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Great run as usual. It was a nice suprise to come home to after a day at work! ^_^ There needs to be a Very Yes vote option for this run.
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The first time I ever beat FF1, I killed chaos with RUB, so I'd imagine BANE would work as well. I got pretty damned lucky.
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-ziplock- wrote:
The 3 at the top are wide open, but the two through the door just below the 3 are blocked by a bomb wall. Getting to the door isn't the problem. Is there a way to glitch up to the 2 tanks from somewhere else? Or am I missing something simple?
MAP The Ice Beam is in that room. The 2 missle tanks are in the room above the 3 missle tank room.
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-ziplock- wrote:
Call me a dunsky, but I don't think I can get the Norfair ice beam or 2 of the missile tanks in the five cluster without bombs.
To get the top 2 missle tanks, you can bomb boost jump or door glitch. It may be possible to get a ripper to spawn so you can get up there with the ice beam. I do a bomb boost jump to get up there in my new run. You also need to do the same just to get to the 3 missle tank room.
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You will be one missle short if you do it that way. Mother Brain takes 32 missles plus one to break the glass. You will have to back out of Mother Brain's room twice to refill missles. Here's the route I would take: Using Up+A 1. Maru Mari 2. Lower Brinstar Missle Tank 3. Brinstar Ice Beam. 4. Norfair 5 Missle Cluster. I'm pretty sure you can't get there without the high jump or bomb boosting, so you will have to door glitch up. This should still be faster than getting bombs. 5. Up+A. 6. Tourian. Not Using Up+A 1. Maru Mari 2. Lower Brinstar Missle Tank 3. Bombs. 4. Norfair 5 Missle Cluster. 5. Norfair Ice Beam. 6. Tourian. This will leave you with 30 missles. There are 5 zeebetites which take 8 missles each, and Mother Brain, which takes 33 missles. Kill 3 zeebetites, then refill. Kill the last two, fire 9 more missles at Mother Brain, then refill again. Kill Mother Brain. Someone posted way back in this thread saying they tested that Mother Brain remembers its damage if you do not get any energy pickups. If this is not true, you should get the missle tank in Norfair, left of the starting shaft.
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I just touched down in Norfair. This is going much better than my first version. So far, I am ahead 640 frames, just over 10 seconds. Updated run.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
There's a number of ways you could do Kraid's lair and I have no idea which would be the fastest. This is the least obvious one I thought up: Procede to Kraid the normal fastest way as you would on an any% run. Get the MP that's halfway there, kill kraid. Then glitch up 1 level on the first blue door to the right, then glitch up another level the blue door to the left. Get the MP to the left and up+A, then get the 3 remaining items up+A after each one.
That is one of the routes I am considering. I'm going to probably have to play through the different routes to determine which is actually the fastest.
-ziplock- wrote:
I'm still confused on this glitch in Kraid's lair to get missiles. Where do you pull it off? All of the missiles are either behind missile doors or require bombs, right?
The upper-left missle tank can be acquired by going to the second door on the left in the shaft. Take that room to the next shaft. Then you have to door glitch up one floor and enter the door on the right. You can then grab the missle tank from behind. The time wasted door glitching does not warrant this route, in my opinion. Door glitching takes longer going up because you have to keep jumping to scroll the screen upwards.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
I got 2 ideas to modify that route- 1. up+A after 8, do kraid's lair, get 37, procede to 9. Its a question of going to tourian from game start and going from 8 to norfair, or going to tourian from norfair/game start and going from game start to norfair. I bet it'd be slower.
That looked promising, as it's pretty much the same distance both ways. However, if I go to Kraid's lair first, I won't have High Jump Boots, Wave Beam, or Screw Attack. I will also have much fewer missles to work with, which means a slower Kraid fight.
Spider-Waffle wrote:
2. Go from 18 to 23, then do Ridley's lair, then do 19,20,21 and 22 then up+A. This could be close, there less horizontal distance but more verticle and you'd have to go through the secrete passage twice.
This looks pretty close. I will have to look at it closer when I'm not tired. Not having the Wave Beam for Ridley's lair could prove challenging. It helps quite a bit for all the enemies that come out of the pipes(don't remember their name.) It would also slow down the Ridley fight slightly, but not by much.
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The any% run is on hold for now. I have decided to go ahead and make an improved 100% run. I will be using Up+A this time around. I'm already a few seconds faster. I'm also being much more aggressive this time around. Map of my new route. Stars are reset points. I haven't decided on the best path through Kraid's lair. I have a few different ideas to test out once I get down there. My progress so far.
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Terimakasih wrote:
Oh, I'm ashamed. Because, I am a lazy person.(^_^;) ('lazy' indicates , "I don't want to remake some movies.")
You made 3 movies in less than one month. I don't think that is lazy. I have only made 2 movies in 4 months. ^^
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I watched this earlier, when you posted it in the Super Metroid thread. Very impressive. I like this movie very much.
Terimakasih wrote:
I will stop to make a movies for a while. Because, I must do works to live.(^^;)
I know how you feel. T_T
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Boco wrote:
Terimakasih wrote:
About Submit: Umm,,If I submit this one, I will break this site's rule,again? (I think that this site need 'Pure-Speed-Run',doesn't it?)
The site was made for entertaining movies that push the game engines to their limits. Speed is usually the goal but many movies use other goals (like the 2P-played-alone games and the 1-item Metroid NES run). If it is entertaining, it should be fine to submit.
You should definately submit your 14% run. Like Boco said, my 1 item Metroid run was accepted, and even put on the recommended list.
Terimakasih wrote:
Oh, Please make much of your hands... But , Now I have same pains of finger (:P
I know the feeling. My fingers hurt after many hours of making a run. I'm going to stay with NES games, because I don't like SNES9X. I think I'm going to improve my 100% Metroid run now.
Terimakasih wrote:
My English is not getting better..
Terimakasih wrote:
Really? I have no confidence in my English.(^_^;)
Don't be so hard on yourself. Your English is MUCH better than when you first came here. I'm very slowly learning Korean in my free time, for fun. I have only learned 한굴(Hangul, the alphabet) and a few words so far. By the way, I think you are my new favorite Time Attacker. ^_^
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I don't think I will be doing it. I can't stand SNES9X's hotkey layout, and it isn't configurable. T_T I tried the first shaft in Ceres Station, and my hands hurt like hell after just one room.
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I'm pretty sure you need 3 energy tanks to survive Mother Brain's energy beam. Very good run, Terimakasih. Impressive.
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Our Super Metroid thread is here:
Terimakasih wrote:
Umm...Other texts,Do you speak about Mr. Jecy or another one?(not me?)
I was talking about Jecy's 100% run. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding. I know English is difficult if it isn't your primary language. I believe the key you are looking for is this: \
Frenom wrote:
In my new improved run I got 46.44 from the Ceres Station and Samus Aran had/has 46.23 ;)
I was probably thinking of your old one with 44 something.[/quote]
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That run was far from perfect, it probably wouldn't be all that hard. It would take quite some time, though. It does have the fastest escape from Ceres Station, though, if I remember correctly.
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I just watched it. Very impressive. Good job! I like that you used the mockball so much to keep your momentum when landing from jumps. That was something I would use if I were to make a run. Highness, I want to make a run, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. I was thinking about doing the 100% run, anyways.
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Don't feed the trolls, please. Delete and ban.
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This is just sick. Good job. I vote yes.
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1) What is your name? Where do you live? I live in TN, USA. I go by Zoizite(I don't give my real name out on the internet). 2) How did you first hear of/get into timeattack videos? A friend told me about Morimoto's SMB3 video. I was very interested, so I Googled "time attack" and quickly wound up at bisqwit's site. I watched many videos here, but the one in-particular that got me into making them was Arc's Metroid run. It's always been one of my favorite games, and has a lot of potential for these kinds of movies. 3) What about timeattack videos captivates you? What makes it worth spending many many hours creating them? If I had to sum it up quickly, I'd say, "they're fun to watch." I've been a video game addict my whole life. I love seeing games I used to play as a kid, and some I still play today, being turned upside-down and torn inside-out to show perfection, push the limits of the game's engine, and to exploit every glitch the game has to offer. 4) What is the process you use to start, plan, and complete a timeattack video? I've only completed two videos. Arc and I are working together at the moment on a new video. All of these are for Metroid. The first thing I do is plan the route that I will be taking through the game. For Metroid, this involves getting items in the fastest order possible, taking the shortest possible path. After that, I actually start making the movie. I play through each room a few times at normal or half speed to get the feel of what's coming up, and what I need to do. Then I go through the room at extremely slow speeds, or even frame-by-frame, making every move as perfect as possible. I probably redo each jump and shot 10 to 15 times to get it just right. I try to keep the movie as entertaining as possible. I'll take the most difficult path through, or do a crazy stunt, if I can do it without sacrificing any time in the process. 5) Which timeattack video that you've created are you most proud of? Why? I'm most proud of my latest movie. It's a run through Metroid only collecting the Morph Ball item, and the bonus missles awarded for killing the two sub-bosses. This sort of thing would be impossible to pull off on a console. In my opinion, it pushes the game to it's limit. I also put a lot of time into it to make it look as clean and precise as possible. 6) There seems to be some criticism/antagonism directed at the creators of timeattack videos. How do you explain this? Does this represent competing philosophies about how video games should be played? I don't really get into all of this. I know many of the "legit" speed runners don't like what we're doing, and I understand why, although, personally, I think most of it stems from ego. 7) Do you consider yourself a film maker? I don't know if I would go that far. I see it as art and entertainment, so I guess I see myself as an entertainer.
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I was just pointing out why I thought that it wouldn't be that much faster to glitch and not reset vs. the standard route.
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With the time it takes to glitch twice and to take the long way out of Kraid's lair, you wouldn't be much faster than just going and getting the bombs.
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Not that I know of. I'm definately not going to. To optimize door glitch usage, Up+A is almost required.
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Very nice! I've never played this one, but I remember how impossibly hard NG1 and 2 were. You made it look like a cakewalk. Well done.
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