Posts for mmbossman

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stickyman05 wrote:
Lorenzo_The_Confuser wrote:
Um, you can't vote on your own movie.
Not technically true, although if you're going to vote for your own movie, why would you vote meh as opposed to yes? Does it really suck that much?
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L337 wrote:
Thats bullshit.. Also all good games what I know are already TAS'd.. :\
So instead of trying to find a new and unique good game to TAS, you'd rather work on a hack of very questionable entertainment value? Too many people think waaaay too much of hacks. Less than 1% are tolerable, and even less than that are complete and suitable for TASing. There are plenty of professionally made games that have yet to be TASed, so if you're genuinely interested in TASing, find one of those games (there is a "Games that have yet to be TASed" thread in each forum).
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Insert "Speedruns are to show talent, TASes are to entertain" arguement here: EDIT: For anyone who doesn't quite get my form of internet sarcasm/facetiousness, I was referring to this thread, and pictured a lot of the same discussion occurring here. Glad to see that I've been wrong (so far).
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symbolic X wrote:
it looked like she was able to jump slightly higher than the Samus with armor. If that's true...
It's not true, suitless Samus jumps exactly the same height as suited Samus.
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Xkeeper wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
I'll echo the triple play opportunity, although I'm not sure if it's possible to try to get the opponent to attempt a double steal (or a hit and run). But it was immensely enjoyable, especially after getting my ass kicked by my old roommate at this game. Yes vote.
The AI never runs during a fly ball until it has 2 outs, and at that point getting an out will end the inning. Simply put, not possible with one player.
Usually triple plays are started after a double steal attempt, quickly followed by a line drive, thus the runners have to be running before the ball is hit (which is different than what you're describing). I'm not sure if the AI in this game ever attempts a double steal, but if one of those is able to be manipulated, a triple play shouldn't be too tough to pull off. EDIT: This is assuming an unassisted triple play by the SS or 2B. A 5-4-3 triple play will probably be much easier to set up and accomplish.
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Progress is slightly stalled on this, due to real life. I'm through 18/30 segments, and have a time of about 9 minutes so far, so 15 minutes for a total time is reasonable. I know that no one will probably read this, due to it being an obscure GBA game, but if you take the time to watch CFlop's previous WIP, you'll know what kind of a treat you're in for. And if you want to watch my WIP, PM me on IRC or on the forums. The next you'll hear from me about it will be a submission:)
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Chamale wrote:
Weak yes. It was good, but in my opinion, worse than My baseball run, which was cancelled due to poor reception.
Perhaps it received poor responses because, like your soccer submission, you didn't actually finish the game. Or perhaps baseball purists (like myself), prefer a game that doesn't have flame-throwing pitchers, balls that cast multiple shadows, or fielders that can jump 40 feet in the air. Or maybe it's just a fickle audience.
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I'll echo the triple play opportunity, although I'm not sure if it's possible to try to get the opponent to attempt a double steal (or a hit and run). But it was immensely enjoyable, especially after getting my ass kicked by my old roommate at this game. Yes vote.
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nfq wrote:
moozooh wrote:
Ten hours left until Large Hadron Collider activation. Do you think the result will be of global importance?
yes, i think we're actually waiting for the countdown of doomsday bomb that will destroy the universe. but if we're lucky, it will only destroy our galaxy.
Warp wrote:
Thus, based on current evidence, the only logical conclusion is that time travel is a physical impossibility. (I'd say it's similar to magnetic monopoles and negative mass in this sense.)
i used to be against the idea of physical time travel because some theosophist said that it's impossible, but after reading john titor (a soldier from the future) talk about the CERN and micro blackholes, i'm not sure what to believe. when he was here year 2000 he said that they discovered micro singularities at CERN year 2004 (in his timeline) which made time travel possible. because he came here it "messed up our timeline" a little, so it took us a few more years.
I assume you mean John Connor, because otherwise I will continue to believe you write your posts from the insane asylum. Unless you're the internet's biggest, most unique troll. I still have not ruled that out. But bat-shit crazy is currently topping the list. In any case, say hi to the giants and future soldiers for me, along with Snuffleupagus, my invisible friend Colonel Splotz, and the ghost of William Penn.
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AKA wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
AKA wrote:
So far scientists have managed to teleport light and are currently working on trying to teleport small objects
Have any reputable sources for this? Or is this statement akin to the SMB3/MM claims you're famous for?
There was an article I saw on the news a good few years ago. As for MM I'd like to know what game specifically you're refering to
It looks like you're mixing up Teleportation with Quantum teleportation. As stated in the article you linked "I think teleporting of [the human] kind is very, very far away," Dr Lam says. "We don't know how to do that with a single atom yet. "
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AKA wrote:
So far scientists have managed to teleport light and are currently working on trying to teleport small objects
Have any reputable sources for this? Or is this statement akin to the SMB3/MM claims you're famous for?
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Easily the most worthless thread of this calendar year. Congratulations. On a helpful note, there are these things called Private Messages, sometimes abbreviated PMs, that you can use to send people information without clogging the boards with stuff like this.
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Saturn wrote:
he often made surprisingly clueless claims that were proved wrong later.
You continue to make statements like this while forgetting you've made just as many clueless claims
Saturn wrote:
And that's also the reason he doesn't provide a smv-proof like everybody else.
Except you...
Saturn wrote:
I realize that some people unfortunately don't believe anything I claimed in SM until seeing a smv-proof, but my goal was always to show a new and unique run with tricks never seen before, so I rather prefer to keep them private until the run is done, for a bigger surprise.
Saturn, the amount of hubris, arrogance, and vanity you display is absolutely sickening. You are not God's gift to Super Metroid. You are not God's gift to TASing. You are a vain, pompous attention whore who continues to act like a prick. Get over yourself, or shut the fuck up.
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For a comic, you're not very funny. Also, after seeing this, youtube seems like a more appropriate place for you to spend your time.
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Seeing as how much alden has saved through just menu optimization (which wasn't visible without trying it myself), I'll revert my yes to a no, since it's still pretty clearly unoptimized. And I hope to God that if you cancel this, you'll make about 3 or 4 more WIPs before submitting again.
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RT-55J wrote:
Aqfaq wrote:
I would not hurry with the submission-package yet.
Good idea. I think that AKA can improve the movie by over 600 frames.
You, sir, just made my day. Thank you.
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Excellent advice from DarkKobold. Remember, just because you make it through a game or segment in one attempt doesn't mean that attempt is anywhere near publish worthy. I would suggest for your next project you finish a movie, then start over and improve it, then repeat that process 2 or 3 more times. Then submit. At least until you learn how to test things to achieve the best result, instead of playing through the game, as I assume you've been doing, since your rerecord counts have been nearly identical.
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moozooh wrote:
Oh my, that .jpg looks like Turok. >_< PNG is better at that, believe me.
I think the graininess adds to the charm!
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Pekopon wrote:
I don't get it. What am I looking at?
You also haven't been around long enough to remember the last lolo 1 submission, that had around 9 submission file updates while on the workbench.
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moozooh wrote:
Awesome, full definition of laggy straferunning! That's a real killer!
Turok will shoot you in the ass with an arrow, but it'll be in high def, so you'll see every every washed out, foggy detail!
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Interestingly, I no longer use the save/load technique I wrote about there. I have evolved into using F9 as the beginning of the segment I'm currently working on, F8 for a savestate in whatever movie I'm comparing my run to, F7 for my "best effort" for this segment, and F1-6 as commonly used states (F6 sometimes mimics F7 in it's function). [/offtopic]
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I TAS solely on my laptop, and have a generalized layout for most emulators I use. F1-9=Save/load Directional Arrows for movement F & D for A/B buttons R & E for R/L buttons Enter for Start \ for frame advance Backspace for pause/unpause Tab for fastforward (screw you VBA) Depending on what game I'm doing, however, this can be expanded greatly. Thankfully for Wild Guns, a couple of the controller buttons didn't have a function, so I didn't need to map them. Also, N64 input usually has the C buttons as ASWX, with V as the Z button. Also, I could have sworn there was a thread about this very thing a year or so ago, but I'm having trouble finding it... guess I'll keep looking. EDIT: Bingo
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Deign wrote:
2) 30 posts
LIES! Possibly
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HappyLee wrote:
In fact,I only play SMB,no others.
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