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Kyman wrote:
Mitjitsu wrote:
Wouldn't it save time on get a hand star if you were land in the void after collecting the star?
You would just land on the bottom of the level and dance, there would be no point.
I thought it would be a "death star" and exit the level with the star collected without dancing?
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wellbe6 wrote:
Nice one, SammerZ. The nicest part was the end of "Get a Hand" because I didn't know you can get the star and end up on the platform near the beginning.
I loved that too. How many extra frames does it take to do that? I would love to see that on the final version, however.
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I finally finished the Bloodpool simulation, saving 10 frames. Kasandora will go much faster since the testing has already been done, though I will do some minor testing near the end. I think it will be possible to hex edit most of the big long waiting part in, since lag should be minimal at that point.
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Awesome! Does the game crash after Link steps into the light? I know it crashes when young Link clears the Shadow Temple.
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Very nice!
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Wow, what an improvement! The pausing is not much uglier than the BLJ itself, but the speed boost is definitely worth it.
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Wow, that was awesome. Yes vote from me.
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acknowledging that: You are a child under the age of 13 ---- I'm 13 and I don't even... :P
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It's faster because it uses the "free" time in cycle 1.
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Thanks! I am excited to watch this. EDIT: I watched it. It was awesome!
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Well, some of us are unable to use Mupen. I never could get it to run properly.
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Warp wrote:
I don't think there has been such a consensus. If anything, I have seen more of a consensus that past runs which break the rules but have been published anyways ought to be removed. Also the opinion has been presented that if a speed-oriented run has been bested by a regular speedrun, and nobody is obsoleting it anytime soon, it could be put into a poll to see if it should be removed.
I'm opposed to removing publications because they are old or that improvements have been found. I have been thinking about a good tag for those publications. How about an "aged" tag? It means that the movie is aged by time or by found improvements, so it needs to be redone, but it was still good at the time it was made. I suppose an icon for this could be a long, white beard.
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I'm voting no because I would like to see the Grue submission be eaten by a Grue. Except that it would be pitch black and thusly impossible to see. I'm opposed to unpublishing just because there are improvements that can be made. I agree that the one track F-Zero and Top Gear should be unpublished since they violate the rules. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Actraiser. The real time run is faster than the published TAS. If the run had been unpublished because of that, I wouldn't have had a reference video to look at. I agree with the idea of tags that say "there are known improvements" or to that effect. As for the bounty system, I think assigning a mostly static point value that is based on how much the community wants to see an improved run (and perhaps also difficulty) and then having awards for the top bounty hunter would be a good way to encourage obsoleting runs.
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Yes, there is progress. I am currently working on optimizing the Bloodpool simulation. We have improved all segments so far, and have saved an additional 385 frames up to the beginning the Bloodpool simuation. Almost all of that is in Fillmore Act 2.
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A Runnelid mentioned in a previous post, "I'm not sure you need to put a stone in the slingshot to use it properly, but I told WalkerBoh about this and he didn't use it, so maybe my memory is off." Has this been looked at? If it is proven, it could solve the problem of not having another stone.
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Because of the discovery, we are restarting the run. Zidanax has improved Fillmore Act 1 by 20 frames, and I am currently working on the Fillmore simulation. I found a better route that can save 17 frames as long as I am able to keep the random lag to a minimum.
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Your script helped me immensely since I wouldn't have known how to begin. The area outlined by black is the entire town's map area, and the area outlined by yellow is the area of the map that is currently visible. The white square shows where the angel is, and the colored squares show where the monsters are, and the colors show the monsters' type. This is how I show where the monsters are when offscreen, as well as onscreen. The newly added purple squares outline the current square that the angel is in, and the smaller purple square is the area that the angel needs to be in when starting a "direct the people". The black dot on the angel shows where the angel is in relation to that so that I can tell when the angel is near the edge of the square.
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I figure that it is time for an update. Zidanax improved Fillmore Act 1 by 20 frames, and we tried hex editing the simulation in. But that won't be possible because the monsters' AI script is RNG dependent. So I have to redo the simulation segments, which is okay since I can now look for improvements. And of course it is always easier the second time around. I took another look at the pointer movement in cycle 1 to see if there is a better way to avoid building the houses that catch on fire. I determined that the current path is the fastest. In doing that, I determined more information about how pointer movements affect where the people build. It is not frame dependent, which is good for doing test runs. It doesn't matter how many direct the people segments are used. The only pointer movement that matters are the ones that create roads in that cycle, though I haven't checked if the way the roads are built have any effect; any other pointer movement does not matter. This means that square wobbling, backtrack wobbling, and repeating the same sequence have no effect, which simplifies figuring out the optimal path. The pointer position at the end of the cycle is also important. And, of course, where people built previously would have some effect on future cycles. With this knowledge, I will reanalyze every cycle to hopefully save some frames. While trying to figure out how to get the hex edit to work, I used DarkKobold's lua script to watch the position of the blue dragon that kept moving. I then decided to enhance the script (and fix some bugs) by changing it to a heads up display, as well as adding other important information so that I don't have to use the memory watch. The script turned out really well, and I am proud of it being that it is my first lua script. EDIT: I finally started on the TAS, and I realized that I needed to add one more thing to the heads up display. The lua script link has been updated.
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I support the migration to 1.51. I propose that there be a transition period so that the runs currently being made won't be rejected. We can state that 1.43 is obsolete, but if a run is known to have been started before the cutoff, then it can be allowed.
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We will try to hex edit in the simulation as much as possible and hope it works. Other than monster manipulation, the other problem is the random lag. If I have to redo it, at least it will be easier the second time around.
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Greetings, Melismatically. I have been working on Pilotwings. I completed Lesson 1 (I skip the light plane), and have been analyzing the physics of the game so that I can determine the fastest path for the Rocketbelt. I have been looking at the skydiving and have determined quite a bit already, but I have more to go. But I have been completely distracted by working on the TAS of Actraiser, but I still intent to continue. I will link to a SMV when I locate it. However, I am not sure how interesting this run is going to be. There is not much room for goofing off if this is going to be completed quickly, and each task is going to be completed pretty much the same as the other lessons. I have determined that the light plane will be skipped because it is too slow and there is no bonus game. To me, the run seems to be a little bit on the boring side, but of course it is up to the community to decide and give advice. Also, there is one more forum for Pilotwings: Should the two forums be merged?
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I need to figure out why I can't play the smvs that use a save state. I would like to see what you did.
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I have completed the subtitles through the end of Kasandora. Hopefully I will be able to finish the subtitles today.
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Here are the subtitles for the Fillmore sim. I also defined sections to make it easier to find an area. Edit: snipped, out of date.
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The Northwall simulation is now complete. I'll work on the simulation subtitles now. Can you send me the latest lua script version?
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