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I vote Yes, because there is no game that could be more God-like than this =P and it's the first biblical game on the site, if I'm not mistaken.. plus it's a regular woman running at 40miles/h, carrying a baby on her head.. she has no Megaman powers, no Mario fireballs, no Sonic spindash, and she can finish her quest in 2 minutes? Does Sonic has to carry Tails? .. Does Mario has to carry Toad? Does Megaman has to carry Rush?? O_o (wait, I think he actually has to carry Rush...)
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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I'd love to see a Puzzle Mode run on this game, too bad it's an old post and people don't look at this section anymore, but .... I'd love to see it anyway, or even do it, as I did the walkthrough posted on GameFAQs.... +D
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I was going to be the first Meh vote, but then, I tried to play the game .... it takes much more than going straight to the end holding right, it's terrible to confront those lancers, spiders, and such ... and it's very easy to die, especially falling on the water, ... and then, I saw the Noah's Ark challenge, .... I have to vote Yes, this is really hard to do, which means it's really well TASed, even if it looks like the same level all over again, it's not, ..... the music is too monotone, but... it's kinda catchy after trying to play a little.. +D
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
Post subject: Master of Darkness
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I was just going to test the physics on this game, but right on the start, I made a really cool glitch happen,. do you know how a weapon's reach is calculated when you change it? You're in front of the enemy, and your attack didn't reach it, but then, you get the item for a hammer, ... the hammer is a weapon of better reach, ... now the enemy is suddenly near enough to get hit, and it explodes during your knife attack! .... I don't know if it sounded cool, but it was when I found out ... u_u My WIP, playing the game in frame advance, not optimised (Dega 1.16 doze) My time left on each level: 1-1: 348 ... 1-2: 343 ... 1-3: 330 2-1: 333 ... 2-2: 339 ... 2-3: 340 3-1: 349 ... 3-2: 354 ... 3-3: 324 4-1: 345 ... 4-2: 302 ... 4-3: 276 5-1: 317 Notes: 1- I think I'm using the best shortcuts and shorter paths of levels, but if someone know any shortcut, let me know \o 2- My goal was sub 20, but it reached 20 minutes exactly at the final score counting.... when I defeat the final boss, it was still 19:54 or something around it .. +D 3- My usage of shooting weapons can be improved, a lot, but there are already some miracles being done, like killing a group of enemies with one bomb, and two bats with a boomerang xP 4- Bosses are really easy here, I should just focus a little more on hitting them on the first frame possible... +D 5- I'm learning a lot on TAS skills here, jumping on the first frame possible or on the last one,.. taking damage to go front and save time,.. manipulating enemies to go the wrong direction,.. 6- Delayers: jumping costs 4~5 frames of speed... taking damage is around 20~40... stopping to attack or shoot is around 10~15,... and it is probably quicker by few frames to jump three full-blocks away of a cliff to go down instead of letting your character fall.. More to be said around here later, I was going to write it all, about glitches, shortcuts, level by level, number of frames. .... and don't know if Castlevania fans love or hate this game... >D Comments on my TASes tries (if I didn't say it before) are fully, greatly, extremely appreciated, and needed, so please, do it! XD EDIT 26/06/2011: This will be soon a real submission, sent to be judged, commented (even if by few people), and probably Gruefooded, but ... I'm redoing already and I managed to discover many time saving tricks, allowing me to save about 2000 frames, and I'm just starting the third boss battle yet, sub-20 is too easy now, aiming for sub-19! \o/ EDIT 2: 4362 frames saved. My time left on each level: 1-1: 349 ... 1-2: 343 ... 1-3: 333 2-1: 335 ... 2-2: 341 ... 2-3: 347 3-1: 352 ... 3-2: 357 ... 3-3: 333 4-1: 347 ... 4-2: 305 ... 4-3: 302 5-1: 323 Should I try publishing it? Oh yeah, no one access this thread or this entire section... +D EDIT 3: These 2 last bosses really need better RNG managing, luck manipulation, and probably better subweapon planning.... .-. EDIT4: 5-1: 329, 4712 frames faster, ok, I'm submitting it! ò_o EDIT5: That's the final one.. I'm forever waiting for klmz's run .... 8D
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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LightningRT wrote:
DarkKobold wrote:
LightningRT wrote:
Found the two attacks: You got hit by Biggs during the battle on the communication tower (Disc 1), and by Ultimecia's Hell's Judgment (Disc 4).
Yay, you win the prize!
Actually, I thought he was invincible yet when taking Hell's Judgment... which meant, to me, that he only took one hit in the entire game ... o_o
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Warp wrote:
I assume you understand I was not being serious.
Sadly, no, I thought it was serious ^^' I did it mostly because I read it and went there to search all categories, and couldn't really find these in particular, but... xP
Warp wrote:
Personman wrote:
[tl;dr -- It is sad that TASVideos does not have room for quiet archival of things like this, and that so few users seem to feel that such a thing would be of value. Read on only if you really enjoy words.]
It has been suggested several times in the past that all games should deserve a published TAS (at least if it's technically without obvious flaws) because all games have value to some people, and at least some people would enjoy seeing a TAS of a game they once played, or are otherwise curious about the game in question (or about a TAS of it). The rating system is there for people who want to see the most "entertaining" and "technically awesome" TASes if they want to. Don't remove the fun from those who would want their obscure childhood game being TASed. This plea has always fallen to deaf ears, so the policy is not likely to change anytime soon.
I've seen some real pearls in this Gruefood section, and some really good TASes, too .. but if they publish only those that reach a high standard, I see their point .. some games look more impressive when they were completely explored to the nucleo (?), and other games, even when bested, completely optimised, don't look that impressive .... but: ... I was seeing these highly standarded (?) TASes on Youtube to see what people comment about them, and this one on Rockman 12:23.34 ... really put me to think... the person said something like "If TASes break a game so badly, what's the point, just jump to the ending" .... and the conclusion is that when we put 'Heavy Glitch Abuse', or 'Heavy Luck Manipulation', or even 'Uses Death to Save Time'... it looks more like cheating to regular people... o_o (I myself still don't believe in some of those Rockman tricks, floating around the screen, accelerating a level with green background, delaystageclear, it's just my favorite TAS because I love glitches) I probably divaged already, but ... my point is .. there is a Gruefood section for us to look for these Not-highly-standarded TASes .... and it could have a better name, and its own standards too ... there is a nice set of TASes in 'bad game choice' category, that would impress people that played the game in question, and they serve as tool assisted world records, even ..... ok, where is the section for suggestions, again? +D QUICK EDIT: Even voting no, I really think this topic will become a pearl, in the forgotten section of Gruefood, if the rules don't change..
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Warp wrote:
Top 5 reasons why this should be published: 1) It's the first of its kind (a game in Chinese). Firsts of their kind are always good publication material. 2) There are more people (and hence more potential viewers) in China than in your country. (Unless you are Chinese, in which case there are as many people in China as in your country.) 3) The main character is a stereotype. Stereotypes are always fun. 4) TASes of quiz shows have always been well received. Heck, many have even got awards. It's probably the game genre with the highest amount of awards per publication, by a large margin. 5) The music rulez.
Top 5 reasons why these reasons don't justify: 1) It's not the first quiz game, it's not the first shooter, it's not the first side-scroller, it's not the first quicklevel, ... and I don't think Chinese is a category, since European, Japanese and American aren't. 2) Yeah, of course, that's why we have a Mandarin-only session, that is open since way before April 2011. [/sarcasm] 3) I don't think any video has been accepted in the site because of the main character being a stereotype, unless he has a big series of games, like Link (I'd say he is sort of a stereotype..) 4) The only one I remember now is Family Feud, that was only accepted because of the 'letters-in-the-middle' glitch. 5) Yeah. the music rulez, for 15 seconds, then it starts to become boring too x_x
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Wow, this is amazing, your TAS skills are remarkable, even more than your last attempt, and you could gain Best Genesis Movie 2011, ... ... but instead, I voted No =P bad game choice/too little entertainment/no heavy glitch abuse/no 4 players at once (how faster would it be!) But don't be harsh on yourself if you receive a lot of No around here, .. at least you got your graduation in Mandarin Tradicional ^^ China, now with space invaders ... and with lasers.
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Acheron86 wrote:
It's both appropriate and annoying that Shockwave Pulsar is so powerful at any level. I guess that makes it one of the better final boss fights in the series, compared to some of the faceroll-fests we get in other FFs.
Actually... (it is but) .. Shockwave Pulsar can be almost completely ridicularized, if you can junction some good magic on Spr, and using Spr+60%, which is usually what I do when playing the game normally (I think my speed record was around 28 hours, but getting all GFs.. and all cards) ... so, resisting it is not just becoming invincible (I think I never used Rinoa on the first parts of this entire battle, anyway, but I The Ended all of them in different occasions) ... I'm just saying, resisting Shockwave Pulsar would look more TASy than becoming invincible (and even nullifing Hell's Judgment.. which is actually very good for limit breaking, reduces all party's HP to 1) .... Maybe you could start this battle with Zell, Squall/Z and Quistis, then make only Squall/Z survive it, and bring Irvine and Rinoa for the final parts..? But I was forgetting to consider the delays for 'getting into time stream', and 'what Quistis can do to finish Griever off quickly,...' 9- Have the author considered changing all the names around? GFs can be named, and so Griever, Rinoa, and Angelo ... that could bring up more entertainment/tradeoff ideas, I guess =P
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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The game is just a little less linear than I remember.... but it's not a reason to give up yet, I think.. +D C'mon, you haven't even glitch abused the game yet .. XD
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Do you know what could be an idea for this TAS? It could have a "Best Moments" shorten video, which could show only the battles, the shortcuts, the junctioning, the more TASed parts in general, skip the FMVs, random encounters, most conversations, speed up long walks and map transitions, I don't know ... I happen to like the game as it is, but could be an idea for non-FF8-lovers to see the actual work done in this run.. +D [EDIT: A trailer!! That's what I meant, in a certain way] Or maybe the text with screenshots already do that? There is a lot of room for fastforwarding anyway.. that part when Rinoa is lost in space is actually not just a little, but a lot boring.. xP MaybeIamanevilgenius (too?), or maybe I just dreamt I was a moron... x.x Ok, forget it, I promised to see Breath of Fire 3, and now, with this in mind, I would just skip to the bosses.. @.@ (That's the reason Ristar came up with a Boss Rush mode... OMG, I just discovered the meaning of life! The universe is falling apart!! Missingno is here, MISSINGNO IS HERE!!)
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Is this the topic to point flaws and suggestions for the actual run? =P 1- It doesn't show up a Malboro and its Bad Breath (even if it would be too off the road anyway, .. they can be found in the final castle, ... ok, cut that out) 1- That moomba shortcut on the prison should really be considered, I would go for shortcuts on floors 4, 5 and 12, maybe? 2- Was it really tested that Invincible Moon is the only way to survive Shockwave Pulsar? There is too much topic for me to read here, but maybe I'll do it later =P 3- The Garden movement and car parking could be just a little improved, maybe..? xP 4- Maybe you could use those last seconds waiting for the Lunatic Pandora.. to open up the Johnny Shop,.. or the time would exceed? x.x 5- I'm just saying it because my brother pointed it up while he peeked Lunar Cry's happening behind my shoulder: are CG videos skippable somehow? 6- Your instruments choice.. was it optimal? Eyes on me was really quicker than those Selphie' scores? =P 7- No other cards that could be useful? o.o 8- Can you hit Rinoa on Adel battle and get away with it? Or maybe you did it and I was sleepy during all disc 4 mostly because its sound was desynced? On the good side, the TAS shows at least one limit break of each main character, one GF summon, bosses dying from item usage, card games, shortcuts, password guessing, extreme test solving, and things that are impossible to do at normal human speed.. which is really TASy already.. +D
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Oh yeah, the Shiva boost up to 250 ... I think that could be a suggested screenshot too, mainly because it's not possible in real gameplay, my record on Shiva was 161... only one possible to go up to 250 normally is Eden x.x
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Maybe an all cards run wouldn't be that longer.. looking from TAS perspective >.>
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Acheron86 wrote:
Jungon wrote:
Saw the disc 2 part .... and sorry, but I saw a major flaw now, you'll have to redo the run from the beginning of this disc =P You know the we, saving the moombas in prison, they give you something in return, it's not just the quickest way, it's the quickest shortcuts for 3 floors, those plates between stair up and stair down can be removed.. and the actual run means about 2 to 3 minutes of spinning around the floors ... that could be taken away, meaning less random encounters in this part..
It would probably save about 40 seconds to talk to the Moombas and open a path, but isn't there something else that has to be done to get them to talk to you? I seem to remember you have to do something extra to get them on your side...
I didn't play FF8 in three years, now, but I'm about 75% sure the work is already done, the moombas are saved when you choose to defend them with Zell and not lying to the guard with Squall/Z, .. and doing it would save entire minutes and tighten up the Invincible Moon time, making the sound happen right in front of the final door ... but I can't really calculate it right now +_+ I have FF8 here, playstation version, four discs ... should I try to run it with the game in an emulator? Or it would desync easily, especially when changing discs at that speed? ... XD
amaurea wrote:
Some things I noticed that looked non-optimal: When moving the garden across the world map, several small adjustments of the course were made: Couldn't the optimal course have been chosen from the beginning, or is the direction resolution too low? Also, at one point you are forced to walk halfway around the garden because you are placed on the wrong side of it when exiting. Could changing the direction of the garden before exiting improve this?
Oh yeah, that's something I brought up earlier, the Garden driver's skills =P I think these parts could be recalculated too, is turning the Garden around slower than walking around it, really? O.o is a walking person actually faster than an airship?? XD Maybe I should start posting all these doubts in the FF8 WIP topic... ? Invincible Moon still doesn't look optimal to me anyway... >.>
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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You flew over our minds, while carrying heavy objects on the way! (Tools? This really is a "tool" assisted speedrun, then!) .. Yes vote =P
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Finished watching the run just now \o/
lapogne36 wrote:
I mean beat this form with Irvine's limit break (end of inputs), but beat the last form with Squall's limit break (she should have less than 20.000 LP after that) and leave the rest of the battle to Rinoa's Angel Wing.
Actually, Ultimecia starts talking and then she just need to take 4 or 5 single attacks to be defeated, there is no need for using limit breaks anymore after that point, since they would just make one more phrase pop up.. o_o Found another mistake: (not really, but) .. you learned Invincible Moon too early =P it should be steps before the final door, ... which would be the time saver on the prison, I guess. ... can someone please do the math on that? +D Overall, I voted Yes and stand with it, but ... is Shockwave Pulsar really enough to take out your party at that time? If you could survive it with all three members somehow, it would be more TASish than being invincible, I guess... (plus it takes less time, not buying the pet book) xP
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Saw the disc 2 part .... and sorry, but I saw a major flaw now, you'll have to redo the run from the beginning of this disc =P You know the we, saving the moombas in prison, they give you something in return, it's not just the quickest way, it's the quickest shortcuts for 3 floors, those plates between stair up and stair down can be removed.. and the actual run means about 2 to 3 minutes of spinning around the floors ... that could be taken away, meaning less random encounters in this part.. If I'm not mistaken, the 3 moombas ask it right after Zell, Quistis and Selphie reunite with Squall/Z, above the 12th floor ... one says 'shortcut, choose floor 2-3-4' and the others are '5-8-9' and '10-11-12' ... taking three of these off means a lot of time saving O.o And I think the garden can be just a little better driven .. xP Will be seeing disc 3 .. right now =P
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Warepire wrote:
This IS the suggested screenshot! \o\ Watched the first disc here, and will continue watching it, promising to watch it all before friday.. +D I currently don't think Invincible Moon is a TAS skill, but.. when I see the run completely, I will understand it, .. xP
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Is there anyone working on this currently? And... if someone would care to give a try, it would have to beat the spider in 0:38, which means 38 seconds? I might give it a try when starting to study TASing in Gens 11a... õ_o
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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Se tiver bons bugs pode ser, mas de saída eu acho mais interessante ir com um "Aims for maximum score", mirar o melhor score o.o Capaz de render duas versões até.. xP
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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E no do Master também, mas depois disso o melhor caminho é fazer a manobra mais pontuosa o tempo todo, não? xP Que tal essa ordem? Dizzy Dean - Head Banger - Full Axle - Axle Foley - Horseshoe - Half Axle - 5 in a row - Double Arch - Doda - Reverse Doda - Jester .... é isso, não é, são 11 mesmo? +D (de repente é possível em menos de 30 segundos) õ.o
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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I voted Yes too.. +D liked especially the Sheepman's shoot against the next boss, that part when he took damage and didn't count, and seeing that the final stage's path was up and he just went down in it... xP Can't wait to see this video's next version in 2014 or something, when it will be at 28:57.14, crossing walls, skipping subbosses and using death and pain to save time ... XD
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
será que seria possivel fazer um bom TAS de California Games de Master System? Quando eu era pequeno o jogo era febre...
O jogo é bem técnico, acho que até por as modalidades rodarem com tempo limite em geral, devia ser um TAS que busca a maior pontuação possível em cada esporte ... o.o (até pq é bem mais fácil perder e completar a rodada mais rápido) XDDDD Em frames, qual o melhor jeito de jogar Half Pipe? Manobras no chão, no ar, ou na borda? =P Qual chute do Foot Bag feito seguido o tempo todo levanta mais pontos? =P Como jogar o Surfing de modo bonito e fazendo 9.0? =P Como pular tudo rodopiando no Skating? =P Qual o melhor pulo pra cada rampa do BMX? =P Pode-se fazer mais de 510 pontos numa pegada do Flying Disc? =P E mais uma pergunta: ... quando bater os recordes, vale a pena usar os cheats? Lerdeza no Foot Bag, Velocidade no Surfing, Pulos altos no BMX? o_o ... eu sei em que tela o TAS tem q terminar: na dos recordes, tudo com o nome TAS \o/ EDIT: .. ninguém pra dar uma analisada nos meus projetos de TAS de Master lá? .. The Ninja .. Teddy Boy .. Aztec Adventure .. E-SWAT .. Gain Ground? pensei em abrir mais um ainda, .. Master of Darkness =P
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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I knew my knowledge of GB wasn't just Castlevania and Pokemon, when I saw the screenshot on this one I had to check this TAS out =P I knew this Crazy Castle game because of the GB version, and I really liked the run, although the game is very long ... well, it's a Yes vote from me \o I'm even looking forward for the GB version =P
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
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