Posts for Pokota

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What do the colors on a physical GBC look like with the screen cover off? (I'm assuming that the lcd display is kept protected from The Rest Of The World with a layer of plastic)
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I'll remove my temp encode once the official encode is up (please don't let me forget)
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Seals and Crofts - We May Never Pass This Way Again.mid (as rendered by libOPNMIDI)
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Yeah, if this submission didn't include the bosses not needed for full map completion then this could have stood alongside All Bosses. Portrait of Ruin isn't saturated with submissions like Super Metroid is (though it's getting up there, and both currently have four published runs)
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Full Map Completion runs often feature more varieties of tech than any% in order to efficiently cover the entire map, as well as showing off more of "the world" than All Bosses by their nature. I'm inherently biased towards the idea of Full Map Completion anyway, but I'll watch this and the standing All Bosses run against each other to see which one I find more entertaining. POSTCOMPARISON EDIT So a perfect example of what I mean by more varied tech is perfectly demonstrated in this submission's Nest of Evil section - since the map (and therefore map completion) is updated before the player transitions (horizontally? just to the right?) out of their current room, you're not actually picking up extra room transitions in cases where the routing otherwise matches precisely with the All Bosses run. For eight out of ten sections of the game, I find this submission to be clearly more entertaining than the established All Bosses route - Forgotten City is a perfect example of where this submission stands ahead for me. The two sections that feel lacking - Burnt Paradise and Nation of Fools - have the unfortunate problem of being perfectly symmetrical areas, so 100% Map Completion cannot help but to backtrack in these cases. This is not an issue with this submission in and of itself so much as an unfortunate consequence of the level design interacting with the goal choice - other games involving perfectly symmetrical sections would be equally hampered under this goal choice. temp youtube encode to follow, for those who wish to watch this in one sitting rather than two.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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yeah, if this is sufficiently entertaining this could get Moons. which means it's time to watch it with the serious glasses.
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I'm assuming xboard is run instead of a direct invocation of gnuchess in the terminal as an Entertainment Tradeoff?
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Did you set up an m3u playlist for the multi-disc game for bizhawk to load? You don't need to mess around with renaming your save files when you're using an m3u. Ah, you did try that. Never mind then.
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Shaq-Fu uses the hi-hat all over the place. GENS Genplus-gx
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The specific problem is that he cut funding to the Center for Disease Control (I think back in 2018 but definitely well before COVID-19 was on anybody's radar). Literally the one government organization that we want well-funded at a time like this. E: I'm... not actually sure how it's Trump who cut the funding when it's Congress that's in charge of the budget, but as the President needs to sign the proposed budget anyway it ends up being a question of semantics more than anything else.
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EZGames69 wrote:
Pokota wrote:
EZGames: Considering Italy was the first nation to go on lockdown (at March 9th) per moozoh's timeline of events, when would you have taken sufficiently draconian measures to curb the infection rate?
At the very least, Trump’s language about the outbreak was very unprofessional and did much more harm. For one, the CDC is widely unprepared for this, and this was from the constant cutting of budgets, and the pandemic office being shut down. The amount of times Trump kept trying to downplay the danger, ranging from “it’s not as bad as the flu”, to “it’s a hoax from democrats to make me look bad”, to “it’s under control”, to finally “I am declaring it a national emergency”. The last part is what really should have happened from the start, to declare it as a national emergency once cases were discovered in the USA, not after the WHO declared it as pandemic. Instead we have to build a dam during a flash flood.
At the very real risk of being antagonistic, you didn't actually answer my question of when you, had you been in charge, would have taken measures. Ah, there it is, never mind. Essentially, on or about January 20th, 2020 (just over 60 days ago). I agree that Trump's language is usually not wisely chosen, his paranoia leaks out when it benefits him least (keep in mind that the paranoia is at least understandable during the earlier parts of january as we were still hot on the heels of both the house and senate abusing the impeachment proceedings at least in part to keep their phoney-baloney jobs, but that's a discussion for elsewhere), and that a lot of his actions were to cut costs where the fat "appeared to be." I think it's safe to say in hindsight that the budget cuts were unwise at best. Keep in mind that, due to the way the government is structured, even if Trump had declared a total lockdown on January 19th, it (1) wouldn't have been effective until a few days later just due to how disorganized everything is even at the best of times (meaning that if the US Patient #1 hadn't returned until the 20th he likely still would have slipped through), and (2) would have been delayed because the separate states would be asked to implement their own lockdowns as best they can until the federal resources could be allocated and the several states (mostly the ones in the middle - the coastal states would have taken this deadly seriously) would drag their feet. (The state I'm in is still hemming and hawwing over infrastructure money allocated by Obama, if that tells you anything)
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Niamek: China wouldn't be able to lie about it for long, considering Wuhan is one of the more densely populated regions. EZGames: Considering Italy was the first nation to go on lockdown (at March 9th) per moozoh's timeline of events, when would you have taken sufficiently draconian measures to curb the infection rate?
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The results are the other way around because of how h264 stores data - upscaling by powers of 2 will compress better because each block would then be solidly uniform (because then every block maps to exactly one pixel), while for not-powers-of-two you have blocks of information containing chroma/luma for more than one source pixel. Solidly uniform data compresses well because you can just say "foo x 32" instead of "foo x 13, bar x 1, foo x 18" The upshot of all this is that it's simply more efficient to upscale GBx footage to 8x (smaller filesize = shorter upload/download time and less bandwidth used)
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A filesize comparison, my good sir, not a frame size comparison.
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Have you done a size comparison on encodes using i*2 vs i+1? If I remember correctly, scales of powers of 2 compress better than not-powers-of-2
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Why the Japanese version?
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There is no Live Reload, you'll just have to load it every time (and because of Windows, you have to unload the rom every time as well). My question is, what game are you hacking and why?
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Practical answer: CARTROM is the file-on-disk. If you want to modify that, open it up in a hex editor rather than in BizHawk.
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So I'm playing FF8 casually in BizHawk and I have to ask, Is it just my computer being stupid, or is Analog control sideways during menus? If I don't bind both the d-pad and the analog stick to the analog stick, then analog up corresponds to moving right in the menu.
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I thought that it was still arbitrary code execution, it's just we weren't allowed to screw with SRAM at any point.
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(got me wanting to play through this again) They're not listed on TCRF as "unused enemies" and the description for the Emerald Firecrab looks familiar enough that I might have seen it as a child (but the description is shared with the other firecrabs, so I may just be conflating memories here) EDIT: This thought occurred to me while I was at work, but are the enemies defined in formations that are then assigned to the maps to draw from for the Encounters, as opposed to the maps saying "build an encounter from 3 of these creatures"?
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1) Google has advertisers of every warp and weft, and heretofore you could get inappropriate matches of advertisements and content. The last few video hijack scares, particularly the Momo thing, were because the advertisements were mismatched to the videos themselves. The writeup that Google asked us all to read indicated that Kid-Friendly videos will draw from a dedicated Kid-Friendly advertisers pool in order to reduce the chances of a repeat of the Momo thing. (There are other issues with how YouTube handles ads that will need to be solved as part of this, but Video Hijack Scares are the main impetus here). 2) YouTube has a dedicated "YouTube Kids" subdomain which requires some degree of segregation between Kid-Friendly channels and Not-Kid-Friendly ones. The most direct way to do this is to force content providers to set this at some level, and I think it's reasonable to state that most content providers will be able to make this decision at the channel level. Whether or not it's reasonable is outside the scope of this post. All I am stating is what I perceive to be the reasoning behind the action.
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I saw someone proposing that this would be a G4.5 rather than the actual G5. I know a lot of folks aren't a fan of the art direction - LF's designs were ridiculously toyetic on top of keeping the Early 90's Hanna-Barbera feel to them - but I like the chibi beanhead style. With that said, it's very clearly anime-inspired, moreso than LF's designs ever were (and LF's designs were anime-inspired in all the right places)
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So I can finally start doing hardware-supported encoding for my projects and I need to tweak my command line to do so. The original line is
ffmpeg -i %source% -sws_flags neighbor+full_chroma_inp -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -bf -1 -b_strategy 2 -force_key_frames 00:00:00.000 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a aac -b:a 192k -vf scale=%scale%*iw:-1 %outfile%
, and the new codec is h264_amf. Is there anything I need to keep in mind other than the changes to -crf 20 and -bf -1? E: So it looks like I'm losing too much quality using the hardware encoder. Back to CPU encoding.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?