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Truncated wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
However, they have been shown to provide a mortality rate >0%, which if more than you can say if you have most cancers.
Minor nitpick: shouldn't this be survival rate >0%, or mortality rate <100%?
Yes, you're right, my bad.
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Ok, so it seems people need a quick lesson in human physiology. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells. Cancer treatments (of all kinds!) have to either slow down, stop, or reverse this uncontrolled growth of cells to be labeled "effective". Excession of a tumor (a localized cluster of uncontrolled cell growth) is a surgical procedure to remove the cancer. It is not always effective at removing all of the cancerous cells, and not all tumors are in areas that are operable (i.e. either they are in a place that will likely cause death if removal is attempted, or they are systemic, like lymphoma, etc.) Radiation therapy is the usage of radiation to try to kill these batches of cells. Chemotherapy is the usage of chemicals to try to kill these batches of cells. BOTH ARE NOT 100% SPECIFIC, meaning that some of your healthy cells are affected, as well as the cancerous cells. So yes, chemo sucks to go through, as does radiation. Both of them can cause a substantial decrease in quality of life for the patient, and they are not 100% effective at killing the cancer. However, they have been shown to provide a mortality rate >0%, which if more than you can say if you have most cancers. So, unless a physician can be certain that they have removed 100% of a cancerous mass, they will likely recommend chemo/radiation to prevent stray cancer cells from remaining in your body, and repeating the whole process over again. Because when you have repeat bouts of cancer, you're at an increased risk to, you know, die. Oh, and one last point. Usually this death is not some sweet, peaceful falling asleep and never waking up again type of death. It is usually accompanied by severe pain, multiple organ systems shutting down, and is typically drawn out over the course of months. Sooo... Radiation and chemo: Usually a poor quality of life during treatment, but with an increased chance of returning to a normal quality of life after treamtent vs. No treatment: Usually a poor quality of life during the downward spiral, with an increased risk of death. Feel free to make your own assumptions and have your own biases against the governing bodies of medicine, but when you clearly don't know the science behind the medicine, you only look like an idiot. @nfq: You should be aware that human were never meant to look at artificial light, and that some small portion of the radiation coming from your computer monitor is likely causing cancer in you RIGHT NOW. So, for your own health, it would be best for you to find some way to communicate on the internet without having to use LCD, plasma, or CRT screens.
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I've never played this before, but after watching 20+ minutes of the youtube encode, I found it entertaining and quick, with some obvious unintended shortcuts. I'm not sure if it's the camera and/or controls, but some of it looked a bit unpolished, but overall it has been enjoyable thus far. This will give me an excuse to play around with the emulator... I'll judge this within a few days once I've tracked down the ISO and watched the rest :)
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Bobo the King wrote:
I'll do my best to not get sucked into this argument, but do any of you cancer cure conspiracy cooks know what cancer is? If you knew what it is, I think you'd understand that not only is there no cure, but there never will be a cure. I'll be waiting.
I agree with this, and pretty much all of what Darkkobold has said. EDIT: In other, much more sad news, the collective intelligence of this forum has apparently been decreasing quite quickly within the past two years. Apparently logic and reason easily fall to emotion and ignorance.
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CoolKirby wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Hell, if you add in a couple pipes to go down, it's basically SMB1.
Except SMB1 has good music and sound effects which AREN'T annoying. No vote AGAIN.
Of all the arguements I've seen against this game, I think this is the first one that brings up shitty audio. Which further supports my point that the gameplay is pretty spot on for SMB1 :-D
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Hahaha I actually think this is worth publication now, especially since you basically just run through half the enemies in the first couple of levels. It's gone from RRFGJ to entertaining EDIT: Hell, if you add in a couple pipes to go down, it's basically SMB1.
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No, I just don't want to turn it into that one :-P
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Oh chill out sgrunt
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Who is this Justice that everyone is running right for?
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Wak017 wrote:
Bad game choice: ... solitaire...
:( Regarding the game, I found it very meh. By far not the most boring run I've ever watched, but a little too simplistic for me to really be entertained.
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I was thinking only of games purchasable on physical media, I forget that all the new consoles have downloadable games that aren't ports of older systems.
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Post subject: Barbie teaches cooking topless = great idea
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moozooh wrote:
I thought the point was that Wii had too few good games, not too many bad games.
I think the ratio (good games:bad games) is the more telling thing about a consoles overall game success. The PS2 had a very large amount of bad games, but it also had a very large amount of good games, and a decent amount of great/instant classic games. For as long as the Wii has been out, it should have a lot more good games to offset all the bad ones. Instead, the good games number around 2 dozen, all while more and more Barbie Teaches Cooking etc. titles get pumped out.
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Warp wrote:
The games of Sega CD, the success of Sega DreamCast and the technical prowess of Sega Saturn.
:) I like this one better EDIT:
Kitsune wrote:
Personally, I didn't think the Wii's game selection was that bad.
Granted, all systems have a lot more bad games than good games, but the Wii takes the prized Golden Turd for pure amount of shovelware, followed oh so closely by the DS. Casual games are one thing, but both systems have so many truly bad games it's not even funny.
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I hope it has the innovation of the Wii, the games of the SNES, and the wow factor of the N64. Or at the very least, I hope it doesn't have the innovation of the virtual boy, the games of the Wii, and the wow factor of the N64 DD
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Oh.. and someone called some character Emo. Wtf does that make Chrono then?
OT.... how can a silent protagonist be classified as emo? On topic: I would watch this (yes, all 8 hours of it), if I'd played the game (which I plan on doing some day). But I haven't played it, and I wouldn't want to spoil all the surprises, so I'll put this movie on my todo list. In any case, if you don't like JRPGs, and you watch this movie and don't like it, then vote no. If you don't like a TAS with a lot of cut-scenes, vote no. That's what's called an opinion, and they're like assholes (everyone has one, but if it's not yours, then it stinks). So ffs people, chill out with the holy wars about the voting.
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1) Save a state a short time before where you want to work on your movie. 2) Open movie as 'read-only' 3) Load state from step 1 and play movie until the point where you want to start working 4) Save state, change to 'read/write' mode, then load state 5) Enjoy TASing without watching your 2 hour movie.
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Warp wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
The description of recommended movies on the front page appear to have been broken by the addition of streaming video icons (whatever you call the pictures for, youtube, etc).
Thanks for fixing this, whoever is responsible.
Agreed! I know it was considered a 'feature' to not have a description, but it's a very welcome addition/return.
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I briefly found this same trick on the first boss of the last level, but I could not replicate it when I tried. Web-slinging is a royal pain with this game, so I'm sure there are many more small time savers other than just the wall glitch. Just like aqfaq to seek out the terrible genesis games and try to break them :)
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I sent off a Genesis to micro500, so hopefully there will be a Genbot in the future :)
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:-D Glad to see this! I can't watch it ATM, but I'll be sure to check it out once I get home. I hope you finish it sometime soon.
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Two words: Nuclear Zombies.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Scumbag Stevestation
I haven't heard anything about this whole debacle. Thanks for summing it up so succinctly, Scumbag Stevestation!
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arukAdo wrote:
Oh wow im deeply disapointed you didnt include THIS in your link /trolling-complete
That's just the list I had compiled ~1 year ago, the last time this dumb argument came up. I'm sure yours is not the only movie I've left off the list since then :)
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I feel the need to post this link YET AGAIN, just to show that not all of our movies are about "time, time, and time." And regarding the racist remark: How completely dumb. A better argument would be that the current team is being less vocal than you (and a lot of other people) would like them to be, possibly due to a language barrier and cultural differences (i.e. deference to and respect of peoples opinions).
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nfq wrote:
Have you also realized the truth about the telepathic giants from Atlantis and electromagnetic gravity?
........ I love you, nfq.
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