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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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Now I cancel it.
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Post subject: Shadow of the Ninja 2-player
Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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Location: Lonely City I have paid close attention to this information.I want to make a tas about Shadow of the Ninja 2-player. Aims for fastest time Use Shadow of the Ninja (U).nes Takes damage to save time Uses death as shortcut I meet some problems.First,the logo of Shadow of the Ninja(U) is much longer than Shadow of the Ninja(J)-Kage,about 10 seconds.Second problem is that 2-player can creat much lag,and I won't always use two men.I will let one of them be dead in some time.Do you think it is 2-player?Third problem is that the published movie is Shadow of the Ninja (J).nes,I don't think 2-play (by Shadow of the Ninja (U).nes) will do faster than published movie.It is possible that 2-player is longer than published movie. How do you think?
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Dasrik wrote:
Other questions people might have: I really am not sure that Leo and Raph will be used again. They are nice to have on enemy waves, but there's nothing they can do that Mike/Don can't do at the same speed as long as they guard opposite sides of the screen. Don's ability to do his super move in the corner along with its rather slow speed of movement effectively obsoletes Leo's completely stationary and less damaging one. But I'm not discounting anything just yet.
Ye,I think you will ues Leo and Raph again.Don hits 8HP,and Raph hits 7HP,there is only 1HP difference.But Raph's speed is much faster than Don's.Do you think? Leo's power is strong,because he can attack continually .
Dasrik wrote:
I slash some of the jumping Foot in level 2-1 for some extra points. This causes a very small amount of lag (about 15-ish frames in total). Throwing gives more point, but the lag becomes disgusting, so this was a compromise. The points will be worth it in the end.
This lag is a little troublesome。Because we can't reduce it.
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Dasrik~~~Nice job!I am glad you do so good.Good luck!
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Randil!You are right on one point-we can keep moving while charging up to the animal form. I vote NO myself. But I think it is still faster by using two.We cann't only see stage1.
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Aglar!Thank you for your second run. You introduce me a good game.It looks cartoon and lovely. Your run is good except for some lag. Yes Vote.Good lucky!
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Oh~~Ye~~We have Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima 1-3,and then we have got 4. It's colourful and interesting(especially dragon) I like this game,like your run. Yes Vote!
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~~Ye. It doesn’t matter. You can tell your opinion, and I will explain whatever I know. If you don’t understand it, please forgive me because my poor English.
Shadow Byrn wrote:
Mission 1: 1st boss - you completely miss with a grenade
Yes. Grenade can help us attack in advance. It just hits BOSS when BOSS appears .It is better using grenade if BOSS doesn’t appear at the beginning..
Shadow Byrn wrote:
Mission 2: Again with damage in the helicopter! Why? More manip? Or lag reduction?
You are right. Helicopter shoots much bullet. It will create lag.
Shadow Byrn wrote:
Mission 3: love the manipulation! How were you able to do that anyways?
~~~~Luck? Inspiration? Or others.
Shadow Byrn wrote:
Mission 4: Snake Eyes' "gun" isn't the most powerful, yet you use him to take out the 2 bosses. Reason?
Each bullet (Snake Eyes) can only hit one HP. Each bullet (others) can only hit two HP .And each punch can hit 9-10 HP. The use of punch and weapon is 6:1.Although my weapon is weak ,I can compensate in four frame. Because we box every four frame. We will lost more frame if changing man. And we here we need Snake Eyes’s jumping.
Shadow Byrn wrote:
Mission 5: you take a few hits? And drop useless grenades? More manipulation?
Yes .I want to reduce the heigh of BOSS’s head.
Shadow Byrn wrote:
But why no weapon power manipulation?
We will not always get ”gun” after finishing enemy. It depend on the attribute of enemy. As you look ,I finish BOSS in only two seconds. Is not necessary spend one second to get ”gun”.
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Thank you Sir!I have done it.
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Atlantis Factor?~Is it GI Joe 2?
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This is also a wrong post.There are too wrong information.I am sorry for my poor English. EDIT by xipo on 2008.7.3
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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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I am stupid.
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Ye~~10 seconds improvment.Good job. Pressing "left+right" at the same time is exciting. yes vote.
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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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It looks very good. I like your show in green planet,ice planet and stage Center of magma tanker. Great run! I think if someone vote no,he should tell us the reason instead of be silent. PS:Good luck!
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I Vote No. Why?I thing max12187566 has finished his work too fast.He should research this game and research frame advanced first.And his writing expression is short and insignificant.
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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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Vote No.So boring, and play not well.There are too much detail max12187566 had ignored.
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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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SPG Game is very hard for me to select. For example,it wll waste much time if we get all the champion.We can reduce time by loseing game on purpose. Then,which should we select?
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This game is similar to rockman.I think Shinryuu must like it very much.We call it "小魔女皮皮",a lovely name.
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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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Takes damage to save time. Some times,uses death as shortcut.It is necessary in Bucky O'Hare(U).
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Ye,I think I don't make wrong.In fact 3x3 is not the same as "三目童子" Look This is 3x3,not this game. This is the real "三目童子" which is this game. Thank you for your courage indeed.I am now doing tas about "Bucky O'Hare (U)" and "Adventures of Bayou Billy (U)"
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O~~~~I think you should forgive me.You know I can't speak English.I can write one treatise to explain this movie if using Chinese,but I can't show it in English.In fact,I can only browse and submit by dictionary. I will try my best to express this run. First,we should have $1000,then we can buy one "red spear" in shop. "Red spear" can help us finish BOSS quickly.In order to get $1000 without wasting time,we can try to make money on truck.The money will become more if attacking it some time. "Red spear" attacks 2HP in 5 frame.Bullet attacks 1 HP in 2 frame(but after three bullet,we must stop some frame).So if we combine "Red spear" with bullet ,we can attack 3 HP in 6-7 frame.It is the fastset attack.
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^_^So coincidence! There is one big bug in Bucky O'Hare which Genisto neglects.I am now doing this tas,and I can reduce one minute at least if using this bug. But I think Bucky O'Hare is very hard.It will cost my 30 life at least if I don't use tool(such as rerecord).
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Ye !I think you will like this game ("our super player of Rockman ") PS:Shinryuu~~~~~~I forget your MSN.If you don't mind,please give me again.I know you now are one mystical man. This is my last movie which was made by VirtuaNES 0.73.It is "pacifist" Mitsume ga Tooru .
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It is not true that USA version is always more difficult. Double Dragon 2(U) is much easier than Double Dragon 2(J).One "A+B" will not kill one enemy in Double Dragon 2(J),but one "A+B" can kill one enemy in Double Dragon 2(U). Sometimes,Japanese version's logo is shorter than USA version's logo. If we meet that,Whinc rom should we select?
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Banned User, Skilled player (1168)
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We will meet less enemy and skip much if using Mad City (J) instead of Bayoubil.
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