Posts for Mukki

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That's a common problem with Jabo 1.6. I don't know the precise cause of the error, but redownloading the file always fixes it for me.
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Fantastic! This run is a 10/10 if there ever was one. I love how Shiunryuu has an unorthodox and creative solution to almost every screen and problem this game throws at him. I particularly liked Woodman, for obvious reasons :)
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I found this WIP to be very entertaining. It's been years since I last played through this game so I'm looking forward to seeing it TASed. I really hope you continue with this. I also think that using 'The End' against every boss would get boring pretty quickly, but what alternatives are there? Does this game have any characters that have glitchy damage dealing e.g. the Tifa route in FF7, or would you upgrade your weapons and just Lionheart everything?
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Nice to see that this is still being improved. Very yes.
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I'm not as familiar with Fire Red as I am with the Game Boy games, but I'd assume that the game (being a remake) follows the same/similar rules as the games it copies. In GSC a pokemon is shiny if, when the encounter occurs, the RNG rolls DVs of 7777 at D0F5. So presumably you would need to find a code that fixes the DVs. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a code that says something like 'encounter pokemon with max DVs' as they are something of a holy grail amongst seasoned pokemon players.
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In a similar vein to this idea, would it be possible to have one for lua scripts? For example, all the known scripts would be listed under the game name, which in turn would be under the console name. At the moment there are lots of great scripts scattered across the forums and it'd be nice to have them in the same place.
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Great run. Very entertaining all the way through, even the autoscroller was awesome. The deaths didn't bother me too much and I quite liked the old & new aspect of this contra more than I thought I would. I haven't gotten around to playing through it myself yet, but judging by this run, it looks pretty awesome.
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I would have no problem with a movie being unpublished because of it being objectively incompatible with the site's current rules i.e the incomplete runs. However, I don't think that unpublishing movies for lack of entertainment is a good path to take. My main reason for this is that, with a few exceptions, most of the movies listed are over two years old with many being three to four years old. This shows that in recent years the entertainment required to have a movie published in the first place is higher than before. If unpublication was to become an annual thing I don't think that that list would see many new additions from one year to the next and many runs on that list will be obsoleted over time anyway. It is a list that will naturally get smaller over time rather than larger, so why spend time undermining the decision of the judge and the work of the TASer? Of the hundreds of movies we have here I don't think that a few sub-par games harm external perceptions of our standards to such an extent that we should start rewriting the site's history.
Post subject: Re: Rick's Vocab Words.
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Here are my best definitions. The annoying thing about games like this is that you never know half as much as you think you do. I could have guessed at some of the others, but that would have been cheating ;-) 1.) Felicity - 2.) Lexicon - 3.) Jostle - unrest 4.) Pious - nonchalant sincerity 5.) Vivacious - zealous (female usually) 6.) Beguile - to interest 7.) Ubiquitous - omnipresent 8.) Superfluous - unnecessary 9.) Obstinate - particularly stubborn/difficult 10.) Cacophony - loud disorganised noises 11.) Deprecate - mock, put-down 12.) Facetious - flippant 13.) Veritable - metaphysical comparison 14.) Cavort - associate with 15.) Inundate - overload 16.) Inane - foolish 17.) Nimiety - 18.) Convivial - 19.) Staid - 20.) Copse - 21.) Incipient - the beginnings of 22.) Glower - frown aggressively 23.) Badinage - 24.) Perfunctory - quick and half-assed 25.) Obfuscate - attempt to confuse 26.) Hermitage - 27.) Abscond - depart without authorisation 28.) Bombinate - 29.) Vagary - 30.) Aberrant - uncommon and unacceptable 31.) Temerarious - 32.) Mephitic - 33.) Egress - 34.) Frission - 35.) Fervid - with haste 36.) Bedlam - chaos 37.) Expectorate - 38.) Carom - 39.) Somniferous - 40.) Venial -
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Looked good. All credit to Blublu for making a 2004 movie that Randil could only beat by 4 seconds. Voting yes.
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As for the pages I think that all iterations of the run should be listed with a short description of what was new each time. It shows the history aspect much better and details the community effort and why they are so special. The SM64 page, for example, only shows the three benchmark movies which hardly does justice to all the various contributions that made the benchmarks so important. As for games, other than what has been mentioned (SM and RM1 should definitely be added), I think the only other runs worth adding would be Rockman 2 and Super Mario World any%.
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The marble garden stuff was cool. I like the idea of using TAS tools to accomplish goals that would otherwise be too arbitrary for the site, however I thought that the angel island and hydrocity stuff was underwhelming. Seeing more glitchfest runs would be great, but having a player just randomly screw around in a level would get old quickly without some sort of goal to aim for. I mean, a full run of S3&K in such a way would take over two hours and I don't think many people would sit and watch it all (considering the attention spans of most users here rarely stretches past the 20 minute mark).
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Yeah, when I canceled I thought that I could include flying pretty much everywhere, but it doesn't work out that way. It's only really useful for long horizontal segments. It can't be used in narrow vertical shafts (which is what you're probably thinking of) because the game doesn't let you move left and right while rapidly ascending without spinning out of control. This is why it's so useful in level 1 since you are moving downward through the level, however in level 5 I have to transform into the normal form before entering the castle as it takes him ages to fly up through the shaft. Similarly, in level 3 I don't use it because of all the vertical sections, if I remember rightly flying lost out to hopping on a footrace to the mini-boss by about 25 frames. For levels 2 and 4 the bouncing ball rules all (in level 4 by a surprising 2 seconds despite the waiting period). Should probably have put that in the submission text somewhere...
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Is there no way for an admin to manually insert the forum topic? Subsequent submissions seem to have gone through without too much trouble.
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I agree with Kyrsimys. The problem isn't sufficient enough to warrant changing a good system that works. If, perhaps, we were getting 1-2 junk submissions per day every day then it may be worth discussing further. As things stand we may have a troll or two and trolls get bored and move on (if they don't get banned first). One of the main reasons I like the way that this site is moderated is that it is free from all the rules and limits of other forums and we should strive to keep it that way. I think quarantine judges is a bad idea mainly because it will create more problems than it fixes. What exactly is a 'junk' submission? I wouldn't be surprised if this became construed as 'anything that is a certain rejection'. I'd even go further to say that the freedom to submit something sub-par when very new to the site and have it torn apart on the workbench has been integral to the development of many of the older members here (myself included). Not to say that they would all be considered junk, it's just that complete junk isn't always easy to spot unless you know of the author's intentions.
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The speed in this run seemed to be much slower than in other puzzle games we have published here (such as tetris). I liked it, to be honest, because it was easier to watch the combos as you were setting them up and many of them were quite clever. I preferred the earlier boards where you cleared everything, but that's just me being picky. Voted yes.
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Watched it. Enjoyed it. I liked how genuinely painful the damage boosting looked in this run, and this is also a great game and underrated due to its lack of exposure. Having said that, I don't know the game well enough to really comment on it technically, but here comes a yes vote nonetheless.
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HA! That was pretty nice. Didn't expect this at all. A cool little find right there. An unnecessary yes vote from me.
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I like it and don't mind it staying. As it has been used in so many .avi files it is connected more strongly to the site rather than Bisqwit himself and so Bisqwit's departure shouldn't alter the effect of the logo. Views of our publications on external sites or internal downloads from external links are into the millions by now and I think it's safe to say that the majority of these views are of runs of probably less than ten to twenty games (e.g. SM64, OoT, SMW etc). Most of these big publications were encoded by Bisqwit using his Megaman Helmet / Star Ocean logo (which is cool, I hope it still gets used). I think it does represent the site strongly and should stay (it is also worth noting that big publications not encoded by Bisqwit were encoded (usually) by DeHackEd who used Megaman X in his logo, not the same, but the Megaman connection is there). I'm not arguing that external perceptions should affect our right to change our logo if we want to , I'm just saying that it's worth considering since our current one ain't broke. Alternatively, we could have a "design an icon/mascot" competition and include Bisqwit's in the poll. Just so we can see what others can come up with ;-)
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To be honest, I'm not even going to begin on all that is wrong with American Law, but considering how trigger happy the D.A's are with serious crime yet they were unable to even bring him to criminal trial, only one of the most frivolous civil cases I have ever seen. It kind of speaks for itself that they never had anything on him. It's the perfect example of media circus ruining someone's reputation; anyone (with some basic legal knowledge) reading that case report would be stunned that it caused such a big deal, no evidence, few witnesses none of which were credible, and that's not even mentioning the extortion involved. He may have been many things, but he was certainly not a pedophile.
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I'm a massive fan of his. Always have been, always will be. It's funny, a few days ago a couple of friends and I were watching on youtube all the many people who have tried to imitate him on shows such as American Idol/X Has Talent (even those who were actually pretty good) before comparing it to videos of the man himself. There is , of course, no comparison. Even his performances as a five-year-old knock the socks of anything else. A real loss.
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I remember seeing this at the top of a top 10 hardest games ever list a while back and hoped someone would TAS it. This run doesn't do justice to the really random stuff this game has to offer, however a short run with a game breaking glitch was enough to secure my yes vote.
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Very impressive. Nice optimisations and amazingly well stylised. Yes vote.
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As far as I can tell it isn't, in fact, this movie syncs on the (E) rom so I assume they are exactly the same. I chose the J rom under the general attitude here that if there is no U rom use the J rom, E roms suck. Obviously this is targeted at home console emulators, but for the sake of cleanliness I chose to also apply that reasoning here.
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The overworld segments became repetitive quickly, but the Super Metroid-style damage boosting in the underworld segments was really cool. There was just enough of that action to give this a yes vote.