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I meant catching them naturally. I'll explain better; The name glitch will only let Primo glitch a certain number of pokemon and of course those places will be reserved for the pokemon he can only glitch. This means that he will still have a certain amount of pokemon that he will need to catch naturally and level them up to evolution. I am assuming that he'll put rare candy in 6th position and then missingno. glitch so that he has over 100 and will use these to speed up the laborious process of levelling up. If this is his method then there would be no point in catching a Lv. 2 Pidgey from route 1 and using 34 rare candies to get it to its final form. A more optimal way would be to wait and catch a level 21 pidgey from south of pallet town later in the game so that only 15 rare candies are needed. This applies to most pokemon in the early stages of the game, appart from clefairy and jigglypuff which can only be found in mt. moon and route 3 respectively. To save him having to return later in the game it'd be most optimal to pick them up there.
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I don't expect the next few WIPs to deviate very much from the existing run, depending on how he chooses to level up his Pokemon. If he is using the Rare Candy glitch then all he should be catching is a jigglypuff and a clefairy. Everything else can be caught at a much higher level later in the game and so he will spend less time giving them rare candies.
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Just begun my most final of final run for this. I have redone all from the start; basically just to smoothen out my travelling from the start into the first level and also to tidy up here and there. I have done the first three remotes and have saved around a second or so, i won't post the next WIP for a while though as i'll will be doing most things the same. Anyway; here's the final route (numbers refer to remotes) -- -- Out of Toon 1,2,3. -- Smellraiser 1,2,3. -- Titanic 1,2,3. -- Gilligex Isle Boss -- Frankensteinfeld 1,2,3. -- 1,2. -- Mao Tse Tongue 1. -- Mooshoo Pork Boss. -- Fine Tooning 1,2. -- The Umpire Strikes Out 1,2. -- Pangaea 90210 1,2. -- This Old Cave 1,2,3. -- Honey, I shrunk the Gecko 1,2,3. -- Gexzilla vs. Mecharez Boss -- Samurai Night Fever 1,2. -- Pain in the Asteroids 1,2,3. -- (Glitch through Lion's Head) No Weddings and A funeral 1. -- Channel Z Boss. All done.
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AKA, i must bow to you. I have nothing else to say, good work.
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I would also give it a yes vote, you'd have to., you'd be rejecting most movies if you failed this. However, i suspect most would leave the 16-star run to FODA, although there is no such thing in this site as 'reserving' games it seems right to do so in this situation out of respect. The differences are directly out of his TAS.
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It seems to be exactly the same as Spazzafer's run, it just adds in the new tactics from FODA's run. It wouldn't have been posted here because whoever made this knows that it merely imatates the work of two author's on this site. Well, that's what i think... EDIT -- It also has a link to this site beside the video.
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I have to agree. The minimalist OoT run is so glitched out that we see little of the dungeons anyway and we would be naive to think that the remaining dungeons are going to be any different. I reckon that N64 TASing is at such an elementary level at the moment that it would be better to get TASes of new games rather than categories of a single game. This run shouldn't have a future for a few years until more N64 TASes are up and we end up reverting to new ways to do the games. If anyone desparately wants to see this take it up with youtube.
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Just a thought. While searching the internet i found an N64 ROM of OoT Master Quest. I haven't downloaded it and so i haven't seen how reliable it is. Personally, i think that it would be pointless to play this in the same way as the regular OoT run, however, a speedrun of this from beginning to end as stated in this thread could give everyone what they are looking for. I have played through this game before and it is not drastically different, just harder.
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Shit. I'll fix that.
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The thing i forgot to mention in the text, was meant to add that in. I'll do that now. EDIT -- Done
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Yes, that's what i was refering to. The Bartzilla level has no music and it would be nice if there was some. That's a game issue, not an emulator one.
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Good job here, a yes vote from me. Having never played the game before i can't comment on optimization, however i can comment from a neutral perspective. The bloodstream level was fairly dull, i thought, however, the tempo of the itchy and scratchy level really got my attention and the entertainment level never really fell again Good game choice as well; colourful and fast-paced. You are right though;there are sound issues; the street music was kind of annoying as was the absence of music in the Bartzilla level. This never took from the run in any way. Great stuff. This is the first movie of yours i have watched and i look forward to seeing more.
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I reckon that you're right. That'll add a lot to the run and it shouldn't be extensively longer either. I would just need to do the bonus levels aswell. EDIT -- Wait a minute...what am i thinking...a 100% run would have to include all the silver and gold remotes aswell. That adds about another 28 to the final total, not to mention all the bonus levels. I'll stick to any% for the time being.
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Right, after much thorough testing, i've decided to change the route a final time. The final route is looking good; it incorporates speed and shows off every level in the game plus many glitches, tricks and shortcuts. I totalled up all my testing times for the levels, however, i never noted time travelling between levels so i had to make harsh estimates of that. One unfortunate discovery was that there are much less remotes in the game than i thought there were. In short, in the game there are 35 and to reach the final boss you need 33. That means i can skip only two. As far as completion time goes sub 1:15:00 is a definite (however, i still don't know the travel times)...maybe, just maybe i can do it sub 01:00:00. Depending on travel time of course.
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When i posted this comment my real back thoughts were that the PSone version could be identical (if not better) version of this suped-up space invaders game was released for the GBA. I considered doing it, but i don't know how much less boring it would be.
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There used to be? This sounds really interesting, why did they take it down?
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Make a test run of the game. Just play through and don't rip your hair out over perfection just yet then watch it back to yourself. From just doing this you will 1) see a speedrun 2) get a very good feel for the game and how it works and 3) know exactly where you're making mistakes/having difficulty. Then when it comes to making the real thing you will have the thorough knowledge of the game needed to make a good TAS.
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This is...strange. I can't read the text that goes with it as it's in Japanese, there may be something important in there. What i find strange is that this is a definite improvement on our run, however, it mentions word such as TAS and uses many of the tricks found on this site and seems to model the existing run, it just does it better. What is strange is that it is on youtube, anyone with the skills to make such a movie must surely have heard of this site, and must know that here would be the best place to host it. If anyone can speak Japanese (or Chinese, i don't know) please invite this guy to the forums so that he can explain himself...
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Iif i ever wrtie a nvoel moosooh, i wnat yuo to splelcheck ti. Yuor sklils of tpyopypoo spottng re godd-lkie. EDIT -- Yeah, anyway, seriously, the movie.....
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I've begun casual work on this run for some respite from my Gex 64 run. Here is the TAS of level one; Tell me what you think. I think this is a great game for a TAS so please comment on what is here. EDIT -- Here is a youtube link for anyone who would prefer it.
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I've never played this game, and to be honest i probably won't. I think what Inzult has done is that he has made something out of this game. I enjoyed the first part of the movie enough to scrape a yes vote from me, however, i think that the repetitiveness of the final boss will hold this one back. One thing i liked was that the movie still appeared optimal even with all the stopping and starting, a very difficult feat, or perhaps that was just the voice in the back of my head saying "if Inzult could make this any faster or more optimized he would." In short, good job says me, but i'd be surprised if this gets published.
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That is out of the context of what i said. I was refering to the move in question; an expense of time where the main goal was to allow the viewer to see the background scenery. The glitch itself has no artful or particularly entertaining aspects and anyone watching the run having not played the game would not even recognise that as a glitch. This FAQ is the first thing of this site i ever read, and reading back over it just now a line jumped out at me that is relevant to everything going on in this thread recently: "We are a diverse community, and each of us has different opinions as to what can be considered art"
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Here's WIP number 2 This includes the first boss and the two remotes from smellraiser. The last few days have been quite intense in getting this first chunk of the run out of the way. I'm going to take a week or so to do more testing, there's a thing or two that i want to try out before i start recording the rest of this movie.
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I wholeheartedly agree. The issue of entertainment on TASes is getting beyond ridiculous. Entertainment now seems to taking precedence over speed. For the sake of the world these are Tool-Assisted speedruns not Tool-Assisted Trailers, we're not trying to sell the game. Of course, make the movie entertaining, but this shouldn't come at the expense of speed. People here have been making optimized, entertaining movies for years and so it is no impossible task. Speed is novel in itself. Walking backwards whilst missing objects and enemies is near impossible in real time and so demonstrates the perfection possible in a TAS, this is entertainment. Any game that makes a mind-warpingly boring run isn't going to be saved by a few more jumps or glimpses of pixelated scenery. When I rate a movie i do so on the content of the run and not how much i like the game (supposing it is TAS worthy) and if anyone thinks otherwise they should get the priorities of a TAS corrected in their minds before rating. Like i said before, we are not trying to sell the game and although only small time will be wasted over a two-hour run it is time wasted nonetheless and only for the sake of entertainment. OoT is one of the most widely appreciated games ever made and a movie that shows a completion time of two-hours or so will impress the masses.