Posts for mmbossman

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I haven't played this Metroid before, but I've watched all the already published movies and I have to say I'm kinda excited to see the differences. Good luck with being swamped with work, and with getting this done soon.
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After picking this game back up again in an attempt to max out everyone and everything (meaning I'll have to beat the game 4 times to get 4 prism dresses, plus lots and lots and lots of leveling), I'm amazed at how quick this time actually is. Another yes from me.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Zurreco wrote:
(Please don't bring SA'isms or whatever on this board, Zurreco.
SA any one? BTW, welcome!
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Ask Xebra about TASing w/ an emulated emulator, he'll sing you a sad song (not saying it's anyone's fault, it's just unfortunate is all)
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Huffers wrote:
Mario Circuit 4 is done. My time was 16.99 seconds (the non-tas record is 86.41) I did it using the "little circles trick" that no-one likes. Still, I managed to finish the whole race before any of the other karts had managed a single lap :)
I know a lot of people don't like to compare WR times and TAS times, but that is just too funny! Style be damned, spinning in circles for a 17 sec completion is ok by me!
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Otherwise known as a thread bumper? Anyway, I watched the WIP, it looks good, and the first level had that one WTF moment in it, but I found after a while I wanted to wipe that damn smirk off of his face. Why in the world did God create chihuahuas anyway? Ugliest dog ever. Keep up the work, I hope this cracks 14 or 15 minutes because any more than that will be a little too long I think.
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It was somewhat repetitive with the rising platforms, but even without reading the dialog I was able to follow the item trading. I didn't read through the novel you wrote about the game, so if you answered this in there, I apologize, but why did you die twice in the water when it looked like it was faster to simply wait for floating platform? I'll wait to hear why before voting, but I liked it, quirky and cute.
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Hmmm. It was fast, and lots of motion, but it didn't really do anything for me. It was sorta interesting, but nothing that had my eyes bugging out of my head. I even watched it 3 times just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Sorry, but I have to vote meh.
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I think a lot of people have unintentional overflow from one category to another. If it's a boring movie to watch, it's hard to pay attention for the entire thing, which means that all the little details may be lost on the viewer, which may cause the technical score to drop. In a perfect world it shouldn't work like that, but unfortunately it does.
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Ahhh.... seems to be working fine now, thanks for the tip. Any idea why that happens? EDIT: Rice makes the graphics look horrible for me, with dropped polygons everywhere and totally screwed up text, but at least it's synching so far.
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Halamantariel wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Desynchs for me at the enter name screen, with both Jabo's and Rice's plugin. So I hope you get your desynch problems out of the way, cuz I'll keep trying with mine.
That's probably because of the input plugin. I had the same desync and when I played it using TAS input plugin, it worked fine (up until that shop I mentioned)
Nope, already had the TAS input plugin running due to Turok. I'm still trying different combos of plugins, but are there any other files I need to delete before I run the movie besides the .fla file?
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Desynchs for me at the enter name screen, with both Jabo's and Rice's plugin. So I hope you get your desynch problems out of the way, cuz I'll keep trying with mine.
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I, eye, aye
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Good enough for me. I'd say it looks complete now.
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Looks good to me, only one thing I saw. Battle Golfer Yui (J) [c][!] Tried to play through it a little, but not reading Japanese didn't help my cause. It's definitely a golf game though. I think your list is ready.
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It doesn't look like many people think that the technique is bad, since all but 2 gave it at least an "above average" rating, but it doesn't seem like it's an entertaining game. I haven't watched it but I'll try to tonite to add one more vote in there. EDIT: It was pretty repetitive, and not too entertaining, although the random scenes of bondage were 'interesting'. I agree with most everyone else. It was pretty well done, but not very enjoyable to watch in spite of that.
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mike89 wrote:
It would appear your problems in scene 10 were due to not managing your health well in scene 8. However I am suitably impressed. Well done on Dirty Job :D
Actually, that health management 'problem' gained me 17 frames because it helped keep my speed as constant as possible. Jumping and shooting can keep it close to 1520, but the best strategy is to just stay on the ground as much as I can. That's not as practical on the second rollerblading level as the first, so I thought I'd use it to gain back some of that health I lost during that level. I'm sure I can at least match the time with another run through. EDIT: Did I say 17? I meant 9... oops. Finished with scene 10 and saved 22 frames, on to scene 11.
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New WIP to show off I'm up to scene 11 and I'm around 500 frames ahead, although I'm going to redo scene 10 because it's about 4 frames slower than Mike's run. The blocks in scene 9 are the most frustrating thing in this game, followed closely by the vertical levels, but I think my solution for that level is pretty close to optimal. I wish there were more improvements to be found, but this is a pretty tight game already. Let me know what you think.
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*Runs off to start a new, superior Megaman 7 run* ;)
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nitsuja wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
("Unconscious" due to high post count and movies rated)
Huh? Thought of in a very specific way I suppose you could interpret "unconscious" to mean "highly skilled" or "natural-born", but usually it means things like "not being awake", "not paying attention", "not caring", "lacking mental processes", etc. "Unconscious due to high post count" sounds like a way to explain why someone is in a coma. Also, I'm no operator. And I am probably conscious at the time of this writing.
Two explanations for the unconscious part: 1) I wrote it at 12:30 am and had to get up at 6:30 this morning, so I was probably thinking of sleep :) 2) I think someone had suggested that phrasing before, and used it in the way you explained first (highly skilled). I can certainly understand that some people wouldn't either know that it can have that meaning, or that they would instead think about not being awake, but it was just a suggestion. Like I said, the modifiers need some work. I included the term operator because of your editor status, nothing more. I wanted to include one single term to encompass all three of the groups of people who have special privileges here, so that we didn't end up with "Bisqwit- Site manger, judge, publisher, editor, high posting, high rating, player" EDIT: There are currently 50 editors, and 14 of them have 15 edits or less, so 70% are actively editing. Whether this makes them part of the day to day maintenance of the site is debatable, but I'd have to say yes.
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So this thread has fallen by the wayside due to a certain controversial submission and work to improve the statistics and ratings systems (great work guys, BTW). However I'm curious if any more thought has been given to the player rankings and how a new system would look. I certainly think that a... umm... more prestigious title should be given to those who have contributed a large amount of runs to the site (3, 5, 7, 10, whatever it be), and I also think that those who rate movies should have some recognition (even though I personally don't tend to rate movies, I understand to some it is very important as witnessed in the ratings poll). With this in mind, I'd like to propose a slightly modified version of JXQ's idea. I think that people who manage this site and contribute beyond the normal call of duty (i.e. judges, encoders/publishers, and editors), should be given a single title superseding all other parts of the rank. I had "Operator" in mind. The rest could pose a problem because the current system shows favoritism towards those who submit movies (as it probably should, since this site wouldn't exist without the runs). However it's hard to determine whether posting or rating movies is more important. I personally think that people who post regularly tend to contribute to the making of new runs more than those who rate movies, in that they have the opportunity and the means to propose new ideas and give feedback on WIPs. This way, people who solely rate movies would be ranked below those who contribute to the boards, who in turn would be ranked below those who contribute to the "Front Page". So here's a layout of how this could work: A lurker would still be someone who skulks around doing nothing. A watcher would be someone who (duh) watches movies but doesn't have more than say 50 posts. A poster (contributor, talker, etc) writes on the forums and has more than 50 posts (arbitrary # from previous point), but doesn't have any published runs. This rank would be given no matter how many movies they have rated. *I know a lot of people will probably disagree with this, but it's just my proposal, no need to get too bent out of shape about it* A player is someone who has a published run, as it is now. All of these ranks could be preceded by modifiers such as those that exist now (i.e. quiet, active, etc), and could possibly have some sort of complicated mathimatical formula to take into account overall activity on the site, by factoring in the # of movies rated and # of posts, but I'm not sure how to go about this quite yet. Some adjectives to consider could be quiet, (in)active, working, vigilant, energetic, master, prime, ace, unconscious, etc. And as I mentioned in my first paragraph, an outstanding member who has contributed an incredible amount of movies could be given a rank such as veteran/ninja/expert based on Baxter's formula. I'm still trying to piece together a good way to explain the modifier system so that it's fair to everyone (and makes sense), but I think this takes the current (and in my opinion decent) system and makes it less arbitrary and at the same time somewhat more descriptive. Here's some examples: Bisqwit- Still Site Manager if he'd want it like that, otherwise his title could be "Operator, Unconsious Player" ("Unconscious" due to high post count and movies rated) Nitsuja- "Operator, Unconsious Ninja" (ninja is due to total domination) Baxter- "Working Player" (or Ninja, if the formula is adapted) Comicalflop- "Energetic Player" (high posts, low movie rating) Moozooh- "Working Poster" etc.... Like I said, the modifiers would need some work and some consistency but I think this is at worst a decent system. And even if people totally disagree with it, at least I got the topic going again ;)
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Deep Loner wrote:
I thought about writing, "We're the tools,"
Ha ha, nothing like unintentionally flaming the whole board and all it's members;)
Finally, Deep Loner wrote:
I want to hear Bisqwit's and others' opinions on the "ratings abuser flag" idea!!!
I don't know if ratings abuse happens often enough for it to need it's own little system, but if it is a rampant issue, I think flags are a good idea.
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I absolutely love Penn Jillette, and that little GIF made my day.
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Not the most entertaining game, but the run was solid. I actually thought about doing an obsoleting run a while ago since this was one of the older games published, but you did much better than I would have been able to. Good improvement is a yes from me. Oh, and pink and green flashing pants are awesome!
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Probably why it was put here instead of on the workbench.
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