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i got a pentium III 1000 Mhz with a Ge-force fx5200 256 mb, and famtasia still gives me "very heavy!" messages and takes a long time to adjust speed, that's the only bad thing i have to say about famtasia, i like it very much, one of the most confortable rerecording emus i have used. but i got to admit, changing speed in fceu is MUCH better, at least for me, i just have to press - or = and the speed will go up or down in set amounts instead of opening the menu, typing a new number, hitting OK and waiting for the sync...
Post subject: Re: Star Fox
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YtterbiJum wrote:
- Boost whenever possible to speed things up.
boosting doesnt move the screen faster, it just moves the ship forward but then it goes back? i mean... the level still takes exactly the same amount of time to end no matter if you brake or boost.. i always thought that way, maybe i'm wrong
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yea, it is a "pure legit" run i did, i am just wondering if there's any king of dragons fan that would like to see it. :)
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hey i was having fun, now you made me sound like a jerk :S it takes a long time depending on the kind of game, or it may be really quick. generaly if the game has lots of routes to go, it takes longer. if it's straightforward it is faster. but it also depends on how eager the player is to make a decent quality movie. the movie is not all done with the emulator opened and recording, it takes planning and forum talk. so, even it it takes like 1 hour to make 5 minutes of re-recording, it may actually take weeks to plan everything and get it right.
Post subject: Re: #437: Phil, Genisto's NES Super Mario Bros in 05:00
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Phil wrote:
</b> Stopped the movie a little later so people can press left and Mario still touch the axe.
but people can still PAUSE which makes me wonder: stop as early as possible, or stop where people can't pause the game. the way you did it's neither one or neither the other...
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TNSe wrote:
no, no... it more of 10000% of time the game, because the time you play of 6% speed!! and remeber the go forth and go back of the re-recording many places...
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if he got it from a rent store like blockbuster, it's clear that someone rented the game, than opened the cartridge and exchanged the actual game. :P everyone thinks of doing that, but i never did it, it's like stealing i dont do that heheheheh :cool:
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ok, let me try to put it short: IMO, the player should do everything possible to make the AVI shorter. - If the ending of a game needs you to hold a button for the text to scroll faster, that keypress should be included in the movie. - If at the end of the game you need to input a high score name before seeing something further on, the player must input it. i think everyone is with me here. but the problem seems to be about after-recording input that slows down or prevents the movie from ending. My opinion is that: - the watcher shouldn't press buttons. the movie should be ended as soon as possible (as long as it doesnt make the AVI longer) without worrying about watcher input. Users who watch the movie on emulators are doing it the "wrong" way, the site is for AVIS, and the AVIS can't be changed by the viewer. - the watcher could even hit PAUSE button, who knows... some games can be paused after the last boss is hit. so i dont think we should worry about that.
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tested. the bonus on the first level is not a shortcut because you have to wait quite a few seconds before the plataform appears... and to get fireballs i need to lose the skateboard. i'm playing wonder boy on MAME without re-recording, i got to level 5-2 (real run) i find it much funner especially because the skateboard is much more maneauverable. I heard final burn alpha allows for re-recording? then why arent we making mame superplays?
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i have a king of dragons using the wizard without losing a single life for the arcade in 39:10 mins, would anybody be interested on it?
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the girl cant be done faster because if her energy drops any faster than that she does an annoying flip and rolls far away... but i agree that there is room for improvement because the game is very imprecise. i only dare anyone to try it, it needs a lot of luck :)
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having played the game to the end, even though i like this game a lot i dont think it would be a good watch if it didnt have interesting tricks (and i dont think there are any)...
Post subject: Re: hell yeah!
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Have you considered doing any bonus levels? Riding the platform and jumping off right away definitely saves time some places and you can sometimes do it with the skateboard. In the first level it might be faster to lose skateboard and do the bonus level, then pick it up again at the start of 1-2. I think you can do level 3 bonus on the skateboard if you slow down early enough.
Oh i hadnt thought of going up and then falling on purpose, maybe it saves time, i hadn't tested it yet (because i knew all that spring jumping wasted time, dumb me didnt think of falling hehe).
TheAxeMan wrote:
Also, do you plan on sticking with the axes or getting fireballs at some point? The angle can be annoying but it might be helpful to shoot rocks. I think it also kills bosses faster, but it looks like with turbo fire this is less of an issue.
i dont think the fireballs would increase the speed (and i dont think they're fireballs, i always thought of them as balls connected to a wire, i dont know the name in english, not that it matters here hehe). i havent come accross any fireballs yet, all the eggs that have fireballs are hidden eggs that you have to jump for them to appear, which would result in a need for a big slowdown. i'll test how many frames i lose by taking the fireballs. i think they would be halpfull to avoid some fruits by not having to jump certain stones, if the slowdown isnt too big it should be worth stopping. i just didnt stop earlier because i thought i would find the fireballs without having to stop.
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i think bisqwit just posted this here to show how to NOT do a submition, i feel very sad for the author, i hope he doesnt get discouraged from doing timeattacks just because of this incident, but i do recommend him to read the guidelines and discuss his movies before trying to do it.
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there is a continue function to help you, see the little bee on my avatar? it's located on an egg just before the end of the first act (1-1). after you grab it you can continue (press RIGHT+START at the game over screen). i think it crashed because of the heavy load famtasia has on my computer, i only have to start re-recording from before that point and it shouldn't encounter any problems. but is there any problem about making the run on the J version? that's the version i used to own, i dont know if there are any differences from the US version
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all the movies i submitted used to have that problem, i just let it there on that one to show you what was happening (i remember i sent you a message about it).
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my rom is so old.... can you send the run to me then please? email me at mario @ donsoft dot com dot br
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oh... really? sorry about that i'm fixing it
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1) What is your name? Where do you live? Mário Azevedo, i live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2) How did you first hear of/get into timeattack videos? I used to record pure runs on the nesticle emulator many years ago, but they weren't tool assited. the first tool-assisted run i watched was super mario 3, i had to watch it a couple of times untill i started wondering if it was humanly possible. and then i ended up on bisqiwt's site, which had maybe a total of 5 timeattacks at the time (mainly morimoto's ones). 3) What about timeattack videos captivates you? What makes it worth spending many many hours creating them? I must like the game a lot. I must want very much to see it played perfectly so i can make a run for it. I wouldnt try to make a run on a game i'm not interested because it takes time to make these movies and i wouldnt want to get bored at the end of the first level. 4) What is the process you use to start, plan, and complete a timeattack video? As i usually know very well the games i choose to timeattack, I start recording right away. Sometimes i search for tips or guides to support me, but usually i just go timeattacking, in a kinda loose maner at first, just to test the game physics and paths, and then after i'm confortable and sure about how the game works, i start it over at slower playback speed and doing more precise movements. 5) Which timeattack video that you've created are you most proud of? Why? I think it's my NES battletoads warpless, for many reasons: - because some things that i used to do when i was a child could be used in the movie and looked entertaining; - because i found a glitch that i have never heard before and i wonder if it was known (the boss skip glitch on level 10, by killing the running rat).; - for going through level 11 whitout tool-assistance on the first attempt (except the boss, which was tool-assisted); - and for doing a lot of hard jumps that took dozens of re-recordings but that in the end i managed to accomplish, especially at level 4. 6) There seems to be some criticism/antagonism directed at the creators of timeattack videos. How do you explain this? Does this represent competing philosophies about how video games should be played? I've seen 2 kinds of people who attack timeattackers. The first group are those casual players who find the games to be very hard, and they see the game beaten in 5 minutes they get mad because "the game is now ruined", those people usually never play a game again after finishing it. The second group of people are the pure speedrunners, who think that our movies make theirs less interesting, so they find ways of attacking us saying we "cheat". As a player, I was more "offended" by morimoto's smario3 video when i though it was a pure run than after i found it was tool-assisted. I judged myself a good player, but after i watched it i thought "wow, i'm nothing, this guy is a god". Then i learned it was tool-assisted, which took some emotion out of the video, but i still find it nice to watch. 7) Do you consider yourself a film maker? No, timeattacking is for me nothing but a search. It's about searching for the perfect play. The game is there it has set rules and objectives. I try to finish the game as fast as possible, and many times that leaves you no choice but to take a certain path or do a certain action. There are very few moments where you can really choose what to do, and at those moments i do what seems funner. So, this is about precision, films are about story telling.
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oh i'd like to watch his run, and compare maybe i did it faster? i didnt know someone had done it already, he did it on fceu right?
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i wonder why this hasnt been accepted yet :P
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Kyrsimys wrote:
You don't start hitting the bosses immediately after they get up.
On most beat-em-ups, the bosses will get up hitting you if you are too close, so he has to wait 2 seconds untill their invulnerability is over. just guessing, i have this game but haven't played in a long time and didnt watch the run either, but it's a capcom beat-em-up they must have continued the tradition about bosses advantage while getting up ;)
Post subject: Adventure Island
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I like this game a lot, so i am making a run for it, even though i think it's never gonna be published it's still fun to make it. anyway, here is my WIP: notes: - i try to keep B pressed most of the time, but sometimes i need to do small jumps instead of big ones, so i let go B and RIGHT, press A, then hold RIGHT and B again. that's when you see me jump and shoot aparently for no reason. - I try to avoid fruits and especially the pot bonus to get a faster bonus screen. also i try not to kill enemies so that i wouldnt have to release the B button. - it took about 5 minutes to finish world 1, including the boss. i think there are 13 worlds, so it would take something like 65 minutes to finish the whole game (i think all levels have exactly the same length horizontaly, not confirmed though). - this WIP gets to level 2-4 but the emu crashed and i stopped playing. i will continue it though since it's easy to record this game. i did everything at 30% speed, except the boss which i did at 5%.
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sorry for such a long delay, but i finished the movie now, it's over 30 seconds faster than the previous version. - used the suggested shortcut - improved jumping - uses a "flying punch" glitch once to avoid falling on the last level to skip a lot of brick breaking.
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NrgSpoon wrote:
Just make me a good online Tetris Attack game and I'll be happy. + + tetris attack (U).smc ?