Posts for Warepire

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moozooh wrote:
I went with pig.
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I would not say that these results reflect what I actually answered... Openness to Experience/Intellect High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You are somewhat conventional. (Your percentile: 24) Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (Your percentile: 35) Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Your percentile: 15) Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You find it easy to criticize others. (Your percentile: 17) Neuroticism High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Your percentile: 49) Got this photo: How do you describe this one?
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That was quite impressive and a very good first TAS. Yes vote.
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That game looks pretty cool. Any reason why you are not attempting it yourself since you seem to know the game quite well?
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Great improvement to the published run. Yes vote.
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I thought I already had posted in this topic, guess not... I found this place through Kaz's Soul Blaser TAS somewhere back in 2008, I've always been interested in beating games as quickly as possible and I decided to lurk around for a while. When I felt I had most things figured out and that I had things to add, I decided to register.
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July 2011: Account - Free - Saw a couple of our videos on here, but I am too lazy to link them currently.
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A copy of the computer game Metal Fatigue and a deck chair. Then I can just sit back and wait for a game collector to come for me.
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I hope it doesn't crash anywhere where it will be a problem for me. So I am hoping for somewhere like in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.
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Due to the fact that the most entertainment (and agony) comes from playing the game the TAS is somewhat lacking in the entertainment department. However, it's really short and seems to be very well made. I am giving it a weak yes, borderline meh.
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Done with Lagoony Tunes without speed loss, at least the high speed is kinda entertaining, sadly the maneuver capabilities are quite slim when holding the B-button which forces me to stay on the edges if I wanted to stay at max speed. I was trying to be as entertaining as possible and taking as many close calls that I could without going insane trying to pull them off, the hit boxes on these wakeboard levels are weird, I don't have to touch things for them to actually hit me. Sadly it doesn't get more entertaining than this. VBM:
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Sadly the game doesn't scream "stop" anymore. But excellent improvement. Yes vote.
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klmz wrote:
Warepire wrote:
Sorry for giving you more work instead of taking some off you :(
No need to apologize. You've been actually helping with the development. Rev. 397 should have got rid of the last two errors.
That fixed everything, it builds fine now.
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It all depends really, if there are games that performs better on the PS3 or are exclusive to the PS3 (that you want to play of course), then by all means go for it. If you are unsure if you will like the exclusive games for the PS3 most big video game stores lets you try the games if you ass them enough.
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Oel-Boy wrote:
[big gif] EDIT: 100th POST!!
Doesn't that gif come from the movie Dodgeball?
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It would help us greatly if you quoted the error message to us so that we know a bit more of what could be failing.
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klmz wrote:
It seems that you forgot to add src/gba/GBA-arm.cpp and src/GBA/GBA-thumb.cpp into your project. The LNK2001 errors were caused by the deifinition of int/int32/int32_t/long (do you build on a 64-bit system?). I committed some changes (SVN rev. 396) to work-around them, but I don't know if that solves the problems. The code needs cleaning, undoubtably.
Warepire wrote:
nasm.exe -D__DJGPP__ -f win32 -o "D:\VBA-v24-M-rr\win32\\.VS2008\Debug\Win32\2xSaImmx.obj" "d:\VBA-v24-M-rr\src\filters\2xSaImmx.asm"
Did this fail (no 2xSaImmx.obj generated) due to nasm.exe not found? If this failed, you may do this by hand.
I am trying to build it on a 32bit Windows Vista Home installation, though the CPU has 64bit capabilities I did not install any of the x64 packages with VS2008. Including the 2 new files to the project and updating to rev. 396 fixed all the errors I was having, and gave me 2 new ones. LNK2001 errors about unresolved external symbols: "int gbColorOption" and "long gbPaletteOption" nasm is working fine, no problems building that obj. Sorry for giving you more work instead of taking some off you :(
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Warepire wrote:
klmz wrote:
You must have checked out the right branch, haven't you? The VS2008 solution has been out of date, as well as the VS2005 one has. For whatever reason, MS modified the VC++ project file format in VS2010, so you cannot simply edit the up-to-date VS2010 project files (VBA2010.vcxproj and VBA2010.vcxproj.filters) and open them with VS2008. So the best solution (no pun intended at all) would be that you fix the VS2008 one manually. To fix the linker errors, add these Additional Dependencies (to all building configurations that you might be interested in): directx/d3dx8.lib;wsock32.lib;directx/ddraw.lib;directx/dxguid.lib;winmm.lib;directx/dinput.lib;vfw32.lib;opengl32.lib;nafxcw.lib;libcmt.lib;lua51.lib; and Ignore Spefic Default Libraries (to all building configurations that you might be interested in): libci.lib;nafxcw.lib;libcmt.lib; Note: you may delete the names of the two libs in Italic if the linker didn't complain about them. EDIT: I almost forgot that, you should check whether the lib directories were configured correctly. EDIT2: Hotfix for the unusual edit/record movie mode bug reported by MUGG. v7.23.5.394 "v23.5a" (or should it be "v23.5c"?): v8.24.0.393 "v24m": v7.24.0.395 "v24-alpha":
I grabbed the latest rev of the ones modifying the 8.24 branch (should be rev. 391) I will try editing those linker settings and see if it compiles for me. Thanks! Sadly updating to VS2010 is not an option for me :(
I have checked now and those are already in the linker command line. Removing the libs in italic did nothing Here is my build log, maybe that explains the problem better:
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When I am looking for speedvalues I usually do it this way: 1 - Start with 0 as compare value for all RAM addresses (this is usually default) 2 - Make sure you are comparing signed 2byte values 3 - Start moving forwards in the game and pause emulation without stopping moving 4 - Find all values greater than 0 (should be quite many and they will become the compare value for each address respectively) 5 - Resume emulation and stop moving 6 - Change so that you are looking for values that are less than the old value for each address and search again (now you should not have more than 100-200 values to look at. 7 - When standing still, check if any values change, if yes: they are not the speed value and can be excluded From here look at the remaining values while you are moving around to see if anything matches. If not, repeat from step 2 but use signed 1byte values. [Note: the size of the values will vary depending on which emulator (console) you are making a TAS for] There are most likely more advanced and quicker ways to find these kinds of values, but this method is really easy and quick to grasp. (At least I think so)
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Most of you makes me feel like a rookie... It was either Zelda Link's Awakening on BGB or SoulBlazer on ZSNES (one of the last builds that where made), so around 2005-2006?
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klmz wrote:
You must have checked out the right branch, haven't you? The VS2008 solution has been out of date, as well as the VS2005 one has. For whatever reason, MS modified the VC++ project file format in VS2010, so you cannot simply edit the up-to-date VS2010 project files (VBA2010.vcxproj and VBA2010.vcxproj.filters) and open them with VS2008. So the best solution (no pun intended at all) would be that you fix the VS2008 one manually. To fix the linker errors, add these Additional Dependencies (to all building configurations that you might be interested in): directx/d3dx8.lib;wsock32.lib;directx/ddraw.lib;directx/dxguid.lib;winmm.lib;directx/dinput.lib;vfw32.lib;opengl32.lib;nafxcw.lib;libcmt.lib;lua51.lib; and Ignore Spefic Default Libraries (to all building configurations that you might be interested in): libci.lib;nafxcw.lib;libcmt.lib; Note: you may delete the names of the two libs in Italic if the linker didn't complain about them. EDIT: I almost forgot that, you should check whether the lib directories were configured correctly. EDIT2: Hotfix for the unusual edit/record movie mode bug reported by MUGG. v7.23.5.394 "v23.5a" (or should it be "v23.5c"?): v8.24.0.393 "v24m": v7.24.0.395 "v24-alpha":
I grabbed the latest rev of the ones modifying the 8.24 branch (should be rev. 391) I will try editing those linker settings and see if it compiles for me. Thanks! Sadly updating to VS2010 is not an option for me :(
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I was planning on taking a look at the timing bugs in the GB core of v8.24 today, but I cannot compile it with the VS2008 solution (rev 391) and I have been trying for hours to fix the errors to make it compile but no success... First it complained about some 60 files that didn't exist (fixed that by re-including them) Then it complained about some external symbols that where re-defined with another type (fixed that) Now it is complaining that it cannot resolve external symbols (not the same as I corrected) [Linker error LNK2001 and LNK2019] klmz, would you mind taking a look at this? (I usually program in Linux, so I don't have a lot of skill working with Visual Studio)
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FF43 is an LCD register, it shows the X offset for the background. Why those show up in RAM search in VBA is beyond me.
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The game is pleading you to stop the punishment, awesome! Great improvement, yes vote.
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Good news everyone! I have found Wakeboard speed and the total boxes value. Here is the updated watch: For the wakeboard: Pretty much everything besides normal steering costs speed, which limits the amount of entertainment possibilities, I will make a new attempt in a day or so at doing Lagoony Tunes without loosing speed. Now all we need is the velocity for the sun-escape levels.