Posts for Randil

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Looked good to me, keep up the good work. :) And 80 seconds improvement is really crazy...
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I sometimes TAS way too much than I should. However, there are other real-life issues that takes my time too (girlfriend, dungeons and dragons, family, etc.) so I don't have as much TASing time as I sometimes want. If I could, I would probably TAS several hours per day. :D
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Good to have you back, Ferret Warlord. :)
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Good remix of a good song. The drums and the electric guitar playing was nice (were they both played by adelikat or were they in any way computer made?). I'm adding this to my playlist, good job. :)
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defender wrote:
New problem: fceu works but the fcm file when i run it appears to run slow motion, also when i try to make avi, the avi when finished doesn't work at all
FCEU 0.98.16 has a problem making .avi files, so if you want to do that, you want to use 0.98.15. About the game running in slowmotion, perhaps you have accidently slowed down emulation speed? Go to "Config"->"Map Hotkeys" and check what button sets "Normal speed", and then press it. If that doesn't work, there is probably too many programs running in background, or something else on your computer that makes it run slow.
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If it's a bug in Explorer that causes the text to screw up, there's (hopefully) hope that it will get fixed sometime in the future... I guess the morale of all this is to use Firefox when submitting movies, not Explorer. Does Oprah have this submitting issue too?
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Sorry about the %%% thing, I guess it's an ugly solution. :P It should be noted that I've never had any problems with line breaks when it comes to lists or code-text. Sometimes the text is misbehaving becuase you copied it from notpad, in that case you want to turn off wordwrap before copying it.
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I haven't watched this movie but I was wondering about this statement: "Looking though the movie, I could probably shave a few seconds off." If you know ways to improve a "fast as possible" run by a few seconds, you are encouraged todo so before submitting it. Also, although movies shouldn't be judged on their rerecord count, 56 rerecords for a 18 minute movie seems very low, unless they aren't accurate... Oh, sorry for all the nitpicking, I'm just curious about these things... :P I'll try to take a look at this run tomorrow.
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You can force line breaks by writing %%%. For example, the beginning of your submission text would look like "Run Saber (SNES) beaten in 56087 frames, 15min 34.783sec %%%Run Saber is a pretty blatant ripoff of Strider by Horisoft. " I don't know why this line break issue happens... You'll have to ask someone who knows how posting in PHP works more into detail, I think.
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Just watched this with my room-mate now. We were both very entertained, so here's another Yes-vote! (You can think of it as two ;) )
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nitsujrehtona wrote:
Hm. Randil's formulas are correct, but I can't tell whether they're just a restatement of what needs to be proved or an allusion to (censored by font color:) the formula for the binomial coefficients.
I came up with a better proof when I went to bed today. The product of k consecutive integers, starting from c is c*(c+1)*...*(c+k-1). This can be seen as (c+k-1)!/(c-1)!. If we take out k! from this expression, we are left with: k! * (k+1)*...*(c+k-1) / (c-1)!. For this to be divisible with k!, we now need to show that (k+1)*...*(c+k-1) / (c-1)! is an integer. The factors of (k+1)*...*(c+k-1) consist of c consecutive integers. The factors of (c-1)! consist of c-1 consecutive integers. I will now use the same fact that HHS used in his proof. I won't prove it though, but I guess it could warrant its own proof, but for now, let's just accept it: "If c and d are both integers, then c*(c+1)*...*(d+c-1) / (d-1)! is an integer." You convince yourself of this if you look at the number of factors in the nominator and the denominator - If the nominator has more consecutive factors than the denominator (in this case one more), then it has to include a multiple of each and every one of the factors in the denominator, thus dividing it. Using this fact, we now see that c*(c+1)*...*(c+k-1) = k! * (k+1)*...*(c+k-1) / (c-1)! = k! * d, where d is an integer. This shows that the product in question is divisible by k!. Is this an ok proof?
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nitsujrehtona wrote:
Along those lines, prove the product of k consecutive integers is divisible by k!. (No shame in restricting to the case where they're all positive, but it's true in general.)
Let's call the number you start from c. We have the product which can be simplified to . The gamma function has the property that . Because both c and k are integers, we are given that the prodcut can be simplified to , which is divisible by k! if c is 1 or larger. Correct?
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Here's a problem I came up with when riding the bus today: Prove that the sum of k consecutive integers is divisible by k if k is odd.
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What happened around September 2006? It looks like # published movies go from 600 to 700 in just a day. And what's up with January-July 2004? There are two different red lines around that area, and overall, the graph looks really weird there...
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Here's another fun, and not that hard problem. Let's say you have a dice with k sides. You throw the dice, and subtract c from the result. If c is greater than the result of the dice, the result will be 0. Both k and c are positive integers. Determine the expectation value of the result as a function of k and c. Go! (for example, if c=0, the result will of course be (k+1)/2)
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The download link for FCEU on emulator home pages is broken. It's really hard to find anywhere else on the net, which is a pain for anyone new who wants to watch NES runs. I've uploaded FCEU 0.98.16 here, it should work. :)
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I would say that the illegal operation occurs here: I can't exactly say why, but it has to do with the properties of the exponential function. It's just... wrong. :P Perhaps someone can explain better why this is an illegal operation?
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mr_robert_z wrote:
FEMALE: Same exact thing, but with the probability for girls (which would be 1-0.512=0.455). 0.455^7= ~0.0040371
Eh? I don't think 1-0.512=0.455, it should be 0.488. ;)
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Guybrush wrote:
Here's a probability exercise I can't solve. It's supposed to be kinda easy, but I just can't think of the right way to solve it. Here goes: Of all born children, 51.2% are male. What's the percentage for those families that have 7 children and all of those children are a) male b) female Any help would be appreciated.
a) The possibility that all those 7 children are male is 0.512^7 = 0.922% b) The possibility that all those 7 children are female is (1-0.512)^7 = 0.659% You can think of it this way. The possibility that one of the kids is a male is 0.512. The possibility that the second is male given that the first is male is 0.512*0.512. You can then repeat this as many times as you want. A problem I can give you is: What is the percentage that 3 out of these 7 children are male/female? Think about that for a while ;)
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MidnaSucks wrote:
I've noticed that whenever I shut the lid on my laptop or leave it open but go away for a while so that it goes into Sleep Mode, when I resume Project 64, the sound of the game is still playing but the picture isn't there. The PJ64 screen is just all black. Is there a way to fix this? I don't like having to close and re-open PJ64 all the time, which is a LOT, because I often close my top every half hour or so.
I had this exact problem before, until a friend of mine showed me how to solve it. Here's how you do it: 1. Open up the control panel. 2. Open "Energy options" (or something like that, I have the swedish version of XP so I'm not sure what the name is in english". 3. You should now be in a window that looks like this, (but in english of course) where you can change when and how you want your computer to enter sleep mode and other things. Good luck!
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AnS wrote:
I don't get it, why didn't you use my strategy for level 3-1?
I couldn't get player 2 to continue riding on the tiger, because of the narrow corridor right before the exit. The enemy who stands right after the corridor makes it impossible to do this, without getting hit. I'll take a better look at this when I get home from school today, but I believe that was why. EDIT: Uh, scratch all that... I missed reading your last PM before submitting the updated run. I'll take a look at your new .fcm files when I get home from school, and get back to you then. I won't make a new submission for this game until both you and me are 100% certain that it's frame perfect. ;) Again, sorry for the confusion. I'll PM you later today, AnS. I have a few ideas of my own for potential improvements, but they're only on the idea stage right now. :)
Post subject: Problems downloading emulators
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I'm having trouble downloading any emulator hosted on filexoom from Emulator Homepages. What happens is this: 1. I start downloading an emulator. 2. After the zip-file has downloaded about 30-50%, it suddenly says "download completed". 3. When I try to unzip the file, it says that it's damaged or corrupt. My guess is that this filexoom hosting site won't always allow you to download the entire file, therefor making the file you have corrupt. Has anyone else run into this problem? Is there any solution to this?
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I just finished improving this now. Thanks to these new time savers, it's now 81 frames faster! I'll PM Bisqwit with the improved run, and ask him to replace the .fcm-file for this submission. For those who can't wait to see the new run, I've uploaded it to Microstorage here.
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After reading through AnS' PM, I've decided to improve this run. I should be able to cut off another second or so, thanks to AnS' finds. I'll ask Bisqwit to update this submission when it's done, I don't think ~1 second warrants a new submission.
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I think (I'm not 100% sure) that the reason why light takes a longer time to move through certain medium is becuase of refraction - instead of moving straight through the meduim, it "bounces" through the medium, thus moving a greater distance and thus taking a longer time to get through, without the speed of light changing. Can someone confirm if this is correct?