Posts for jlun2

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Master of Pigs wrote:
The Japanese version is very fast, it's the same mechanics. I voted no
Says the user who did the same thing for the WL3 TAS. >.>
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klmz wrote:
From what we've been seeing and will be seeing, I can tell that the old good v1.7.2.560->v7.23.5.x is the most popular and widely used. It should be maintained without becoming incompatible (or the whole point is lost).
So...there would be 2 branches of the emulator like the SNES? Wouldn't that make it hard to compare runs made in different branches and also make it annoying to maintain both branches?
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Oh, sorry. Ok, for this game, it requires DIP Switches on the NES cartridge to set the timer to end the game. I want to edit the switches, but once I did, I got no idea if they were toggled or not. So yea. =p
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MUGG wrote: while true do- loops don't work in Desmume yet. Try other registers.
Post subject: DIP Switch
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Hello! I managed to set a hotkey to toggle the DIP Switches for the NES, but I got no clue wheter or not they are actually toggled. Can anyone help me?
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Hello! I found a lua related bug. I wrote a primitive lua script for my Dementium WIP, but for some reason, lua seems to cause lag that desyncs the movie. The version I'm using is DeSmuME_0.9.7 and this is the script:
Language: lua

while true do local y = memory.readwordunsigned(0x020DCB14) -- Stylus Vertical local x = memory.readwordunsigned(0x020DCB0C) -- Stylus Horizontal local h = memory.readbytesigned(0x02261831) -- Health if h > 7 then gui.line(0, y/8 - 1,255, y/8 - 1, "green") gui.line(x/8 -1,0,x/8 -1,192,"green") else if h <= 4 then gui.line(0, y/8 - 1,255, y/8 - 1, "red") gui.line(x/8 -1,0,x/8 -1,192,"red") else gui.line(0, y/8 - 1,255, y/8 - 1, "yellow") gui.line(x/8 -1,0,x/8 -1,192,"yellow") end end emu.frameadvance() end
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On Topic: I regret starting TASes that I couldn't finish due to horrid luck/demotivation/something. =/
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SoulCal wrote:
I may need the semi-auto rifle (35,000) for the MachineGun Zealot to avoid a chase scene
I thought there was a glitch to avoid that chase scene? (skip to 2:30)
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SoulCal wrote:
Well everyone, my official lab project for Texas Tech this semester is to have a TAS run on the N64 console. Wish me luck. I'm currently reverse engineering the controller, but to show any sort of progress will take me a month or so.
I doubt Mupen is accurate enough to have any runs sync on a real console, but good luck!
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MUGG wrote:
So changing 0xa2d5 is more like screwing up the game engine and glitching to the next scene which happens to be the credits instead of setting the end-credits "flag".
Does that still count as "beating" the game? I'm planning to do something similar in another game, so I want to know.
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I suddenly got a strange feeling that camera angles affect speed. I might have to restart the run again if it's true. >.>
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I found a glitch in the Flying Dutchman's graveyard. In the level where you're suposed to stop the slime flow so you can reach the sponge ball, I decided not to stop the flow and jumped at the sponge ball. It worked! I think it can save some time as you don't have to use that 5 second long bubble move to stop the slime.
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Mukki wrote:
Are the DS and PSX versions of this game sufficiently different to warrant having both published on the site and why? If not which version should be favoured and why? Discuss.
Yes, they're different because the DS version doesn't have those annoying door transitions. I'd say, publish both; the DS version for people who only wanted to watch the run, and the PSX for those who want nostalgia.
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henke37 wrote:
I don't think that was the reason. The submission text looks auto translated. I bet the rom choice was because the author is Japanese.
Uh...He wrote:
Many will not like, but I chose this language because the words are smaller, so less frames saves me during a conversation. Excuse me.
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You're not supposed to choose the (J) version just because of TEXT differences. Edit: I've read that there's ways to "wall-jump" in WL3 due to the game "physics" being similiar to WL2. Did you use that?
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Warepire wrote:
Though all the door cinematics etc really kills the entertainment. I have to vote meh on this.
Agreed. The DS run also uses Jill, but is much more entertaining because of the lack of "door cinematics". =P Would the GameCube version be better?
Post subject: Re: #3270: Dark Noob's Genesis Mortal Kombat 1 in 11:34.65
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
I used 2 cheat enabled activating flag to fight reptile on the bridge
In game cheats, or cheat devices? Because cheat device codes will not be stored in the movie file, but ingame cheats will.
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gia wrote:
EDIT: actually before you point out, on the case of equal by copying before the judge decision my text is wrong that would only fit longer, I would point out its copied and request the judge cancel the submission. Copying and reverse engineering basically everything besides inputs that do not affect the run are the same to me.
Copied? He didn't stole your vbm. He only analyze your youtube video. Is that against the law? To use a strategy found from a video? I seriously don't get why you want p4wn3r's moive canceled. He used "your" strategy. So what? It's a TAS! Once an optimal strategy is found, it'll be used! If you don't want competition, don't submit your "awesome, orignal" video on the web then, especially on a popular site like Youtube..
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Noob Irdoh wrote:
For what it's worth, I have to side with gia here, even if I am likely to be the only one. gia, you are not alone.
So, you agree with gia's claim that using a strategy not discovered by you is not allowed? Or did I misunderstood gia's complaint?
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Before I forget: Addresses of the glitchy state "trigger" and their possible values within the first 5 minutes of play: C2BF - 0, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78,88 C2DF - 0, 67, 70, 72, 73, 78 C2FF - 0, 70, 75 C31F - 0, 48, 71, 73, 75 C33F - 0, 48, 75 C35F - 0, 48 C37F - 0, 48 Note: If changed, game goes nuts. Edit: I almost forgot, unless if you delay the phone, then it's not possible to do much with these values from the first 5 minutes of gameplay. Edit 2: Ok, we found a working glitchy state, but it's unfortunately not near 5 minutes of gameplay. We'll keep trying to find a faster route.
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CoolKirby, once you're done with the game, can you please post the wip here? Just in case if there's any last minute improvements.
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New Discoveries! Thanks to a Youtuber named MisterChess, we found out how the game gets to that glitchy state. We also discovered a possible way to "beat" the game, by forcing the game to change addresses C3E1 to 48 while C3E0 remains at 5. There's one problem. The glitchy state can be triggered once you reached the same place in my Warp glitch video. The address C33F will turn to 77. The map glitch can change it to 0, and if you're in that area, it'll cause that glitchy state. But that requires at least 15 minutes of game play to get there. So unless the glitchy state can be triggered elsewhere, the run would be slower than the current published run.