Posts for Mukki

Post subject: Re: 2010 - Looking ahead
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These are all fantastic ideas. At least we can always rely on adelikat to take initiative.
adelikat wrote:
1) Better documentation of tricks!
I share your lament that the internet is full of 100 lives this that and the other thing. We are really offering something novel here. What sort of scope are we aiming for with this? At the moment we only offer tricks pages for the most popular games. Would it be worth broadening this out to less popular games? Or to all games in general? We already contain most of the information for the latter scattered throughout the submission texts. It would require a monumental effort from the editors to codify this huge amount of information. A main problem with this is that the effort required far outstrips the number of active editors that we have. A possible solution could be to allow an editing privilege similar to that of User Homepages in relation to tricks pages associated with it. Another potential solution, but perhaps too much of a strain on the publishers, would be to adopt Bisqwit's idea of having every publication as an article that has the run in addition to a page full of information which can be added in a codified form from the submission text.
adelikat wrote:
2) More site "interactivity" with the act of TASing
I also think it is sad that no one posts WIPs anymore. However, I've noticed that it is only incredibly popular runs that get attention. If someone posts a WIP of a less popular game, and no one takes an interest, this is likely to seriously affect the motivation of the TASer. I have some projects that I like to keep secret because I don't want the pressure of disappointing people that were looking forward to it if I choose to abandon the project. However, I will make an effort to start posting WIPs of runs that I am likely to finish.
adelikat wrote:
Currently I am really excited about the idea of "live" TASing via ustream (demonstrated by the Bubble Bobble commentary.
This is a great idea and I'd love to see more of it. I think that everyone could benefit from this. Even an experienced TASer may learn something new by watching the technique of another TASer. Anyways, I'd like to help out in any way that I can
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This is a great thread that I'd like to dig up again to see what you guys have been reading over the last...2 years. A quick breakdown of the last five books that I have read (synopsis + opinions). I've mostly been catching up with classics and modern classics that I have so far missed so some of you may be familiar with many of these already: Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov This novel begins with a brief foreword and a 999 line poem by a fictional poet named John Shade. The remainder of the novel is a commentary by the editor Charles Kinbote. Through his interpretation of the poem Kinbote digresses into his own musings which form the plot. This results in a very non-linear narrative that can be difficult to follow. I did enjoy this, but not as much as I would've liked. A novel like this really benefits from multiple readings in order to piece together everything that is going on. I'm a fan of Nabokov's work, and did enjoy Lolita and so if you liked that then this is recommended. If you are not familiar with Nabokov I'd recommend that you start with Lolita before moving on to this as Pale Fire is much more abstract and generally less enjoyable on the initial reading. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Taking place almost entirely within the fictional village of Macondo, this novel follows the trials and difficulties of several generations of the Buendia family. This is probably my top recommendation. I loved this. The characters are all immediately likable, it is fantastically written and more than anything else the use of magical realism is exemplary. If I had to nitpick I'd say that the tempo kind of breaks around the middle and it seems as if the story is not really progressing (although, based on your interpretation, that is arguably the point) and the fact that more than half the characters in the novel have the same name is somewhat confusing (although, again, that is arguably the point). If you enjoy the work of more modern magical realist writers such as Haruki Murakami, or perhaps even the work of anime directors such as Hayao Miyazaki, I cannot recommend this highly enough. Generation X by Douglas Coupland Three characters; Dag, Claire and Andy pass the time by sharing stories with one another as the go about their typical 90s lifestyles. I'm not a huge fan of the waster-intellectual literature of the 90s, I generally find it overly preachy and pretentious and so I didn't find these characters particularly likable. However, many of the stories recounted between these unlikable characters were genuinely enjoyable. I read this in a day when I was bored and don't regret doing so. If you see this in a bargain bin for a couple of bucks I doubt you'll regret it either. If you generally enjoy Bret Easton Ellis / Chuck Palahniuk philosophy (rather than the gratuitous violence) then you may find something of interest here. The Road by Cormac McCarthy A man and his son, having survived Armageddon, make their way down the road to the coast in search of solace. I read this because I was interested in seeing the film. After I had read it I was no longer particularly interested in seeing the film. This novel is just so perfect. Everything here is so finely tuned. I highly recommend this, however it may not be for everyone. To say that it is dark is one thing, but what is really interesting here is how real it is in exploring visceral human instincts in desperate/hopeless situations. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon Joeseph Kavalier, a Jewish Czechoslovakian during the Nazi occupation, is able to escape to the USA to live with his cousin Sam Clay. Together they create a comic book hero to combat the Nazis. Joeseph uses this as a means of dealing with his helplessness at being unable to protect the family he was forced to leave in Czechoslovakia. Okay, I may have lied when I said that One Hundred Years of Solitude was my top recommendation. It may be this, but these two and The Road are all very close in brilliance. While reading this I was almost passively enjoying it and it is only with hindsight that I have appreciated how truly beautiful this novel was. There are many reasons for this and it is definitely worth a read and then some. Especially for those of you that are comic book enthusiasts as it is rare to see comics spoken of with such reverence as an art form, but Chabon expresses his love of the medium so brilliantly through his characters. I hope that some of you found these recommendations useful and I look forward to hearing what you have been getting into.
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A few comments:
moozooh wrote:
First of all, SDA is inherently more competitive due to the nature of unassisted speedrunning (where TASes are better seen as collaborative work).
This is true, in relation to SDA, where the monetary gains from bounties represent some sort of site accolade. A reward for succeeding ahead of the competition. In essence, I'd argue that our TAS Awards prize money is similar in that it is meritorious in nature. I don't think that such a thing can immediately be said of TAS Bounties as they may take on a quite different character (of course, time may make them substantially similar). TASes are not competitive and so a bounty may more closely represent a gift or other similar gratuitous disposition for fulfilling a wish or desire. It is rare for two TASers to run a game simultaneously with the intention of being 'first past the post'. It seems to be a convention to avoid working on a project if someone else already is without at least PM'ing the TASer so as to ascertain whether or not it is still being worked on or if they can take over or perhaps collaborate. This seems to exist even though it is generally contrary to site policy ("there is no such thing as 'ownership' of a game/run"). If a player is actively posting WIPs in the forum it is rare for another TASer to do the same at the same time while ignoring the other contributions. Bounties could arguably alter this, but I think that the very nature of TASing precludes such a result as both runs are likely to have improvements that the other does not and so collaboration will result in all but the most Saturnised of scenarios. Therefore, there is unlikely to be competition, or at the very least of a marginal degree when compared to SDA, and so the bounties will not be compromised by competitive attitudes that may make them detrimental to the site and are more likely to exist as gifts/donations to the TASer and his project rather than a reward for competition. So arguably TAS 'bounty' is probably the wrong word to use here, TASer donation/something like that seems more appropriate.
moozooh wrote:
Second, making a good unassisted run takes physical effort — something not present in creating a tool-assisted movie. In a TAS, basically everything is a question of time the player is willing to spend on a project. Depending on their knowledge, they may even have most of the job done for them using Lua scripts and somesuch. While a finished product does benefit community in a way, it also creates an unnecessary motivation anchor that may psychologically devalue regular contributions.
I generally agree with the potential psychological risks, however I think that "basically everything is a question of time the player is willing to spend on a project" could make the benefits of a bounties system somewhat game specific. Games that require considerable time and effort, or are somewhat underplayed, could greatly benefit from an added incentive. It is not hard to imagine games that, no matter how great a run could be, have disproportionate 'effort required' to 'motivation of a sane person' ratio. Until recently an All Souls run of Aria of Sorrow would have been a great example of a category that could have benefited from an added incentive. We are not losing anything from not having added incentives and most great TASes will be made nonetheless, but in certain situations an added incentive could just be enough to tease out a great run that we may not be otherwise get to see.
adelikat wrote:
It is obvious for me to say the money is better spent toward a site donation, but aside from bias, I say this because: 1) It goes to ensure the long term site existence 2) Goes to upgrading the site features & resources 3) Yearly award prize pool (thereby encouraging every to TAS more, not just 1 person on 1 specific TAS) 4) Contributions to emulator developement (specifically rerecording & related tools)
If bounties were to be official, a semi-serious suggestion would be to say that the site could 'tax' the bounties so that money was being put back into the community as a whole and no one person was walking away with the whole pot (i.e. many community members may contribute ideas/suggestions to the run, encoders take time to publish the run, the run is being hosted on the server. It could be justified...). In short, I think that the idea deserves some attention in order to gauge some interest and see what people come up with. To get the ball rolling I've requested a few runs that I'd like to see: I've followed Kirkq's clarifications, minus the due date because I don't see that as completely necessary: Clarifications: 1: Game, System, Version? 2: Run type: 100%, any%, glitched, demonstration? (If a save glitch is found that skips most of the game, are you still planning on paying out?) 3: Does the run have to be accepted to qualify? (What conditions otherwise?) 4: Run time requirements? Secret of Mana I'll throw $10 on this under the same conditions as Kirkq. NES Metal Gear $10 1: Metal Gear (NES or MSX) 2: any% 3: Must be accepted as an improvement to the currently published movie and worthy of at least an 8.5 technical rating from me. 4: Your run should aim for the fastest time possible, however I am more interested in seeing a visually different improvement (i.e. new innovative routes) rather than optimisations. It is nature of improvement, rather than size which is of importance here. Gex 64 $10 1: Gex 3D/64 (preferably the PSX version, but the N64 will suffice). 2: any% 3: Must be accepted as an improvement to the currently published movie and worthy of at least an 8 technical rating from me. 4: I expect about a minute of improvement at the very least, but more should be possible and I'm more interested in surprising new tricks/strategies. Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation $10 1: Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation PSX 2: any% 3: Must be accepted and be worthy of at least a 7 technical rating from me. 4: I'm not entirely sure what a good TAS time would be, but I'd guess it to be around the 2 hour mark, if not comfortably less. Final Fantasy 7 $10 1: Final Fantasy 7 PSX 2: any% 3: Must be accepted for publication and worthy of at least a 7 technical rating from me. 4: Again I'm not sure what a good TAS time would be Final Fantasy 8 $10 1: Final Fantasy 8 PSX 2: any% 3: Must be accepted for publication and worthy of at least a 7 technical rating from me. 4: Again I'm not sure what a good TAS time would be
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Fantastic run Swordless. I really enjoyed watching it so thank you for putting in the effort required to make it as good as it was. This must've been a tough project. I've not played through this game in years so I always felt like I was missing some nice subtleties, but that just gives me an excuse to play through this again and rewatch this great run. Yes vote.
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That was a very interesting commentary, arkiandruski, thanks for doing it. I agree that technical commentaries are by far the most interesting and I would also love to see more runs with author commentaries. It was great to have you point out several of the nice little gems that you put into your run that I missed on first viewing.
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I noticed that this game had that annoying running interruption every time that you used your weapon. In my experience I've noticed that in games that do it you can avoid it by jumping just before you use your weapon so that you are not paused on the ground. Perhaps it isn't possible against every enemy with the sword since some enemies require to be hit more than once, but I can't help but wonder if time could be saved on the enemies killed with the shuriken? I thought that this game was visually nice, but the goals and problems weren't particularly obvious to begin with. More importantly when I had worked out the goal of each level it was even more difficult to visualise what an optimal playthrough would look like. I think that this game looks inherently sloppy, even though it may be played well. I wouldn't be opposed to an easy mode run being published if you could clarify what I've suggested in the first paragraph here. Until then consider this a meh leaning towards a yes.
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Did I enjoy this movie? Yes, I do enjoy a bit of Duck Hunt. Should this be published? My better judgment tells me no. The goals, while rightfully the least boring, are still pretty arbitrary. This all reminds me of the recent furore surrounding F-Zero/Top Gear publications, but instead of one-level it's a sample of three levels. Perhaps if I was asked a week ago I'd have considered this publishable as a 'Demonstration'. That may still be feasible, but I think this one just falls outwith the scope. Thanks, Randil, for an enjoyable/nostalgic little run, but I'm voting no.
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That was surprisingly entertaining. I look forward to watching this when it's finished. I noticed recently that the GBA has many childish games that are deceptively well suited for TASing. Two good examples being Disney's Kim Possible 2: Drakken's Demise and Disney's Lilo & Stitch. So yeah, if anyone needs a run idea...
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Voting no. I don't see any compelling reason to clutter the publication pages with grue publications. F-Zero and Top Gear should both be removed. The publications should be deleted and the submission files grued. This should be done because this site hosts complete and finished TASes, these are, in my view, nothing more than published WIP runs. Publishing them was a mistake. Runs that are improvable are one thing, but they are however still valid as finished runs that do show tool-assistance to the requisite extent (otherwise they wouldn't have been published in the first place). These published WIP runs are completely outwith the ambit of the content that we present here. It is as if we have an unassisted run or a Long Play published, they are simply inapplicable to the site. I think that unpublishing movies is a bad habit to get into. The potential ramifications to the site content and the morale of TASers could be rather severe if used over zealously. As to OoT I think, if possible, we should do what should've been done in the first place and that is obsolete it with Bloobiebla's run, but I don't know how the obsoletion procedure works. For the record, I strongly dislike the idea of having a "Highly Unoptimised" tag. To me it just creates a "this is a shit movie" impression, which may well be the case, but I don't think it should be labeled as such. It is both extremely disrespectful to the author and doesn't represent the ways in which improvements can arise. For example, there are movies where the playing could be much more precise, but there is little in the way of large individual improvements. This would seem like a great candidate for a highly unoptimised tag, but it doesn't really belong in the same way it would apply to OoT. Conversely, some runs are very well played but have large known improvements (Sonic 2, Rockman) should we label these runs negatively, or should we unpublish these runs, some of the site's best content, too? Of course not.
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Looked nice. Always cool to see progress here. I'd like to offer something more in the way of a suggestion or an opinion but when it comes to DKC you are waaaay ahead of the game Mr Tompa.
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I mostly TAS games that I played extensively in my youth. While it does mean that I am familiar with the games it is more of a nostalgia thing. Since I never played these games from a speedrunning perspective anyway my knowledge of the game is not geared in that direction. I think that it is perfectly plausible to pick up a game that I had only discovered since registering here and running it. I find that I go through much of the same processes in finding tricks and routes with both familiar and unfamiliar games as even those I know are not in my immediate memory (I don't get much time to play through video games these days). As I've made more runs I find myself more confident in taking up these unfamiliar games. Trip World is the only run I have published of a game that I have never owned. Any gaming that I do do nowadays is by browsing through ROM sets for some hidden gems and if I find one I will probably TAS it. I will probably submit more work that arises in this way in the near future.
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I briefly entertained the idea of making this a triple submission including Crash 3, but I dropped it due to some problems (now solved). One of the main complaints of these runs is the repetitiveness of the levels which is a much bigger issue in Crash 3 as most levels are repeated 3-4 times. However, there is much more than just platforming in that game (i.e. the races and aviation levels) which would go some way towards mitigating the repetitiveness. Like you, I would also love to see a run of that game, and I'm sure that many others would. Crash 3 was released after dual shock and analogue optimisation is not doable on the current release of pcsx-rr as far as I am aware. If that would not impact heavily on the level of optimisation that I could achieve I may start up a .pxm on Crash 3. It probably wouldn't be much of an ordeal, after these projects I could TAS the Crash series in my sleep.
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moozooh wrote:
Mukki wrote:
I'd be against lowering the points to 1500 purely so that more players could have the rank. […] I wouldn't be opposed to reducing Expert Player to 1500 to break up the gap a bit
I'll assume that you read this as a contradiction so I'll restate it to avoid others becoming confused. This was a qualified statement (the qualification is in bold).
Mukki wrote:
I'd be against lowering the points to 1500 purely so that more players could have the rank.
By this I meant that I would be against the standard being lowered where the only aim is to have more users with this rank (that is, the highest rank, rather than that named 'Expert Player' rank specifically). I then went on to say that:
Mukki wrote:
I wouldn't be opposed to reducing Expert Player to 1500 to break up the gap a bit, but I am still definitely of the opinion that there should be a highest rank that only a minority of TASers will have the ability to achieve. Perhaps having Expert be 1500 and having Ninja as 2500 or 3000.
By this I meant that lowering the requirements for Expert Player would cease to be an issue, in my opinion, where it was no longer the highest rank. If there was still a rank higher than Expert Player (I used the Ninja example) that represented a higher mastery over TASing then the ranking system as a whole will not have been devalued. It would instead remedy the issue that I identified in the gap between Skilled Player and Expert Player being too large. Of course this all depends on whether you think that it is worthwhile to have an almost unassailable rank. I think it is in that it is consistent with the present pyramid-style of player ranks (huge amount of Players, slightly fewer Active Players, 21 Experienced Players, 11 Skilled Players, 1 Expert Player) that shows an ascension of both quality and quantity of work. Once there are ~10 Expert Players there will probably be ~20 Skilled Players and higher rank could be added separating the Experts with 2000 points from those with 3000, but that is my own personal preference and I can imagine how some users may prefer to have fewer ranks or may not care about the ranks much at all.
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I wouldn't consider the 'Expert Player' rank to be underused. Like the ninja rank before it it loses its meaning if bestowed upon those that don't deserve it and so I'd be against lowering the points to 1500 purely so that more players could have the rank. Looking at the page there seems to be a few players that are a movie or two from the 2000 (Phil, Aqfaq and Cardboard) and others that are regular enough contributors and so it is likely that they could get there in a year or so (klmz. Lord Tom, Aglar, arukAdo and FractalFusion). So...
do we do away with the title expert player?
Not necessarily. I think it is a good descriptive rank showing prowess in TASing of a high calibre, but see below.
Reduce the necessary points to >1500, instead of the current >2000?
Now that you mention it, the jump between a Skilled Player and an Expert Player is huge (equal from never having TASed to Skilled Player). I wouldn't be opposed to reducing Expert Player to 1500 to break up the gap a bit, but I am still definitely of the opinion that there should be a highest rank that only a minority of TASers will have the ability to achieve. Perhaps having Expert be 1500 and having Ninja as 2500 or 3000.
Do we give subtitles to the admin staff (i.e. Editor/Player, Site manager/Expert Player)?
I wouldn't be opposed to multiple ranks, I remember that Bisqwit had three ranks at one point, and the fact that contributing to the site in more than one way will put you in a different ranking system should be chnged. It could make the forums quite messy though as so many users would qualify for them.
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Ah, I love this game, one of my favorites on the SMS. I'm surprised that you were able to find so much improvement over your last submission. Great run, great glitches, great little game. Excellent work Mr Fist, voting yes. PS. Someone needs to TAS Shinobi :-)
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Originally, I thought this was too slow, however I think the walking animation was a bit misleading and you actually get places rather swiftly. As for the game, it was good and the summons and interesting attacks prevented this from being a typical left to right platformer. I don't know this game well enough to comment on routes or strategy and everything looked well optimised from a general perspective. I'm giving this a yes; good first submission Toothache and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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After noticing trazz's comments in this thread I've decided to update my progress here. Despite lack of updates I have been working on this consistently for over a year now, but due to the nature of the game progress is incredibly slow. This WIP is a few months old now and is a something of a Frankenstein .gmv of the best I have of these levels. The final run should look quite different to this, although it may not be much faster. Level 1 is 6 frames faster than my previous WIP in level and 21 frames faster in the bonus stage than that WIP. Overall, by the end of Level 3 I am 155 frames faster than the currently published movie (Level 1 = 54 frames, Level 2 = 64 frames, Level 3 = 37 frames). The improvement comes from three main sources; changes in battle strategy, optimising screen scrolling and a mid-air slashing trick I discovered The midair slashing trick allows you to manipulate the enemy AI to move closer to you. This can be done by perfectly timing normal slashes while in the air before hitting with the downwards stab. Usually this can save 1 - 3 frames per use. Currently I am redoing the first three levels once more because I think that there may be more promise in optimising screen scrolling than I previously thought, plus I think that a few strategies that I would love to work may be possible if I keep trying. In addition I'd like to make further studies into the AI. Level 3 should be improved further as I lose 7 frames in the bonus. Also, I'd like to change some stylistic choices as many are the same as trazz's, which are great but I'd like to think up something more original. Originally, I was going to keep progress to myself, but these above tests may take a while and then I need to TAS final versions of levels 4 and 7 which will be difficult so it could be several months before this is submitted. I'd quite like some feedback on how this is looking as it is difficult to work on something for so long without any. Enjoy the WIP!
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Now that I look at it, it has been a very dry year for Sega publications. I'll throw these runs into the mixer: [1429] Genesis Decap Attack (USA/Europe) by Sonikkustar in 19:35.88 [1401] Genesis Sonic The Hedgehog (JPN) by FuzZerd, Upthorn and Carretero in 15:51.73
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I also suggest: [1419] PSX "The Mercenaries" Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis (USA) by arukAdo in 18:54.02 [1412] DS Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (USA) by jlun2 in 03:47.83 [1289] PSX Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (USA) by arukAdo in 1:07:25.52 [1273] PSX Strider 2 (USA) by error1 in 08:51.1
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As above, I also suggest: "100%" Mega Man X by Dezbeast "Glitched" Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island by NxCy
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This decision is disgraceful, unfortunately due to the state of the rules Nach had every right to decide this as he did. Reform of the site's rules is needed to avoid such things happening in future. Most of what is manifestly ridiculous here has already been said, so I won't dwell on it, however one thing here really gets me. Nach's decision has been vocally objected to by three of the site's judges (two of which have not commented on the run either way), however as things stand a judge can single-handedly make a call that the others disagree with provided that they make it first. I've noticed a convention here that judges don't (rather than 'can't') overturn others decisions and as a result this will probably stand. Would it be at all possible to introduce a quorum rule that will require at least three judges to make a decision on controversial submission?
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That was fantastic. Very funny and entertaining. This is the epitome of the playaround movie and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get any better. Yes vote.
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Hello System Error, sorry for the late reply, I have been busy with New Year etc. and I had to go back through this movie and test some things to answer your questions properly.
System Error wrote:
in the big pit areas in Level 1 and Level 4, you don't need to jump around as you did - you can simply use the SS Jump from the speedrun to hop out from inside them while still heading forward.
Yes you can do this and I tested it in the first pit in Turtle Woods. I found it to be quite considerably slower (about 12 frames if I remember rightly). I attributed this loss to the fact that sliding optimally into the pit moves you too close to the wall and so when SS-jumping Crash is obstructed. To avoid this obstruction you would have to delay other slides so as to land in the pit in a more favorable position, which due to loss in velocity before the pit results in a huge loss overall. Also, the SS jump brings Crash to high over the pit and so it is an extra few frames before he can slide again. While moving around the side of the pit crash can still slide, therefore maintaining maximum velocity, if you land on favorable terrain.
System Error wrote:
You also don't use the run-jump cancel in there for that matter
I tested this trick while TASing "Bear It". I tested it between two points; using the jump-cancel allows you to initiate a new dash 24 frames faster than in the method that I used, however because of the air momentum issue that I described in a post earlier in this thread it ended up being 2 frames slower between the points that I tested it. It is a very good trick for real time speedrunning because of the cooldown advantage, but in a TAS where you can initiate dashes at the earliest frame possible while on the ground I couldn't find a use for it. In hindsight it could perhaps yield a few frames if tested with different patterns across a level in accordance with slope gradients, but that would be quite a strain on a TASer and the gains would be very small indeed.
System Error wrote:
a different level order that allows for invincibility mask abuse could also be implemented.
A different level order couldn't yield any improvements due to a mask advantage. Invincibility doesn't give you much of a speed boost, only about a second per use and the time to bypass one level to get to another and back again would be more than this.
System Error wrote:
And in some of the levels, I noticed you didn't jump around crushers when possible, even when it could've saved time. Any reason behind that?
It is faster to go under the crushers with maximum velocity rather than jump around them and be in the air when they come up.
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Toothache wrote:
There also seems to be places (especially across ice patches) where dashing should be used more.
The cooldown should be fine. I always used it on the first possible frame, and tested the surrounding frames, so there's not much else I could've done. You do not lose (or gain) velocity on the ice in these levels so there would be no benefit from 'saving' the dash for these parts.
Toothache wrote:
Also is it not faster to dash/spin through the trellis barriers in Unbearable!, rather than high jump over them?
Nice spot there! It is indeed four frames faster to spin through the trellis fences, however it puts you in a really bad position for sliding on the other side and ends up being around 6 frames slower overall if I remember rightly.
Aktan wrote:
I found if I use Eternal SPU to play the end part, it doesn't glitch out and the ending DOES show!
Wow, it's really strange that that should fix it. Also, thank you for encoding this using eternal, it must be really tough and your efforts are really appreciated.
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AngerFist wrote:
There were some spots where I felt you could've jumped or moved ealier to reach the next platform but despite that, I enjoyed watching this run. I vote yes. Also, whats with the sound?
This can be explained by spin delay as outlined in the submission text. It rears its ugly head in most parts of the run, although it is particularly bad in levels such as Native Fortress and the High Road/Road to Nowhere type levels which is probably what you are referring to. The sound bugs are a problem with the sound plugin, it is the only one that is stable and bullet proof to record with and it doesn't do this game well :(