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Maximus wrote:
NecroVMX: There's nothing wrong with voting no on movies you don't like, and there's nothing wrong with stating why, but if you're reasoning is "I think this movie sucks", you're asking for people to respond less than courteously. Just saying "I didn't think the zipping looked good in this movie aesthetically, so I'm voting no" would have been sufficient. Now this is essentially a flame war, which is pointless. People probably shouldn't be goading you on though, as it just prompts a back-and-forth that doesn't really contribute to the topic at hand.
I've done it that way, either way it does nothing but enticing idiots to post how anyone who doesn't like what they like is a moron. And to respond to bag of magic spam, I don't give a crap about attention, actually I wish people would friggin just accept I voted no on movies like this an move on instead of trying to argue with me every step of the way. Limiting the posts to "No" in the future will hopefully (though it's unlikely) reduce arguments, as all anybody does when I post my thoughts on a movie is pick apart everything I say to the point of even pointing out spelling errors (oh no, someone on the internet spelled something wrong, that makes their point invalid!) and mindless insults. I mean hey, nobody pointed out that I typoed the word "answer" in my last post, are you guy sleeping on the job? That kind of troll-like behavior serves no purpose other than to bolster the persons ego. Honestly, If something sucks, I don't see any reason to sugar coat it. And if 99% of the population disagrees, I see no reason to keep my opinion quiet or abide insults without slinging them right back.
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JXQ wrote:
It all comes back to "because this game is Mega Man". Your many other arguments with people here about MM1 was that the game was being broken by so many glitches and wasn't entertaining. That was what you repeatedly said. Obviously S3&K is a different game than MM1, but there are striking similarities that show conflicting interests from you when you vote no on MM1, but yes on S3&K. I'm no longer taking your votes/posts seriously. You were fine with me until you decided to try and invent some logic behind your voting pattern instead of just saying it was the way you felt. I know you don't care what I think, and blah blah how dare I come up with such ridiculous claims, and how wrong I am about your intentions, and how you have the right to vote "no" and on and on and on and whatever. No need to repeat it yet again, as it's not changing what I've said here.
1- I've never said anything other than my votes are how I feel. It looks bad here, it does not look bad in S&K, you could say "BUT TATHS ILLAGIKAL" all you want, but logic never entered into it, it's how I feel. 2- I wasn't aware that you had to take my votes or posts seriously, who are you anyway? EDIT: Actually, since people can't seem to take the fact that I vote no on movies that I think suck, I'll from now on just post "No." Of course people will be like OMG WHY anyway, but I'm only going to give one ansewr: I didn't like it. ...then people will be like OMG WHY and I will not answer, becuase it doesn't really matter.
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upthorn wrote:
So is the reason you dislike zipping in mega man that it's ugly, or that it's fast? Because if the reason you dislike it is that it's ugly, consider that there is much, much uglier glitching in an S3K run that you voted yes on.
Fair question. I dislike it because it's ugly. Of course ugly is in the eye of the beholder, and I don't find the glitches in S&K to be nearly as intrusive to the watching experience. I also have an issue with realism, meaning that I think that these runs should look like something that could be done by a person on a console, if they had godlike reflexes and knowledge of the game. Sonic games are glitchy enough that you don't need to do much on a real genesis to glitch the screen like crazy. Of course you're still comparing apples to oranges, as this thread is about Rockman 7, not Sonic and Knuckles.
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xebra wrote:
NecroVMX, perhaps people call you negative because you are abrasive and abusive, attempt to justify your irrational behavior with poor attempts at reasoning, and generally come across as a big dick. JXQ, "cleverer" is a real word, T.T ... good call on the misspelling, though! There are lots of grammar and punctuation errors in there, but I think it's beyond the scope of this discussion to provide a comprehensive list.
Abrasive? Don't care Abusive? I've abused nobody. My "irrational behavior" as you call it is merely disagreeing with you. I'm not going to vote yes on runs that I dislike watching, as it says right on the damn poll "Did you enjoy watching this movie?" I didn't, I voted no. There is no irrationality to be had there. I fail to see "poor attempts at reasoning" when I've explained it flat out numerous times. I'll try it in caps. I DON'T LIKE THIS RUN, I VOTED NO. HURRRR.
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xebra wrote:
Note: NecroVMX isn't that clever.
Actually, I am quite a lot cleverer than you give me credit for (which is odd, as you don't know me, or have ever talked to me and are therefore in no position to guage my cleverness) I just don't like it, take that as you will (or take it anally for all I care) and I'll vote no on my movies that don't entertain me. Bringing other games (especially games from a completely different series) into the argument is pointless and is very much comparing apples and oranges, It makes perfect sense for me to like zipping in one game and not in another, as it's entertaining in a game that is ALREADY purely based on speed, and not at all entertaining in a mega man game. As for the absolutely retarded notion of me having a "vendetta against the mega man series" if you've read my posts in the other two rockman threads, you'll know this isn't true, as a matter of fact I generally enjoy playing mega man games a lot more than say, sonic games. You could feel free to call me "negative" for daring to vote no on a run I don't like (gasp!) as long as you're aware the consequences of this is me calling you "balls out retarded" which is arguably a worse thing to be called.
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See the question at the top of the poll? it says "Did you enjoy watching this movie?" not "Was this really friggin fast?"
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"hurr hurr go to sda if you dont' like a run posted hereeee!!!!!11one" Uh, no. The runs at SDA are actual gameplay in real time, the runs here are tool assisted, two seperate things. Nowhere in the definition of "tool assisted" does it say "must look like crap" Zipping in mega man games looks like crap.
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Just because it's "unexpected" doesn't mean that it looks good. I've been over this argument several times before, you're not going to change my mind.
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Yes, how about NOT forcing him into the wall, becuase it looks like shit.
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Basically I hate the idea of forcing rockman into a wall to make him zip.
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Yes, although I echo the sentiments that i expected it to be a bit better
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Another no brainer yes vote.
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Well, I hope this gets published, becuase I'd love to see it...
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Meh vote It *is* enjoyable but it also *is* the same friggin movie that's already up with one frame shaved off.
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This was a no-brainer, yes vote
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Yes vote, very good run.
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No, for reasons well documented ...and also to annoy Warp.
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It shouldn't, however it's become clear on more than one occasions that "judging" and "voting" are two seperate and often unrelated things.
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I don't think what game it is, or what other runs are published already should have any bearing on voting yes or no on a run, it should be based soley on entertainment.
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very solid, makes the game almost look playable ..almost yesvote
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If I understand you correctly, I believe you have to do sound seperately and then synch them up. Could be wrong, but perhaps you could look here
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definite yes vote, this is the best MK video yet. (that youtube link was a good idea, N64 emulation is a pain in the ass) the people saying this game is terrible need to check themselves into a clinic though..
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yes. i played the hell out of this game back in the day. i hope someone aso does a 100% run, that's be great. this is one of my favorite game boy games and you did a great job with it.
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OgreSlayeR wrote:
Zurreco: suck my poop that I made you eat that you pooped and I made you eat which contains my poop and yours.
greatest post ever. ftw, seriously.
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