Posts for Ilari

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Almost sounds like savestates don't properly save/restore memory card state? Is it possible to dump memory card so one could try to analyze what is going on?
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Mitjitsu wrote:
That way you can then create pseudo windback features.
Some emulators support windback natively, but using that doesn't tend to be conductive to TAS quality (without something like TAS Editor).
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True wrote:
FM2 (and many emulators) store per-frame input information, including lag frames, so if I detect each frame then perhaps sync would be easier.
IIRC, all accepted do, except M64, DTM (input frame based), JRSR and OMR (time-based).
True wrote:
1. Some games are fine, always 1 latch-per-frame (SMB,). Easy to sync. 2. Some games are fine, always 2 latch-per-frame (Tetris, other games using PCM). Easy to sync.
I think some might also have deterministic 3 latches per frame.
True wrote:
Ideally, a movie format that stores the input per latch cycle rather than per frame would work better for playback and eliminate all of these issues as well as allow intraframe input changes.
That would only work on games that poll a fixed number of times per ingame frame and don't have anything depending on number of video frames (this is why SM64 was verifiable!). Otherwise clocking still matters.
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True wrote:
I was thinking of making a vsync detector circuit so I don't have to care about any of this frame bullshit, I just read out the input file. A human can see the screen, so is it cheating if the replay device does too?
Detecting the vsync from video output signal?
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diggidoyo wrote:
Downloaded Dolphin 4.0 today. Mega Man 9 works fine with dual core enabled, but disabling it (to TAS) force closes dolphin as soon as it starts with no error message.
Known bug in 4.0 release. As Patashu noted, it was fixed soon after.
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Fishaman P wrote:
I cannot recommend MP3 for anything. Not only is it inefficient, but VBR in an AVI (common for old encodes) is unsupported and buggy.
MP3 and AVI hasn't been used for a long time (last use I can find was June 2009 for both). Any AVI is subject to re-encoding (there are also 7 MKV MP3 encodes).
Fishaman P wrote:
I don't feel too good about OGG either.
You mean Vorbis, right?
Fishaman P wrote:
I would suggest either AAC or Opus. Both have very similar quality/bitrate ratio, slightly favoring Opus.
That's what the current guidelines are (first use of Opus was 2460M, September 2013). Also, MP4 is disfavored among encoders due to the amount of BS required to produce dedupped MP4 encode.
Fishaman P wrote:
For both AAC and Opus, 64kbps per channel is very good quality, and 96kbps is audibly lossless to my semi-audiophile ears.
Thread #14314: Opus codec quality testing
Post subject: Re: PS3 TASing using hacked other OS firmware
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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sack_bot wrote:
Would it be possible to run a PS3 game in other OS with tools?
I don't think it would be. Specifically, some of the problems: - The APIs normally exported by the hypervisor. - Stopping the execution in deterministic manner (including the SPUs). - Saving and Restoring GPU state (much easier on CPUs, as those are designed differently).
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WST wrote:
Anyway implementing reset emulation is not possible without loosing backward compatibility (or I am wrong?)
Obviously any movie using reset emulation requires a new version, but it could be possible to write old-format movie if there are no resets (as long as there is a way to tell formats apart). However, this might not be easy, depending on how exactly Gens writes the movies...
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jlun2 wrote:
Currently, the .dsm files become very large quite quickly in terms of file size. This wouldn't be a problem, except the site only accepts WIPs less than 4MB.
ZIP the DSM file before uploading, and the 4MB limit is for the zip itself, not the file inside (there are some more powerful compressors supported, but those are more exotic). Submissions also have the same 4MB limit. Also, the the files are stored compressed, and quota usage is calculated from compressed size. As to if binary formats after compression would be smaller: Probably, but the difference wouldn't be that great.
Post subject: FCEUX 2.2.2 released
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Post subject: Dolphin 4.0 released
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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Dolphin 4.0 has been released annoucement / Changelog.
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Warepire wrote:
Remember, TASes are supposed to be super-human, if the game accepts the input, then it's all fair to me.
At least with some systems apparently whatever electrical protocols of controllers can represent is fair game (including messing with controller type identification).
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Torn338 wrote:
Are you going to provide actual "real" mouse movement. For example, say point A is on the left of my screen, Point B in the Middle , point C on the right. For me to get from Point A to point C, it is required to go to point B. My thought is, all TAS's would be invalid if you're able to go from point A without actually having to move towards Point B, before Point C; and can just go straight to Point C.
If A and C are near enough (which might actually be over hundred pixels apart, don't know about the API), fast enough mouse motion can jump from one to other in one step, bypassing B.
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Nach wrote:
Ilari: Do you think we should hold off to libopus-1.1 release? Any idea when that will be? Or is the beta fine?
Beta is fine (assuming you can get appropriate builds).
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Note that libopus 1.1-beta (and 1.1 when it is released) should be used instead of libopus 1.0.X. Use 'opusenc --version' to see what version it is:
opusenc opus-tools 0.1.6-50-g1ba6702 (using libopus 1.1-beta-21-g02fed47)
That's using 1.1-beta.
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darkszero wrote:
Interesting how short lived the other two 'empty workbench' were. However, a more relevant datapoint would be the longest/average/variance of the time between two submissions?
I didn't compute that yet, but I looked at what kind of distribution time between submissions has. Looks like one of those ill-behaved ones. For intervals of about 1.5 min to 24 hours, the intervals grow roughly proportional to ~1.6th power of rank. For intervals longer than that, the intervals grow even faster (the slope of log-log plot increases rapidly).
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CoolKirby wrote:
Though, I'm curious how long the queue was empty the other two times it happened. Any veterans happen to know how long it stayed empty back then?
Digging timestamps from the site: First time: 20100210T031512Z ([1459] N64 Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon by zggzdydp in 2:04:49.35) to 20100210T041732Z (#2555: arukAdo's PCECD Kaze Kiri: Ninja Action in 23:22.08) -> 1 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds. Second time: 20110123T001708Z ([1726] SNES Mega Man & Bass "100 CDs" by parrot14gree in 39:48.65) to 20110123T053513Z (#2983: IsraeliRD's DOS Hocus Pocus "Episode 2" in 13:48.60) -> 5 hours, 18 minutes, 5 seconds. Third time: 20130913T145145Z ([2458] GBA Metroid: Zero Mission "100%" by Dragonfangs in 1:00:46.28) to 20130920T161143Z (#4070: mtbRc's DS Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow "Julius Mode" in 09:01.49) -> 7 days, 1 hour, 19 minutes and 58 seconds. Edit: Final length of third empty workbench.
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AndiHoffi wrote:
Is there a way to get a whole memory-dump in lua? I did not find anything like it in the doc. Without the memory-dump, I can stop the whole thing immediately, since there would be no way to detect equal states (that have been reached on two different ways).
Whole emulated system memory or whole host process memory? The first isn't the complete state (there are e.g. CPU registers), and the second contains all sorts of irrelevant stuff (that likely differs even if states are identical).
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I think I'm missing something here, do you have 6 different .fm2 files or 1? either way, how would you get it to work?
It is 9, not 6. But all those .fm2 files should have identical input tracks, so any should work with any of those 9 games (albeit 8 get wrong ROM warning).
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
Just a quick question, would it be possible to do ALL the main megaman games eg 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10? Not sure if different emulators would mean it was impossible.
Different emulators make it impossible, because there is no one movie file all the relevant emulators (1-6 is NES, 7 is SNES, 8 is PSX and 9-10 is Wii) could play. It even wouldn't be possible (at least currently) to do multi-runs across systems even with one emulator (some support more than one system), because the system is written into movie file.
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SmashManiac wrote:
Don't be ridiculous, there HAS to be an explanation. Framerate isn't something arbitrary that is changed on a whim!
Nope, it is not, there is single correct frame rate per system,region pair. If the correct value is known is separate issue. Previously, each emulator had its own framerate, now all files for given system (and region) are evaluated with the same framerate.
SmashManiac wrote:
Assuming the framerate for this movie is correct, the issue remains. Why is the old movie still showing the wrong time? Are there other publications affected by this framerate issue?
There are loads of publications affected by the framerate issue. E.g. Any older .fmv, .fcm, .smv, .vbm. There are also some pubs where publication time and submission time slightly mismatch because the framerate change (ugh, didn't see that).
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Also, for NES, there are so many dodgy mappers that support in anything except original cart is questionable. SNES is much more regular. Unless game uses expansion chips, pretty much the only source of variability is memory mapping (which can be expressed as a few memory address ranges and some properties of those).
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Nach wrote:
You have an alternate ending you want to offer? Great, we'll have an alternate movie in the same published movie.
Double-publishing? Isn't that quite nasty to do (technically; I did it once)? Or something else?
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Pika25 wrote:
Is Black 2 or White 2 preferred?
Use what you think is faster. This looks like similar "games obsolete each other" situation, like Pokemon Red/Blue.
Post subject: Re: a COMPLETE newbie to encoding here (issues with VirtualDub)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1144)
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inavojo wrote:
Alright. I guess my question here would be, how would I convert a 256x224 video to 2048x1796 using VirtualDub? Again, I am a complete newbie at this. In fact, I do not understand much of the terminology you have used (such as "point scaling".
Here is some guide: In fact looks like VirtualDub calls the scaling method "nearest neighbor".