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Enterim, what is the oppression you're talking about? Could you point me to some examples? Cause I sure as hell didn't see woman oppression to be institutionalized or approved in any way during my lifetime. Am I living in the wrong country?
Warp wrote:
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Johannes wrote:
Women have a weaker sex drive, judging from this:
Weaker than their drive to keep themselves hydrated? Well, that's... a pretty interesting juxtaposition. I bet their breathing drive is also quite high. My defecating drive is immense if I mix cucumbers with milk, etc. It feels like apples and oranges. Different people have different priorities in different situations and mental conditions; it's not a fixed thing by any means, so studies like this prove very little at best.
Johannes wrote:
Why do you think we live in a "puritan society"?
A good deal of Western cultures, especially American as I see it, are very uptight about sexual relationships, body image, and physical contact in general. To the point where being a healthy 18+ y.o. white male puts you into a very unfavorable position as you have all the social burden and none of the benefits the others enjoy. Happen to be looking or being around children you don't know? Well, you might be a molester. Ogling a girl who dresses like an auction item? You're harassing her because she doesn't want you in particular to be looking at her. That kind of thing. You're still here, Chamale? That's what your beloved feminists have given us: a nonsensical set of double standards where males are legally put at females' mercy at pretty much every opportunity. Equality my ass.
Johannes wrote:
fschmidt has a theory of this
And it is a good theory. But as with most evolutionary bases, it is obsolete in our day when we have more social freedom than ever before, and enough technological advancements to control our childbirth with little to no inconvenience.
Warp wrote:
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Wow, that post was off to a good start, but degraded completely as it went on.
Chamale wrote:
Arflech got it right by saying that the friend zone theory denies the agency of women. Remember that women are people, not vending machines with "insert flirtation, receive sex". The idea that they're foreign entities, to be dealt with through beep-boop instructions rather than talking to women like people, is ultimately sexist and goes to bad places.
This is partly misguided, for the sole reason that women want sex as much as men do but have to go about it much subtler in our puritan society. Every healthy person wants being loved and have physical contact with people they love, and for adults, sex is an important part of that. The gender difference comes into play when, in majority of cases nearly independent of the culture, when a male has sex with a lot of different females, it's either not given a lot of attention, or considered a good thing by his peers. When a woman sleeps around similarly, she's more likely to be considered a whore by everyone alike, and that is not a good thing. So how do you go about that conundrum? Flirtation in particular does alleviate that problem by being an attempt by people of both genders to communicate their desire for sex in a way that: a) doesn't promise anything—you can fall back to the friendly routine at any time without any negative connotations; b) doesn't openly say anything, or place the responsibility for the decision to sleep together—which helps because vast majority of people prefer to avoid unwanted responsibility; c) is a thrilling and engaging experience—which ultimately makes it a fun pastime that also happens to train your self-confidence. Now to dissect the problem of the friend zone: when you talk to a woman "like people" while having sexual intentions, you're very likely to avoid taking a stance of a potential sex partner, and thus completely fail to convey that you also want to get intimate with her. And if she isn't sure that you have said intention, most of the time she won't advance the situation herself even if she has it, both because it's a hard(er) experience to be turned down and because of the whore stigma. After some time she'll understand that you don't want intimacy with her, and will write you off. Any attempts to advance it after that point are more likely to confuse and aggravate her. And it's not rocket science either, because in her place you'd likely be confused and aggravated too. Books like that may be all kinds of bad, but most of the time they get one thing right: even stupid sexist jerks can kick off a sexual relationship much faster and get laid basically whenever they want if they intuitively understand the rules of this social game. If you're a good-natured, considerate guy who wants only to talk to women "like people" and not see them as potential sex partners, you'll have a lot of female friends, sure, but these same girls will go and fuck with people whose moral qualities you might abhor, simply because women feel wanted in their company, but not yours. This is a fact of life, whether you like it or not. Some more "surprising insight" about women: they like men with a backbone because they simply feel safer around them. A strong-willed, self-confident man gives off a notion that they'll protect a woman in a situation she can't handle, make a difficult decision she can't make, will stand up for his family and sustain it in the time of need when she has other important things to do. Shy, indecisive people who are afraid of advancing the relationship are perceived as unreliable, and oftentimes actually are. For many girls (and guys too!), getting intimate with somebody new is a difficult decision with many caveats and implications to consider. They also want to shift that responsibility away, even unconsciously so, like for instance by drinking. What people want by drinking in situations like this and many others is to loosen up their self-control and have either their own animal side, or the other party, take control of the situation and decide for them.
Chamale wrote:
The sad but true fact is that nerds are a sexist bunch. Has a woman published a TAS here in the last five years? The stereotype that video games are for guys has become more true over the years, as sexism against women pushes them away from our hobbies. [...] They all feel driven out of these hobbies because they see an all-male forum talking about their friendzone-proof female-attraction methods.
Complete bullshit, from start to finish. You could try asking actual women around here. Wait, did you know they were here, right under your nose? Different people have different opinions, but not even once has this forum been unwelcome to girls, let alone taken a misogynist stance in general. You just have to admit that there are much less girls who are willing to go the lengths TASers go with their games. Again, this is not rocket science. There are much less female chess players as well, and you don't go around saying the chess community is sexist, do you? Right, because it doesn't matter.
Chamale wrote:
support feminism because some people still don't think treat women as equals.
You might want to think this one through if you still consider feminism a movement for equality.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
Is there any (good) reason that most HDTVs can't just render images from AV cables as normal pixels rather than interpolating them? It seems like it should be straightforward, but then again I don't know much about how televisions work.
The first reason is that analog television signal does not carry pixels. There is no information whatsoever about the precise geometry of a single picture element. The second reason is that all signals are stretched to the height and width of the TV (or your stretching preference), and everything that is not the precise fit of the 1920x1080 matrix will inevitably be interpolated; there is no way around that with the TV alone. If you want to make it look less horrible, get an upconverter, such as the XRGB-3. They use better low-res upscaling algorithms than most HDTVs and deinterlace the image better and faster. Prepare to pay anything between 150$ and 600$, though.
Warp wrote:
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I'd think it's tracked with a floating point value but the engine only uses the integer part for actual movement.
Warp wrote:
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I like to think it's "so long big baldy". Gay connotations welcome.
Warp wrote:
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The in-stage parts were entertaining, maybe a little bit more so than in the 0-star run, but most of the time seemed identical to the usual route. However, the castle navigation was annoying at best. I think you need an epilepsy warning on this run. And it's most definitely a game-breaking glitch that just happens to be slower and harder to set up than another game-breaking glitch.
Warp wrote:
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Could Grapple also be used in the same way Saturn made it earlier in the thread, on the Golden Torizo trap bridge, to give Samus a small nudge when she's inside the block?
Warp wrote:
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andrewg wrote:
I'm rated andrew - G
This is the now the best joke in this sorry thread. I hope you're ashamed!
Warp wrote:
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arukAdo wrote:
Instead of rating movies just rate the members, so we can see easier when we should go away.
:D !!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: What kind of stupid topic is this?
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You can tell the humor quality of a thread when Nach's joke about guns is the funniest thing to have happened to it. And for once I agree with him:
Nach wrote:
This topic is horrible
Warp wrote:
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DoctorGurge wrote:
I haven't found anything on EWJ2 so I may move to doing that project. Was EWJ2 also on GEN? If so, which system would be the better run to make? Or would it matter?
The SNES version is superior, IIRC, but its sound is notoriously hard to emulate. Snes9x 1.43 definitely couldn't do it; I haven't checked 1.53.
Warp wrote:
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But Mega Man used in Nach's post is an NES game. It doesn't portray what BizHawk "truly is" any better than its host system. It doesn't matter what game you take either, it doesn't make it any more obvious.
Warp wrote:
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moozooh wrote:
Because adding every system to the picture is stupid?
whenever did I imply that?
Actually, here:
BizHawk is an emulator for all emulations, not just NES…
adding a single one is stupid because it doesn’t portray what BizHawk truly is, if you got some fantasy think up something better…
An emulator is an abstraction. There is simply no easy way to express what it is in a simple, low-resolution image, as there is no accepted visual symbolism associated with it. Try it yourself without overcomplicating things. Expressing some connection to the system(s) BizHawk emulates definitely isn't stupid, and I like how it was done in hero's images (I do think they need some touch-ups though). As I understand it, the NES is used simply because it's a canonical, easily recognizable system that revolutionized home gaming, so it definitely won't be forgotten in foreseeable future.
Warp wrote:
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Because adding every system to the picture is stupid?
Warp wrote:
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The Genesis doesn't stretch vertical resolution to 4:3.
Warp wrote:
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You know, this is a really promising concept in my opinion. The only problem I see with it—but it's most definitely a very significant one—is that "minimum presses" per se isn't exactly as fast as even unassisted speedrun records, and something that is comparably fast is orders of magnitude more complex. Moreover, it could work only with games as simple as short as SMB; i.e. not longer than 5-7 minutes, having simple control scheme and a lot of running to the right for justice.
rog wrote:
Except near perfect isn't good enough. If it isn't 100% perfect with frame precision, the entire thing will be thrown off.
This is not true at all. Vast majority of TAS tricks have windows of opportunity that are much wider than a single frame. Moreover, a stepchart TAS produced specifically for a purpose such as this could be made with higher fault tolerance at a very insignificant expense.
Warp wrote:
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The improved run is definitely good. I've also just realized that we don't have separate section for hacks anymore, so I guess my vote is yes after all.
Warp wrote:
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alec kermit wrote:
I'm pretty certain the same max speed shown in the TAS is possible on console by calibrating the control stick (L+R+C stick down+START). My time on console with the extra stick range was like 3:xx.
Oh, okay, that makes sense. I'll amend my post above.
Warp wrote:
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I haven't been so torn on a voting decision in a long while. + Short and funny. + Much opportunity for improvement and possibly frame wars if the game physics is understood better. + Well-played TAS. – Unfinished game. – No clear ending. – Takes advantage of emulator-only benefits. This one is debatable, but in this case feels past the border of fair play. alec kermit has explained to me that stick can be recalibrated on the console so that it's possible to take advantage of the full range. I'm going to go with "no", but would not mind if it were published alongside game hacks. We should probably extend the section to prototypes like this, since there's obviously some interest in them, but the site's ideology is very restrictive on the matter—not without a good reason, mind you.
Warp wrote:
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What you're saying is non-sequitur, or you're missing the point. 1. Cave Story and pretty much every other homebrew/indie/ROMhack TASes have minutes and hours of tool-assisted gameplay. Gameplay that is entertaining. Here we see a couple seconds of gameplay and a result of otherwise invisible luck manipulation. And the bit of gameplay that we see isn't anything special either. 2. King's Bounty TAS had a fun and novelty factor of a long and complex game beaten instantly thanks to extreme luck manipulation, as well as the subtle humor in subtitles used by the encoder (I think it was Maza; he wrote "This was a tool-assisted speedrun" in subtitles as they came onto the screen already after the last input). And the next version of the TAS actually brute-forced the sequence, essentially rendering it unimprovable, which can't be said about any other luck manipulation-based TAS here. Syobon Action doesn't have that factor, and the nature of its "glitch" actually makes it more convenient to execute. 3. As this game is homebrew and free, it can't be assumed that it went through quality assurance typical commercial of games of the last 20 years. This makes the "glitch" showcased here about inherently less impressive; for me it's closer to accessing a debug menu in the beginning of Genesis Ninja Gaiden. For the record, I voted "meh" rather than "no" only because I can see merit in the last couple seconds as well as the possibility of even better manipulation, but really I don't care either way.
Warp wrote:
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Btw, am I correct that if you change "have PG" value to 0 at some point before or during the suitless segment, it won't interfere with your ledge gripping abilities as suitless Samus? Edit: D'oh, sniped.
Warp wrote:
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goofydylan8 wrote:
Also, Angerfist could you please edit your post so it is not one long line of text. I am experiencing a mild first world problem of having to use the horizontal scroll bar to read everyone's comments.
This problem doesn't exist in the first world—our screens are wide enough.
Warp wrote:
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But... that's her using hands, and PG is a part of her Power Suit.
Warp wrote:
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Dude, the encode is in the third post on this page.
hegyak wrote:
Survey says, No vote. Better luck next time.
Haha, just what I wanted to say.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.