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What's going on in this movie? I was laughing all along the movie.
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AVI output doesn't work well. Using AVIzlib and CorePNG makes it to crash. Using Techsmith and FFv1 codecs gives me an error.
Video codec failure
A call to addVideoFrame() (AVIStreamWrite) failed
Perhaps you ran out of memory.
Using uncompressed format works but that's not good. Edit: Ok, it seems that we need to wait the ROM to be loaded before starting recording in AVI. I don't like the solution.
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T&F 2?? There's one event that has no end, I already started it one on Famtasia and the pole vault event is endless or almost since you always able to beat it. The bar can be so high that it is floating in the air.
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From now on, Luke's FCEU had crashed 3 times. 2 times is when browsing movie file on desktop. Can you explain in your doc how Auto-fire pattern, auto-fire offset works? That's really uncommon.
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Ok, I've updated the link because I have finished the 100 meter dash at 6:92 which is 0:28 faster than any published movies. Any comments needed. Adelikat, I recommend you to watch it again. Imo, this is the way WE must do TAS.
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Diman: Why are you doing many games ? We already have our Walkerboh. We don,t want another one. Do one game, analyze it and work on it. If needed, take weeks. Seriously, I will instantly reject your submission if I notice too evident flaws like the SMB2 peach run.
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Ok, here's my WIP of T&F for 100 meter dash: Oh and btw, I've managed to beat it by 0:01 which is really cool. I am using 2 player at B mode. I want your opinion and suggestions. Oh and it's not because it's 2 player or B mode that I am faster by 0:01 nor because I am using FCEU.
Arc wrote:
adelikat wrote:
Had I been around when these things were getting submitted, I would have voted no on arc's
When I submitted it two years ago, it was an improvement to a movie that had been made on the 20 FPS version of Famtasia. But, it is bad by today's standards and should be obsoleted.
And what's your opinion today?
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That's bug like this that would make a .cfg file more useful than Windows registry that no one knows how it works and don't care since it sucks.
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The problem, I don't know what has caused this since it happens 2 times now. One time is when playing a movie of CV3 jap, I pause the emu then minimize and switch to mIRC window and it crashes. The second time is when browsing for movie file on desktop. It never happens before. I think it's probably newest changes. I didn't tested with your older version since I don't have it now but it never crashed when I do have it. Maybe it's related with cpu or other C compiler optimization that you have decided to use? I also recommend to fix known bugs and don't use those optimizations and see if it happens again.
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The only problem with 2 players, there will be 6 attempts for most events which will make the movie longer. However, we could make 1 player to make highest final score while the other one will do so cherished bug(s) and other things like Arc and me did. So, I am still confused what to do to satisfy everybody.
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Your version tends to occasionnaly crash. It is unstable, make it clean.
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I think we should go for each event in the game and give your opinion. Ex. For first event and using 2 player, I could make them finish at same time to obtain the extra bonus which is cool because it's REALLY almost impossible to happen at full speed. If using 1 player, then it will probably be similar than in the current movies. Maybe faster if I find a good trick to control speed. Edit: After Javelin throw event, there's a cinematic. I remember Bisqwit complaining because it was included in Arc's movie but not in mine. What should I do?
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Highness wrote:
I say go for it! :D
Yes but how? Imo, my european version movie should have been the only movie available. Why there's still 2 other movies and how to obsolete all 3 movies?
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Written on IRC channel:
Bisqwit wrote:
The idea in Arc's movie was that instead of three perfect, identical performances show one perfect and two some other way interesting ones
The problem, that's what I almost did. Ex. So, having 2 foul at triple jump is better than 1 not good, 1 good and 1 that obtain bonus? Explanation is needed. I think using the B mode that only affects high jump event would make the movie better.
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Btw, by flawed moves, I meant, "Intentional" flawed moves. ;) I don't want someone to be upset. Xkeeper's idea of having a silly brother gave me an idea but :( FCEU doesn't support subtitles. I could have written a funny story.
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Ok, since there's 3 and too much movies of that game and were done with Famtasia, I think one done with FCEU that obsoletes all 3 should be made. But what must I do to perform that? Imo, doing a 2 player could satisfied everyone because I could do those flawed moves in Arc's movies and do other things that you want + I could obtain extra bonuses that are not in any movies. What's your opinion? Especially you Bisqwit. P.S. I don't want that "He is doing that run for ego" attitude. Otherwise, I am losing my time.
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Luke: Just to mention that your site is not available.
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There was also this site: But I guess it has been hacked :(
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It's not only palette in emulation but all colors used in FCEU. The paused icon is blue or pink-orange here if I do what 4matsy said .
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Automake can be used under MInGW and there's one version on their site. I recommend you to make it clean so it can be easily configurable and makeable.
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Luke wrote:
How can we compile this source with MinGW?
Go to the actual source directory that has files like cart.c, cheat.c, etc. Type "make". Configure no longer works, in fact if you run it, it might corrupt the makefile. If you want to change the compiling options you can edit the makefile manually. If you have automake, you could try that. That should update the configure file. The reason for this is, I added the memory mapper files, but you need automake (which I don't have) to add new files to the configure script.
You should make it clean. Btw, you don't give the root directory with files like config and makefile. The makefile you give doesn't compile FCEU.
$ make            
Makefile:1083: .deps/x6502.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1084: .deps/fceustr.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1085: .deps/cart.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1086: .deps/cheat.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1087: .deps/crc32.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1088: .deps/debug.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1089: .deps/endian.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1090: .deps/fceu.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1091: .deps/fds.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1092: .deps/file.Po: No such file or directory
Makefile:1093: .deps/filter.Po: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `drivers/win/.deps/aviout.Po'.  Stop.
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Nooooooooooo, I am tired to upload movies of that damn boring (That's my opinion) game at Plz, stop improving it now. ;)
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adelikat wrote:
The graphical display of the nes controller is suprsingly less obstrusive than the orignal frame display.
Yes, I've just noticed that.
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How can we compile this source with MinGW? No configure and makefile seems corrupted.
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FODA wrote:
it should be toggling, it must be visible all the time.
Yes, that's what I think. And your way of using savestates is rather strange.