Posts for TheAxeMan

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Excellent! I wasted quite a bit of time playing this game in the GB days, but never really mastered it. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what's possible. By the way, you're talking about the first GB Battletoads, right? The second one could also be interesting.
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Wow, another gutbusting 'toads run. The ending you added is definitely fitting, after Zitz gets picked on the whole game through. So it's really not faster to kill any of the robots in the terra tubes to reduce lag? Also, I think this would be pushing the limits of calling it a 2-player run, but could you kill Zitz off in the tubes, and sit him out until the tower? Or do you need both of them alive to glitch the rat race effectively? 2 players seems to be a big disadvantage in the tubes. Anyway, this is definitely an instant classic, great job.
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Yeah, I noticed that it was reaching the top of the queue as far as vote tally. Now I need to work on blowing it away. :) I hadn't thought that the wild warp would be a big deal to anyone, without it there is just a lot of extra walking and backtracking in many places. It doesn't even break the game open that much. Anyway, hopefully I'll feel like working on this again soon, but I probably won't post another preview for a while since I have a long levelup sequence coming.
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Ah, I gotta check the rest of this out. However, it's worth pointing out that Tafatt has demonstrated many possible improvements to Matty's techniques. A starting run was posted which escapes the arena 5 sec faster and reaches Bogard 10 sec faster. This version of Matty's run is definitely much better than the first, it may be publishable. Who knows how long it will take to produce a truly high-quality run? Edit: Ok, watched the rest of this. Your route planning is good, but your boss fights are poor. This doesn't have a huge effect on the actual completion time, but greatly improves the perceived quality. Boss fights are generally the highlight of any timeattack, they should be highly optimized. Check this out: I've sped up the final final boss fight by about 30 sec. It's really just a lot of little things, but mostly it's about being more aggressive and not limiting yourself to normal playing methods. In general, you have to advance the action frame-by-frame. Once again, I have to thank Matty for finding all the improvements he did, but I still don't think this run is worth publishing. Better boss fights would really break the monotony of the long dungeons and outer world treks. In many spots the dialog isn't being scrolled nearly fast enough. Perhaps worth a meh just because of the classic quality of this game, but definitely not solid enough for a yes.
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Uh oh, the leader has been obsoleted!
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This is pretty sweet. But you skipped the chomp chain level, I was looking forward to that. I love the deaths, especially in toad's house. Also, do you plan on beating any levels with the frog suit for the special message? I do seem to get the desync on world 3 airship.
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And Low Level is near impossible.
"near impossible" is meaningless in the context of a timeattack. It's either possible or not, and even then it's hard to really say something is impossible. If you really need more hp from fewer levels then you could get stamina for some number of levelups. I don't think this will be necessary or desirable though, I'm sure you can find enough enemies to kill to get the hp from just power levelups. As far as keys and mattocks, it may be fine to get them all from enemies, but remember you can also buy them at the oil shop.
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Great job Tafatt, I had suspected things could be faster. By my analysis you are 91 frames ahead after the first fight and 322 frames (5 sec) ahead after the second. It looks like you did the arena fights a little faster and maybe you are scrolling the dialog faster. Also, naming the girl with one letter makes her name go by faster since the text is displayed one letter at a time. What else could you do faster, kill even fewer enemies? I don't think many levels are needed to finish the game. Also, I believe that some of the spikes do damage based on your max hp or level, so on a low level you just have to make sure you take hits at the right time. By skipping to bigger enemies you can kill fewer enemies and get levels anyway. Well, I think you should both keep going with your runs. It sounds like Matty will be no damage and a little higher level, while Tafatt seems to be going for pure speed. Now that I think about it, I'm sorry to say this Matty, but I would prefer to see hits taken to speed things up. This makes the run more interesting because it adds another resource to be managed. Also, the lowest level possible will probably be best. For one thing, every time you get a level you have to listen to the jingle and then pick power, wasting time. The hp restore will be useful though. So Tafatt, I hope to see more of your run, make it as fast as possible. You've probably been following the thread so you know my suggestions. Matty, if you want to finish your current run then fine, but Tafatt has clearly demonstrated that you're doing something wrong...
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I finally tried playing the gbc remake of this game and found out it's quite different. A timeattack might be interesting, but certainly much different from either NES version. Obviously a handheld system has no second controller to perform the wild warp on, and the other bugs I use also seem to be fixed. However, the world was shrunk down to fit the small screen, so everything goes faster. I haven't been able to fully explore it since VBA crashes in the second valley, but it looks like it's not necessary to switch swords or gain levels to hit enemies. A run through this version might be significantly faster. However, as a remake this version loses much of the classic appeal of the original. The soundtrack is crap, which is really sad because I absolutely love the NES sound. Overall this version seems less challenging, and there are fewer bugs to exploit. So the NES run is definitely my choice, but if I can get past that bug I'd consider a warpless GBC run, partly because I really like Nitsuja's VBA enhancements and partly because it would be much shorter and easier to make.
Post subject: crash report--Crystalis (GBC)
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Hey, I was playing through the gbc version of one of my favorites and only got to the second valley when something causes the emulator to crash. Popup error report says "Unknown instruction xx at xxxx"
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Vampire fight looks pretty good. I have some questions though, and there some spots you can definitely improve. In the swamp on the first screen after leaving Kett's and some other places you have missed hits with your weapon when you try to attack too fast. If you wait and attack when you can hit the enemy, could you kill some enemies faster? For example, the last lizardman before you get the key. On the last screen before the battleaxe shop, you move around the swamp plants. But with one sickle swing you can get through on the left side much faster. Also, you should take a hit on the spikes near the last stairs before the chain. When you backtrack, you'll gain a level and then you can take another hit. Ok, one more idea-is it necessary to get "the man" to follow you in marsh cave? He talks for a while, wasting time, and his shots are pretty weak. What happens if you don't get him, can you still go through the cave?
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Ok Crystalis fans, after taking a break to do a Mario Land run among other things, I am back to this game. This next WIP covers the whole swamp, which was a very tough place to optimize due to randomness of enemy movements. As I did in the last levelup sequence, enemy spawns are optimized, which was much more difficult than the last time. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out though--the swamp area is done about 45 seconds faster than in my last run, and on entering the mountain, I'm a minute and half ahead in total. Of course since I have less experience at the same point I need to kill a few extra ice zombies to make up the difference. Since the zombies are worth more, this is definitely a gain. Coming up is a long long levelup block, which will take about 5 minutes. I will squeeze out as much time as possible, but there's not as much room for improvement here since the loop I used before solves the problem of planning out the spawns.
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That's pretty sweet. "Perfectness" is not an English word though, the intro should use "Perfection."
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Ah, lots of planning to do. Well, in the bone key you can beat some enemies easily for good exp if you use the ice sword. Also, I was wondering if you knew that you could do the snow field later. I don't know if there is any advantage, but as soon as you have chocobo that goes on water you can fight Lich and get Nuke. You can then nuke the crystal and go in there but it's pointless without rusty sword. It probably doesn't matter because you need to get the bone key anyway. I just do this when playing normally so I can get items from that crystal dungeon.
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Outstanding 2-players antics. You've made as many levels as possible entertaining, so I think this is the first submission of this game worthy of being published. Great job you two.
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Still looking good. I like your lizard fight and you are doing well in the cave. Mattocks and keys are very cheap, I think you should buy them unless you can get them from enemies very easily. One crystal will pay for all the mattocks and keys for the rest of the game. Also, are you still planning on buying silver shield only? The sword may help you beat many of the bosses faster. It might be worthwhile to rerecord on your old run, using silver sword instead of chain to beat Davias, Medusa, the crab thing. You used chain on several of these before, which is much weaker than silver sword.
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Sword of Mana is a remake of this game. FFA came out in the period where Square was putting "Final Fantasy" on all their Western releases everything in hopes of turning it to gold (this seems to be a cyclic thing...) Anyway, it's actually the first game in the Seiken Densetsu series. For some reason, they later decided this series could stand on its own and the Western release of the sequel was more appropriately named "Secret of Mana".
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I love how your new version is looking. Movements are highly optimized and the first boss fights looked great. Frame advance is really helping, right? Remember to use frame advance on the menus, that will help you get through them very quickly. It may also be helpful in dialog, though perhaps you could use a turbo button to speed through it. Keep it up and this version will definitely be publishable!
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Matty, it's great that you made it all the way through, but there are far too many obvious errors and improvements to publish this. Besides everything you pointed out, most of the bosses can be killed faster by being more aggressive. So take another pass through this and go crazy aggressive on the bosses, plan items out a little better and do all the improvements you know of. This can definitely get much better, looking forward to seeing it.
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But then you'd have to go to Zenobia after the battle, wasting a lot of time. The hardcore team should be well developed long before getting Tristan, so getting him will be pointless anyway. The only reason I can think is that you could deploy him as your defensive unit and he could instantly recruit a pretty decent group. Besides, the hardcore group could simply intercept any high-flying enemies who would reach the home base before the boss could be killed.
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Ah yes, Chimera probably is your best boss fight. I totally agree with skipping the were axe. However, I think you should consider using swords more on the bosses, since they have the fastest swing rate. You could easily save more than the time required to switch weapons. Morning star is cool, but so slow. As far as getting the BattleAxe later, it is probably be a good idea. You wouldn't have to spend extra time killing rabites and minidemons early on for chump change. I would guess the best time would be after the marsh cave, having the money then shouldn't be a problem and it's not far out of your way from the cave to Kett's.
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Aha, fixed the rom just as Nach suggested. That NSRT is a pretty sweet tool, thanks a lot Nach. There still seems to be a problem with the sound, but it's minor--I don't hear the last few blips in the countdown before a fight. Also the superscope in snes9x is kinda funny to set up but pretty cool once you get it working. When you load up snes9x hit input->enable superscope. This option seems to reset every time you load the program. After you start the game hit 7, it will enable the super scope and your mouse cursor will change. Left click is fire, right click is cursor. Turbo toggle and pause are assignable hotkeys but ` and / by default.
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Ok, I was intrigued, so I checked these games out on SNES9x. Indeed, Battle Clash is pretty lame, but unfortunately Metal Combat doesn't seem to be emulated properly--there appears to be a missing layer or set of sprites. Has anyone else tried this? I think I'll pull out my real super scope and check out this game again. I used to be pretty deadly with the scope...
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Back when you made the changes to take out the spot where you took a hit, you noticed that the boss fights changed. The random factor probably has something to do with that. Other possible factors: time you enter the boss area, area changes before the boss, number of gems... Once the fight starts, does it always stay the same? If so you'll just have to take what you can get. You're already over an hour and you've slowed down other places to avoid hits, so why not go all the way? So yeah, I hope you find the motivation to get back to this and stick it out.
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Every boss has a weak point. Usually, you need to blow off part of his armor to expose it, but sometimes it's possible to hit it without doing so. It might require pixel precision while the boss is moving around quickly, though. Blowing off body parts sometimes does a ton of damage. Also, the bombs may be useful to make the enemy stay in one place instead of running offscreen, in addition to doing damage to all body parts. This game is ok, but Metal Combat (the sequel) is so much better. I'd play that and put in the code to use Tornado, which opens many more options.