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If I were a good programmer I would have done it already, but unfortunately I'm not a programmer at all. :)
Warp wrote:
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Ah, so my only option for now is waiting, is that correct?
Warp wrote:
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Well, I can't say it's unfair to expect the change to come from where it reasonably should come from, but the worst part of it is, even if misunderstanding is not your problem per se (I don't subscribe to that school of thought myself, either), it still ends up as your problem too because you're a part of the same social group. So yes, you still have to deal with it somehow.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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That might work in theory, but how do I pass commandline to the application with Hourglass?
Warp wrote:
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While assuming that it's the other party who is responsible for misunderstanding is a valid defense, it can only go so far. And after it goes as far as it can take you there's a lot more to do, like trying to see if what you've said could look dickish, and reformulating it unless the original form was intended. Stuff like that often tends to be an eye-opening experience, which is surely lost on you if you're simply not sensitive enough to actually perceive the problematic aspects and thus the difference. As for the post length, talking as somebody who has written many screen-long posts on several forums, there are also nuances to see. For one, if you're making a point and not just fencing with words, verbosity is needed only if it actually produces new information, or the other party has problems understanding it when the message is brief. At the same time keeping it brief and to the point usually makes it easier to comprehend. Also keep in mind that some aspects of verbal behavior don't suit different people equally, depending on various factors. tl;dr: It's more complex than it seems, Warp. You'll need to learn to deal with it.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Running emulators in Hourglass
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So I've been beta-testing for a new Demul release, but this proves to be a really annoying task because savestates don't work, and won't work for a while longer. I've had the idea of running Demul in Hourglass so that I could save the state of the entire emulator disregarding problems with actual emulation inaccuracy. However, it doesn't work. Quite simply I can't even make Demul run a ROM if it's wrapped in Hourglass: the File menu does not open the file choice dialog. Seeing as Hourglass has a whole lot of settings that may or may not affect this behavior, could any of you at least point me to those that may affect it? I'm on Win 7, my Hourglass is from 17th of June, and the Demul 0.5.7 beta I'm trying is a private WIP for testing purposes, so I can mail it to Nitsuja, or you could use another recent release like this one (it's from February, not much has changed since).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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arukAdo wrote:
you are irritating when you are saying things like, do this, do that, we are not your waitress dude
Where in the thread did AngerFist say things like "do this" or "do that"?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: R.I.P Dasrik
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Brandon wrote:
I hear this happened earlier in January of 2010
Indeed. <moozooh> .seen dannylilithborne <BisqBot> dannylilithborne signed off ("He is Santa and Jesus, G*ddamn he's Santa Christ") 570d 22h ago. (For those who didn't know, DannyLilithborne was Dasrik's IRC nickname.) So, what do we know about Dasrik aside from his TASVideos activities? 1. He was 32 when he passed. 2. He had some kind of long-term illness he had seizures from (epilepsy or some other neurological condition), which most likely was the cause. 3. He wrote fetishist stories. :) 4. Apparently he liked anime and was a good fighting game player.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I'm not very familiar with it, but it would probably be a good choice. Re: Metal Slug, it's basically a paragon of amazing pixel art with regards to being visually pleasing, and sound work is pretty great as well. Gameplay is reasonably fast and varied (this series is more about shooting than, say, Contra which is more about platforming). I'd have to watch all of the MS TASes made thus far to be sure which would be the recommendable one. Gunstar Heroes is notably different gameplay-wise: it has a lot more platforming trickery (including optimization of forward movement that makes it faster than unassisted runs just by that virtue), several unique TAS-only tricks like writing text with flame chaser, and the game itself is much more of a tech demo showing off Genesis's abilities compared to Metal Slug which is a honed, comercially successful arcade title. I don't think they are very comparable.
Warp wrote:
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Very entertaining! Some parts could likely benefit from better direction, but glitching and most of the combos are top-notch. I'd suggest using somebody else instead of Kung Lao (Rain perhaps?). I think it could be submitted as a concept demo. Very clear entertainment potential here.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Destroyed? You people sure are picky. :P That replay didn't look half bad on my PVA display. (Also, I remember having a video file of said replay on my HDD actually.)
Warp wrote:
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But YT has the best video quality among the streaming services already. The only way to make it better is to do what you've been doing with
Warp wrote:
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With regards to video quality/convenience/freedom of input/output formats, 30 fps is YouTube's one and only disadvantage by now. Everything else has been fixed.
Warp wrote:
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What difficulty/moral path are you doing? Sorry if I missed that from your description, it's been a while since I last played this game. It's great though, I'm looking forward to more progress.
Warp wrote:
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I'm very pleasantly amazed the idea worked out SO well. That 66%/33% blend method is really by far the best I've seen. Very little blur, all the flickering intact, no irregular jitter to talk about. This is excellent and should be used for every game that has 30 Hz flicker.
Warp wrote:
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Hmm, interesting. It appears that the main applications for such a system would be local low-performance media serving or, which actually does sound intriguing, emulation that takes advantage of the absence of various OS hindrances (which often affect input and output processing in a mildly negative way). (Also, I believe it's "assembly", not "assambler"...)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Nach wrote:
The games were made for both, if they weren't, you wouldn't see the SGB logo on the gamepak, or have specific SGB features in the game.
If they had been made for both, they would have the same geometry on both. Oh? This is not the case? That's probably because they have the same set of graphic assets for both. The GameBoy's.
Warp wrote:
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So, 256x224 stretched to 4:3 then?
Warp wrote:
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Nach wrote:
The aspect ratio set should be the most common one for the use case as explained above.
And what should that be then in the SGB's case?
Warp wrote:
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Nach wrote:
The guide should probably be linked to from each movie box.
I lol'd. Pointing you to this post, because it's all that needs to be said.
Dada wrote:
You can't expect people to correct the problem on their end, and not correcting the video's aspect ratio doesn't make it look better. Furthermore it raises some serious questions about encodes that switch resolutions, like Final Fantasy VIII. I honestly don't get why anyone would come up with a solution like this which puts the entire burden on the end user. It strikes me as the kind of autistic "not my problem" ivory tower attitude that's indicative of a highly technical community that, frankly, doesn't care if others can't figure out how to do it. This is specifically something that we should fix on the encoding end.
Grunt wrote:
I view this as inconsistent with what I believe to be the primary purpose of providing encodes, which is to help those that don't have the technical skill or patience to configure emulators to play back our runs to be able to view them easily. By this logic, we should be showing the unscaled video.
I think it's incongruent to recognize that we do these encodes to help people without the technical know-how view the runs, and then expect them to manually do aspect ratio correction every time they view one.
Nach wrote:
The most common default player also doesn’t provide H.264 decoding by default, so the point is moot.
That player supports DirectShow, meaning it can play pretty much everything. On the other hand, aspect ratio correction remains just as inconvenient (I don't remember if it's at all possible in WMP or QT, but I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt).
Warp wrote:
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Nach, do you really think most people would even bother following some guides to override aspect ratio, or even discover there are such guides on the site in the first place? Especially if they're using the default video players in their operating systems that don't always provide a [convenient] way to override aspect ratio?
Nach wrote:
Of all the SGB can do, VBA emulates like 5-10% of it.
Of all the SGB can do, we're maybe using 5-10% of it (just the default values, no less), while many of the features (the multiplayer capabilities, for one) are just useless to us.
Warp wrote:
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The goal of maximum a/v quality makes sense, and is probably the best. At least it shows care for the viewer over consistency with the rules. Console accuracy is somewhat of a misnomer, not just because the emulators we use are not 100% accurate, but also because the resulting picture (and in some cases sound) just won't look the same as if it were displayed on a TV. I see three options here. The first is striving for authenticity: 4:3 (or a similar) aspect ratio for pre-PS2 systems, a small touch of blur, scanlines, and an NTSC filter, no antialiasing or anything. We could actually go really really close to authentic look this way, purists would be happy. The other option is to go with whatever looks and sounds best, evaluating everything on case-by-case basis. If Sonic fans say disabling PSG high quality is better, then it should be disabled, etc.. Our N64 encodes are also treated much better than they would have looked on the original hardware, but somehow that didn't raise much (if any) of an opposition as it conflicted the accuracy guideline. The third option, which I believe to be the most balanced and least intrusive, is to agree upon the default measures and change them to fit specific games or cases like SGB to follow the same goal as in option 2. By far, most developers know the systems they develop for very well, and take its quirks and usage scenarios into account on the design phase. But miscommunication does occur every so often: for instance, Progear for CPS2 is designed for a 4:3 arcade monitor, and so every gameplay element behaves accordingly, despite the CPS2 resolution being 384x224 (1.71:1 non-square pixel). However, the artists weren't aware of this fact when designing sprites, so they all appear squashed as a result. This, for instance, puts the "choose the best" scenario in a dilemma: either you have asymmetry in graphics, or asymmetry in gameplay. As such, it is entirely unreasonable to account for every such mistake, so I believe, whatever options we pick, we do have to agree upon the defaults to fall back to. And that would probably require a bit more technical study (as was conducted some time ago by, IIRC, Flygon who proved the Genesis's 320x224 do not become 320x240 on the actual hardware) than what we've been going with.
Warp wrote:
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I don't believe it! This is the discussion about DMG abbreviation, vol. 2, in all of its ridiculous glory. :\ 1. Once and for all, SGB is not a console. It's a GameBoy-to-TV adapter, GameBoy-to-SNES if you will. The amount of games released for it exclusively, i. e. that won't run on either GB or SNES, is zero. You are playing GB and GBC games, there are no SGB games. If the nomenclature used at this site leads you to believe otherwise and somehow think SGB is a separate platform that should be treated as such, it can seriously go fuck itself. It's a piece of hardware that won't run without a GB(C) game fed to it, and without a SNES to plug itself into. I don't see why we should respect the artifacts of a piece of hardware that is itself an artifact to both host systems. 2. Running a GB or GBC game through SGB, depending on the game, will change the appearance of the game by using one of the predefined pallettes, borders, or provide additional functions. We don't even make use of the SGB menu that can change borders or pallette on most games compatible with it. Multiplayer functions provided in singular instances are essentially useless since all of them that I'm aware of are designed to give the second the role played by AI in the original version of the game. In any case we're talking purely cosmetic changes, nothing that affects gameplay.
sgrunt wrote:
Perhaps not, but the run in question was explicitly made for the SGB.
This is where it gets ridiculous to the point of insult. The run in question is made for the SGB — as pretty much any other run made for the SGB — because the rules demand SGB-compatible games be run in SGB mode. You are using the lack of meaningful precedent, which is prohibited by the rules, to excuse the rules.
sgrunt wrote:
So... viewers don't expect a platform that by its very nature outputs to a TV to output to a TV. Right.
See above.
sgrunt wrote:
I admit that more people will have played the games in their original handheld form. If this was the sole motivating factor, however, we would have expected to see the run in question made for the GB or the GBC, which it was not - the run itself was made for the SGB, and the resulting encode should reflect what viewers would expect to see if the run were being played on that platform.
See above.
Warp wrote:
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Arts and sprites of the Pokémon #162, the furret. [...] Hope that covers it...
Not without this:
Warp wrote:
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(It's "I second that", not "I double that"...)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.