Posts for Truncated

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xipo: It is very hard to get frame counts from Famtasia. You can get approximations from the AVI. The other option is to make savestates in Famtasia during the DD3 movie, and examine the savestate with a hex editor. I look forward to see your movie of DD3. (If this is difficult to understand, don't be afraid to ask for more explanation.)
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LSK: I've had success with putting frame advance button on Shift, since it can be pressed together with almost any button. If that doesn't work, try some other buttons.
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Since improving it 2 seconds doesn't change the reason it got rejected ("The waiting in the beginning is the most obvious thing, but most of the game seems too straightforward. Very few possibilities to do something interesting, or something faster than just running forward."), I think the verdict will not change. You could do it for yourself and all the people who liked and voted Yes for the first movie, of course.
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Zurreco> That's what Phil did, though. Yes, but I expect more from JXQ. Phil: Perhaps this irrelevant to the topic, but I'm curious who "those people" in the team are. Am I included for example? The same principle applies when it is someone else, by the way. If a lot of people disagree with them, it's quite possibly because they are wrong.
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Phil: so you don't agree with what Fabian said, and you think there is a secret team of people ganging up on you? I think that sounds rather paranoid. (I'm not going to make a list of all the things I disagree with for example Fabian about, to prove that this isn't true.) When a lot of people disagree with your opinion, you need to start considering the possibility that it is because you are wrong. JXQ: If you think that description and/or joke in it is bad, then by all means change it, but it would be unconstructive (?) to change it just to make a point.
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No, it was more of a reply to the comment that judges don't care about the votes when judging. If we want to debate the judging process further, I suggest we split off into a new topic, because this one is sufficiently derailed already.
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Didn't we do this already? Like 5 times omg? The No option is there for a reason. If we didn't want No votes from people who didn't like the movie, we could have a poll with the only option being Yes. I voted yes and I will accept this movie shortly. (These two facts are unrelated, by the way.)
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>... frankly unfunny description ... Hey, I wrote that description. :( I'm trying to say this without a high-horse more mature than all of you attitude: everybody needs to calm the hell down.
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Hmm... Sourceforge lists the exe-7zip as 0 bytes in size. I can't download it either. Is something up or am I missing something?
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Question for xipo, or anyone who speaks chinese (tool23, I'm looking at you): Is "xipo" really the real name, and "西坡" (West slope?) the nickname? It seems the real name should be in chinese characters and the nick in roman alphabet, but perhaps that's just me.
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creaothceann: The "Location:" field is there for a reason, you know. :P
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djs>Are you gonna post adult WIPS? Yes, but you may only view them if you are above 21 years old, it is legal for you to do so according to the laws where you live, and you promise that you will not make the material available to minors.
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Seems like it needs SRAM... which is not a good thing. Judging from the guide I read, some bosses are impossible to beat without first hoarding money and buying items, which probably won't be too entertaining if it's true.
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If Phil doesn't tell us any possible improvements, this run will likely be accepted. He can make a movie that obsoletes this one of course. By the way, my recommendation is also (after checking the old runs) that this run obsoletes both.
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funguy10: Click on the link in the first message (, the ROM filename is visible in the submission's infobox.
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This is the first version I feel i can vote Yes for. Nice improvements, and some unexpected tricks. Was I just imagining, or did you shoot in the air and jump a tiny bit longer? And being hit by the leaf twice on the outdoor level, what is the meaning of that?
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I think minimal completion time is better since there are records to beat. The sonic runs skip the emeralds for similar reasons.
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... when did people here become so abrasive? It's a real problem, and he's suggesting an honest solution. No need to treat him like a jerk. I have said in the past that I think the disclaimer intro could be longer and more obvious (a few seconds of big letters before the game starts would be enough), but this doesn't seem to be liked. This doesn't help the problem with people stealing the movies, removing disclaimers, putting them up somewhere else, but it does help lessen the confusion when the movies are passed around otherwise. I doubt people would go through the trouble to encode their own movies (has this EVER happened?) but a watermark will just be pasted over anyway. [Edit by Bisqwit: Replaced an attacking word with a descriptive clause. Please try to not use aggressive words like that.]
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I would also want some more feedback on this. 2 votes makes it hard to judge. I watched it, and this game is not for me. It was nice that the level-up sequence was very short, but mostly it consists of talking (which you can't read) and standing around, and very little action.
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Looks very well made to me. Unless something comes up, I will accept this in a few days.
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>Shouldn't the movie have been made using PAL Emulation, though? I'm not gonna vote Yes on stuff that doesn't use the right game mode. Should perhaps, but all Blue Shadow movies so far have made the same mistake. There's no reason to reject this one because it follows a (bad) standard.
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You are both wrong. That falg is celarly ornage!
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Another suggestion: make the "Splice movie" button bring up a Save As... dialog. My first thought when i used it the first time was "Huh, where did my file go?". The path and name can be kept, so you can just press Enter if you like it the old way.
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>I remember hearing somewhere that Mario has speed which varies slightly, and when it maxes out the value can be preserved by jumping. Is this real or am I nuts? You're thinking of SMW, not SMB1. And the oscillating speed can be taken advantage of by a human, as long as he can watch the RAM.
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I agree with Cardboard that this game has obvious sexual innuendo. I suggest this screenshot for when it's published, from ~around frame 3300: