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Thanks Upthorn, I wasn't quite sure how to do that, or even if I had the ability to without hosting them elsewhere. It's rather sad that those are the most bright shots, although I'm rather fond of number 4.
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The screenshots taken by NESvideoagent were almost all dark and uninteresting, so here are some suggestions for more bright, action shots: 7330, 8353, 9030, 9315, 22893.
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Warp- Very, very interesting question. After thinking about it for a while, it becomes clear that simply having the words on paper isn't the important aspect, it is that the originator of the message and the receiver both speak the same language. Therefore similar things can occur with the spoken word. Say there are 3 people standing in a white room, and two of them speak some version of Cherokee, while the other speaks only Chinese and has never heard of American Indians. Because the two languages are entirely dissimilar, if one of the Cherokee speakers said something, both of the other people will hear it, but it will have meaning for one, and not the other (assuming things like intonation and body language do not play a role). He could just as easily say "I really like the color scheme in this white room" as "I'm going to kill the one of you who doesn't raise their hand right now". Some information was conveyed to one person, but not the other. So the question now becomes less about the vehicle information is transfered in, and more about how language works.
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Not true, files that are a couple of gigs in size that the author may not want shared on Bittorrent are perfect candidates for splitting. Say photoshop or something else similar that needs to be shared on a few different http sites. (But yes, I agree for something that's going to be shared on Bittorrent, it is dumb)
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Check to make sure all of the download files are the same size (except the last one), you may have an error in downloading one of the parts fully.
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Mike- Don't have the numbers in front of me at the moment, but I saved around 960 frames in the first 21 levels, and slightly over 1000 on level 22. If I edit the movie to end when yours did, I'll have saved right around 900 for the final boss. As for the rollerblading levels, when possible I avoided jumping, but sometimes enemies in my way required me to, and at a couple places I'm not able to stay stuck because I fly up the slope just slightly. So unless there was one particular spot you were thinking of that I might have messed up on, there were reasons for each jump in those levels, since jumping does vary my velocity a little. Edited again cuz I can't read: I'm really not sure if slowing down for a few frames is faster, I seem to remember trying it (3 months ago), and I needed my speed to drop to like 800 to avoid the little trip into the air, which took a while to get back up to the 1524 that is the max speed for the rollerblades. But I could be very wrong, and there might be a few frames more to save in that level. Edit: Quoting the Rules: "The exact termination point is subject to debate. 1. Ending the movie as soon as possible (when no further input is needed to complete the game). * Pros: Shortest possible movies (as for frame count); easy to compare competing movies. Because this is the method I prefer to make my movies, I will not be editing it to create a shorter AVI. However, for comparison purposes, I will reiterate that letting the score tally saved me 163 frames by not pressing start to skip it. It also will create an AVI that is 424 frames (~7 seconds), longer than is theoretically needed, which will mean the AVI produced for this movie will be roughly 26.5 seconds faster than Mikes AVI. I assume this is enough information to compare the two movies, but if anything else is needed, ask.
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Just stumbled across this topic again, but I wonder how likely it is that some of these movies will get obsoleted. The 3 track and field movies and the Temco Super Bowl movie were published back when publication was a little less, shall we say, formal then it is now, and those movies today probably would become gruefood (none of them has an average rating above 5). So with that said, is there any chance of publication even if someone decides to try their hand? I'm certainly not trying to dissuade anyone from trying, it seems to me that they were just poor game choices to begin with. Anyone have ideas on how new movies for these two games could reach publishability?
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Do you not want to answer questions anymore, or just don't want to have to deal with stupid questions? To avoid this post being a stupid question, what is your opinion on being agnostic? Coming from a very scientific (and as far as I know, atheist) father, and a pretty religious (Christian) mother, I truly think there is a God or Ultimate Being, or something along those lines. But for me to proclaim that I have it all figured out is simply pompous and vain in nature. Considering there has already been a lot of conversation about theology, I figured this was somewhat of a middle ground that hadn't been covered, even if my some of my word choice seems contradictory ("I think" is a term a hard agnostic wouldn't accept as part of an argument). Thoughts?
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Callmewoof wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
real time will always beat out in game time, for any game.
To be fair, if you applied this to 99% of the games it might work. But to say for ALL is foolish. If there was ever a game where in-game time is important, metroid has got to be it. This series was the first (I believe?) to introduce different game endings based on the time. Even if I'm wrong on that point, it rewarded players with the shocking revelation of Samus' gender because of TIME, which if you grew up in that era, was a HUGE DEAL for the whole video game world back then. Your less talented friends at school wouldn't even believe you unless you proved it to them (showing my age here). To compare, the Mortal Kombat II run is "longer" than it needs to be, if measured soley on the theory of 'real time trumps all', simply because nobody wants to watch a run of 1 character spamming the same combo ad nauseum. The run is made longer to showcase that UNIQUE goal for that UNIQUE game because it's what makes the game really shine, and makes the run entertaining. With Metroid, Time is one of the most interesting features for those who played this game, because unlike other games, TIME MATTERS in this game. I remember Nintendo Power articles many pages long dedicated to helping gamers get that sub-2 hour time. With TAS'ing, I find it satisfying to watch that time get crushed, and the lower in-game the more entertaining it is for me. And the pause screen isn't that big of a deal as long as it's not abused... sounds almost like asking an RPG not to open a menu or something. In fact, the pause screen (at phantoon) battle is used, what, to maximize the results from the dropped power-ups? ...not like we haven't seen that abused to death in RPG runs on this site (opening menus to avoid battles, get the correct RNG, manipulate turn order, etc etc etc). So why is one pause screen, which does add a sliver of real time, being beaten to death???
I guess the best way to explain my thinking is with the MK reference you made. Of course I wouldn't want to see a run just spamming the AI, I'd want to have time tradeoffs for entertainment. And to you, trying to get the lowest ingame time is an time tradeoff in favor of "entertainment". I put entertainment in quotes because, to me, aiming for ingame time is a rather artificial goal. There is already a perfectly good way of achieving the "fastest" time for the game, that is the real life time. I see it the same as the CCC run of Mario 64. I was entertained by it, but it had an artificial goal (a goal none the less). Similarly, you're entertained by the goal of ingame time. I can't say that you're not entertained by it, so I can't say you're wrong, but I can say that it's not an interesting goal to me (and probably not very interesting to too many people who don't play SM a whole lot, although I'm sure it is an impressive feat for the SM community). So the means by which you achieve this goal are a moot point, whether it be split second manipulation or route changes or whatever. To me, the entire premise simply isn't something I find entertaining. I hope I made my position a little bit clearer, I certainly have nothing against you or the run, the artificial goal is what makes me not like the idea.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Baxter wrote:
Doesn't every person think of themselves as being either smart, or 'right'? <...> So how do you truly know that you are either 'smart' or 'right' about something?
(Sorry to hijack the question addressed to someone else, but it is a fascinating topic.) You have a good question. I have came to believe that no person can actually comprehend anything smarter than what they are themselves. Each person thinks that there's nothing more intelligent; for some, it is even insult to suggest otherwise. One just cannot comprehend how someone could be more intelligent, hence yes, everyone thinks of themselves as being 'smart' and/or 'right'. Such comparisons can only be done on a mutual common ground. Being 'right' can sometimes be proven through logic. Sometimes not. One way to analyze intelligence is through the assumption that intelligence is the ability to spot the relevant, and is the basis between many graphical tests such as the test used by Mensa. It is one of the best ways there is to an objective comparison of 'smart'ness, but not comprehensive.
I totally, and respectfully, disagree with you on the bolded point. I have a bachelors degree and am working on my doctorate, so yes, I would consider myself smart (within a given field). However there are other fields in which I know nothing about (European history, for one). So it is incredibly easy for me to think that there are more intelligent people than me in other fields. However, I also know for a fact that there are many, many people in my field who are smarter than me, and it gets proven to me every day. I am relatively smart in many subjects, but I also know there will always be people smarter than me in pretty much everything I do. Maybe that's just the mentality I've gained from being in school for so long, but it totally contradicts your position. Ironically, I think that I'm right when it comes to this topic (not necessarily because I'm smarter than Bisqwit), and the irony is certainly not lost on me.
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I have yet to watch the movie, but to me real time will always beat out in game time, for any game. If I see that a game is beaten in 24 minutes, I expect to use up 24 minutes of my life watching it, not 41. It's easier to understand, easier to visualize, and doesn't involve having to look at the game's RAM to figure it out. Whether or not this run is well done, I'm not happy about casting a vote for a movie that doesn't live up to my idea of correct timing.
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Dose are some big pixels in dem dere explosions. :) Yes vote for a really well done, interesting run
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Amazingly fast and fun run. Good job on the improvement!
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I just wanted to let you know that while I may not have been following your current progress inichi, I'm greatly looking forward to seeing it completed. I know it's an incredibly long game, and to go through it with the dedication you're showing is very commendable. I hope you have the patience to finish this!
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If you want to be anal about it, speed is distance measured divided by time measured (x/t), velocity is the same, but with a vector component measuring direction. So no, it's not subjective. Neither is length of movie, whether it be measured in frames, seconds, whatever. How long a movie feels is subjective, due to many immeasurable components (entertainment level, concentration level, interest in subject, outside distractions, etc.). In any case, stuff like this is why some members don't show up much any more, with good reason. Simmer down guys, don't take things too personally, and try to defuse (unconstructive) arguments instead of ignite them. In the big scheme, it really doesn't matter much.
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NCL and ACL?? Norwegian Cruise Lines and Anterior Cruciate Ligament? I assume you meant the NFC and AFC, in which case I'm going to hope for Philadelphia or Seattle, and guessing either Indianapolis or San Diego.
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Bisqwit wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
1. Have you ever fully banned anyone from the forum? 2. Will you celebrate (or take notice in any way) when you make your 5000th post?
1. Yes (Marsh8472) 2. Not planning to. ...
Upthorn wrote:
I think he means he doesn't understand what "I was unofficially officially not a member anymore," means.
No mention of funguy10? He was enjoyable too. And Deep Loner's comment was apparently in reference to a PM he sent you a while ago at the same point he stopped posting a lot...
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I didn't read the intro text and thought it had desynched when Wario just laid there sleeping :( After watching, I can't say I wasn't a little entertained, but it's a rather weak game to TAS in my opinion. Giving it a meh.
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I had thought about doing this at one point, and your work so far is looking really good. It sure would be nice to find a way to use the spinning gears w/o having to go around them twice before letting go (I saw you only did one revolution on one near the end of level 2, why not the rest?) Anyway, keep it up.
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Just browsing through and noticed that the "tags" for this movie on it's publication page still list it as taking no damage, which needs to be fixed. And unless I'm just crazy, I think this is still the same screenshot from the obsolete movie.
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Boco wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Maybe the next time someone thinks about posting about the "worst day ever" not mentioning 9/11
Wh What. You're serious aren't you?
I don't consider it one of the worst days ever because of the number of people who died, or that they were American. I believe it to be one of the worst days ever because it showed with stunning clarity what destructive forces hate and religious fervor are, and how very destructive just a few souls can be. Politics aside, it is one of the most recent and most chilling examples of why I believe that the worst plague ever to befall man is man himself. Feel free to disagree, but with that explanation I hope I've explained myself a bit more.
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Dear Bisqwit; What will happen to this site if/when the burden of upkeep starts to outweigh the benefit of it's existence? Will it simply cease to exist and turn into a big 404, will you pass it off to an appropriate and responsible beneficiary, or do you think you'll never grow tired of keeping it updated and clean (since it has to be a source of pride for you). Also, will the reworking of the member/player ranking system ever be implemented?
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Fabian wrote:
As for forums, I hang out on exactly two. This one and, which is a poker (my "career" of sorts) forum (2+2 is a publishing company for gambling related books) with plenty of sweet off-topic'ish action too. As far as forum time goes it's something like 90-95% 2+2 5-10% tasvideos.
Interesingly, I kinda thought this because there have been a ton of "Ask me about being a bouncer/anorexic/cokehead/etc" in BBV4L lately. And I do agree, their off topic section is far superior to this sites, but that could be said of almost any other site on teh interwebz, due to it being so awesome. Plus they have nearly 100k members, which helps w/ the discussions. Nice to know there's a fellow 2+2er here though. Also, in my 4 month hiatus, that's where I spent most of my time online, although not improving my poker game as much as I should have.... staying break even is pretty much what brought me back to TASing.
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Fabian; Does your avatar have an specific meaning to you? Also, if this forum has become crappy in the past year, what are your new favorite forums to frequent? (as a note, I haven't spent a lot of time here the past 4 months, and I've noticed off topic is a little less interesting, but the main point of the site, TASing, is still strong. Feel free to comment on that idea if you see fit).
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Zurreco wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Maybe the next time someone thinks about posting about the "worst day ever" not mentioning 9/11 or the holocaust, will reconsider.
Every day is the worst day ever because life is nothing by a swirling tumult of pain and suffering until you are alloted a respite in the cold and definitive embrace of death. Also, Transformers was a let down, but it was not the worst movie by far. There you go.
Emo much? Prozac helps with that ya know.
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