldn't find that one no matter how hard I tried. This trend in co-authoring makes me feel guilty for all the runs I've obsoleted in the past. It is a good feeling so it must be a good trend. Yes vote of course.
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I've used VR headsets 20 years ago. I'm still waiting for the prices to go down. edit: I guess I only really wanted the 3d effect, but headtracking isn't very expensive is it.
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Well, the thing is that any changes to ram wouldn't exactly be permanent... Right? So it would only work as a cheat code and even then it would mess up other levels. So unless I'm not getting exactly what the OP wants to do, the only option is rom editing, which can't be done on bizhawk then. edit: ok maybe it can be done through the chr or prg memory domains. gonna test that later. done. prg can't be written.
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Shouldn't you hack the rom directly instead? This is one such tool you could use instead of directly finding the address in an hex editor (great for palettes used in sprites): Background flat colors are difficult to find, so I used an hex editor to find it by brute force. It's 7E22. I just changed it to 05. Then it is easy to edit the rest of the palettes. Indeed it cycles through some palettes on that area. There's some fixing to do afterwards. I realize my post doesn't answer the topic's question though. heh sry edit: I tried to hex edit using bizhawk. When I change the hex editor in bizhawk to "file on disk" I can change it fine, but as soon as I click "file" it throws an unhandled exception "illegal characters in path". - Rom not zipped, named rockman2.nes - emulator placed in D:\jogos\_emuladores\nes\bizhawk\ - bizhawk ver 1.11.4
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So it is as I suspected, you're using smb to test the algorithm. I do not think you can reach a "consensus" for how it should work for every game. It is an interpretation of what the graphics mean, and I doubt a machine can do it. Why not let people do it? For this purpose people are better than machines... Make it so people can adjust it and then share to a database.
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- Getting a full-time job sounds good. Sing me in. - Ignore the olympics that are going to happen next to my house as much as possible.
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That's interesting. It appears that you've optmized the algorhythm for super mario bros so far. It may be a matter of improving it on a game by game basis as time goes on, or providing the user with tools to adjust it themselves. Maybe even a way for people to share their adjustments for each game.
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If you're looking for improvable runs mine are all probably very improvable since A) they are super old and B) I generally I was more worried about the run looking good and fun. Street fighter 2010 notably has a lot of lag resulting from showing off. Adventure Island I know now that horizontal speed isn't precise and can be manipulated to be slightly higher.
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I find that in life you need balance. Taking care of you is up to only yourself. I've been depressed once and there were two reasons for it: 1- not taking care of myself (eating poorly, no exercising) and 2- I was working from home and didn't talk to many people. My stupid piece of advice is to first take care of yourself. Happiness comes from within and you shouldn't depend on others to achieve it. Eating properly and doing some exercise can do wonders to health, to how you feel and to self steem. I say it's stupid because it's what worked for me, and you are not me. But hey, if there are such jerks enjoying the world, why can't you have a piece of the fun too? Go out, take a bike trip, listen to good music and have fun however fun is like to you and try to care less about what other people think. Sure sometimes things suck, but that can't be avoided and that's for everyone.
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Scrubs, The Office (us version, didn't see uk yet), The I.T Crowd. Those kinds of tv programmes. But breaking bad was good, I've watched it twice.
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I have stopped being an "ist" (ie. nintendist) a very very long time ago. Nintendo is a company and it should be treated that way. It's not a cult or religion. It sells products and it protects its products. A lot of the feeling towards this comes from people feeling betrayed because they give love to nintendo. Don't. Give money when they sell a product you like. Besides, we have since the begginning of TASing questioned the legality of it. Nintendo's only response I recall was "it's ok to post videos of people playing nintendo games". Now they have realized that they don't like very much the current practical connection of TASing and rom hacking to piracy (not all involve that, but come on guys). It's not like this is the end of TASing, it's just nintendo property games on mainstream video websites.
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Link to video And that's when I realized that a song from super pitfall is just a copy of that (skip to 39m 29s): Link to video
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Titan91 wrote:
One thing is certain, the Dolphin emulator will absolutely be needed for what you're trying to achieve.
Why? Can't the patched iso be played on a soft modded wii? (this does not imply piracy, you can dump your disc to iso and play the backup on the wii)
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Although upsampling algorithms are an interesting topic, much needs to be done in the field of image recognition for the interpretation to avoid basic mistakes. And even so, it would still be a machine's interpretation of a piece of art. I don't think it's impossible, but machines are far from reaching results on par with the work of an artist. I've done some testings and HDNes is still too troublesome to use. You need to do extensive sprite digging to get anything done, not to mention that generating the new spritesheet is a pain.
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About the vault code: You don't need to hack the game, break the vault code combination or look it up online. You can play the game several times, find all the notes yourself and write it down. Afterall, it's just 31 possibilities. Or, more easily, you can do it once and restart until you get the same, and then speedrun it. This is acquired knowledge on the game, and don't we all do that before speedrunning any game? Awesome run. Love the new tricks and knowledge of the game engine. I hadn't noticed the lag from pushing into walls, or that you could go through tiles diagonally. Considering that the only improvements I knew about were lag management and the switch panel on room 17, and those weren't the biggest improvements, I'm impressed. That last boss fight looks like a fight now. And hell yes ending with 1 life left. Obvious yes vote. edit: My run was TEN years old??? What the...
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Yeah, I hadn't thought about that. I guess that to avoid having a 1 frame input lag it would be necessary for the program to really work together with the desktop video driver instead of just doing the work sepparately and then outputting to a window. Again, not sure how hard, logical, or even possible that is.
Post subject: CRT shader for windows. Is there such a thing?
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As I'm sure most everyone here is aware, the HLSL CRT simulation filter for mame helps achieve the old CRT look for arcade games running on high resolution displays, mostly LCD. Similar filters have been implemented on other emulators (some harder to configure/find than others), and I love how it looks closer to the original games than sharp pixel perfection. The thing is, not every emulator has it. Wouldn't it be simpler if one could simply run a program that filters the whole desktop screen to achieve that look and then run whatever game he wants? I have found some hardware that intercepts the vga signal, processes it and releases a vga signal with scanlines added to it. But that only adds scanlines, whereas mame's use of HLSL adds a range of other effects needed to get that CRT look. I have a component video output board that I can use to convert VGA to component and play any pc game on a real CRT tv. That is cool but not as practical as running a process so you can switch between both experiences. Plus, it lacks configuration. Does anyone know a solution for this, or maybe knows how to implement it in a simple way? I don't know the technical details, but I figure that windows must have some sort of protection and forbid easy access to programs intending to alter the display signal. If that is the case, maybe you could capture the screen and display it on a separate window which could be seen in fullscreen mode? Not sure if that is even feasible, as it would be capturing itself... Maybe with dual monitor setups?
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I wonder how long would a movie be which the goal is "longest distance before 1 million points". That would show the entire practical possible river raid map. But this submission is incredible. The submission text is a must read, and it shows that we do this to these games just because we can (actually you can, I can't do all that haha). I suggest you link the map somehow on the submission text? It's kind of hard to find it on the off-topic as it is buried.