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This video is not available in my country, what Anyway, I saw one of the WIPs and the driving was pretty outrageous :)
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I found a new interesting glitch: At the boss battle in the first world you have to grab and drop of some enemies until some kind of bird guy comes out. If you grab him it will trigger dialogue and you go to the next world. If you pause one frame before grabbing him and choose to quit out of the game, and then grab him anyway, it will still trigger the dialogue while fading out. You can click away the dialogue. Depending on the time you click it away, you will be sent to a certain part of the opening cinematics. - If you click it away immediately you will go straight to level 1. -- This is the only place that allows infinite health glitch to happen (explained below). -- If you beat this level, it will think that you actually beat the boss level that you used the glitch in so it will give you the "timing" and the "rating" according to it. The rating in my testing was "F0" although it is supposed to be between 0 and 99 I believe... -- If you "return to main menu" once, the glitched timing and rating for the boss level will be gone. -- When you beat subsequent levels, the rating might also be glitched for those levels. - if you wait a bit you will go to the prison tutorial level before level 1. - if you wait a bit longer you will be at the middle of the cinematics. - if you wait until the last moment you will see the whole cinematics. - if you don't click away you will go to the title screen. Maybe this sort of dialogue glitch can be used elsewhere and it will have more devastating effects. Infinite health glitch: Also, if you are at low health and grab the bird guy while taking damage while using the glitch above, you will start dying but it can send you to the first level if you click away the dialogue immediately. This causes an infinite health glitch. - Health address $03001E08 shows that it is 0 (at which point you would die but you can still walk around freely). - If you take another hit it underflows to 65535. - The glitch lasts through deaths and through picking up heart items. It wears off when you beat a level and enter another one. - This glitch might also be caused by other circumstances. For example, in level 2, in the underground, you can die while touching the water that sends you upwards. There is a heart item in the way, however, which prevents the glitch from occuring. EDIT: unfortunately I only found one other place in the game to do this dialogue glitch. And the effects were the exact same.
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I found that the lives counter can go past 99, making the numbers have glitched graphics. This is possible for example by collecting all leaves in act 5 and then die, over and over. When you have 256 lives and get another one, you will effectively have 0 again.
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Menu time saver In the main menu at the beginning, it seems that you can press "down A" to immediately go to the options screen rather than having to wait for the selection to hover to "options". In the options menu itself, you can press combinations of "up or down" & "left" or "right" to change an option underneath or above the current selection quickly. Might glitch hunt the game more~ EDIT: Room transition If you pause and quit the game right before a room transition starts, you will not quit out but instead go to the next room. Level exit In the tutorial level, when you touch the end and then pause and quit right before it starts fading out then you will be at the main menu. Normally quitting out would take you to the title screen.
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Since this run has been published alongside the 12 minute run, I'd like to ask: How much can the 12 minute run be improved and what exactly is the difference between the two?
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Spikestuff wrote:
feos wrote:
Warepire wrote:
Now un-cancel that Kirby submission!
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If I'm not wrong, this is also 96 Exits. Did you make sure your TAS beats this one? EDIT: I think the Youtube I linked is a reupload of this which lists 1:24:34.05 as the time.
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got4n wrote:
I suggest Buu's Fury first IMO
I never said that I'm making a TAS.
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I'm glitch hunting this game. Only the dialogue glitch at the bottom of this post is new, but I wanted to make a list. Move faster By switching into and out of flight mode repeatedly, you will flight short distances without depleting your flight energy. This lets you move about 20% faster. Stay in current room after touching plot-related warp For example, works with the flying Nimbus at the beginning of the game. Walk into it from above, and when you hold "up" while the next screen fades out, the screen will stay black. Pausing and unpausing will reveal that you didn't leave the current room. Touching the Nimbus now will warp you to the forest immediately, if you enter the Kame house first, it will show the screen (the screenshot from the anime) again. Invincibility against bosses for example against Raditz, if he shoots at you while you are in flight mode, you will be standing on the ground while the game thinks you are still in flight mode. So enemies won't attack you but you can attack them. Pausing during boss fights I don't know if this is an emulation glitch because I've never seen this before, but when Raditz shoots, and you pause the game, sometimes the pause screen will be graphically glitched. Zombie mode When you die, you are allowed to walk a short distance before collapsing. If you walk into a new room, you will have no health but can walk around freely. You will be unable to pause the game until you gain a new level (which means your health goes above 0). Dialogue glitch If a dialogue is triggered from an event at the same frame that you talk to an NPC, the avatar of the person talking will be graphically glitched. - If you defeat Gregory and talk to Kai on the same frame that Gregory talks to you, the game will go through the dialogue but avatars will be misplaced or wrong and it will freeze after it warps you to the next room. (I think it is because the dialogue glitch causes the game to bring up another dialogue after the current one automatically, and after the game takes you to the next room it doesn't know whose text to load.) - If you do it on Krillin after defeating Vegeta, Krillin's text will come up when you arrive in Namek and the game doesn't freeze. - If you save your game on the same frame dialogue is triggered and it takes you to a new room, the game will not be saved. Dialogue glitch 2 If dialogue is triggered on the same frame you pause, the background will disappear (becoming white).
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I think there is a glitch in this game where you can jump through floors by pausing. Try it
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Current souces of spoiler infos say that there will be an episode in season 5 dedicated to Twilight's new home. Also something like this could happen. Besides that, I would look forward to the moment that anyone of the cast walks by the leftovers of the destroyed tree and comments on it. That would be an interesting fanfic to read, come to think of it.
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Warp wrote:
What happens if someone takes the run, modifies it slightly, and then submits it? It will be like 99% identical, and the license allows doing that. Would it be published? If not, then what if it used 50% of the original? 20%? Where's the limit?
Didn't this happen before? I'm sad Masterjun chose to cancel this run. I don't understand what is "cheap" about it, to me it's an interesting proof of concept. He managed to let the game survive with broken RAM.
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It is sad to see so much gameplay being cut. But I already told Shinyruu and I will tell it here: I think each TAS of this game that has been done is a great watch on its own. I think it is really funny to see so much ACE going on in 2014. This is perfection, I guess. Good job!
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GeminiSaint wrote:
Are we 100% sure this is theoretically possible on real hardware? I remember there once was a glitched run of this game that was rejected when it was discovered that the glitch was emulator-specific.
When I have time I want to try it on console. I think it may be as easy as getting in the right pixel position and then pause a lot until it glitches out. The chance of it freezing is unfortunately much higher than it actually executing $A201~
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Dear Bisqwit, I have watched a video of yours about a NAO bot. Apparently that video is already over 1 year old? I was wondering if you did anything interesting with your bot.
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I'd like to post this image to help people understand better what happened. Compare it with the image in the submission text.
jlun2 wrote:
Edit: Speaking of which: Post #374370 I really hope this happens. :D
That is only a matter of some frames, if any can even be saved. Masterjun also said that some time has to be sacrificed in order to prepare for the ladder glitch.
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creaothceann: I will install the ZMBV codec next time I need it, thanks. I asked some years ago about stroked text and want to do that again, but I get a weird error "CACHE_GETCHILD_CACHE_MODE.87383360"
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feos wrote:
Try specifying the full path for avss.dll.
That's not my biggest problem. I have asked Aktan for help with MKV muxing, but if anyone can still help me figure out how to get audio in x264-made .mp4, then I will appreciate it. --- I have a new problem. I'm trying to write an avisynth script that will create a scrolling input display. Imagine I have clip1, which is the input that changes every frame. This clip is about 20 pixel high. I write a function scroll(clip c) and use it on clip1. I want it to give back a clip that shows the scrolling. For now I have this
function scroll(clip c)  
    a1 = blankclip(c,height=c.height*105, color=$ffffff)
    return scriptclip(a1, """Layer(vid2.ColorKeyMask($00FF00).trim(0,1),y=current_frame)    """) 
which creates a clip that is much taller than the input clip itself, which runs scriptclip to lay a clip (which is 1 frame long and subsequently looped forever) onto the "much taller" clip. Unfortunately I don't really know what to do next or how to change the code further...
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I'm crying. Why am I always crying on those season finales... It was just so beautiful. I did expect some epic battle to happen but I didn't expect it to be of this magnitude, this new villain even went and made Discord play for him. I also did expect them to transform like that after seeing those spoiler images long time ago, I just didn't it to be so beautifully done. The first song was absolutely amazing and the second one was the one that made me go here and tell that I'm crying. I love watching this show because of those feelings. I wonder how they are going to top that in the next season. If you ask me, they could definitely give the CMC more spotlight. Otherwise it's going to start becoming repetitive "friendship always saves the day". I think they will have no trouble to continue the show, though, because they will be doing an amazing job always. I can't say I'm too thrilled about Equestria Girls 2, however. I couldn't really care less about it to be honest.
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But would be interesting to see Discord (...) maybe even join forces with the new villain.
I knew it! ~~~~~~~~~fillertext~~~~~~~~~~
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creaothceann wrote:
Does that Avisynth script work when you load it in e.g. Media Player Classic [Homecinema] or MPlayer?
Sorry for delayed reply. Loading avs that opens .avi captured from DosBox in vdub or in MPC gives this error: "AVISource: couldn't locate a decompressor for fourcc ZMBV" Loading avs in MPC that attempts to load plugin avss.dll results in another error: "LoadPlugin: unable to load "avss.dll", error=0x7e" Loading avs that opens .avi which was saved from virtualdub (compression ffdshow h.264) works and has audio. I've been made aware by Aktan that h.264 in avi is a hack and not recommended but I like to use it sometimes anyway. I'm using it as a replacement for x264 mp4 for the time being. If I can't get audio back in mp4 the way it used to be, I'm going to ask Aktan about mkv muxing..
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PikachuMan wrote:
I think the show would last for 130 episodes.
In fact, they are going to continue it for as long as it is profitable, I've read.
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The teaser looks promising. Looks like the new villain's even more powerful than all previous ones. I wonder why Celestia sends Discord on the mission to capture him... I mean, it does seem like a mistake because it's said that in the end Twilight has to save Equestria. But would be interesting to see Discord actually fight, be defeated or maybe even join forces with the new villain. I don't know who "tirek" is btw, everyone says the face from the teaser looks like him. I never watched G1. It looks like we're going to find out what's inside the mystery box. But as I said in an earlier post, I think it's going to be some kind of transformation item that will empower the mane 6.
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"C4 CZ 03" was kind of a stupid destination address because you cannot set $a205 to "03" easily (you have to go through 3 levels to do so). So I went and tried to find other destination addresses. Turns out that "CD CZ 05" will set FFB9 to 23 which also triggers the credits. And we can set $a205 to "05" in the first level. Now we just need to prevent the game from freezing after executing these 3 bytes. With C4 CZ 03, sometimes "EF" or "5E" worked. Sometimes a C3 jump to somewhere works... VBA24m Super Mario Land v1.0 EU This executes CD C4 05 and sets FF9B to 23, but then resets.
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I'm dumping uncompressed video from emulator and use that video's audio. Otherwise I use wavsource in avisynth, which accepts only .wav to my knowledge. My avs is usually just as simple as
last.pointresize(last.width*3, last.height*3)
and it used to work fine, wavsource worked fine too.