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About "Peach Speech Glitch" I'd like to put a last reminder here, or in other words, a message to clarify what might have been unclear. 02004ACC and nearby addresses tell what event to play (cutscenes, speech bubbles, fadeouts, anything the game does basicly...). Some of these addresses may be pointers? 02004B6C typically becomes "1" when you talk to someone. It also becomes "1" or another nonzero value when you break out of the barrel during the glitch. When that is the case, game will run the event depending on the values near 02004ACC - Those values seem randomly generated after the barrel breaking. I would need to ask someone to investigate this further, with tracing, breakpoints or whatever.. I don't know what you can do. Still not sure if this glitch works correctly in VBA...
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Some very little thing I noticed: - If your next step would cause your cheese count to go zero (thus you die), you can still move one more step after that if you press the directional key quickly. If you moved to a new room with a cheese count of zero and the map is displayed, you can only close the map and move one step. - I didn't really test 1.0 yet, but I noticed 1.2 has a web address in its "help" section that isn't there in 1.0.
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While I'm not sure if this such a good game for TASing, I played through it recently after I found this game's name again. And wanted to put some info here. The objective is to find your missing friend, a red mouse. You start out in a room in a square maze that's up by 36 rooms. Every 20 steps you take, or every time you leave a room, you lose cheese. You start out with 8 cheese and gain 3 cheese for every cheese piece that you obtain. When killing cats (by trapping them) a cheese piece will spawn in the room. But items such as cheese, cans or bombs can also lie around in rooms randomly. Bombs can be used to destroy blocks. You can push blocks in order to trap cats, but only 1 tile - you cannot push 2 tiles at once. There are 1~3 holes in each room that you can walk into that cause you to lose or gain items. This is frame dependent so it could be abused in a TAS to gain points quicker. Parts later in the game also require you to bomb through rooms that are practically full of blocks, so you could manipulate for bombs too. However, walking into a hole is kind of slow... I imagine a TAS could have a lot of control, just walking everywhere at high speed and with precision, killing cats and collecting items that lie on the floor already. When you reenter a room you've been to, cats and holes will reappear. I think items don't reappear (it might require a death or you might have to walk further away, I'm not sure). In order to advance the game, you have to first collect 10,000 points. Then one room will have a hole that has a key in it. In my playthrough it was a corner room (or close to it?) in the bottom left. Then you have to find a room with a door in it. In my playthrough it was bottom right corner room. Then the game tells you to look into another corner room. (Wrong ones are filled with impassable walls, the right one will have a hole in it) When you walk into the hole in the correct room (my playthrough: bottom left corner room again), you will enter a "dark maze" in which you have to find the correct input sequence to move on. If you fail, you have to redo the input sequence from the beginning. So it's trial-and-error but TAS could just get it right immediately. When you finish that, you will enter a new maze, and you won't have a map this time. You have to find the room where your missing friend is. Here is where I walked: Once you reach the final room, you will see the red mouse is surrounded by impassable walls. Game tells you for each cat you kill now, one of those wall tiles will be removed. Maybe with luck manipulation you need to just kill 3 cats at the correct frame. I needed to kill a dozen cats until there was a free way. ----- I took 3 hours to finish this, with savestates in Dosbox. But I think TAS could do it in 4~8 minutes. I don't know if the location of the key, the door and the warp hole are random. If they are, it may be possible to cut more time off by manipulating such thigns to be nearby. ----- I didn't find any glitches btw. I played Shareware 1.2. There might be bugs in 1.0 ?
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The previous two or three times I searched for my forgotten games, I found them by using google image search for a long time. Maybe try searching for orange ball bounce phone ball bounce phone bounce game phone etc.
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Use avisynth and virtualdub.
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Mice Maze appeared in 1990 for DOS. Publisher was Soleau Software. Rodent's Revenge appeared in 1991 for Windows. Publisher was Microsoft.
Soleau Software is the one-man software company of William Soleau. A prolific author of shareware, Soleau Software is known to have released 57 DOS games, 32 of which are still sold for $12 each. [Some of his games are for sale even today.] Address William Soleau 163 Amsterdam Ave Suite #213 New York, NY. 10023
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MUGG wrote:
There was a very old game for PC (DOS?) that I forgot the name of. You, as a mouse, had to push crates/stones around to trap cats. There were two types of cats, bad AI + quick and clever AI + slow. The trapped cats would turn into pieces of cheese that you could collect. The screens were connected like a maze and you could wander around freely. You had to find some sort of key and a gate for it. You would go through a very long tunnel or pipe and ended in a second maze. Enemies would be harder to beat and you had to find your friend who was trapped in a screen full of cats and solid blocks, in order to finish the game. For every cat you killed on the other screens one of those cats/blocks would disappear. On the second maze (or in general?) your cheese counter would decrease every x-th step you made and if it reached 0 it would be game-over.
This game's name is "Mice Maze" and it's from 1990, a DOS game.
Mice Maze is a challenging adventure arcade game where the objective is to find and rescue your friend the red mouse located in a maze of 36 tunnel rooms. Grab cheese for strength, TNT to blast trough walls and more in your quest to save your friend. No two games are ever the same.
Mice Men (sic) is an adventure game using the engine from Crusher. The game takes place in a maze of 36 rooms arranged in a 6×6 grid. Each room is randomly generated at the beginning of each game, so the game is different every time. Each room is full of boxes, unmovable tiles, diamonds, and two types of cats. Yellow cats are slow and purple cats are fast. Some rooms contain cheese, which you need to live, bombs, grills, cans, and holes. Instead of depleting oxygen with each step, the mouse must each cheese, and uses up one unit of cheese for every 20 steps, or whenever he moves to a different room. Bombs can be used to blow up boxes, grills are unmovable and indestructible, and cans are worth points. Entering a hole can cause you to acquire or lose bombs or cans. The boxes can be pushed if there is nothing behind them, which allows you to create a protective barrier between yourself and the cats, or to trap them. If a cat is completely surrounded so that it can't move, it disappears a piece of cheese will appear somewhere in the level. Bonus points are awarded for trapping more than one cat in the same room. Every time you re-enter a room, all of the cats will return. After scoring 10,000 points, you can begin to work on your objectives, with your ultimate goal to rescue a red mouse. The registered version allows you to save a game in progress.
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Today, I tested editing savegames. - There is an address that keeps track of the possibilities which of the savegames are currently in use, but editing its values out of bounds does not brick the game. - Starting a savegame with zero data causes you to start in a beta room unable to move, with 0 health, no items etc. - One of the values that get saved determines the destination/room where you continue. Some values cause the game to trigger the end credits right away. - Most other values are flags which blocks have been hit, which rocks have been crushed, which quests have been solved, which cutscenes have been watched, etc. as you would expect. - I know from previous testing that a savegame will remember if Mario was full of water at the time you saved your game. This might require Luigi having spinjumped on Mario. For each of the 3 savegames, these are the addresses that hold the savegame info on where you continue after loading. If the address of the savegame that's being loaded has a certain value, the end credits are triggered. 02001E90 -> 1DF or 1E or 1C7 02002588 -> 1DF or 1E or 1C7 02002C80 -> 1DF or 1E or 1C7 We currently have almost no way of editing memory. Peach Speech glitch does some rampaging through the memory which often causes the game to crash but we cannot abuse this glitch since we have no control over it (we can't use it with precision) and it may be incorrectly emulated.
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Didn't people say this didn't work? and now it does? Well, I don't think you can get high enough to make the groundpound.
Post subject: Super Mario 3D World
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Apparently there is no topic for this game so I'm making one. Map glitch demonstration video 1 demonstration video 2 This was found by Japanese players a long time ago.
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Good effort but -It seems that the intro sequences might be longer in Japanese. -When you enter 2nd half of each level, time gets moved on top of the door you entered. I remember this happening in EU too. This does not happen in US. -Some parts aren't optimized. Please refer to this WIP by EightBitGuy (VBA19,21,22,23(?); US ROM). "Frame whoring", i.e. squeezing out every frame possible, is going to be mandatory. Regardless of the version EightBitGuy used, please do use VBA v24.
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Any progress on this game?
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That's pretty much what AJP_anton did when he made his Melee TASes using the game's debug menu to play at frame by frame without savestates. Only that I think he had to play from the beginning every time he messed up, and he had to keep track of his input sequence on paper. But I suppose video editing must have went just like creaothceann suggested, with a frame number that was displayed on the video. Good luck. --- EDIT: I think Bisqwit made a TAS once, recording straight to AVI files instead of input files.
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but we still haven't any knowledge on how teleporting works to begin with. It's all random and trial-and-error to me..
I have made an attempt to break it down. And I have made a luascript to try to visualize it. - Green and red dots are Luigi and Mario. - Black line is the path, that the back brother is following to try to catch up with the front brother. The game uses a list of X/Y-coordinates which is located in 020057E8 ~ 02005FE4 (X and Y are dwords respectively). For each such coordinate, I have drawn a black pixel. - The cross is where the game is currently going to overwrite the next element in the list. The address it uses is 02006F60(word). (The implementation of this might be bugged because it doesn't stay until the tail is right on top of the cross... but that should be a minor issue.) So using this, we may be able to understand the teleportation glitch a lot better. We may be able to understand why we are teleported screen lengths away at some times and aren't at other times. ----------------- EDIT: It seems I already discovered something. The screen length-long teleportation seems to occur when - you visit a new room. Because when you visit a new room, some part of the "follow path" will be completely elsewhere. - you walk in a direction and switch places a few times. Doing that, a segment of the "follow path" can be left behind, sufficiently far away. I will do more investigation later.
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For the time being, I will pretend I have never made my previous post... ----- I improved "Rock Skip" in Guffawha and Teehee Valley (towards Birdo) a bit for TAS: Get "glitch hammer". Pound Luigi. Highjump on him and hop off. With some preparation, while the brothers are in "glitchy state", you can make Luigi (who is in front and underground) end up in a wall. Jump once and leave the wall. You can now use Mario's Highjump to cross the rock. In Teehee Valley towards Birdo, it may be possible to skip the rock completely using a small teleport, but we still haven't any knowledge on how teleporting works to begin with. It's all random and trial-and-error to me.. It may also be possible to do the "huge skip" from the right entrance instead of the left. This would save some seconds in the TAS and looks mandatory (because why should TAS walk around needlessly?). ----- TAS will skip Super Hammers (RTA gets them). That means a few rocks that altabiscuit breaks will have to be bypassed. - Rock at the entrance to Teehee Valley can be easily skipped with a barrel clip and careful walking, even on the English version. (This "barrel clip and careful walking" thing does not work on the black rock towards Birdo! That's why the improved rock skip detailed above will be used.) - 2 rocks in Teehee Valley maze (between Guffawha and Fungitown) have yet to be tested. I will edit this post later. EDIT: I think the 1st can be skipped with "barrel clip and careful walking". The 2nd has to be skipped with the "new Rock skip". Possibly we can use "Luigi hat teleportation" to warp through some of those rooms. Or... see below... ----- I managed to skip the last door in Guffawha Ruins. It's really simple, you just have to walk on top of the door and then fall off into the foreground. Use "glitch hammer" on luigi and Highjump on him to enter "glitchy state". Since the glitchy state will cause the brothers to zip back to where they came from, they are zipped right into the loading zone. I'm not really sure if it is faster though. Guffawha Ruins requires some strange floating Luigi skipping, possibly also the entrance minigame with Luigi hammering the orbs. If the "Rock Skips" and "Huge Skip to Fungitown" can be done really fast, then the route through the Ruins is probably slower.
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Sorry but I might not be making a new TAS after all. I have run into a problem and I realize that I'm, you could say, living a false dream. Planning and the production of the TAS takes up way too much time. I barely have time for myself anymore due to work. I'm not even getting paid for the work... It's times like these when I feel really depressive and hopeless. I don't know what will happen. And I don't know why I'm posting it here out of all possible places. Guess I just wanted to say that I might not be capable of doing any TASing.
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I played the gameboy version as a kid (and it pretty much was like a port of this Genesis version). I didn't know better when I was a kid, but now the gameboy version looks like a pretty bad port. Toy Story's gameboy port also is terrible beyond belief, not even having any music... I found one thing on gameboy: While Pinocchio is standing on the ground and turning around he is invincible. He can be knocked back by damage a little but it doesn't deplete his health. I'm now going to investigate the Genesis version a little further.
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Someone from Youtube wrote:
I don't know if its one of these, but on the inside bowsers body, you can corrupt the game and you can walk through walls! But I don't know if it works anymore, it updates Plus, this is how it works, you get the hammer, shrink Mario, then keep on hitting the boulders from the biegenning
I'm asking this person for a video.
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That was interesting, but more for nostalgia than anything else. Unfortunately, the only thing standing out was the skipping done on the rails. Good work though. So did anyone look into glitches? Such as "left+right" / "up+down" / "Die while collecting health" / "Die while reaching level end" / "Pause while reaching end" ...
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To ask if a Mario Land 2 TAS was in the works.
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Thanks @altabiscuit & jdaster64 I'm also interested in what Red Pepper does to the attack algorithm? How does it affect Chopper Bros?
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altabiscuit wrote:
- When doing 2nd Rock skip, and using Luigi's Spinjump to make him float, what am I supposed to do next? When I switch the brothers, Mario will fall down and no rock skip can be done.
You hop on top of Mario with Spin Jump and hop back off, don't use Spin Jump. Swap the bros, then high jump over the rock with Mario.
I try to be more specific: Luigi is floating. I switch brothers. After I switched, Luigi will stand on the ground and Mario behind Luigi will fall down. Luigi doesn't stay airborne. I will test this again today, maybe it will work this time.
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jdaster, thanks for your guide. I have referenced it on the Game Resources page. Do you have the attack constants for Jump Lucky, Hand Lucky, Hammer Lucky? And do you plan to look into finding the constants for the Japanese version? It would be interesting to see such differences. Remember that you can use VBA's "import battery file" in order to select a savegame. For Superstar Saga, you can load savegames from other versions of the game. So if you have a good savegame that you used for testing on the English version, you could load that while running the Japanese game.
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Topic is here. Maybe a mod should merge the topics. The post linked above has an improved level 1. Otherwise it seems Pekopon didn't post anything new. I have messaged him a few months ago asking how he's doing but got no reply. I made a comment on his latest video, about 1 week ago. --- My 2 posts below basicly point out faster menuing that Pekopon didn't use, and my attempts at wrong warping to the credits or later levels. There was some potential but it seems it's not working.
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Interesting. So what about Chopper Bros Advanced, is Luigi's POW used? I think it would be best to have table with all possible hits from each attack and noting which constant with which brother's POW is used. But that's tedious work.. I think a smaller table with just the data above will do for now. Thanks much jdaster! And thanks alta for the info. edit: Also, hammer constant is random, really?