Posts for Truncated

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I don't remember the name of the DLL file, and I was on a computer without internet access at the time, otherwise I would have downloaded it. I can check the name of it for you.
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Ok, I actually had to do some hexediting yesterday, so I decided to try out these programs. Gens Editor v1: Couldn't get it to run because of a missing DLL-file. :( EME: got it to work and fixed my movie without too much trouble. Suggestions for improvements in EME (if Travis Wells is still around): - Insert empty frame command. (inserts a blank frame between current frame and previous frame, movie becomes 1 frame longer) - Duplicate this frame. (inserts an identical frame as the one you're standing on) - Remove this frame. (removes current frame, movies becomes 1 frame shorter.) All of these deal with movies being off-sync. My movie was two frames off after fixing an error at the end. I had to manually move all starts and ends of button presses two frames earlier after the point I modified. Some kind of numerical option - insert 230 frames, or remove 230 frames, could probably come in handy too. - Copy frame(s). - Paste frame(s). Sometimes you need to do the exact same things as you did earlier in the movie. Rather than writing down all the key sequences and putting them in by keyboard, this would come in handy. Multiple frame selecting would have to be implemented. - Split screen - Two formats for viewing frame number - Go to frame Split screen is just a window divisor so that you can see two parts of the same movie file at once, without scrolling back and forth. Two formats would be good because Gens internal timer is in min:sec:frames, so you have to do some maths every time you check a frame. But sometimes (for additions and subtractions) the raw numbers are preferred. Put them next to each other in the leftmost column. Go to frame is just to cut down on all the scrolling. It would also be nice if it accepted both formats. What I really liked about it was that I could save my movie file without closing the program and just load a savestate (in read-only) in Gens without reloading the movie file, and it would play the modified movie. Because of this it was very easy to check what results your edits had.
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I had problems with downloading version 10, but I checked the file listing and clicked normal download instead of fast and got it without problems. Linky linky:
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>I have consistent desync problems trying to watch pretty much any smv from this site using the official SNES9x 1.43 for OS X. This sounds like it's because Snes9x 1.43 Final uses another timing system than Snes9x 1.43 WIP. Since the Final version includes some desync issues not found in WIP version, most movies here are made with WIP version. (The improved version by nitsuja can play and record files from both versions.) Have you tried playing the files with Snes9x 1.43 WIP (assuming there is such a version for OS X)?
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No, I've played Rescue too. But I think a run of it would basically consist of killing off the unneeded snipers as fast as possible to get to the shooting phase, unless there's some way to go there directly which I'm unaware of.
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>Are you trying to guilt-trip me into adding these features to VBA? If so, it might be working... Noooo. Do more Ninja 5-O instead. Phil can live with streching his fingers and pressing another button than Ctrl. :)
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I'd rather see Sonic 1 coming into realization for the first time. *cough* Since there's been no word on it I guess noone is working on it at the moment. Which is a shame for such a classic (and fast) game. :/
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Heh, that's funny. I always use the same setup as yours. Question is if it's the best for maximum speed... I usually just play to stay alive. I guess you would teleport like a maniac trough the levels and try to get a powerup just before the boss, or during the boss. The phoenix owns most bosses in no time, especially if they are large (have many parts which can be damaged) or if you can trap them in/near the corners of the screen. You can indeed manipulate the bosses to shoot bullets for you counter force+phoenix, which is very convenient. Max health doesn't speed anything up, I think, there are few (no?) places where taking hits speed things up, so you will be operating at near maximum health all the time. You could grab them for life refill of course, if there aren't any other life refills (the powerup freezes the game for 1 second so normal health is better). Max ammo could probably speed up things... I tend to run out of ammo all the time when I play even with powerups. Also you could switch to new weapons to better suit the next boss you'll be facing. There are so many factors to consider, which is why I've been postponing it indefinitely. According to FAQs, but I haven't tested it myself, the Buster force has the same damage independent on distance while the Sword force is stronger close in and weaker far away. Also it could be the case that one weapon is weaker/stronger against some bosses, but I don't really know.
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Eh, so I'll double post: For the people who have played this game, what do you think the best selection of starting weapons would be? - Flame force The first given. Extremely effective against any organical enemy, but runs out of ammo in about 2 seconds and is completely useless against mechanical enemies. Either you need to bring 2 or grab a lot of powerups (which takes time). - Lance force The other given. Effective against almost anything, but runs out of ammo quickly too. Kind of difficult to aim, but that's no problem for us, is it? The two other: I'm considering Homing force as one. It's weak, but useful for clearing enemies without aiming, and most importantly it can hit a lot of bosses even though they are blocking. You could rapidswitch to and from this weapon to take potshots while the bosses are blocking, but it messes up the recharge (weapons only recharge after they haven't been used for a few seconds). Ammo takes forever to deplete though, so it might not be a problem. The last one: the ranger force is worthless, I think. So either Buster, Sword, or another Flame. Or another Lance? The sevenforce boss is probably the hardest one weaponwise. It's, what, five bosses in a row without recharge, and none of them can be hurt by flame force. But you can't switch all your flame force to something else before that because it's extremely effective against Melon Bread, the boss just before sevenforce, so you'll be one weapon short and almost guaranteed to run out during battle. Let me know what you think.
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Yeah, and play them with goofy graphic, bad controls and botched music. Minus the interesting glitches of the originals. No.
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Some other movies already have subtitles detailing the glitches in the middle of the movie. Wizards & Warriors (1) for example. But I wouldn't know much about it since I always go with the movie files nowadays.
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I don't think you should waste your time at all with this halfbaked mockery of three great games, which already has fantastic movies for NES. But that's just me.
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I've had plans of making a run for this for a long long time (see my page), but I was put off by the large amount of boss manipulation you have to do, as well as the tricky weapon selection. Some weapons are a LOT more effective for some bosses than others, plus limited ammo is a problem. Anyway, I'll check this when I get a chance, which doesn't seem to be anytime soon. :/
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>... in Snes9x you have to pause first to use frame advance ... Actually, you don't. I sometimes press it accidentally because it's next to the rest of my gamepad keys.
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I'm looking forward to the more difficult levels. Could you not switch jobs and make sounds every other frame? It's making my ears bleed. The melodies and the other general crazyness you make is fine.
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Well. I watched it (or if it was an earlier WIP of it, I don't remember) and I wasn't that fascinated for some reason. It's been a while, so maybe I should check again before I say anything.
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Movies are still backwards compatible. So you can continue on the newest version of Gens with the same movie. Would you object to someone else (me) picking up the project if you're not feeling like doing it? I'm not promising anything, I just want to check in case of sudden uprising of spendable time occurs.
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Patches are okay as long as the game is not playable on an emulator without it, and it doesn't change anything else than that.
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Heh. So I got around to watching it now, in total contradiction of what I said above. I don't know the game enought to comment on the actual playing. Probably the wall-jumping is difficult to get good. It seems like an interesting series to run though. Some of the bosses comments when they died or when you meet them are kind of fun. Like the rooster (?) who says "WHAT?!" when he dies, or the octupus thing who says "Just as I expected..." in a very disappointed voice. It bugs me somewhat how even the big evil guys have squeaky japanese voices. So did Zero die at the end of this game? Again? For which time now?
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>In conclusion. Truncated should try watching recordings before commenting on them. That's quite presumptuous. I did watch the recording before commenting on it. And I always do. (What are you, a mind reader?) It felt a lot like more of the same thing as the other two, and to me not interesting enough to deserve a separate third publication. I fast-forwarded most of it. And anyway, most people seem to agree with you, so be happy about this game probably getting published on a third system instead. There's no need to be an ass about it. Or talking about me in third person as if what you wrote wasn't directed towards me.
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Nah, people aren't always that interested in commenting on every game someone has plans to make. If they do they really want it, then there's the middle where they don't say anything but might find it interesting anyway once it's done. The only time you really need to be worried is when people advise against doing a game. Plus the the GBA games section is still quite inactive compared to the other sections here.
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>Minimal differences my arse. I know you listed the differences elsewhere (it's here for anyone interested). I still find them minimal. You are still a prince caught in a dungeon trying to find your sword and get out and save the princess before time runs out. The moves are identical, the levels are nearly identical (there were some extra ones in the SNES version), the engine has some minor differences and the graphics are a bit prettier. Would you, for example, like to see Mega Drive versions of Mega Man 1, 2 and 3? The differences are about the same: same moves, same levels (with some additions), same engine with minor differences, and prettier graphics. I think no, and even so Mega Man games are a lot more popular than Prince of Persia games.
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That's because FCEU doesn't have show input like the other emulators. Then you can see what buttons are pressed every frame while playing the movie. Someone should really add that, it's probably quite easy. Like you said it's very helpful when reviewing movies.
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I'm going to have to vote no. I just can't see any point in doing the same game for three different systems with minimal differences. I thought the second one was one too many already. I feel the same way if someone would do a very good Super Mario All-stars or Mega Man Wily Wars. It might be harsh on your hard work, but that's what I think. Sorry.
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I'd skip the Mario advance series if they are the same as the NES/SNES counterparts. It feels pointless doing the same games but for another system (I feel the same way about the Prince of Persia and Marble Madness runs). Otherwise I have no idea because I haven't played any of the games you suggested.