Posts for Mukki

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The new (old) WIP looked very nice. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished, but I guess that's all up to the Mupen64plus developers. Improving that by seven seconds can't have been easy; all I saw that could have been different was perhaps cutting the final superslide from the river closer to the left wall of the Kakariko staircase (can't remember if that's even possible due to water depth) and sidehopping rather than backwalking up the staircase at the end, but since it was right before ending input it probably wasn't meant to be seriously optimised anyway ;-)
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I like the idea, however this could be ruined by a player submitting five or six poor runs in a year rather than two or three good ones just to get points on the board. I agree with Baxter that the effort gone into an obsoletion may not be properly taken into account, perhaps the tech rating of the obsoleted movie could be used in calculating the points? Also, some of what you are suggesting is already decided by the community during the annual Tazzie Awards (which will be coming up soon, dust off your tuxedos guys).
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While I agree with some of the starred movies more than others I think that all of them (including SMB) accomplish what a starred movie should do. I also think having the movies decided by Bisqwit works since the decision seems to be so strongly influenced by the community anyway. Delgating these powers formally amongst others may not be the best idea, but I think the upcoming site transition would be a good time to test some of the ideas outlined above. Anyway, I can think of many runs I really enjoy and would like to see starred, however, the two that really stand out are: Golden Axe by Trazz 007 Goldeneye by Rising Tempest I think both of these are tremendously entertaining, optimal and popular examples of what tool-assistance is all about.
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Wow, this game is very impressive as a TAS, a great watch. The game looks like a lot of fun aswell, it reminds me of the days when games based on popular franchises were actually pretty good. The genesis was best for this :P Anyway, a solid 8/8 from me. Nice!
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Come to think of it, the any% TAS was 1:23 faster than phy's 3:37 run which was made before bomb hovering was known. The 100% was made before hovering was known with all the tricks we now know then 1:25 off Dragorn's 6:55 should be definite. It could probably be quite a bit faster than that. In any case, the longest run on the site is the Chrono Trigger run in 4:21. This would be longer than that, but all action so most people wouldn't get bored. I'm assuming that ISoT wouldn't be used, therefore I'd estimate that by the end of the second 100% cycle the run would be between 2:20 and 2:35 long or there abouts (very rough).
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This route looks extremely interesting. 100% MM TAS will be one of the best things ever so I'm looking forward to seeing how the other cycles turn out. Nothing seemed glaringly out of place either so the route should work out nicely. How long do you estimate the TAS would be? Sub-5:30?
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Chef Stef: Cool! It plays back. I spent some time using the inbuilt RAM watch to try and find some values but never found much. Before I start I'll try and find a few using MHS as I'm more comfortable with that. Okay, I've decided to start over and make this a 100% run (all gems) since a suicidal bandicoot would just make for sadistic viewing and this will be considerably more awesome. I'll post up a WIP later.
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I'll try and make an .avi tonight. On another note, has anyone been able to play this .pxm back yet? I'm not sure how stable this pcsx is yet. Is it likely that movies from this version will be accepted and published? I've not been around too much so I'm not sure what Bisqwit's feelings about this emulator are. It'd fill me with confidence if someone else could watch this movie :-) Paused: I agree with you. It'd involve almost excessive backtracking, but I think it'd look better. At the moment I'm going to play on with any% and see how it goes. Also, eternal is the best sound plugin for this game by far but doubles the desyncs in comparison with peops. I'm still messing around with a few plugins to figure out which would be best. It's looking likely that I'd have to restart anyway so I may adopt for a 100% run instead. Oh, and my current plugins for anyone trying to play the run back... Video: P.E.Op.S Soft Driver 1.18 Sound: plays back with P.E.Op.S DSound Audio Driver 1.9 (but recorded with No Sound 0.4) First Controller: N-Rage Plugin 0.95 CdRom: Mooby2 CD Disk Image Driver 2.8 Bios: schp1001.bin
Post subject: Re: Crash Bandicoot 1
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That's awesome, but it's a speedrun so we wouldn't be opening secret levels. I've used this game as a bit of a "get to know the pcsx" kind of run. Progress The run would only be ~45 minutes and it's pretty straight forward to TAS. However, the game desyncs a lot, and crashes a lot. It's still pretty fun to TAS though so I may see it through depending on how much better/worse it gets. This .pxm desyncs about halfway through Jungle Rollers. P.S. I don't use death in Jungle Rollers because the level can be optimally beaten with missing only 7 boxes which is faster (and looks better) than blow up, death animation, restart. I'm not a huge fan of liberal death abuse as would be seen in this run.
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Great to see that PSX TASing is possible! I've been screwing around with this emulator quite a bit over the last few weeks and am very impressed and encouraged by it. Anyways, some ideas that I don't think have been said yet... Agent Armstrong Tarzan Driver Heart Of Darkness James Bond 007: Tomorrow Never Dies Kula World Lucky Luke Monkey Hero Silent Hill Wild 9
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I'm currently studying Law at University and am hoping to go all the way and qualify as a lawyer. With my present grades I am on the way to doing so, but it is very competitive and the success rate is low so it'll be tough. I don't have much of a back-up plan either... I also work part time in a WHSmith store to put food on the table and all that. It's not the most inspiring job in the world but I have no problem living with it for now.
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I was a bit sceptical when I saw that there was another S3&K run. Nitsuja's run was so well stylised and it was glitchy but not too glitchy. I'm glad you decided to just hex the input because I don't think that the stylistic choices can be changed without a resultant loss in entertainment. I don't think the new glitches break the game too much, although the LB1 glitch breaks the tempo pretty badly making this run a tad less entertaining than the last. However, this is still my favourite run on the site and I am most certainly voting yes. I'd also like to see the stars make a return. Work such as this should be distinguished from the rest of the riff-raff :P
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Pretty meh, so I'll give this a meh... I've never played this game so I may be wrong, but your luck manipulation wasn't very convincing. You paused very often to damage enemies or avoid damage (perhaps at least some of this is avoidable?). The game is pretty bad (similar to Goof Troop, but lame) but the trick was kind of interesting so I'm not completely against this run... So, yeah...meh.
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Some graphics plugins do this. glN64 is the main offender from my own experience. Try using Jabo 1.5.2 because I've never had this problem with that. Failing that try redownloading the emulator as that sometimes does the trick. I'm pretty sure this is your problem...
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Hmm...I don't know why so many of you are having problems. I used Gens 9.5b so if you are using the wrong emulator then perhaps that's the cause...?
Post subject: Re: Wow/phew/oh/heh/well/anyway... Yes-vote.
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Aqfaq wrote:
Oh, there was some lag in the lava level (in the part where you needed to wait for your ride) but maybe it was unavoidable or a result of speed/entertainment trade-off?
Yeah, it was mainly the bats. I could've killed them earlier and reduced the lag, but that would've made the wait less interesting as I would've only had the leopard to play with. If you know the game well you'll agree that those bats are really irritating so I thought that dodging several of them plus a leopard whilst so close to instant death lava was much more intersting. Also, the leopard's pouncing animation added to the lag, which could theoretically be reduced, but avoiding it would mean that I couldn't make it dive into the lava. The lag still only costs a few frames and I didn't think it was so noticable.
Tompa wrote:
Sometimes I really can't stand the music in the Genesis version, it's awful...
Boo! I couldn't disagree with you more :P I dislike the SNES version's sound, but I think this game sounds great (apart from the thunderbolts in the last level).
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Bloobiebla wrote:
It was a personal desire to see how fast the run goal could possibly be accomplished but it would be awesome to have it online in some way when I finish.
Even if it does get rejected I'd be surprised if it isn't encoded and uploaded to google video or perhaps linked to in the OoT description. In any case keep up the good work (that I'm hearing about) I'll watch your WIPs when I get a chance.
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Pros 1. 'Submit a movie' is in a more prominent place. 2. I like the idea of every movie page becoming a large article on the game/run. 3. Incorporation of avatars into the site's content is pretty cool. Cons 1. I think the main page is too dense. Showing recent publications is good, but Mystic Defender was published over a month ago... Perhaps the space could be put to better use by allowing more space for descriptions /screenshots of the most recent movies? 2. The movie entries are too verbose. Why say Mega Man 6 for the Nintendo Entertainment System played by Shinryuu, in 30 minutes and 54.55 seconds when you can say Mega Man 6 for the NES played by Shinryuu in 30:54.55 to the exact same effect? 3. Why have in the topbar both 'FAQ' and 'ARTICLES' when they both link to the same page. Shouldn't one suffice? 4. Why are author's real names no longer in the movie entries but required in the submission form? 5. I dislike how the submission queue has been named 'upcoming'. This is far more ambiguous and misleading than the phrase 'Submission Queue' as it implies that all submissions are about to be accepted and published which is untrue. 6. Remove 'The Cake Is A Lie!' from the bottom of every submission page. I don't see any reason why it is at all relevant. It's just a stupid addition imo. On the whole I prefered the old layout. It had more personality as opposed to the current one which looks like a clone of so many other sites out there ( for an example). The new movie and submission pages I guess I can live with but I strongly dislike the new front page. I think a page with only the contents of the top bar would be best; simple, not cluttered yet informative.
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I agree that it's definitely favourable to get the Goron Mask early. Why would the K&A Quest have to be done three times? It's been a while since I've gone through it so I'm probably missing something but could we not get the Kafei Mask, Keaton Mask and Empty Bottle first then get the Postman's Hat and Couple's Mask second? In either case I'd say the Ranch. I imagine that it'd probably be faster because, like you said, we could take out quite a few sidequests along the way. I'd like to see how much of the route you have so far as it's quite difficult to visualise how well the above would work as opposed to Madame Aroma's bottle.
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Swordless in his submission text wrote:
mapler90210, for discovering that route change towards the end of BitS. This saved a lot of time. I just wish he'd found it before I submitted the first version of this run. ;) But thanks a lot anyway.
I believe it was mapler90210. A nice little improvement. It's cool to see that there are (were) still unique optimisations in this game.
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Being a music geek my ipod is my most prized possession. At the moment I'm using a 160GB iPOD Classic (Black) which supports most formats, has great battery life and has good video playback. I'm a meticulous perfectionist with it though, everything has to be a full studio album complete with the appropriate album artwork. Maintaining it is a time consuming enterprise.
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julianface wrote:
lol I know that I just want it on console as I don't have a joystick to play for the "24 hours of play before it must get deleted" ;)
The law is broken as soon as you click download. People who host ROMs will say things like that and other bullshit in order to trick people that would not otherwise download. So if you have the ROM you may as well keep it.
zOMG wrote:
And the graphics update every second time I press FA. Tedious and might cause desynchs (?)
This is normal for an N64 game. This in itself shouldn't cause desyncs, but they may well come from other factors.
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There was a commentary for Earthbound >> Thread. I thought it was very enjoyable; not so much from a comic perspective, but NapstrPSX is familiar with the game and provided interesting insights into the TAS. I disagree that people should stop making them if they can't be as amusing as JXQ's. I like the idea of serious commentaries made by the authors or other users in the know. I'll probably make one of these someday, but more on that nearer the time...
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That was hot. Stylistically I prefer this run to the current one. It's great that you can still keep these runs fresh after so many versions. Voting yes on this, good job as always Swordless :D