Posts for SwordlessLink

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I just got a comment at my Snowhead Temple TAS, saying this: Hey, I don't know if you can be bothered to research further into this, but I swear by my father's grave I've been able to hit wizrobe twice in a row before. Since you have TAS equipment you could easily find that window where you can strike again and then you could end wizrobe battles in the blink of an eye. I have no idea if it works, but he seems pretty sure that it does. Maybe you guys should have a look at it
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Yes vote here.
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Even more time will be saved, Rikku just told me that it's possible from the other side...
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I just tested it (made a m64 myself) and timed it. That star, using that strat, is at least 6 seconds faster than the volcano star! Sub-15 minutes is looking more and more possible...
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Skiessi wrote:
Any chance of getting this to Google Video?
I uploaded it to it earlier. Unfortunately the quality isn't that great, but you can easily still see what's going on.
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― At 2:25, it should view from the left side to better show where Mario is going. If you view it frame by frame, or are familiar with the scene, you can follow it, but not otherwise. I'm pretty sure you can see fine well what is going on. ― At 3:09, the camera goes off from viewing where Mario is going and shows the skies and his hat instead. That was AKA's idea, but personally I liked it. I thought it made the fall more dramatic. ― At 4:40 onwards, Mario does a multitude of jumps towards the camera onto platforms that the viewers gets to see only a fraction of second before Mario lands on them. A broader view would be nicer. Only being able to see it for a fraction of a second just adds to the suspense, and makes it appear to be moving faster than it is. ― At 4:45, Mario goes behind a wall. I'll accept that, but to be honest, it's only for a split second, and in my opinion, looked better than rotating the camera, then having to rotate it again a second later to see him. ― At 4:49, the camera angle suddenly changes in a confusing way, and Mario is temporarily lost from view That's because of the star animation. We had no control over that. ― At 4:54, Mario is again lost of view because Mario is behind platforms from where the camera is. I agree with you here. We should've turned it so you could see his right side. ― At 6:00, Mario disappears from view again, camera is showing a wall instead. Only for a split second. It's not exactly a big loss. And it looks fine, in my opinion. ― At 7:31 onwards, the camera does a couple of annoyingly fast movements, because the objects of the interest (Mario, star, bully) cannot fit into the same view due to the positioning of the camera. The bully was dead by that point. All that had to be in view was Mario and the star... And I'm only halfway to the movie. Need I comment on the second half? Please do.
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Mind telling me what was wrong with the camera?
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That looked great, guys. My only complaint is that you hit the skulltula with the sword. I made a run of the Deku Tree a few months ago, and I was able to roll in the gap between the skulltula and the wall. I'm pretty sure it's faster. Here's the run if you want to see what I mean: Everything else looked great to me.
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Tompa wrote:
Won't take too long. There's an obvious improvement in the final bowser path. But I belive (hope) Aka and SwordlessLink are going to remake that part.
We'll see. ;) >_>
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Been watching it since you released the JRB WIP. How could I possibly vote no? Definite yes.
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Yeah, we tried everything...I shall experiement more with this battle in the future, just to double check...
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Well, we tried that. The bomb that you'd usually hit was the one that got him furthest away from the star, and the bomb that we didn't hit which isn't that, ended up only costing time. What we did was the fastest available, and the only way I can see around it is perhaps catching him at a later point while he's in the air. =/
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Looked great. Can't wait to see it when it's all done.
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Thanks everyone so far. And laughing_gas, I don't think it's faster. I'm just visualising it now, and the fact that you need to go around the fence seeems enough to cause it to be slower, even when optimised...
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Looked good, although wouldn't it have been faster to delay the jump to the red coin star for a few frames so you could buttslam under it?
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You've clearly worked very hard on this, as the improvements over your last run show. Great job, and a yes vote from me.
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Yeah, that's what I meant. And no problem. Anything to help a good TAS. =P
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No desync this time, and the run looks fantastic. Although the last star might be improvable. I don't actually know if this is faster, but you can use the bouncy box to reach that mushroom.
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This is odd...It desyncs for me once you get to the area with the monkey on the very first star...Mario just starts jumping around, then falls down and starts trying to grab things underwater...I've tried it with several different plugins to no avail...
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A no vote from me. I just didn't get why some of the tricks done in it took so long to do. For example, in Banshee Boardwalk, why did he wait a while before doing that boost in the second lap that shot him to the house area? And in RR, he missed the finish line the first time...I don't know, maybe it was intentional and necessary, but it looked odd. The first and second levels were very nice but the sloppiness in the rest of it made me vote no... And I also think that full-track runs would be better than glitched ones.
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XD Rikku. Seriously, I'd only use that while Mario's falling after entering the level.
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Not bad. Although I haven't had much time to work on it. I hope to get some of it done right now, though.
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:) Thanks.
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Alright then, thanks. :) I'll post WIPs until the 4th or 5th level is done. Then the rest can be a surprise. :P And what do you mean by "didn't work"? >_>
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XD Sorry comicalflop. >_> But yeah, that's probably not for me. I'm not really the most patient person. Do I have to encode the movie myself when it's finished or does someone else do it? And hero, nah, it's over 12. 30 frames is one second.