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I might be interested in picking this game up again. Instead of using the patched ROM, I'm looking into using tilt controls in Bizhawk. I need more insights in how the game recognizes tilting. If anyone has any information on this subject, please let me know. - Does the game only take into account X tilting, or also Y and Z tilting? - Does the game care at any point if I'm tilting only partially on the X axis? As far as I've observed, it will translate the tilting value to three possible states (tilted left, tilted right, not tilted) and then does stuff according to that state. But I'd feel better if someone can confirm this.
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Ah, I didn't know about joypad.setanalog(nluatable controls, [object controller = null]). Can you give an example for a table "controls" to help me understand how to use this function? Edit: I also didn't know about the virtual pad. Thanks for the help. As for the game of my choice, Yoshi Topsy Turvy, I need to investigate but I think the game only has 3 possible states: Either it's tilted left, tilted right or not tilted. It cannot be tilted halfway left or right, for example. This is just my observation, and if anyone has any insights or more info about this, please let me know. It is also because of this observation (about the 3 states), that I asked how to bind tilting to keys. Because I don't need precise values. Or so it seems, at least.
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Yoshi Topsy Turvy requires tilting and apparently you can't bind tilt controls to the keyboard or use lua to tilt. I think last time I brought this up, zeromus told me to use a joystick. But why should I have to use a joystick to TAS? I request that tilting be assigned to keyboard keys and/or support for tilting cntrols be added to lua.
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Season 8 cinematic (contains spoilers) I sighed at the end of this video. For me this show is going downhill and fast if this turns out to lead to yet another happy happy ending. Of course, after Starlight told Crysalis "you don't have to do the same mistake as me" what else could happen but Crysalis gets reformed and becomes changeling princess. I'm sure Hasbro could sell changeling princess toys! But they would also lose something in return: My faith...
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So, on, in 2009~2013, the default language was always Japanese. It showed the japanese scrolling comments and allowed me to write my own comments. In 2013~2017, the default language was English (on the .jp domain), but I could switch it to Japanese. It no longer allowed me to add my own comments though (I don't care about this much). Now in 2017 lately, they changed something about their design again and I can't find a way to switch from English to Japanese anymore. What can I do to see the japanese scrolling comments?
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Dark Deal on nico did Triple Jump in 63.32 m (=207.74 ft, according to Google). This beats the current record of 188.37 ft. I'm also updating the records page with some more records by Dark Deal.
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Action Command glitch of sorts Apparently it's not nearly as game breaking as in the original though.
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The rest of S7 has leaked. I'm just going to watch the finale right away and tell you my thoughts later. And if you want to do the same, part1, part2. Part 1 thoughts Interesting and decent finale so far. I didn't even think of the previous episodes as "build-up" to this episode. It went by much more subliminally than in season 4 where it was made very obvious that the keys are going to have an importance. I was really thrilled at seeing Starswirl revealed in this episode, and the saviors of ancient Equestria. Basicly, this is the continuation of the main plot in the series I've been waiting for. "Where did the elements of harmony come from?" I only wish I could have hyped up and prepared better for this moment, than to just randomly find out the finale has leaked and deciding to watch it just because. But it's fine. However, there are some things in this episode that I didn't like and I would like to list them here: - There was build-up to the "keys" in previous episodes, but no build-up whatsoever to the book/story that is brought up in the finale. It was just pulled out of Sunburst's ass, more or less. - I would have to rewatch, but throughout the episode I've been thinking, why do they need to bring back the saviors and Starswirl at all? The only reasoning I found was that "having Starswirl back would be worth the risk". Yeah ok, Twilight, but no. Why? Just because you want to drink tea and talk with him? If so, it needs to be displayed in the episode better. I hope part 2 covers this better. - The revisits to certain places is really odd and way too shortlived. I couldn't feel invested into the characters guarding the ancient items at all. Rainbow Dash's part was cool, but everyone else, not so much... The plot of 6 saviors and Starswirl locking a shadow being reminds me of Mario The Thousand Year Door. I love it! I just wonder if the "pony of shadows" is related to the pony of shadows mentioned in the Castle-Mane-ia episode. At the time, it made sense to me to just assume that the being shown at the end of that episode was Tirek. I don't think there is a deeper meaning here, because the "pony of shadows" in the S7 finale was locked and the one in S4 was just there for shits and giggles... Part 2 thoughts Good 2nd part. Starswirl's character portrayal was almost perfect. I just wish he'd refer to Twilight as "Twilight Sparkle". I must say this two parter was bland at times, however. The pony of shadows didn't feel world threatening at all. His character design sucked. The meeting between Starswirl and Celestia was quite "whatever", no feelings or emotions. I'm a little disappointed at that. What's the biggest issue for me is that everyone and their elements gets to stay in present Equestria. This is basicly the same kind of "Happy happy ending" we've been given over and over. It would have been way more epic if there had been a drawback. Starswirl and co. sacrificing themselves for Twilight or for that one puny guy whose name I forgot. Or the elements being gone for good. I was half expecting that maybe Twilight, fed up to be a nuisance to her idol, was going to sacrifice herself, so she could be rescued by the others. Better story than "ok let's just go to that place and fight". But in the end, it was still a good 2 parter in my books.
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    - Added Kirby hurtboxes.
    - Added hitboxes (projectiles, sliding, etc.).
    - Edit buttons "+" and "-" now always show.
    - Hitbox display now shows underneath other displays instead of on top.
Known issues:
    - Attack hitbox display is buggy, laggy and incomplete
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I'm actually having a hard time thinking about good times. They either are nice occurrences that lie in the past or they are connected to certain people that I miss dearly. I just woke up after dreaming that I spent time with such a someone that I love but is unreachable and it really hurts me. It feels very similar to the times right after they restricted me to one day a week (after September 2016) because I couldn't see the children as often anymore and it felt like that time was ending (on a really terrible and sad note). Oh I'm ruminating right now aren't I? It's not like I can just laugh my dream off or ignore it and try to think this world is all pink and sugar. Because it ain't. I fear that the same thing happens in my class. I make friends or have (subconscious) love interests and someday they're all gone. It's also not something that motivates me to keep going. I just keep going to not end up a total loser which is what I will be if this class fails. Then I would effectively have wasted 5 years.
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S7E21 Marks and Recreation Not the best written episode, but for some reason I couldn't help but laugh throughout it. Something about Rumble (or his voice) made me crack up constantly.
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I'm happy that I figured out the mechanism behind the helper Kirbys keeping enemies "alive" in the rooms that you aren't currently in. The enemy/object slots basicly hold the ID of the CPU Kirby that's still in the room keeping them "alive". I tested with Cook glitch and it just stacks the enemies until nobody is in the room anymore (which I already knew, but seeing it with the script is nice.) Unfortunately helper Kirbys are quite unreliable because they never do what I want them to do, or they leave the room which wipes all the enemies that I wanted to keep stacked. The game doesn't check if there are too many enemies so you can crash the game if there are too many at once. In fact, you need about 67 to crash the game and the highest I got was 20 with Cook glitch. I think it's possible but very hard. Maybe human players could do it easily. There is no gain from the lag/crash, no ACE potential I think. But who knows. More interestingly, I noticed something about Cook glitch: Enemies can be fetched to the bowl without Kirby starting cooking (see 0:30). What I didn't know is that the game creates a food item in advance which floats in the air forever until Kirby finishes cooking. If an enemy is converted, it can spawn again. So it may be possible to stack food items until you reach 67 slots. EDIT: Found easy method for food item stacking, video soon. EDIT: Link to video
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Some of those finds seem really incredible. The walking into the houses and NPC clipping has me wonder if you could just clip anywhere you wanted, no major glitching required. I'm also digging the subtle differences. Toast told me you can't hammer pound Luigi's barrel from behind anymore. I wonder why... Certainly not because of speedrunners and TASers abusing a 1 frame trick? And the Koopaling introduction cutscene is absent, for some reason. Maybe they couldn't finish up certain parts of the game before release time.
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Katam luascript v0.1 v0.1.1 v0.2
    - Fixed that the enemy display didn't work.
    - Improved enemy display, now actually shows all the slots at reasonable performance.
    - Improved code a lot.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Then you're missing out on Celestia and Sombra being lovers!
That's as far as I read. Also nice spoilers
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Imo the comics aren't canon. There are a few discrepancies/plot holes when comparing to the Tv series. I stopped reading them a long time ago and I don't feel like I'm missing out.
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It's been a year. Today one year ago there was a feast. I had the most blissful and happy time in my life playing with the children on a late summer afternoon and getting to know other colleagues who were working in the same system. And the days after that, I had what I would call now the darkest time of my life. I think maybe I have PTSD because I can still clearly remember what happened and it fucks me up.
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Just as an observation: I'm still working on my lua game on Bizhawk 2.2 and I noticed FPS (without drawing map tiles) drop from 55~60 down to 45~50. It stayed that way even when I checked obsolete versions of the lua game and after rebooting PC. It improved to 60 FPS again after I removed the .cfg file, or after I switched to a different Bizhawk install. I'm not sure how the .cfg file is slowing things down but I'm just pointing that out here...
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Thanks, your first suggestion works!
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Thank you!
Language: Lua

local actorMove = { (...) ["Dies"] = function(x) Actor[x].HP = -1 Actor[x].deathframes=100 end, ["Damage"] = function(x,damage,reason) if Actor[x].invulnTime<1 then Actor[x].HP = Actor[x].HP - damage end if Actor[x].HP<0 then actorMove["Dies"](x) Actor[x].deathReason = reason end end, (...) }
I'm getting an error because of the line actorMove["Dies"](x). The damage function can't call the dies function. If it's outside of a table, it works fine. Is there a way to make it work in a table? I remember javascript can use expressions such as this.["Dies"]...
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input.get() returns a table that has pressed buttons as true, and non-pressed buttons as nil. I would like to do something based on new button presses instead of buttons "held down". For example, my character should jump only if I newly press the up arrow when he is on the ground. How should I do this? Deepcopying the input.get() table to a previous variable and comparing, or otherwise saving the input.get() table values to previous variables and comparing, didn't work for me so far.
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I'm getting 50 FPS average now, and could get 5 or so FPS more if I didn't draw any map placeholder tiles. The ~20 times it calls gui.drawImage per frame is straining the performance. I think it won't get better if I want to draw more detailed map tiles and additionally draw other characters and split up map tiles between foreground and background elements (even more gui.drawImages). I could render one big map image and therefore do just one gui.drawImage but I don't really want to do that (can't edit map without having to edit the image, people can cheat by looking at the .PNG before playing the game, and other drawbacks). I wish I knew a way to do the "pre-rendering". But I don't think the Bizhawk lua implementation can do that, and I don't know how to use anything outside of lua. Perhaps I will just not bother about performance for now and end up with a 40 FPS game, which is decent enough? Still not sure how far I'm going to continue this project. Knowing myself, I will probably drop it halfway through but I hope not.. :P