Posts for mmbossman

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DarkKobold: do you think it is logical and intuitive for me to buy a Toyota, since they don't compete with anything, they are already on top, anything else is just a gesture by other auto companies? I really need your logic and intuitivity on this one!
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Comicalflop wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Dear sixofour, what does your logic and intuition tell you is the best way to rehabilitate a 19 year old female soccer player who is 6 weeks status post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on her left knee using a hamstring graft? By "best", I mean fastest return to pre-surgical condition with minimization of risk of graft failure?
Using my "medical skills" picked up from TASing Trauma Center, can I fix her up and then go on a date with her?
[21:29] <jimsfriend> biasman [21:29] <jimsfriend> don't fix her up anyway [21:29] <jimsfriend> the way she is now, she probably can't leave before the date's over
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Comicalflop wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Dear sixofour, what does your logic and intuition tell you is the best way to rehabilitate a 19 year old female soccer player who is 6 weeks status post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on her left knee using a hamstring graft? By "best", I mean fastest return to pre-surgical condition with minimization of risk of graft failure?
Using my "medical skills" picked up from TASing Trauma Center, can I fix her up and then go on a date with her?
No, because western medicine is crappy because intuition says so, so you will likely end up killing her, and necrophilia is illegal.
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sixofour wrote:
Logic is intuition. That's the point. You are born with the facility of logic. An already set in stone system for how things works.
sixofour wrote:
For the most part how to fix the body is something you can't deduce from logic.
You are contradicting yourself.
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No, I asked you. I want to know what your intuition and logic tells you when asked the above question.
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Since this has turned into the "Ask sixofour" thread, and amazingly hasn't been split into it's own deserving entity, I have an honest question: Dear sixofour, what does your logic and intuition tell you is the best way to rehabilitate a 19 year old female soccer player who is 6 weeks status post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on her left knee using a hamstring graft? By "best", I mean fastest return to pre-surgical condition with minimization of risk of graft failure?
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Kuwaga wrote:
There is no way to tell if what brain scans observe are actual thoughts or reactions/side effects to by essence unobservable thoughts. You seem to act as if you knew.
To further fan the flames, I'll try to respond: To measure activity in the brain, you can look at increased blood flow, or increased electrical activity. Some of the knowledge we have regarding neuroscience comes from finding correlations between images on fMRIs (or other imaging techniques) with specific stimuli given to the subject being studied, by looking for these increases in activity. If a person is shown a picture of a cat, and 4 areas light up, it may be due to the visual system being stimulated, the association areas linking the picture of a cat to the actual animal, or it may be memory of an old pet. However, will well controlled studies (those things that sixofour thinks are shit), we can try to limit the amount of "cross-contamination" present. The more test results that support a specific hypothesis, the higher the correlation. But remember, CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION. This is why there is so much that is considered "unknown" in science: We don't have enough data right now. Most "facts" we can "logically" rely on are really just a product of us seeing one consistent result after lots of personal experience. If I threw a ball in the air 3 times, and 2 times it came down, but one time it just kept going up, I would consider the theory of gravity to be a rather bad theory. In very similar ways, sometimes scientific studies will contradict each other. This usually comes from poor understanding of the confounding variables present. The better we understand and control those variables, the more we can say we have confidence in what we've found. So, because many, many studies have found specific areas of the brain to correlate with motor planning, sight, hearing, emotion, logical thought, etc, we are fairly confident that those areas serve the same purpose in other people. That is how we "know" what brain scans show us: from learning from past experiences that we can correlate to a new experience. To make this post even more applicable, I have learned from reading through the past two pages of this thread that sixofour will respond with some ignorantly trolling response, likely having something to do with me not believing in absolutes, or about how I think that holding brain matter in my hand means I'm holding thoughts. Thus, because I have seen him make retarded responses to logical and supported arguments in the past, I expect him to make the same type of response now, due to a high correlation. If he doesn't, that may mean that my correlation between logical posting and idiotic response was not as well supported, and I'll have to slightly rethink what I've seen and learned. But I doubt it.
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Right Click --> Save Link As... There ya go.
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andymac wrote:
That's quite a broad generalization. How much did you need to assume to make that statement?
In case you haven't noticed, making broad, sweeping, erroneous statements is something that sixofour really enjoys doing on these boards.
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To everyone who voted "yes" to this... why do you think it should be published alongside the previously mentioned "Mode B" run for the NES and the already published DX version? What additional value does it add to the site?
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Huh. I get a desync after the first level, when you're on the lift/elevator. Yakko dies. It's sad. Any reason why this may happen? I'm using 1.43 v9 (although I've never had any problems with other movies that were made using v13).
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A better question may be: Why don't we further compress our .avi or .mkv files before seeding them?
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sixofour wrote:
blurr logic [or outright rejecting it].
You seem to like to do this a lot.
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Derakon wrote:
sixofour wrote:
People seem to pull shit out of their asses and everyone believes it. Not very scientific.
This is a problem with people, not with the scientific method. It sounds like you have an issue with scientists in general, not with the scientific method in specific. You have to realize that scientists are people too, and have their own irrational needs, which occasionally lead some of them to try to slip a fast one past the audience. This is why peer review is such a huge part of the professional scientific world, and why people who try to cheat the system are censured so heavily that they basically can't get a job doing any kind of technical work again in their lives. You do also need to be aware of the role that modern media plays here. A scientist may write a paper that says "Pigs that were exercised in this way and fed this diet were more aerodynamic (as measured by launching the pigs on a ballistic path via slingshot) than pigs that were exercised in these other ways (including no special exercise at all) and fed these other foods", and you can bet that what the public sees will be "Scientist Makes Pigs Fly". For your specific points: * Evolution: The theory of evolution is the best explanation we have thus far to explain how different species came to be the way they are. We have tons of evidence, and tens of thousands of professional scientists who have studied it and verified the results. * Human rights: this isn't an issue for science; it's an issue for philosophy. Maybe psychiatry gets involved at some point, but only tangentially. * Global warming: the climate is one of the most complicated systems that we've made an attempt to study in depth. We're still developing our models, and scientists routinely suggest alternative interpretations of the data (or uncover new data that needs to be taken into account). There's a number of sources available (like ice core analysis) that show that the climate is changing; the big questions are how and why (at which point we'll be able to answer with authority the what, i.e. what do we do about it?). * Bullshit. Standard output from healthy cattle. Not certain where you're going with this one. :p Of course, you're clearly irrational when it comes to science, so I'm not certain why I'm writing this. Can't resist getting into an argument, I guess.
Very well put. Thank you for such an articulate post :)
sixofour wrote:
Considering most of modern science not related to engineering, has been purely an atempt to discredit religion, or more specificly christianity [most of the scienctist in this field consider all religion to be a flavor of christianity anyways].
This is so incredibly ignorant. I work in the field of physical medicine and there is absolutely nothing to do with religion involved in the research that is being performed by my peers and mentors.
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FODA wrote:
I think all carnivore animals should be sterilized.
What happens when all the herbivores overpopulate and eat all the vegetation, creating widespread famine? Carnivores are a very important part of every ecosystem.
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That avatar is way too big. Read again, 100 x 100 pixels is the limit for this site. Please resize it or remove it.
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gocha wrote:
For GBA:
For other GB variants:
To find those addresses, you need to decompress and disassemble the executable. We can download the source code of the emulator, so finding them is not very difficult. GBA: searching a string like "vbaIRAM", or MapViewOfFile call will help. GBx: searching 0xfe00, "shr e?x, 12", or "and e?x, 0x0fff" may help.
Bumping this to hopefully get the addresses for the current version of VBA, 1.7.2, v21. I don't know how to go about finding them since I don't know about how to disassemble the .exe or where to find this information in the source code. :(
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A situation like this would probably be handled in the same way the Chrono Trigger newgame+ submissions have been: Allow a prior SRAM to start a new game/movie, as long as the results are able to be verified.
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Hi leandroff5, and welcome to As a judge I do use the votes to form a general opinion of the run, but I place much more weight in the comments that people post, especially if they expand on why they think a movie is good, bad, or indifferent. Hope this helps.
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Any links to those movies Mr. Kelly R. Flewin? I was thinking about looking into the PSX version, but was told the arcade version was the way to go. I've never played the game, so I'd probably have to go through at least 2 test runs, but I have a feeling it'd be worth it. Also, any thoughts about a 2 player run?
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
I'd go with Paypal.
This, or by check. I can swing $10/month at the moment, possibly a little more in a couple of months.
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Thanks guys, I wasn't sure how the PSX version compared. I'll look into the existing arcade threads. :)
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Post subject: Metal Slug X
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I've been looking for a PSX game to work with as a long term project as I get more accustomed to PCSX, and I stumbled upon the easy mode run on SDA. I've never played the game, but it obviously reminds me most of Gunstar Heroes, which is certainly a good thing. But since I don't know anything the best way to go about the run, I'm asking for some ideas and/or help. I'm guessing a 2 player run would be most awesome, and probably faster, unless the enemies get an extra large boost in HP. Other than that, I'll have to make a full playthrough to get an idea of what I'm in for. Any pointers from anyone who knows the game better than I do?
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Flygon wrote:
I'd youtube it, but I am VERY worried about what information could be inside that 10 seconds spare space, does the movie cut off the ending while there is still gameplay left? Like Gimmick!?
Not quite sure what 10 second space you're talking about, but there is about 10 seconds of 'non-gameplay' input after the final boss dies (to get to the credits). Sorry I can't provide an encode for you.
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