Posts for Truncated

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The reasons I think football (*1) is annoying to watch: - They haven't invented stopwatches yet and continue to add some arbitrary time at the end instead of stopping the clock like any sane sport - They refuse to use cameras and check replays and as a result, the judging is usually substandard with everyone getting angry. I also find hockey more interesting to watch, but I'm not a big sports fan in any case. ------ (*1) While I'm in aggressive mode, I would like to point out how incredibly stupid it is to call football soccer and rugby football. American Football: A) Is not played with the feet, and B) Does not use a ball. Therefore, I am now making decreeing that in English, soccer will henceforth be called football like it is in the rest of the world's languages, and American football will be called American rugby. Restistance is futile. Written objections can be left three copies signed by independent linguists, next to the document shredder in room 911.
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I agree, I was just hoping that there was some magical way you could fit it in that I had overlooked. (I'm not that good at programming really, so it's not impossible.)
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I tried out the new input display for multiple player movies... I'm afraid I don't like it very much. :/ It takes too much brainpower to remember which player is which color and figure out which combinations of colors become which players, when it could be so much easier. My suggestion: Keep the different colors for the players, but make the box higher and give them a line each. Just for the record, I like the current font, and if you're changing from mm:ss:ff to frames, I think it should be optional in the Option -> Misc menu.
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I have the same problem. It's not connected to playing movies. Steps for reproducing: 1) Open two Gens 2) Open a ROM in each (not necessarily the same one) 3) Close the first Gens. The other Gens goes black but the game runs as usual. Workaround: Press Alt+Enter (maximize) twice. Actually, step 2 is optional, but it's easier to realize that the game continues if there is music.
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I got one of those too. From: cheeseman To: Truncated Posted: 2006-06-24 22:27:30 Subject: At least I'm not gay! Message: like u ---- It's not fair, yours was much funnier. :(
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Hehehe. Maybe now that Sweden finally lost the newspapers will write about something else than football for a change.
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mikwuyma: If you check the submission list ( you'll see that we have plenty of accepted but unpublished submissions at the moment. We seem to be understaffed in the encoding department lately. Also, this was accepted only two days ago (I know, I should have done that earlier), so it's not exactly first in line. Gods is, or rather should be.
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I'll be happy to read it and comment. My email can be found on my userpage here. (
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Hehe. I liked the Dead End movie. >it's a stupid concept. You should tell the officials at DC comics, because it was their idea from the start:
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cheeseman wrote:
I agree. For people who don't have enough of a life to have fun sober so they have to create artificial happiness which will eventually kill them. Happy dying guys!
And happy growing up to you. ;) (Wow I used the quote function for once!)
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The FAQ can be surprisingly helpful.
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nitsuja>Has anybody implemented a cheat search or memory viewer feature for Gens? Yes, I have an older (non-rerecording) version of Gens which has that. It was given to me by Bladegash, via this link: But there is no source in that zip file and I don't know where it can be found. For Upthorn, two other things that might be nice to have: - ROM checksum in GMV file. (I realize that it doesn't fit in the current format.) - Ability to disable graphics layers. I don't know if Genesis works in the same way as SNES in this regard but I know that I have wanted to see through an obstructing layer more than once. Everything else I wanted is already on your list. The most important item being RAM search and viewer.
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>>There are some countries (read: USA) >That's cool, I didn't realise that Sweden wasn't part of 'some'. That's cool, I didn't realise that Sweden was part of some when some in this case was the USA.
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I made some kind of modification to the naming system. All NES Zelda games are now listed beginning with Zelda. It's not internally consistent, but it gets the ordering right and the correct names are included somewhere in the text string.
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>For instance, in MM3, whenever you fight Protoman, you can't progress in the other games (since your third Megaman now has to run back and forth jumping and shooting, while the others do the same thing, and pray the others don't end up falling in a pit...) There's nothing stopping MegaMan nr.3 from sliding and pressing against the right wall and occasionally turning around to shoot. Or some other workaround. I'm sure they'll come up with something. >Also, if you switch weapons for one game, you have to do it for them all, and you have to do it specifically matched to the menu. This is tricky. But the pause screens are of different length and accept input at different speeds. Or you could switch weapons in one game when others don't accept input, such as during boss intros. >Another minor problem is that of keeping 4 NES emulator windows open at the same time without slowdown, unless I'm misunderstanding how you plan to do this. Not a problem considering the speed that they will be running at. (I'm not sure that it would mean problems otherwise either, NES emulators aren't that demanding in the resource department.)
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>And why are the quote tags being funky? I think the workaround is to turn off HTML.
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Also make sure that read-only is on when loading the savestate, or you will overwrite the movie and start recording from that savestate. Which means you have to re-download it. If that doesn't work for some reason, your next best option is fast-forward via Tab.
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How about: to explore the limits of the game? Or: for the same reasons as any sportsman, competing (and especially winning) is fun. Also, is that from the tool-assisted movie? I would guess so, but I couldn't see it mentioned anywhere.
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I included this in the Tools section on the Downloads page here now, so you had better finish it and live up to your promises of supporting most movie formats. ;)
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Other countries do that too, Sweden included.
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I think that you should opt for variation instead of being as fast as possible all the time. I'm also not sure if there really are no random factors so that cutting and pasting a scene like that will work. I liked the new set of enemies anyhow, keep it up.
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I will fix the description. I hope someone else can fix the screenshot.
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What FractalFusion said about the meaning. It's similar to "I don't care if this is published or not, either one is fine with me." I disagree with not using it and think it conveys useful information when judging. Seeing a movie with many Meh-votes is more informative than a movie with no votes at all.
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>1) What is the best way to attempt to replicate the "fast flying" on console? I'm not sure about this one. Is is necessary to hold left in multiples of 5 frames? Even if it's not, you still need to get lucky with the starting frame. >2) What is the best way to attempt to replicate the "hopping glitch" on console (if it's possible to replicate at all, not really sure)? Don't bother. The hopping glitch has a 1-frame window for every jump (yes, _every_ jump), and you have to start it on one of 5 indistinguishable frames to get maximum speed, otherwise you will just get normal or even lower speed than usual. It's just not feasible in normal play. Good luck with your speedrun in any case.
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You can fast forward by holding Tab. F4 and F2 also work. See the FAQ, it's linked from everywhere.