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We can't dodge the fact that the site rule stating that all movies must be entertaining dictates the votes on the workbench. However, it is clear that most newbies and even some of the newer members don't have a clear idea of what exactly this means. I think that this submission and so many like it are good examples of this. I think the best way to combat this is to set a page beside the wishlist that lists all GAMES (not movies) submitted/suggested/requested that have been rejected/cancelled due to the fact that the games themselves do not make good TASes. This will stop many people submitting movies destined for rejection and, especially in this case, will avoid animosity and discouragement of newer players.
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This is interesting, i can't think how to go about the physics of it (perhaps an equation involving pressure in relation to what a human can actually accomplish, i.e average reaction times, returning momentum of the thumb). It would also depend on console; the handsets can be thinner on some and so i assume that the distance between the button and metal plate would vary.
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From the sounds of it the dungeons are randomly generated and so can probably be influenced by luck manipulation and so it would be interesting to see how the player uses this to his/her advantage.
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All arguements above are valid, however, the voting system is more for the authors benefit than anything else in my opinion. By votes and comments the author immediately knows what can be improved in their movie and what the chances of acceptance are. It means that the author has the appropriate knowledge to decide whether or not to cancel their own movie. The fact that many runs fester for months on end on the workbenchjustifies the voting system. As an author it would be better to have feedback on your movie quickly rather than wait nervously for months on end just to have it rejected at the end. Perhaps new submissions should be queued in a gamefaqs sort of way or maybe Bisqwit could hire more judges to speed up the process.
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Perhaps there is another glitch to compensate for this? Not knowing much about this game i can't really help. The chances are that if the glitch was fixed for SMAS Nintendo obviously looked back over the games and fixed them up a bit. I reckon Nintendo will have fixed a few more and so there will probably be less glitches to work with rather than more.
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Yes he is. Go here to download his current progress. As far as time goes under 2 hours is the time going around.
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Looking at Nitsuja's submission text he says that the left-right glitch in that game can ONLY be done in the SNES version. If more All-Stars specific glitches are uncovered for each of the games then this idea may have a future.
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The problem with this is that these games already have TASes made of them and those runs are very optimal and hard to beat. If anyone was to attempt this they would need to beat the original times to impress the masses, however, if this was the intention it would be better done with the single game on the NES. Personally i think this could possibly be entertaining, but i don't think that everyone will think so.
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KDR_11k wrote:
but asking for a game to be TASed when there's not even a non-rerecording emulator available...
It isn't the DS version that is being requested, it is the GBA version. Even then I'd avoid it. Megaman and Pokemon are two very different games. Megaman games have been reasonably similar for years (and in no bad way) and being a platform game it is usually easier to TAS. However, look at the previous Pokemon TASes, these have been done with extensive study of the game's engine. So much so that even the name of the player influences and manipulates glitches in the game. Tell me, does anyone REALLY have the knowledge of this game that has not even been realeased to produce a worthwhile TAS to sit alongside the others???
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If you know the game then you would be best to try. TASes are more fun to do than you'd think. SNES9X does have a superscope function, whether it's any good i don't know...
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After hitting an Elmer Fudd he is invincible whilst stars circle his head and he only becomes vincible when he lifts his gun. I am confident that i got this frame perfect, but i'll take another look. Thanks for the feedback and for watching my progress.
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Sigma 7 wrote:
The same applies when you have the entire game locked under a fixed-progress rate.
I think that as far as TASing these games goes they should definitely be avoided unless very special. While TASing games with the intent of a high score, i'm thinking (this is more relevant to older games and mostly impossible on N64 in relation to tetrisphere) is that all games will have a high score threshold. By that i mean that the scores can only get so high before returning to 0 or crashing the game in some form or another. Then shouldn't this be the ultimate outcome of a high score TAS? In this case the game would be 'complete' in a sense. If this outcome is not reached in the TAS then would the high score TAS not be pointless?
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The idea of TASing a game that isn't globally released is bad because -- 1) Most won't have played it and so entertainment value is lowered. 2) It will probably get obsoleted quickly. Once the game is released glitches and tricks will be discovered soon after. I'd leave this for a while.
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To be honest, i always thought that any game that could not be completed and quality of the player is based entirely on the high score would be a pointless TAS. Acmlm's Tetrisphere is pointless by this logic. It is not a TAS, but a TAHS (Tool-Assisted High Score). However, this movie is impressive to watch and he generally takes the game for a ride. But it isn't a speedrun because it takes place within a time period that is unalterable. Pointless?
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nitsuja wrote:
(So it's a "speed vs. Bisqwit" debate?)
I think it shouldn't make too much of a difference either way. I looked at Primo's run and his decision to choose a name other than 'a', '9' or '!' did not greatly damage his run (he named himself 'Primo'). Besides, what primorial#soup is attempting is not a pure speedrun in a sense. He is playing the game for speed, but from a different angle (catching all 151 along the way.) I think that if he so chose to name the rival Bisqwit it would fit into context.
Post subject: Spiderman 2 -- The Sinister Six
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I've started a TAS of this game. I think it will make for an entertaining one. Here i've done level one of six. At the menu screen i use a cheat code to unlock Nightmare difficulty (the highest of all.) Take a look and get back to me as to whether it is worth continuing.
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Hahaha, that was.....different. If somehow you can get the ball cleared of the line by the defence every time rather than by your own players or the goalkeeper that would make it more entertaining. I'd go for it, but vary what you do as you play through. - for shorter scenarios score on the very last frame. - for the longer ones score as soon as possible, or after all your players have touched the ball (but none of the opposition.) Score from different places i.e. half-way line, corner flag. Perhaps bicycle kicks from far out, force own goals. Also, use the posts; hit the ball of one post so that it hits the other too before going in. Hitting the ball off the underside of the cross-bar on its way in is also impressive. This should keep the movie interesting.
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I think this will be best for comparing really old obsoleted movies with their modern counterparts. This way we can all see how the TASing of some of our more favorite games has evolved over time as more tricks and glitches have been discovered.
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Enigma wrote:
But taking the time to put in the name Bisqwit adds unnecessary seconds to the run, which is trying to be avoided.
Entering the name Bisqwit will not really take all that longer than anything else. It depends if text during the game is placed entirely in a single frame (i.e. 'Bisqwit') or a single character to a frame (i.e. B-i-s-q-w-i-t) in which case it would take seven frames for this name to come on to the screen. The time lost will be during the game, everytime you come up against 'Bisqwit'. The game will uses 7 frames to enter this name rather than 1 if called a, ! or 9 etc. Since i haven't played this game in years i can't remember how the text works, however, if it is like above then 6 frames will be lost every time the name Bisqwit comes up on the screen. Throughout the game this will probably not add up to more than a second.
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Location: United Kingdom Here is my progress so far. This is 3 remotes and the first boss in less than 5 minutes. Watch it and get back to me here. I'd rather get critisim now than on the workbench after pouring my life into it.
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That worked nicely. Another ass saved by Nitsuja. Thanks.
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Massive MASSIVE setback and i have to start all over again. Look in the N64 questions thread to find out why. I was just about to post it up here as well.
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Argh...that's what it is. Gex 64: enter the Gecko.
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Quick question. I'm making a movie, when i resumed record the file played back perfectly, however, when i tried to find the file on my computer it wasn't there. I did a seardch for all .m64 files and it wasn't found. This is extremely annoying. Any ideas as to what could have happened?
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Yes, i don't have any problem with them either. I was amused by them more than anything at how keywords can turn up ads in really irrelevant places.