Posts for Ilari

Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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YaLTeR wrote:
I have a question about encoding to YouTube. Things used to be fine but now when I encode exactly the same the video plays perfectly on my computer but when I upload it to YouTube I get no sound at the beginning + desync when it starts.
Youtube broke FLAC support. Use Vorbis at high quality (-q10) instead.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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TheNewTeddy wrote:
Curious about etiquette around here. I've been at forums that ban you for posting in a thread that has no posts for 14 days, and I've been at forums that ban you for starting identical threads even if the old one has 0 posts since 1998. I'm curious where on the spectrum these forums fall?
Post into existing thread, no matter how long since the last post.
TheNewTeddy wrote:
Also, if I'm thinking about (IE just putting out feelers) doing a game, how should I go about this? Was my post in the dos forum okay?
Seems fine.
TheNewTeddy wrote:
If I have a WIP of a game, should I post it ASAP and update? Couldn't someone "steal" my ideas?
Yes, but OTOH, if you post a WIP, others can provide feedback. First submissions are usually not too good. IIRC, only about one third get published, and of those, significant fraction are improvable by a good amount. Feedback / working with more experienced TASer should significantly increase the chances.
TheNewTeddy wrote:
How about other systems? Any Atari TASes?
AFAIK, There is no rerecording emulator that can emulate Atari yet (or at least not submittable one). Oh, and here is a listing of movie file format extensions and what emulators those are for:
  • BKM: Bizhawk (alternative extension)
  • DOF: Dosbox-rr (not accepted as it never worked reliably)
  • DSM: DeSmuME
  • DTM: Dolphin
  • FBM: Final Burn Alpha Rerecording
  • FM2: FCEUX
  • FMV: Famtasia (not accepted anymore)
  • GMV: Gens rerecording.
  • GZ: openMSX (obsolete extension)
  • LSMV: lsnes
  • M64: Mupen64 Rerecording
  • MC2: VBjin (VBoy), Mednafen Rerecording or PCEjin (others)
  • MCM: Mednafen Rerecording
  • MMV: Dega
  • OMR: openMSX
  • PJM: PSXjin
  • SMV: snes9x
  • TAS: Bizhawk
  • VBM: Virtual Boy Advance Rerecording
  • VMV: VirtuaNES (not accepted anymore)
  • WTF: Hourglass
  • YMV: Yabause Rerecording
  • ZMV: zsnes
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Publications with very large movie files (the file inside submission .zip) can apparently fail in nasty way due to out of memory error (it tries to load the entiere movie into memory). This looks to be the reason for the mess relating to publishing 2022M.
Post subject: Re: Help!,T_T
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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LYF wrote:
I can't press three keys together once.
Sounds like key-blocking. On most keyboards, some three-key combos can't be pressed together. The workarounds are: - Try finding key combinations that can be pressed together. - Use a gamepad.
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xnamkcor wrote:
"Note: Due to a slight flaw in the subtitles, new torrents will be up shortly. " Does the error apply to the Mirror at too? Or are those copies ok?
Yes, it does. But the fixed encodes are already up (and have been for a while).
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Warp wrote:
The movie length is listed as 9:38, but in the youtube encode the run ends approximately at 9:52. How come?
It is not just the YT encode that is that way, the primary and 10bit444 encodes are too. Perhaps related to known VBA-rr problem where the emulator is confused about frame duration if the GB screen is turned off?
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defender wrote:
I got it to work but the game is running too slow. I would like it like on a real console, speed says it's about 59 - 69. Is there a way to speed it up?
That can be either: * Very old hardware. * Some slow to emulate expansion chip (however, I find no information about existence of such chip, so I regard that as unlikely) * You are misreading it, it is really about 59-61 and you hit that 60% speed bug. If it is the last one, selecting '1x' from speed menu would speed it up. First two, not much doable besides upgrading the computer hardware.
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Odd voltages (overvoltages or wrong polarity) blowing out components? Of course, that is not supposed to happen, but if one is dealing with broken ports...
Post subject: Re: Hi ! I'm new and I have a few questions
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Morgana wrote:
1) which games are the best to start? I wanted to start with brainlord because that was a game i really enjoyed when i was young. not very popular but I still like it.
There is List of Ideas page. But not every game there is a good game choice (those things actually can get rejected for bad game choice). Oh, and the standard method to determine if game is good or not: Make a TAS of the first level or first few levels and post a link to forums (if there is no existing thread for the game, you can create one). Oh, and regarding speed of lsnes. When playing carts that don't contain accelerator chips, even bit oldish computers can get 200% speed. But that is signaficantly slower than what snes9x gets (I think it is about half of newest snes9x versions). Then some games use various chips. Pretty much all those tank the speed. Cx4 is legendary for doing so much more than others (and woe if the game is some weird hack that uses multiple chips, fortunately, no official game does).
Post subject: Re: What Does it Mean When, While You're Encoding...
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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FionordeQuester wrote:
... your MB Size and MB Rate are higher than your "level limit"? I ask this because while it's encoding, my command line script is saying... "Warning: frame MB Size (224X168)>Level Limit (36864)" "Warning: MB Rate (1130838)>Level Limit (983040)"
You are exceeding what h.264 allows. Specifically, h.264 has two fields that control what is allowed in stream, called profile and level. When encoding for computer decoding, profile is almost invariably "high" (which is the most permissive profile). x264 sets level automatically. But if there isn't a defined level that would allow the video, x264 just writes the highest level, warns about what it is doing and then proceeds to break the limits (hoping for the best).
FionordeQuester wrote:
I ask because out of three videos that I posted with my current encoding method (courtesy of the Hybrid Encoding script Dacicus and others so kindly showed me)... ...Part 3 is inexplicably missing the options to set it to 720p, 1080p, and Original quality despite going through the same encoding process as Part 2 and 1, and I'm wondering if that was due to the sheer size of the Part 3 video. It doesn't fully explain why Part 1 doesn't allow Original quality, but, it's a start at least, right?
Sounds like usual Youtube processing fsckups.
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Nisto wrote:
Oh. It's actually when I press the "Close" button on the configuration window. And yes, setting a key in the "bindings" tab crashes lsnes, too.
I talked with FatRatKnight (he also has WinXP SP3 32-bit): The following will set up a crash for him when configuration dialog is closed:
  • Selecting anything in hotkeys tab (even tabbing around)
But the following will not:
  • Just selecting the hotkeys tab
  • Using the bindings tab.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Nisto wrote:
Is anyone else having problems setting hotkeys (primary hotkeys for the first controller to be specfific (I have tried others, too, of course))? It always closes down without an error message.
Sounds like it crashes with segmentation fault or hits some internal error but doesn't handle it or something... What is the exact action that causes it to crash? Clicking to change the key? Changing those checkboxes in dialog? Changing the key class (alphabetic, numeric, editing, etc...)? Changing the key? Clicking OK (if so, with what values)? Clicking Cancel? Clicking Clear? Also, does doing similar things with adding a keybinding (keybindings tab, add button) cause lsnes to bomb? Presumably knowing when exactly it bombs would help figuring out what goes wrong... Edit: Found a crash bug (probably not the same one, requires a joystick):
  • Have some joystick axis to be set to anything except disabled.
  • Set some hotkey to that axis (if axis pair type, either direction will do).
  • Go to joystick configuration, flip that axis between pressure type and axis pair type (or set it to disabled).
  • Go change the hotkey you set (the key will be blank)
  • Without changing the key or the class, hit OK.
  • lsnes will crash (due to trying to set invalid key as hotkey).
In general, clicking OK with key entry box blank (obtained by any means) will crash lsnes.
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nanogyth wrote:
The timecode problem is just something with mp4, right?
As far as it is known, yes.
nanogyth wrote:
But mp4 is still needed for the 512 because won't stream mkv?
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nanogyth wrote:
I'm sure x264 uses a predetermined color matrix, I just didn't know which. Is it 601?
Yes, it is 601 (TV or full depending on parameters).
nanogyth wrote:
Does nhmlfixup need the nhml from the raw h264? Would pulling the nhml from an mp4 stream keep the metadata?
The x264 MP4 muxer is worse than useless. The timecode data it writes is WRONG and NHMLFixup CAN NOT fix it.
nanogyth wrote:
This issue also seems to kill the SAR. A video I flagged as 7:6 ended up as 5:4 according to mediainfo.
NHMLFixup has aspect ratio correction mode (but only 4:3 and 16:9).
Post subject: Re: Lei Dian Huang Bi Ka Qiu Chuan Shuo
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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PikachuMan wrote:
This is a Famicom bootleg of Pokemon Yellow. FCEU and FCEUX has a reset bug, the latter being during playback.
By "reset bug" you mean the infamous FCEUX bug where hard resets spontaneously appear in the movie? If so, just grab the newest SVN release build, as that bug has been fixed there (and it will likely sync with 2.1.5 anyway).
PikachuMan wrote:
This game can be TASed using Mednafen.
Unfortunately, I don't think so. Current versions of Mednafen-rr are grossly broken for anything except PCE and PCECD, so you would first have to locate a version that could rerecord NES... Basically, the issue is that it tries to record any platform it supports to .mc2, but MC2 can only represent PCE and PCECD, so in the end it fails to record anything.
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feos wrote:
If you're going to continue encoding, you can ask for a rank that would allow you to add YT links to publications. Don't know if Encoder rank allows that.
One would need a bit more than just 1 encode to get that role (it is a role), and yes, adding encodes (downloadable/YT) to publications is exactly what that role is about.
Post subject: Re: Game Choice for first TAS: RC Pro AM 2
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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DoctorGurge wrote:
Would RC Pro Am 2 be a bad game choice to TAS? I've played this game ever since I was able to pick up a controller, and I love the game, even though it is quite hard for a racing game.
Well, for a lot of games, how good those are for TASing is not known before a TAS is attempted. Make a run of the first (or first few) tracks and post a link to appropriate games forum (since this is a NES game, to "NES Games"). If there is not already a thread for the game, make one.
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Felipe wrote:
I can use any video editor to encode a high quality video using the x264 codec and everything else?
Depends on video editor and if it can do the operations required (logo insertion, scaling and subtitling) and can export at acceptable quality. This requirement is much harsher if you are using video editor to make downloadable or 512 encodes, as those need to be compressed using x264 and harsh settings. As to if any practicular video editor can do that, I don't know. And x264 is not a codec, it is a compressor for h.264 codec.
Felipe wrote:
I ask because I have the codec and editor: Camtasia Studio, and I had read, that the codec is lossless RGB.
Just be careful here: Don't confuse camstudio codec (CSCD) and camtasia codec (TSCC). Similar names (and even similar codecs), but different things. * Both CSCD and TSCC are RGB and lossless -> Acceptable codecs for dumping. * Both CSCD and TSCC can be uploaded directly to Youtube. * Both CSCD and TSCC can be decoded by FFMpeg. * CSCD is free. * TSCC compresses better of those two. BTW: I have implemented compressors for both of those from scratch.
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Got it, but how can i configure my joystick?
Use Joy2key or similar program. The current win32 builds don't support joysticks directly (this is a TODO). And besides, that joystick configuration thingy is mostly useless. EDIT: I implemented Win32 joystick support, but there is no release with that yet (will be in the next one). Also, that can't do pressure button detection, so joystick configuration might have some use...
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
I double click the "lsnes-wxwidgets" file and used the "..." to find the rom, clicked the "Open Rom" button, and then another window appeared with the title "Project Settings"
The first time, select "New project", set correct controller types and hit start. Subsequent times, pick a savestate to load and hit load.
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Warp wrote:
I think I have asked about this earlier, but nevertheless I'm still curious to know how feasible it would be that rather than building a dedicated electronics board to send the console controller input, instead have just a game controller cable -> PC port adapter. (I'm assuming that the RS-232 port would be by far the easiest for this, although using the PC's USB port is probably also possible, but requires a more complex adapter.)
Problem is response times. PCs with general purpose OSes are not good for hard realtime work with very short response times.
Post subject: Re: .fmv to .fm2 in python
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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nanogyth wrote:
I was looking at the runs on the noyoutube page and thought it would be nice if they ran on non-deprecated software. The run I was looking at runs into desynch issues. I'm not sure if it is possible to fix them or even if "fixing" them would be a desirable outcome. ???
Most won't sync, but if one syncs when converted, great (some Famtasia encodes were really done that way). Also, some movies that don't otherwise sync may start syncing if a couple of extra blank frames is inserted to the beginning.
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The ratio limits are now per-platform. Previously the same ratio limit applied to all platforms, which was kind of silly, considering the extreme graphical complexity differences between, say Gameboy and Wii.
  • The unit is 1,000,000 bytes per minute (of encode time).
  • Reasonable effort shall be given to get good quality encodes within these size limits. However, with some games, that just isn't possible.
  • However, don't make oversized encodes, even if within limits.
  • These limits are likely to be revised later (especially with platforms where there is little data on graphical complexity)
NESNintendo Entertainment System0.15-5.05
SNESSuper NES0.25-8.05
GenesisSega Genesis0.30-9.05
GBGame Boy0.05-2.05
SGBSuper Game Boy0.10-3.05
GBCGame Boy Color0.10-4.05
GBAGame Boy Advance0.25-8.05
N64Nintendo 640.35-11.05
SMSSega MasterSystem0.10-4.05
PSXSony PlayStation0.40-13.55
PCETurboGrafx 160.20-6.05
NGPNeo Geo Pocket0.20-6.05
LynxAtari Lynx0.05-2.05
DSNintendo DS0.30-10.05
GGGame Gear0.10-3.05
SaturnSega Saturn0.30-10.05
32XSega 32X0.30-9.05
SegaCDSega CD0.30-9.05
FDSFamicom Disk System0.15-5.05
PCECDTurboGrafx 16 CD0.20-6.05
VBoyVirtual Boy0.20-6.05
MSXMSX Home Computer System0.10-4.05
GCNintendo GameCube0.50-15.05
SG1000Sega SG-10000.10-3.05
TI83Texas Instruments TI-83 Series0.05-2.05
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feos wrote:
Would oggenc2 -q 10 audio.wav satisfy?
Yeah, that'll do. It is not lossless, but the Youtube re-encoder will butcher the sound a lot worse than that.
Post subject: Re: Capture at Higher Resolution and with filters.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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gperonmls wrote:
How can I make any of the SNES emulators capture at a higher resolution and with filters.
lsnes: No support for dumping with filters, although one could dump the digital video data bit for bit and then filter that. But that would require custom program to decode the dump, filter it and write the result out. No idea about other SNES emulators.