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Only 25 seconds slower than a rejected run from 6 years ago. Obvious no vote
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I do not know if this is where this belongs but I figured why not. I have been trying to find inspiration for a new run and found the Famicom game Mini Putt [ROM name Mini Putt (J).nes] and wanted to see if I could get a perfect hole in one on each course. The first two courses were simple but from there it becomes slightly more complex. I figured I could try to find ways to do it but then figured that since there are only so many variables that can be controlled why do the work when I could get a machine to do it. The problem is I have no idea how to work lua and don't know where to start. So here is my question. Is there a way in lua to do a loop where you: 1) Go to the frame where the ball is actually shot (a pre-known number, frame 601 for the first hole) 2) Use the cheat function (or equivalent) to assign specific values from a vector into the ram address. In this case it would be the memory write for the power of the swing (0557), the x-position for the angle of the shot (0097 and 008B) and the y-position for the angle of the shot (0099 and 008C). 3) Frame advance through until a certain ram criteria is met (if 0031 is equal to 1), and then output whether or not a certain value met (if 008A is equal to 1 or not). Either advice or an example of a similar function would be extremely helpful because I am interested in this but have no idea where to begin. MATLAB is the only programming language I know currently (yay Mechanical Engineer education) so I wrote an example loop of what I would roughly like to be done with the bot seen here. The values in the matrices are dummy values as the real vectors would be much larger and would simply clutter the code.
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Thanks for the reply. I believe your WR is the run I am comparing mine against and where I got the 24 second improvement on. It has been helpful so far. Thanks for that lua. That is exactly what I wanted. I was just basing item location off of your run and one other video I found online so I really didn't have exact details. That should make for a lot faster working through this run. I had no idea there were that many items so I could probably use a bit more strategy now. Up to where I quit I was about 13% faster than your run. I missed a pair of shoes which could cut off a bit and if I use damage boosts that could go up (and definitely should later on when you miss more things) but as a whole your run was solid even with the flaws. Your WIP TAS is 4 frames ahead up to the first door which I imagine is due to the damage boosts. I think there are a few other places where it could be used so I will probably start over and see if I can't maximize this. Damage boosts this is by far the most helpful thing. I had suspected there was something like this but hadn't confirmed it yet. Will help speed this up. Health glitch: Yeah, may not be necessary but I will have to see how many damage boosts I do. Picking up an item costs 4 frames so as long as the extra damage boosts can save more than that we should be good. Fast fall: Also helpful. The jumping in this game is a bit difficult to control since you can't affect height so having another option will be helpful. I will most definitely add in more entertainment now. Not only can damage boosts help since there will be collisions all the time but now I know where the items are so I won't have to maintain the straight path that I was taking.
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6 Year Bump This game has been brought up a few times in the Famicom wishlist thread and I saw it in the NES wishlist as well so I thought I would give it a shot. Here is my WIP that is about a quarter of the way through. Up to this point it is 24 seconds faster than the realtime world record which means (if I maintain the same amount of improvement on each level) that the final running time would be roughly 9 minutes and 47 seconds. I am surprised this game has been suggested so much because it doesn't look that entertaining in my mind. Apparently it is difficult in realtime but I can't imagine that there is too large of a population of this site who has actually played this game but I could be wrong. I am going to finish it regardless because all of my other projects are getting stressful and this one is pretty light. I currently collect all known (at least to me) skates which cause you to move at twice normal speed but there is a slight chance there are others that I am missing. I am trying to find memory addresses that could either A) with lua or a cheat cause the items to always be visible or B) have the ram addresses of the x and y addresses of the skates. This way if there were any other skates that I didn't know about I wouldn't have to test every 5x5 pixel block of each level to confirm. If there are other skates that the WR holder were unaware of I think the run could maybe make it down to 9 minutes and 30 seconds but any further than that doesn't seem feasible. If you have any feedback or, even better, the ram addresses or cheats to find the items it would be greatly appreciated.
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adelikat wrote:
Thanks to Brandon, BizHawk will open .fmv natively. I know you are a TASedit guy so I won't suggest you use bizhawk. But at least it would be a much better emulator to use for comparing than famtasia. And you could convert it to .fm2 from there without too much hassle (find and replace in notepad++ will do the trick) Also, the movie in question is likely to desync quickly in fceux or bizhawk. This page should make it painfully obvious why.
That is good to know. I actually just downloaded bizhawk yesterday and began messing around. TAStudio is a good start but, while I know bizhawk is far more accurate, in my opinion TAStudio still doesn't meet the level of fceux 2.1.5 TASedit let alone 2.1.6 TAS Editor so my NES runs will probably remain fceux for a bit. I am actually planning my first transition out of NES exclusivity due to bizhawk and TAStudio though.
Post subject: Open fmv file in fceux
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I am currently trying to mess around with the game Bad Street Brawlers and I saw that there was a rejected run from 2005 on here. I already know that I can beat his time by over 5 minutes but I would just like to see the run even if I have to struggle to get it to sync at all so I can see if there is anything I do not know. The issue I am running into is that it is a .fmv file and I do not know how to open that in fceux or how to convert it to a fm2 file. I saw a post on here that linked to Nesmock but I do not understand how to use it. If someone could direct me how to use the software, or even do the conversion themselves and post a link to dehacked it would be greatly appreciated. NEVERMIND L+R is known and I found a WIP on a different page. Also, I am aware that Bad Street Brawlers is on the list of bad game choices but I am going to beat the previously submitted time by at least 5 minutes (so hopefully around 15 minutes total) and I found a L+R glitch that allows for an instant-kill of an enemy once per level regardless of character or enemy location. I know those may not be enough to get publication but I am trying anyways.
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The scoring works as it does because it is like the Olympics in which a panel of judges from a few countries give their rating on the run and then they take an average (in reality they drop the top and low score but I don't know if they do here). So where it says Japan it means the Japanese representative gave us a 5 but overall our score is 4.9. It might be that I started tricks on the wrong frame or didn't technically finish one but that was why I was asking if anyone else had an ideas because it really is frame specific. If I start any of the tricks on a different frame either nothing will happen or she will fall to the ground. There may be a specific order so that you can jump on the correct frames but I will need to look into it. Your theory about the spins being the problem appears to be correct but I will need to try again. If nothing else thanks for letting me know people actually read my posts about crappy NES games.
Post subject: Winter Games
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Here is another game that the Angry Video Game Nerd has reviewed. To put it plainly, this game is ridiculously, infuriatingly hard. There are four events in this game that you must beat. Hot Dog Aerial, Speed Skating, Figure Skating, and bobsled. Hot Dog Aerial is a 3 run skiing event where you must jump off and do tricks in the air to get a score out of 10. Sadly in my WIP I use the same trick combination each time because it is the only one so far that allows for a perfect 10. Even with TAS speed though it is ridiculously hard as it becomes frame perfect when you have to choose your moves and how long you hold it. Speed Skating is by far the easiest event in this game. I get a time of 21.2 seconds which is twice as fast as any realtime run I have found though there could be a better one out there somewhere. I am fairly confident this is the fastest the run could be but it could possibly be improved by a couple of frames. The opponent actually gets a time of 24.0 which would be nearly impossible in realtime as well, but it turns out the opponents have cheaters AI where they only go around as fast as you do so if I sucked he would finish in 30 or 40 seconds. Figure skating is the hardest event in this game and one I have yet to perfectly figure out. In this event you are supposed to do a set of seven tricks that require near frame perfection to land let alone get perfect scores on to get a final score out of 6.0 points. This is where I have stopped in my WIP because I cannot figure out why I am stuck at 4.9 points. You lose 1.2 points every time you do not land a trick and lose .2 points every time you land a trick but do not perform it accurately enough. I do not crash so the only points that could be lost are the 0.2 for not landing accurately enough, but that would result in an even number of points off and I have an odd. This is the event I currently need help in because I am stuck. It might be that it is not registering one of my tricks but I can't tell which one it would be. Finally bobsled. I haven't attempted this one yet but I believe it to be similar to speed skating and that I could perfect it as well. If someone wants to help me figure out how the hell to get a 6 on figure skating here is my WIP and here is the gamefaqs walkthrough which describes the points breakdown. EDIT: Also Japan is chosen as they have by far the shortest National Anthem, no other reason.
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AnS wrote:
I think the death abuse should at least be tested, so that we may know the theoretical limit of the game in terms of speed. Hope it'll be less than 25 minutes. But, if you were practising traditional method of TASing, you'd quickly get used to redoing small and large chunks of input again and again.
I don't believe it will be less than 25 minutes. The first one could save at most 1 minute 53 seconds if we didn't have to die twice or talk to the password guy so a more realistic estimate is probably around 1 minute 20 seconds. The second one would save less than a minute but I haven't measured it down exactly but it would have to be over a minute 23 to be sub 25 minutes. I have officially decided I am going to do it, but I probably won't be my usual speed of finishing. I am really dreading dealing with having to redo all of those lag and jump manipulations. Then again, I may try it for a second and get back into it and finish in a week but I wouldn't count on it because I was really starting to hate this game near the end. I know if I had done traditional TASing I would get used to it but TAS Editor has thoroughly spoiled me so redoing levels after already maximizing them is not something I am used to.
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Derakon wrote:
I think it works fine without the death -- you can readily claim that it's a stylistic decision even though you're making that decision after the fact. :)
That's what I was thinking. What is crappy about it is that other than seeing the character die 4 times (which could look strange and a bit repetitive) and talking to the password guy (which only adds like 15 to 20 seconds) the run might actually be more entertaining with this change. It still forces you to go through all courses you just don't have to backtrack as much. I will probably experiment with it and maybe give it a shot later. This game is just so frustrating. Adding 1 frame at any point means redoing the entire rest of the game as how many and where the lag frames occur, and the jumping height and speed for each jump changes due to the randomness.
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juju wrote:
Nice run but sorry to ruin it saying you can improve almost 2 minutes abusing death. I am planning to do a non-tas run of this game and you can warp from desert Sittem to near king´s palace doing a game over. Before that you have to get a password in Gibea (the house near the king's palace). When you get game over the game sends you back to the password guy. Also 15 seconds saved in Lethe parth also abusing same trick (when you get the magic claw and other stuff). Mind that the fastest way is to die 2x in a easy part like the beginning of Gaza valley and when you destroy the sand frog just go back to the frogs palace and die there. For the Lethe part you can die 2x in the beginning of the level where to twins are so its easy to drop to the bottom spikes later in the cave and do a game over when you are going back to see Lethe.
And I finally thought I was done with this frustrating game. I hadn't realized how big of a difference death could make in the run. My run still stands as long as I have my stylistic choice of not allowing death but you are correct in saying that route would be faster. It is going to be around 2 minutes (maybe less because death does take time and talking to the password guy does take a few seconds). In short it is worth the effort but will be frustrating because of how frustrating this game is. mklip2001: As the resident most knowledgeable on this game, what do you think about this change. Do you think the game would be more entertaining as a 25:43 run with death or a 27:43 without death? I ask because this game will take me a lot of work because the lag and boss randomness will not line up even a little bit and I do not want to waste time if people will not like it because of death.
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CoolKirby wrote:
I'm also really enjoying how incredibly fast the site is now. On every computer I've been on in the past few days, the site posts replies and loads even movie pages very quickly.
I completely agree. I was ready to make an appreciation thread because of how outrageously better the site is operating now.
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deuxhero wrote:
Couldn't a few frames be saved by ensuring the character is on the right side of the screen when a boss fight ends instead of breaking the blocks? Does Waldog handle differently?
I tried this out and it takes exactly the same number of frames to get to the level completed screen regardless of where you are located on the screen. So regardless of if you are on the far right edge of the screen or far left it will take the same time. In my tests Waldog handled identically but there could be something I measured incorrectly. Ans: Thanks for the yes vote. That is true. I just didn't correct him completely because while not a SMW hack it does use some graphics from it and it is a pirate rom.
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feos: Thanks for the encode in advance. True: k TheReflexWonder: Thanks Hopper262: Understandable. As I said in the submission text that they did take quite a bit from SMW and as a Korean pirate it is only slightly above rom hack. My hope was that it was a solid enough hack to be entertaining on its own.
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Spending the week at my girlfriend's parents' house so I have had a lot more time than I thought. As such here is my final version submitted.
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ThatGugaWhoPlay wrote:
goofydylan8, the link should be ""
Well that was a dumb mistake on my part, but the link still does not exist when I type it with .org
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NitroGenesis wrote: movie number here)M/details Ta-da.
Unless I am doing something incorrectly that isn't working for me. For this submission I would think to put in but that just results in a 404 - File or directory not found page.
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Double Post and WIP 2. New WIP up to a little over a quarter of the way through the game. If I had to guess I would say this run will end up being 20 minutes +/- 5 minutes. Redid the first level over again because I found not only is it faster to get the "double jump" bonus it is actually required to beat some of the later levels. The Level Completed screen is pretty terrible and takes up a large percent of the run. I know it wouldn't be allowed for encodes but if someone could tell me how to do fast-forward in Lua when a certain RAM value is met it would be more enjoyable to watch and would certainly be better for me. Other than the level completed screen I believe this run is pretty solid and could be publishable once it is done. Jumping results in slower acceleration but allows you to maintain maximum speed even on slopes resulting in a very quick and fluid progression through the levels. Having to stop to get keys can slow momentum but I do not think it is so bad to lose entertainment. Also, TAS allows for a few shortcuts like in the second to last level how I get the last two keys. You are supposed to hop up, get the key on the left and then jump up over a series of platforms and then down breaking the blocks, which would probably almost take an extra minute. The trick to get the right key first requires frame perfection as if you hold jump for an extra frame or wait too long it won't work. As usual feedback is requested and I hope you enjoy.
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Offtopic but I didn't want to make another forum for this one question. Is it possible for, at the very least, the author of a run to view the rating that a movie has before it hits the 3 ratings required? Currently 4 of my 8 movies have either 1 or 2 ratings and so I have no idea what each of them are rated. I know it doesn't matter in the long run but it is slightly annoying not knowing.
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turska wrote:
The numbers might look grim at a glance, but consider the following: 1. Many viewers thought that the game was a romhack. 2. I took feedback on the previous three submissons into consideration. Curiously, audience response got worse with each subsequent submission. Due to these concerns, I found the support% to be skewed and gave it less weight than normally.
Isn't this essentially a romhack? I mean it was made by a company that makes Chinese pirates of Famicom games and electronics. And it used the Contra engine. And they use graphics ripped from other NES games. And it was released in 1996 which was when the N64, not even SNES, was coming out. Just because there was a cartridge of it doesn't meant that isn't the equivalent of a romhack.
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jlun2 wrote:
turska, this submission had 56% of total votes being "Yes", and it still gets accepted? Makes me wonder what does reasons like: "Rejecting due to poor audience feed back. " even supposed to mean. :P Btw, your reason for acceptance seem to disregard the audience's opinions, but whatever. :P
True enough, it actually only had 48% of people say yes but with Meh's it averaged up to 56%. 3 of my 4 rejected movies have had better feedback than this one and were all rejected for poor audience response. (Though DarkKobold was the judge on all of those so he may just enjoy rejecting movies. *sarcasm*)
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AngerFist wrote:
You can keep your ellipses to yourself and you don't need to play a game before voting.
I 100% agree that people can vote without having played a game. If I had to play a game to vote on a submission my vote count would be near 0 because I am pretty terrible at games in real-time so there is a pretty limited number of games that I actually play.
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scaryice wrote:
I was going to say Getsu Fuuma Den, but I saw there's already a 17:16 tas on nico.
Just because there is one on Nico doesn't mean someone here couldn't improve it by a few seconds and submit it. I am sure there a lot of people who don't see a TAS unless it is posted here.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
Ok, so here is the first WIP: It was made with TAS Editor in fceux 2.1.6. There are some subtitles to explain most things. I've started work on the next level, expect it soon, hopefully.
I haven't watched any run of Power Blade or Power Blazer so I didn't know what this game was but that was entertaining. I didn't see anything to improve from my initial look. I am sure I could find it elsewhere but what happens with the bosses to cause the insta-death?
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WIP version 1. This only beats the first level of I believe 26 levels so it is not much. This post is more just to announce my intentions with the game and show my limited progress so far. I am basing this off of gamefaqs and a couple longplays as I have never played it before. An annoying portion of the game is that the height of your jump is dependent upon your x-velocity so portions where you must constantly jump up platforms it is slightly slower than would be ideal. Also when you jump you sometimes have to run into a wall for a frame or 2 to be the fastest route because if you are going slower you won't jump high enough to land on the platform. I have no metric for predicting this but if I had to guess I would say this would be between 20 minutes and 30 minutes, but as I said this is a 100% guess. Any feedback, advice or critiques are welcome.
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