Posts for Randil

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Wow, very nice. The part with taking damage when you're on the part of the stage where there's oil on the ground was new, right? I don't remember it from Kyrsimys' run... Anyway, amazing job, keep it up!
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That sounds good, daniayaw! I'm up for it, and hopefully most of the other Swedes are up for it too. I agree that it should be an unknows game, so that everyone has pretty much the same prerequisites for this. Does anybody know of a good game to pick for this?
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supermegavkoy wrote:
I'm from Sweden too.
Cool, I didn't know that! Consider yourself accepted to the team! :) I've added you to the list now.
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Here's a small update: I've just finished floor 3 now. Every level on floor 3 went just fine, and every improvement there has been implemented. Onward to floor 4!
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Let's see if I can count up all the Swedes that could make up "Team Sweden": Randil Angerfist Walker Boh Highness Truncated Ragowit Frenom Cazlab supermegavkoy
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As some of you have noticed, I've been workinng with an improved version together with hanzou for some time now, but I didn't think it would get completed in the near future. But it turned out that it will be done quite soon, in fact I believe that it'll be done within 2 weeks. Therefor, I'm cancelling this in favor of this improved version. It'll be around 3 minutes faster. So, for further discussion about this run and the game itself, refer to: Thanks for the good feedback though! If you liked this run, you'll really like this new one! :)
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Hmmm, I couldn't remember what technique I used there, but I'm starting to doubt that the improvement really was 59 frames. In this version I have now, the improvement is 39 frames, and as I see it, this time 2-4 looks better than before. But I don't know, perhaps you can find if I'm doing something wrong on 2-4. Anyway, here's the first WIP. Floors 1 and 2 are completed: This went a lot faster than I thought! Executing a Lolo TAS doesn't take that much time, it's the planning that is the real time consumer here. Well, enjoy.
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Allright! Let's get this done with, I have a lot of time to kill on this weekend too, so I'll try to work as hard as I can with this. But before I start I'll make a table of everything that will be improved for the final version. I'll just time C-5 first, be right back... EDIT: Improvement on C-5 is 537 frames. Just for the record. :) EDIT 2: In total this new run will be at least 10892 frames faster, that's 3 minutes and 1,53 seconds. Quite amazing! :) EDIT 3: Haha! This couldn't have started off better! When redoing level 1-5, I managed to improve it by an additional 51 frames: EDIT 4: Has anyone else had trouble watching my 2-4 improvement? Here's the link: For me this starts playing in the middle of level 1-2... Is it something wrong with the movie, or am I doing something wrong here?
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Yeah, those 63 frames of improvement came from other stuff. The first thing is that after trapping Don Medusa, I push the emerald bloctfo the left. Because this is a bit faster, I could time it in to grab the heart on the left side of the screen. The best thing to do to see the differences is just to first look at the previous run and then look at this. There are some more stuff that's new, but they're pretty hard to explain, so if you compare the two runs you'll hopefully see what's new. And about pushing the emerald block all the way to Don Medusa, I tried this, and everything seemed just fine, until some serious lag began.... I compared this run and the one I posted, and I loose around 20 frame due to lag on this level, it got worse somehow when I had pushed the emerald block all the way into the Don. Weird... I think I'll keep this run as it is unless you can spot something else that could be improved in it. Oh yeah, I've been trying to improve 9-4, but I can't seem to manipulate Alma any better than I do in the current run... Help me please! :) Oh yeah, thanks for all these tips by the way, they're shaving off a lot of time!
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Mmmmmm... Portable SNES. How cool isn't this? Too bad these beauties weren't for sale. :( I suggest Nintendo hires this guy and makes him masssproduce these handheld consoles, because I so very, very much want one!
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Ah yes, Fortress of Fear, one of my favourite (and also one of the only) GB games when I was a kid. I could never beat it though, but once I came to the last level, but couldn't find my way and ended up dead... I mean, come on, why didn't they add continues, or at least a password system? Oh yes, the movie. It was very nice, I especially liked the boss battles, they looked very optimized. And even though Kuros is a bit clumsy in this game I think you handled every stage fine. Good job! Voting YES.
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Here's 8-4 done 531 frames faster by shooting down the other Snakey and using him when he respawns: EDIT: Here's another improvement :) This time it's 4-1, thanks to hanzou's tips in his first post. The improvement is 41 frames: EDIT 2: I think the most commonly used word in this thread is... Improvement! Yeah! :) This time it's 9-1. 63 frames faster: EDIT 3: Today has been a very productive day. Here's 9-2 done 698 frames faster:
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Here's a shot at 7-2 that includes abusing the Leeper. Take a look and leave a comment. As before, this movie plays 7-2 in the middle of the movie, so load a savestate if you want to skip the part before 7-2! :)
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I would vote for the last Sephiroth form in Final Fantasy 7, you know when he has turned into the one-winged angel. For two reasons: 1. The music kicks ass. 2. His attacks are cool, especially Super Nova. On the other hand, his difficulty varies a lot depending on what level you're on when you meet him, but if you're pretty low leveled, he's a tough boss to meet. So I'd vote for him. Oh yeah, and the last boss in BG2 - Throne of Baal, that's a tough one. Keeps spawning demons at you, not fun...
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I've been trying to improve level 7-2 some more... In your first post, hanzou, you say that it can be improved by "exploiting Leeper will shortcut path from jewel box to doorway". If I'm getting you right, you want block the Don Medusa with the Leeper by luring it up to the upper right corner (so the Don Medusa gets stuck between the Leeper and the upper wall), and when all hearts are grabbed, the leeper will vaporize so it's safe to walk straight up to beat the level? Or do you mean something completely different? .)
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Yeah, okay. Shooting both skulls saved an additional 14 frames, that makes this a total of 289 frames faster than in the all levels run. Thanks for pointing out the skulls thing. I decided to shoot down the Snakey instead after picking up the last heart, you could look at it as a revenge since he turned out completely useless on this level :) Here's a link to the movie now, everything looks pretty much the same:
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Ooops, I totally forgot that CAD made an improvement for 6-1 some time ago =/. Anyway, although his was 40 frames faster than mine, I managed to take the two lower hearts faster, and by going around the level to grab the last heart I managed to improve his version by 135 frames. Link: And here's a version that uses the snake in the way I think you're talking about, hanzou. But it turns out slower, maybe you see something that can be improved in it. It's currently around 100 frames slower than the movie linked to above. Here's a movie that shows my strategy: And I have timed your version of 5-2 too. It was 20 frames faster than my version before, and I frame perfected it (all movements are exactly the same) and got it an additional 24 frames faster. This means that 5-2 is now 275 frames faster. Link:
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I'm posting this in a new post so that people will notice this a little better. I've done 6-1 faster now. 120 frames faster to be exact. Comments = very welcome. Link:
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Let me quote myself: I wrote: "PS: If someone proves me wrong with this I would feel very owned after this big post about why my way was the fastest one! :) " And here I stand, ashamed and owned... :) On a more serious note, great job hanzou! I tend to keep forgetting that you can shoot under an emerald block by just moving it half a square up. So good job there! :)
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As a matter of fact, I have actually tried out quite a few different strategies for 5-2. I'll show you with this awesome picture I made in Paint: If I say "square BC", I mean the square between B and C, I think you'll get the point. As you thought, if I turn up directly when on square C and shoot the egg, I don't have time to push the emerald block into place and get to the bridge behind the snakey before he reappears. The same thing goes with squares A nd B, and all combination of these, if I shoot down the egg while it's down there, I don't have the time to get behind the snakey before he reappers, thus making it impossible to finish the level. It is however possible to make it behind the snakey if I wait on the square between A and the heart, but if I am to do this, I would have to wait for the egg to reach that zone, and that takes to much time too. On the area named "not good either", it's not good either to turn up and shoot down the egg, the waiting time is too long. One possible way of doing it is to walk directly from the "not good either" area, walk up to square D (in doing so pushing the emerald block up), turn right and shoot down the egg, and walk around the emerald block and putting it into place. If you do this you have time to get behind the snakey, however you don't have time to first push the upper snakey into the water first. This means that by doing that you have to walk directly behind the lower snakey after pushing the emerald block into place, shoot him and push him up, and after you pushed him up a bit, shoot down the upper snakey and push him into the water. This leaves us to the last option, the way I do it in the fcm, directly walking around the emerald block, pushing it down one square and then turning right and shoot down the egg. I guess I just could've said "my way is faster hanzou, that's just how it is" and you would have bought that, but being the scientist that I am I have to prove stuff :) PS: If someone proves me wrong with this I would feel very owned after this big post about why my way was the fastest one! :) EDIT:9-3 has now been improved by erasing that that one useless step: This saved 26 frames.
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Good going there, Tailz. That looked really neat. :) Just wondering, how many levels are there in the game? I'm looking forward to your next WIP! And about the grenade throwing, I remember from playing the game, that you throw grenades automatically sometimes when you press A, if I remember correctly. It would of course be nice to get it fixed for the final version, as you said.
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Okay, here's a small status update. I've done level 5-2 231 frames faster, by shooting down the egg, like hanzou proposed in his "stuff to improve" list. Link: It's "recorded from start", so load the savestate named "5-2.fcs", included in my savestate zipfile. And I recommend to everyone who're interested in improving a level to check out hanzou's first post again, it was updated recently.
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Nice job on your latest update Vatchern! I don't (as usual :) ) have any comments on how to improve the run itself, but I do have some questions however: 1. When your fight the Air Man robot (on that question mark stage) you jump up in the air after defeating him, but you jump up while in standing animation. I'm just curious as to how this was done. It looked pretty cool. 2. I noticed (it was pretty hard not to :) ) that you somehow triggered the "die-sound" on the Shadow man revisited stage, as well as some other stage I think. Is that pulled off by falling down the pit just really, really close to the needles? Besides this, it was as usual high quality stuff. GLHF with the rest of this run, I sure hope you get finished soon, both because I want to see this finished, and also because I've heard you're planning a warpless SMB3 run, that would be nice to see you getting started on too!
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Cool! I didn't know you could do that. Though as Baxter said, I don't think it could save any time, but it's a neat trick non the less. :) Anyway, I know I haven't been updating in a while now, but I'll be done with all the mathtests by tomorrow, so you'll be seeing some more updates around the start of next week!
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Ah yes, good ol' Tetris for GB. Actually, I never had Tetris for NES, I only had the GB version, so that's the Tetris that I grew up with. But I don't recall any big differences between the GB and the NES version. If there are no differences (anyone knows any?), I see no point in doing a run for the same game, but in black and white. But I'd still watch it for sure! :)