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I'm still in favor of obsoleting the low 14% movie. Not only does no one care about it (as evidenced by the fact that it hasn't been updated since the end of 2004), but it really doesn't show anything that a combination of the other 3 runs don't already have (or will have when they get updated). Also, having a low %, low glitched %, real time, in game time, and 100% run is just becoming a little ridiculous. So: 4 categories is enough, this is an absolute low%, and no one has cared enough about the other low% to update it. I'm sure others will disagree, however.
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Very interesting run. Easy decision to obsolete the previous low %, but I guess now there will have to be some disclaimers added to the descriptions of both the real and ingame runs. The first half was pretty standard, but once the save/restart sequence started, it was full of wtf. Yes vote.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Oh, I got another good English one. To bite the bullet: To approach a situation you know won't turn out well for you, mostly because of something you did. Used especially for approaching one's superior about something they did that was wrong.
This one actually has a very literal history. In the 1700s, anesthesia was unheard of, so before surgery a patient was given a few options: To drink whiskey until they passed out, to get hit in the head with a hammer until they passed out, or stay awake for the surgery. Staying awake for the surgery led to some inevitable amounts of teeth grinding, so the patient was given a lead bullet to bite down on, but was a less than appealing option, which is nearly identical to the meaning now.
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Hb2 wrote:
In the second video, the file I used for testing had all 120 stars "legally" collected, without using any codes. If you watch closely, you'll notice that after I used the "0 stars" code I still had 5 secret stars collected, and when I used it again but changing the "0 stars" to "170 stars", I had 75 secret stars collected. The code is supposed to give you only 70 secret stars, so I'm guessing that 2 of those 5 extra stars came from MIPS, and the other 3 came from the Toads. This makes 180 stars the absolute total of stars stored in memory, unless there is another GameShark code that lets you get even more secret stars.
I now expect the first good hack of SM 64 to have an extra 60 stars to collect :)
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Espyo wrote:
About the bad game choice, I think I have to disagree. People who have played this game before are wondering what would it be like to pass it with TAS.
I agree with paul_t. If you plan on making this to submit it, I can guarantee it will receive only negative feedback, because it's an incredibly bad game to TAS. Many of the maneuvers look like they could be performed in real time with a turbo controller. I also don't know how many people here could claim to have played this. I owned a Genesis, and had some random and rare games, and had never heard of this one. If you plan on continuing for your own enjoyment, then have a great time making it:) But if you do decide to submit, I'm sorry to say that it will be rejected.
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alden wrote:
Also, I think besides the slightly immature remark (which we have all demonstrated that we are capable of doing ourselves ;P )
Immature remark? I'm insulted! You say it like it's a singular occurrence, while I'm sure that I've made many immature remarks ;) Since this thread died down a little bit, I thought I'd clarify something I said. I never meant to insinuate that was superior to the site, or that we should point people elsewhere. XKeeper mentioned that many people cannot be expected to download a movie file, and that an AVI is the only way they will be able see a run. Since TASvideos has more strict standards, some deserving videos that slip through the cracks are still made available to the audience at large by This partly (but not absolutely) solves the problem of limited availability of runs for questionable games. I do agree in wishing there were more "first time" publications though (of deserving games, at least).
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Xkeeper wrote:
honestly I think mmbossman should just butt out of this entirely
No problem, since I have a strong suspicion you're just trolling because you're bored.
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Post subject: Re: 1, not many
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Xkeeper wrote:
wade though the Crap section
Without some sort of standard for what constitutes an entertaining run, and by relying solely on whether the game is well-played, the published movies would slowly become just as cumbersome as the Crap section. It wouldn't be hard to make an optimized version of Where's Waldo, or Color a Dinosaur, or Barbie Vacation Adventure, and they may have an audience. But the line has to be drawn somewhere, and that line is ultimately drawn by Bisqwit and the judges he appoints. I do hear that accepts pretty much anything that they get sent though, and it happens to feature several of the more notable gruefoods. So since they do provide movies for each run, I can only assume that if a person really wants to see a movie for a game that isn't published here, they will either search harder for it by using the handy (if somewhat inefficient) search engine on the site, or go elsewhere.
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zggzdydp wrote:
I think some people don't familiar with the game. In an actually run with Maxim, if you want to beat Dracula and finish the game, you must kill all other bosses before it, ohterwise you can't go into Dracula's room. So the run is not boss rush run, it doesn't aim for showing all bosses, it's a "tool-assisted actually" run (sorry, I can't describe it exactly). If someone think full run is less efficient, why did we publish so many warpless runs like Mario and Zelda?
That explains it a little better for me. I think it has a weird feeling to me because there is usually a normal run before the game is completely broken with a warp or something similar. With this game, the order was just reversed.
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Comicalflop wrote:
When you look at it mathematically, the "added filler" IS the bulk of the run; give or take 7 minutes or more (assuming that the 5 minutes from the boss rush are the same5 minutes from this run.) That's 7+ minutes of dashing, sliding, dive kicking, spiral attacking, whip launching, etc. I'll mention again, if the bosses are considered the main point of the run, the point was missed. "Maxim = fast AND Maxim beating bosses = fast" is what this run is trying to accomplish.
I didn't miss the point, I understand that you wanted to show more of the game. Unfortunately, what you see as variety, I see it as repetitive whip launching with a couple odd kills. Because of him being so powerful, there is a very limited repertoire of optimal movements, which limits the amount of creativity possible. When creativity is limited, repetition sets in, as seen with the same attack pattern with all the bosses except the last one, and the same movement patterns to get through all the corridors. It could be argued that many games are like this, which is probably true, but this one seemed to just be a little bit more limited due the lack of variety.
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Also, I don't find any conflicting messages in alden's post. Nothing is prohibiting anyone from making a movie for a less than popular game, but the quality of the site at large is affected by the movies that are published. I'm glad whenever someone makes a run for a game that hasn't been done before, because chances are that someone somewhere will find it enjoyable for some reason for another. If you take this run for example, a good amount of people found it enjoyable, but it wasn't published. Did that change your enjoyment of it at all? If someone wants to see it, the .vbm still exists, and is even linked to in the prequel's movie text. Just because publication acts like a filter to sort through the cream of the crop doesn't mean that the gruefood entries are all bad (see alden's sig, for example). It just means that the specific movie may not be entertaining enough to a large enough audience to warrant publication. The same thing goes for King's Quest. Many people enjoyed it because of nostalgia, but to someone who hadn't played it, it was 30 minutes of text boxes. Hope my point gets across
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Post subject: Re: 1, not many
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Xkeeper wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
FractalFusion must have voted no, on his own run! And he probably did it from.... THE GRASSY KNOLL! Next door to where they filmed the moon landing! It's all making sense now! More useless and pointless words. Blah blah blah.
I'm reading the other reply (the more useful one, that is) but I was simply including the users who voted against it being published. The point I was trying to make that, while everybody else voted yes (except FractalFusion), adelikat and Truncated both voted against it and both runs were rejected. But thanks for making an idiot out of yourself. I appreciate it.
Learn to take a joke, jeez. What's it like living without any sense of humor whatsoever?
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You are a wise man alden. Thank you, that is one of the most eloquent descriptions of what I personally think this site is about.
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This run is fast. I like fast. Fast is fun and enjoyable. But I do have some issues. First of all, (and this is my ignorance to the game talking), I'm a little fuzzy on the restriction of the wall sink glitch. Making it so that it's ok to go through a wall, but not to get stuck in the wall just seems odd to me. But if other people who are more familiar with the game think that it's a well defined rule, then I can accept that. Since the boss rush run got brought up, I figured I would address that also. This run feels like the boss rush run, but with a lot of added filler that doesn't really do much to add substance. Maxim did the same 1 move to kill the few enemies he saw outside of the bosses, and repeated pretty much the same movements in all the corridors. I may have a better appreciation for the difficulty of this if I'd played the game (and tried playing with Maxim also). But in the end, this kinda reminded me of that 12 page paper you need to write for a crappy college class you don't care about. There's about 3 pages (minutes) of good points, and the rest is repetitive filler that just kills time from one good point to the next. Overall, I think I'll give this a meh. It wouldn't be the worst decision if it were published, and I'm sure a large amount of people who know the game better may find it much more entertaining. But to me, it seems like you're going from A to B to C to D to E, when going from A to E would be much more efficient and cut out all the dead times.
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Xkeeper wrote:
(This is something else I've noticed. King's Quest? adelikat, FractalFusion, Truncated. This run? adelikat, Truncated. Hm...)
Wait.... that must mean.... *GASP* NO!! FractalFusion must have voted no, on his own run! And he probably did it from.... THE GRASSY KNOLL! Next door to where they filmed the moon landing! It's all making sense now! Or maybe they were just boring games. EDIT: Also, I'm sure that Bigfoot voted no after visiting Elvis in the underground bunker at Area 51.
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It's also rare to see a rejection to an improvement of a published movie. Accepting improvements is nearly automatic (and it's been suggested that it should be an automatic process anyway).
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mapler90210 wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
z0MG wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
More than just a few. You've already seen JRB, which is completely dominated by them. Obviously not every star will feature BLJs, but the run will be very BLJ heavy.
if you read my post: words words words
If you actually read what mr_roberts_z wrote, he explicitly said that there will be more than just a few stars to use the BLJ. Somehow you keep interpreting that as "only the lobby and JRB".
i'm not siding with Zomg, but honestly, name a star made less entertaining by the use of a blj. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you can piece together what i mean without me saying it.
My point isn't that a BLJ isn't entertaining. It is. However, there's only so many times I can watch Mario go cruising up the mountain in the first level before it gets old. The first time I saw it, I almost crapped myself, the 100th time I saw it, I started to wonder what other interesting routes could be chosen. The whole idea that I'm trying to convey is that there exists room to do things differently that may also be entertaining if done right, not that one way is more entertaining than another.
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z0MG wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
More than just a few. You've already seen JRB, which is completely dominated by them. Obviously not every star will feature BLJs, but the run will be very BLJ heavy.
if you read my post: words words words
If you actually read what mr_roberts_z wrote, he explicitly said that there will be more than just a few stars to use the BLJ. Somehow you keep interpreting that as "only the lobby and JRB".
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Flygon wrote:
I'm kind of confused as to why this was rejected. I mean, the viewer response according to me was 72% positive so uh...?
The poll is to give the judges an idea of what other people think of the run, there's no magic cutoff number for which movie gets accepted, and which movie gets rejected. Often, as it was in this submission, a fairly large number of people will vote yes, but not express why they voted that way in the form of a separate posting (again, to give feedback to the judges). Many times, a movie will have serious flaws, but will get a lot of yes votes because people don't want to be mean, or something (although a very different trend seems to emerge when it's a popular game, ie the recent OoT submission). In any case, there were two judges who found it boring, and even a couple of the yes votes had minor issues with the length (ie turbo-worthy). Hope that answers your question.
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I don't see why Deign's color a dinosaur receives preference over adelikat's. RACIST!
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Looks much better than your last submission. The only thing I saw was that you still missed a shot at the end boss. Why?
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z0MG wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
a playaround doing whatever the hell you want, and getting however many stars you want. Pick the best ones, show off some fun stuff, skip all the boring ass swimming, and end it in under 20 minutes.
remember, this site is for speedruns.
No, that's SDA ;)
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z0MG wrote:
Kuwaga wrote:
A BLJ-less 120 star run wouldn't make much sense now. Fastest time with BLJs should be attempted first and the current run is kind of out-dated. So why don't we, until then, just not argue about it?
thanks for ending this discussion :)
Do you even bother reading? Seriously? In any case, my two suggestions would be to do a 70-star BLJ-less run, and/or do a playaround doing whatever the hell you want, and getting however many stars you want. Pick the best ones, show off some fun stuff, skip all the boring ass swimming, and end it in under 20 minutes. Just for easy reference: And just a couple more:
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z0MG wrote:
There will never be a need for a BLJ-less run, because few people actually care about it, and I doubt any TAS'er will take the time to make one. End of discussion.
You can continue to live in your own little world, where only your opinions matter, but just because you don't think a concept is exciting doesn't mean no one else does.
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z0MG wrote:
BoltR and mmbossman: don't worry about that, only a few of the 120 stars use BLJ's. it's mostly used in the castle. without BLJ's, there would be 10 more minutes of walking around in the castle in the 120 star run.
I've never said a 120 star BLJ-less run would be better. I'm still of the belief that a 70 star run without BLJs is both a nice middleman between the 0 and 120 (imagine virtually no swimming levels!), and would have a distinct, if a tiny bit arbitrary, restriction. I would gladly pay the price of a little more time in the castle (I call bullshit on the 10 minute mark, it'd be more like 2 or 3 max), in exchange for some new and interesting routes that don't just zoom by everything. Can you see how having no BLJs can be entertaining to someone other than yourself now?
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