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sf 2010 was released in 90, and sf2 was released in 91, so they were already making sf2 when sf 2010 was released. do you know the name of the sf 2010 J version? i couldnt find anything about it on the net, some sites said what you said, but none said the game's name...
Post subject: Re: Movie published
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submission description wrote:
A unique game to say the least, in Street Fighter 2010(completely unrelated to the fighting game series) the player must go through a series of levels, collecting enough powerups to warp from one to the next.
In fact, the game is related, think about it: street fighter, released by capcom on the early 90's, the main character is ken throwing hadoukens everywhere...
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it's not just an attitude problem, many people dont even know what a torrent is, you can't expect them to find torrent managers (at least points you to download the official release). the simpler is always the better. see windows for example, it's made to simplify things so everyone can use it and it sold zillions. if we want more seeding i would say we need to make a shorter suggestion page (even just reading all that scares people away...). just my thoughts. i know many people who dont know even know what is a folder on a local disk. they save the files and then have trouble finding it or never find the file. there is that kind of people and they're not few. i dont mean the timeattacks and seeding are made for them, but i'm just showing there's levels and levels of pc knowledge...
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How To Run Btfriend In Windows wrote:
Open a Dos shell (MS-DOS prompt, or whatever),
this will scare half the users, you know... i am an old DOS user, and i'm lazy to go through all that, imagine other people who were born after win 3.11
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ye i was lazy to try something else, but all the people i know use the official bittorrent client :P it was working fine, the main reason that made me get a manager was because i wanted to seed in an easy way. i think that if you make a research on regular torrent users you will see that many people still use the official release. you are an advanced pc user, you know, in fact this site has a lot of advanced pc users talking :)
Post subject: BitComet: torrent manager suggestion to everyone
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i have always been using the default official bittorrent downlader, but it has always been a pain to continue my downloads after i have stopped them, so i have been thinking of getting a torrent manager, and i saw that the site needs seeders, so i tried downloading BitComet, it's the first one i tried and it works very well, on the installation it asks to associate the .torrent extension to the program, you just say "yes" and the next time you try to download a torrent it will open bitcomet instead. then after the download is finished it is as easy to seed as doing nothing. just dont delete the file and whenever you open bitcomet you'll be a seeder for that file.
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Uma thurman? I think she's too skinny, need someone stronger (i mean, samus has to carry that armor), i also think she's too tall, i dont imagine samus being tall, it's a stylization in the game but she looks short it would be weird to see samus being played by a tall actress
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
But where would Ninja Gaiden fall? Is it better to cut out the story sequence for the want of a shorter AVI? What about a name entry? What if it times out? At 5 seconds? At 10 seconds? At 60 seconds? (I know I'm a bastard for playing Devil's Advocate, but it's the only thing I'm good at. ^_^;;)
I've already answered all those questions: - you shouldnt skip the ending sequences; - you should enter your name only if there's something later on. if there's nothing but a "game over" message (like in tmnt2) or the game goes back to the tiltle screen, then the name entry shouldnt even go into the AVI.
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i think i made myself clear when i said making shortest AVIS possible OF COURSE to see the ending credits, not to record 1 frame... : / it's easier to see which avi is shorter. it's not easy to define ending points. you end SMB when touching the axe, but imagine you having to wait for the screen to change after touching the axe or you could press any key and the screen would change faster to the ending. the game ending point is not clear on many games, thus i keep my pov: making short avis is the way to go.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Well, if you have to reach the door to end the game then your objective is to reach the door. Not kill the final boss. So the movie should end when you enter the door.
but dont you think it's easier to tell everyone to make shortest avis than defining game-ending points?
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what if there's a game you hit the last boss and there's a big down hill, and if you let go the controller the character will slowly go down the hill entering the final door without needed input to see the final credits. will you stop as soon as possible so you get your shortest "fmv" file but will result a longer AVI, or do you think you should hold right untill it has reached the door (even though you could've ended earlier)? i think the answer is clear, what i did was just to extend the concept to make it clear. you should hold right, the final objective is the AVI, not the fmv. that's my opinion. you shoudnt skip the credits, unless they require you to do so.
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to truncated: i think you should do whatever it takes to make the avi shorter, only stop input when no matter what you do, the game won't end faster.
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oh now i feel like turning on my snes and checking out the records on the cartridge. i'll do that later. wow, i'm glad to see that the tips page looks pretty much like everything i said or used on the video :) i never read anything about f-zero, i just play it :D his explanation about "boost cornering" is not accurate though, he said to keep tapping the accelerator, but he didnt mention that you only need to keep it below 478 kmph...
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hmm i never liked snes9x :P but it doesnt crash here, i wonder why is that. are you using f-zero (U).smc ? edit: about hitting the blue falcon on the second curve, that really happens but i tried to play the movie on a different zsnes i have, it's one with a patch to allow graphics patches for some games, and the game went desync. i dont remember where i got that zsnes from. but use the pure zsnesw 1.36 and it shouldnt desync
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I coulnd't find a thread about f-zero, so i started this one, even though i have no movie for snes9x, i played some f-zero on zsnesw 1.36. It's a good starting point for anyone trying to make a movie for this game, unless you are able to finish the king circuit on master difficulty already. King league, master, Fire Stingray Queen league, expert, Fire Stingray Knight league, expert, Fire Stingray Knight league, master, Blue Falcon (can't win death wind, i think it's impossible...) Queen league, master, Golden fox (can't win) King league, master, Wild Goose (can't win again) The way i see it, fire stingray is by far the best car. No need to even try the other ones. The game works differently on 478 kmph and above, and the firestingray's max speed is 478. trying to stay there is a must. The fire stingray doesnt slip on normal conditions. the curve radius is a constant, making a perfect arc if you have a constant speed. the curve radius is the same from speed 1 to 477. but on 478 and above the radius increases instantly (i'd say about 30%). so if you want to make a tight curve let go B so your speed drops to just below 478 and you can make a tighter curve. - Maintaining 478 kmph is the primary goal. - Pointing the vehicle to the next "waypoint" as soon as possible is another goal. the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, keep that in mind for accurate fastest laps. - Using the nitros when at lowest speeds is the way to go. Watch the video to know the best spots for each track to use the nitro. - The firestingray doesnt lose speed on the "dirt" areas of the track while using the nitro. - Using L & R buttons, you can slide to the sides. i dont think it affects the forward speed. i mean, walking straight or pressing L and R all the time should make no difference, but it's something worth a test using frame count. - Also about the L & R buttons, they just move you to the sides, they dont really help shorten the curve radius. The best spot on a curve to start using the R button would be by the moment you have turned 90 degrees and there's just other 90 degrees to go. i'll try to make myself clear by using this ugly diagram: i might be wrong about that though. it's all about vectors and straight lines connecting point a to b. i find it very complex to perfect this kind of game. i dont think i'm gonna try it, but i had to put what i know about the game here.
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Nes, snes and genesis are my favorite systems. But the general rule for me to watch movies is that i must have played the game quite a lot earlier. If i dont know the game it's most likely to not impress me. I also tend to watch movies made by phil, or walker boh, whose movies quality i trust beforehand, so i know i wont go through the trouble of downloading the submission without knowing if it will be any good. Yea i know that's a bad habit...
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The entire discussion boards or whatever they are is hard to understand, i couldnt get a glimpse of what was going on there, there are way more links than actual replies to the threads.
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i can only talk for myself here, but i am busy with a lot of stuff, i usually have time to read some topics, make my own run and watch runs of games that i really like, having not played shining force i didnt watch it. but i'm one of the players here, maybe we should encourage the lurkers to post their opinions instead of only reading (i think there's a lot of people that only read the forums)
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it cant be removed because of the amount of cars on the screen, if i shoot it's gonna be just another object on the screen which makes for more lag, so the only way to do it would be killing the first one with punches, but it's kinda out of range for that. the lag doubles the frames (what it seems to do is to repeat the frame untill NES knows how to draw the next frame), i havent seem a lag on batman that draws the same frame 3 times, and on the stairs the total amount of doubled frames might not be more than 10, while a single punch takes 20 frames to be performed. level 2-1 had many jumping minor improvements and now my movie is 174 frames ahead of limnom's. but i need to consider getting ammo, i have only 20 at start of level 2-2. edit: end of level 2-3 total improvement = 362 frames (6 seconds) and i could get some ammo now i have 60 ammo units to be able to fight the boss, let's see what i can come up with :)
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Woot! i killed the first boss before he could even start flying, look at this! (right click and choose "save target as...") that was a 3-way shot, a boomerang, another 3-way shot, then a 3-way shot, change weapon to 3-way shot again and shoot again, and that last one makes 2 hits. watch is slo-mo if you're confused :D that makes up over 1.5 second of improvement
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i wondered you'd be talking about that, he used a boomerang and the boomerang hit the creature on it's way back at you, but since he jumped up the boomerang went up too.
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Truncated wrote:
On another note: One cool trick Linnom does is to throw a punch which misses while jumping up a chasm, and when grabbing the wall under a spike machine a split second later, the machine gets hit for no apparent reason. (At least that what it looks like.)
huh....... what?? :S ok fellow forum dwellers, i think i get it, i will do my best :)
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hmm you probably know that japanese would call any comic book "manga" no matter if it's japanese or not. even xmen they call manga. the japanese style of story telling is more explicit, it shows the moment of the punch hitting the oponents face, while the western style shows the moment after the punch. japanese style thinks a lot about the camera, likes to use perspective, it also has a rithym that just look like a movie, at least that's how i feel about it. the stories really get 'into' the character personality, most of the time the heroes have big problems going on, weaknesses, etc.
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so, will any no damage faster movie automatically be accepted? PS reply.: i made the avatar using snapshots from the game's intro, photoshoped it a little. it's batman, gotham city and a 3rd snapshot, did u notice what the 3rd SS is? :)
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well, it has been shown already that this site doesnt prioritize (correct spelling?) speed, but entertainment (double dragon II, for example, QBOB made a run over 2 minutes faster but it's not automatically better than the current) So i'm doing whatever looks more impressive, more precise, smarter, unexpected.