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And from practical perspective, I don't expect snes9x v1.52 to be deprecated to that point in a while.
Post subject: Re: Wiimote TASing without errors?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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ColdStardust wrote:
I was wondering how everybody else records Wii TASes without getting Wiimote playback errors.
Two ways: - If the game supports GC pad, use that. It is much more stable. - Use some version that has fixes related to Wiimote. I think newest mainline versions do. Much better, but not perfect.
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Randil wrote:
Aah, sorry for the confusion, the file extension is .fm2. There is no .fm2-wip in the filename, the filename is kid_icarus_randil_1-1_wip.fm2 Perhaps the "-"-character is the culprit?
The only place '-' would cause problems is in the actual extension. The filename it uses is: 1) The filename specified on form overrides all others. 2) If uploaded file is not a .zip, then the filename of the uploaded file. 3) If uploaded file is a .zip, then name of file inside it. Just did some tests: 1) Uploading the file given with no explicit filename (the local filename is as is Microstorage sets it) goes through. 2) Uploading the file with explicit filename given goes through. 3) ... But, if I "accidentally" put a space after the filename, it does NOT go through, instead it gives complaint about lacking an extension.
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"Filename lacks an extension" is given when filename has no recognizable extension. The error if extension is unknown is different ("Unknown movie type"). Actually, looking at site source code, weird extensions (including ones with a dash) would cause "lacks an extension" instead of "unknown movie type" error.
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sam6555 wrote:
I have no clue where I would even start with luck manipulation with this, I read about luck manip on TASvideos a bit, reading how different inputs and situations could affect outcomes.
I think the main method of luck manipulation in past Fire Emblem TASes has been quickly changing the route back and forth before executing movement. For some reason random numbers were used in routing / path drawing... This can be seen in the encodes as the movement path shown wobbles. Dunno if similar trick works in this game...
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sam6555 wrote:
Something else about the video, in SVegas, I had to sync the audio and video files manually, not a problem, but I thought the A/V sync hack fixed this, judging by the name.
Eh, it definitely should. Maybe the hack you used was of older version (note that the hack version is unrelated to dolphin version) that doesn't guard against DMA reprogramming. DMA reprogramming with avhack that doesn't guard against it results in A/V desync. First noticed with Billy Hatcher. ... Also watched the video. The luck manipulation doesn't look to be on par with past Fire Emblem TASes... In those, enemies rarely hit and players routinely deal double hits.
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sam6555 wrote:
So I have done a small thing. However I didn't realise I had my save file in and it made a difference so I had to add it into the RAR. DTM+Memcard file
Note that you need a reason to use a save file for submissions (and a verification movie). So unless you want to do such run, better to start from clean card (or no card). Oh, and don't use RAR.
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Patashu wrote:
Is input in Jetpack hexable (barring random drops)?
Probably not, even if improvement is minor and one can match RNG states upon exit.
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sam6555 wrote:
When I played through the game on Dolphin, after a while the audio became out of sync with the gameplay by a second or two.
While playing? Haven't heard of stuff like that before. Perhaps some other sound driver could reduce it (dunno).
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sam6555 wrote:
I have also enquired to RachelB about the sound plug-in, which should hopefully fix/get rid of the audio de-synch stuff that happens on the emulator.
The desync is caused by problems in video dumping. All except the very first published Dolphin run was dumped using modified version of Dolphin that dumps extra data that allows reconstruction of proper audio and video (both are bad). Obviously such modifications require locating source code for version that can play back the run correctly. Then there are a few GC games that use Disc track player (DTK) for music. Currently that music can't be dumped properly, but if such submission would land on the workbench, those problems would be worked out. ... But Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance doesn't appear to use DTK.
Post subject: Re: Is there any way to make PSCX2 desync less?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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traz64 wrote:
I've been attempting to make a KH2 TAS however PSCX2 has been desyncing >50% of the time before even starting the game. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a setting that I can change to have this happen less frequently.
I don't think there is. The current rr version is really old and crappy. Someone would have to do a new one (not easy).
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£e Nécroyeur wrote:
Well, I saved another Frame, so I must cancel this submission as well. But this is the last time! I Promise!
Just request replacing submission file.
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£e Nécroyeur wrote:
Yes, the reason I used FCEUX 2.1.5 was because it was the newest version at the time and it seemed like the preferred emulator for a NES TAS.
Yeah, FCEUX 2.1.5 isn't bad emulator by any means (although some annoying bugs have since been fixed), but it somehow seems odd one out in FCEUX versions.
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Is the reason you are using FCEUX 2.1.5 that it was the newest when you started (yes, TASing is hard and time-consuming)?
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Sometimes when i load the forum i receive a message saying i got banned, so i can only access the main page of the site. I have to restart my moden/router to solve the issue.
Sounds like forum IP banning. Yeah, quite inaccurate.
Post subject: Re: Step five - Return to the building
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Zeyn0 wrote:
Hey, G.G. Shinobi II :The Silent Fury episode 5, return to the building ;)
You can't get everything required from the building in one pass? Not even altering the order you do levels (in case getting the needed stuff needs some unlocking)? Or you could, but not having some stuff in other level would be massive time loss?
Post subject: Re: Could I use mouse on the Hourglass?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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kik64 wrote:
I couldn't use mouse on the Hourglass system. How could I use it?
Not supported currently. There are some talks about adding such support:
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I uploaded 16:05.63 (881.39MB) HD encode. Rejected for being too long. :-/ TVC last update for upload is 2013-06-25 20:56:27 (Zulu)
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Vykan12 wrote:
Once I got to a section that mixed pointers and arrays, my progress through the book ground to a halt and I was spending so much time debugging my programs that I decided to ragequit for the time being.
You have a Linux (i386 or amd64) VM with Valgrind installed, right? Valgrind is extremely powerful (if very slow) tool for debugging memory problems in C (and C++) code.
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STBM wrote:
(And now I have to check if it's synching... As far as I tried before, the movie was desynching everytime I used a savestate, so I made this one without any savestate :/ )
Kinda obvious, but... That thing doesn't sound good (for TASing the actual game starting from the SRAM that is)...
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Patashu wrote:
Only one run ever has been allowed to start from a save state, afaik (sonic 3 & knuckles newgame+)
There are more: - GBC Mega Man Xtreme - GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe "You vs. Boo" - GB Super Mario Land "hard mode" Some of these may have obsolete runs too. The point is: If using SRAM is possible, that is preferred to using savestates. Some emulators don't support SRAMs (there might be workarounds, e.g. with Mupen64, there is a trick allowing run to start from SRAM).
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Furthermore, two (Pokemon Yellow and Super Mario World) of those four games have glitches severe enough to execute completely arbitrary code. Pokemon Yellow has two "total control" runs, and the slightly fixed version of SMW "glitched" shows how to poke arbitrary values into arbitrary places in SNES low RAM (then jumping into what was just written is simple).
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Mothrayas wrote:
Is there any reason not to use BizHawk?
Uses .NET, with all that it entails.
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CoolKirby wrote:
I don't suppose a byte could be added to the dtm format where an author can manually input the frame number, and the submission module could be altered to just read that?
Yes, Dolphin should be fixed so stable length can be given, but with older submissions it is nasty. RachelB says Input frame count should give accurate time... I haven't looked into that. Well, with this submission, I plan altering the length field once I get to know the real length (byproduct of dumping it).
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It is made worse by the fact that the "VI" in .dtm header is in fact output frames and not vertical interrupts. If it was vertical interrupts (and interleaving was taken care of), one could obtain approximate length (which might be off by some amount, but not over 2x wrong).