Posts for FractalFusion

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mikwuyma wrote:
I know Satoryu asked you this already, but why did you pick Mushroom first?
It was early on, and I took account of the fact that I can SDC the bug miniboss, that I get Kuuenbu/Kuuenzan from Split Mushroom, and that everyone loves to see Split Mushroom's stage beaten. I didn't expect to take the run further. I think ground slash does 1 and Ryuenjin does 2 (but of course a hit delays for 5 frames). I can't tell if Ryuenjin does better or not.
mikwuyma wrote:
Also, why did you get hit by the first enemy? I didn't see any benefit to that.
Apologies. That was me not caring. I only attempted to dodge the spike enemies at the third one, and succeeded, of course. A similar thing happens for the first big enemy thing in Magma Dragoon's stage.
mikwuyma wrote:
Does it really save time to skip the armor in Magma Dragoon's stage?
Atma already answered, but I'll add that I didn't care about the time and only did it because it was impressive.
mikwuyma wrote:
How many frames does the game pause for when you jump slash with Zero?
5 frames.
mikwuyma wrote:
When you do the kuuenzan (the upgraded jump slash) with Zero, you can turn around to score extra hits. Turning around to get extra hits out of your slash is useful against the wall in Web Spider part 1, and Slash Beast's midboss.
Thanks. It seems strange that I would use the Kuuenzan turnaround to avoid extra hits (against bosses), yet I forget that I could use the Kuuenzan turnaround to inflict extra hits.
mikwuyma wrote:
Also, when Frost Walrus reaches the left wall and starts to stand up, you can hit him twice as he is transitioning from crawling to standing.
I looked at Frost Walrus for cues rather than his life bar, so I missed it because he had no reaction and I thought it was doing no damage. I'm surprised you didn't mention that it is better to Ryuenjin away from him on the last few hits rather than toward him, to reduce unnecessary hits. I missed this as well.
mikwuyma wrote:
If you did Web Spider before Slash Beast, you would have been able to cancel your last set of slashes before Beast starts dashing into a Raijingeki (the lightning lance), which would have killed Beast.
Curiosity. I wanted to test the Shippuuga, to see if TAS power could make something out of it. Unfortunately, it is as useless as everyone says it is.
mikwuyma wrote:
Oh, for the colonel battle, test and see if you can make the first icicle take off half of his life. I swear I did that once, but I've never been able to reproduce the incident (I think it has something to do with him switching animations).
I don't know why a game could be so glitched as to do that, but I take your word for it. Do you mean that the same Hyouretsuzan did multiple hits on him when he should have been invincible?
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Warp wrote:
asteron wrote:
"2-player" "3-player" etc seems unambiguous as I don't think people would confuse it with multiple authors.
I'll have to disagree with that. I think it is a bit ambiguous.
Maybe "2-player mode"? (Similarly, "3-player mode" and "4-player mode"). "Mode" refers directly to the game, not the authors. As an aside, we should emphasize that authors are authors, not players. To say that an author is a player is like saying that making a TAS of a game is playing the game. Sure, we could say that we are "playing around" with the game.
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Satoryu wrote:
i don't think you're going to get away with it.
Let the movie speak for itself. It's his decision. Besides, it's not like PCSX rerecording has been finalized or anything. The rules were in place mostly to prevent players from beating a published movie using trivial differences.
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
This guy got away with it... why wouldn't Atma??
You seriously don't know the meaning of "not funny". If you have nothing better to do, maybe it's a good time to take a long break from the computer, go outside, and socialize with people in real life. It seems like you need it.
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By the way, this is how the game freezes for me if I have subchannel reading on (for Mooby CDR plugin). Fortunately, my movie does not use subchannel reading. I only used it intentionally.
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ventuz wrote:
Umm, can someone explain how to set up CDR plugin? It's complaining about "select drive" but the drive drop-list is empty.
You can use Mooby CDR 2.8. If you are using P.E.Op.S CDR to run something from your CD-ROM drive, then I can't help you.
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petrie911 wrote:
Exact form requires solving the transcendental equation 2^x=2+1/x, which I don't feel like doing, and suspect isn't possible anyways.
You forgot the word "algebraically" before "possible".
petrie911 wrote:
As long as we're having fun with x^x, lets shed our dependence on positive real numbers. For complex z=x+i*y, find a closed form expression for z^z that has no complex exponents except of the form e^(i*a), where a is real.
z^z=e^(z * log(z))=e^(z * (ln|z|+i*arg(z))) Assume now that the argument of z is limited to (-pi,pi]. Then: z^z=e^((x+i*y) * (ln|z|+i*arg(z))) =e^((x*ln|z|-y*arg(z))+i*(x*arg(z)+y*ln|z|)) =e^(x*ln|z|-y*arg(z))*e^(i*(x*arg(z)+y*ln|z|)) which is of the desired form. Note that arg(z)=sgn(y)*arccos(x/|z|) if z is not negative real and arg(z)=pi if z is negative real. As well, |z|=sqrt(x^2+y^2).
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Cremator wrote:
How did you damage Owl constantly before he went off screen? I had no idea you could do that. How do you do that?
Storm Owl's recovery is strange. If you hit him with jump-slash, he won't become invincible unless you hit him again right away or in a short timespan (around 15 frames). So I make sure to contact him only once each slash, except on the last one before he leaves the screen. I threw in some SDCs as well.
Cremator wrote:
One thing, though: Wouldn't it be faster to use charged shots on the cannons in the first part of Storm Owl? Seeing shooting normally seems to stop you and all...
I never realized that one could charge the ride armor shot. Anyway, thanks for telling me.
OgreSlayeR wrote:
I just started my Test Run. It plays to the end of Magma Dragoon. Not sure if my strategy was the best against him. Hopefully it syncs properly.
Noticed a couple things: - In the intro stage, where two blocks drop on each side of you and you destroy the right block. I think it is faster to wall-jump from the left block onto the right block and then jump from there over the next wall, rather than destroying the right block and wall-jumping twice at the wall. - Against Magma Dragoon, you tried to fit in a fully charged shot along with the small charged shots. Unless the charged shot does 5 damage (I think it does 3), you should just use the small charged shots all the time. Otherwise, it looks good so far.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
Is this version compatible with any of the current CDR plugins? Perhaps I'm missing something important, but I can't seem to run actual PSX games with this new version, since I can't select any of the CDR plugins.
Have you tried Mooby2 CDR 2.8 plugin? I tried to work with P.E.Op.S CDR plugin but it keeps giving an error when I select "Run CD" or anything else, and it seems to insist on reading a CD-ROM drive even though the image is on my hard drive, right in the PCSX folder.
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Satoryu wrote:
in Owl's stage, at :50 in the YT vid, it looked like you wallkicked off the spikes without temporary invulnerability. is there a false spike there, or did it only look like you were vulnerable because the YT vid ran a 30fps?
Definitely a false spike there. If you slide down a little bit, you die though.
Satoryu wrote:
the fight with Owl was mindblowing. i have no clue how that invulerability bug works.
If Storm Owl spawns off one of the bottom corners, it is possible to SDC him while he is off the screen. I used Rakuhouha to chase him and he spawned there again.
Satoryu wrote:
at about :30 you get caught on the ceiling for a little bit. is that avoidable?
Perhaps. I didn't bother to figure out because I assumed that it was the act of air-dashing that sped up the screen, and not where Zero was on the screen.
Satoryu wrote:
nice job with the Stingray fight. but are you sure he can't be manipulated to drop to the bottom right away?
Stingray only drops down when he has taken 16 (out of 48) damage. I have yet to see Stingray drop directly from the top without firing his rays, and actions tend to be decided earlier than expected.
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Storm Owl: Jet Stingray: Now with sound. However, there is progressive V/A drift in the first one and a weird issue during the loading zone of the second while trying to fix the drift (VirtualDub won't let me crop it out). Movie file: One thing to note is that in Jet Stingray's stage, dashing on the ground saves 4 frames, but dashing in the air saves about 20 frames. Note when the stage music ends in each part.
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I figured out at what point whether the Enigma (and supposedly the shuttle) destroys the colony or not is decided. This is not a substitute for luck-manipulation. To set it up, I quickly played through and beat Grizzly and Firefly, two of the four bosses with Enigma Parts*, then reduced the hours remaining to 7 (since there is a theory floating around that less hours means higher rate of success). I made various savestates and determined: - The RNG does not change at all outside of the stages (including subscreen menus where you can change your weapon). That means that the only way to alter (and hence, luck-manipulate) the RNG is to do it in the stages, and before the stage ends. - The RNG is altered by things like waiting, and (relative to waiting) jumping, during a stage. - The success rate for the Enigma for two parts and 6 hours remaining was around 1/5. Same for 1 hour remaining. Though it is still possible that it is harder to do with, say, 13 hours remaining. - I believe the RNG is global due to the following comment I found on YouTube:
Kristallranke (YouTube user) wrote:
It depends somehow on the savegame file. I was able to destroy the space station with the Enigma with only 2 of 4 parts and I repeated it several times! However, as soon as I saved my game directly before the enigma shot using another slot, it didn't succeed anymore even when using the old save game
In regards to a speedrun, do not reset, reload, retry immediately after every failed attempt to destroy the colony, because it is guaranteed to fail again. You should enter a stage before trying again. *)By the way, when testing this, I decided not to get more Enigma parts because the Kraken and Whale stages are a pain to play. Speaking of Kraken, the level design at the beginning is horrible. I never thought I would see a level where you could die before the word "Ready" disappears from your screen. That's a good thing, though, if you want to kill yourself off for a quick save after blowing the colony (this means you, Cremator :D).
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Cremator wrote:
You lost time by triggering the first portal sequence during a jump. Curiously enough you didn't do that again; was that intentional?
It doesn't waste time. The cursor thing just leaves Zero at the same time as if I stay on the ground.
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Satoryu wrote:
with proper timing, the last ball can land on the very edge and still remove the purple barrier. if that would help any.
True, but then the ball partially blocks Zero's path, so it is slower.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Really? Where was that? I was thinking of doing some planning on the Mega Man Xtreme topics.
There are some parts where the screen auto-scrolls to the right, but by going back to cancel the auto-scrolling, it is faster in the long run. I know this because I was also working on Mega Man Xtreme. I'll post in that topic when I have time.
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Cyber Peacock done: I tried to record the sound but I messed up and I don't want to try again (yet), so this video has no sound. - I think it is faster to invert the cyber-ball shaft but I like it this way. - I manipulate Cyber Peacock to do the arrow shot so that I can slash him with Z-Saber (faster than using Ryuenjin all the time). I have to wait before hitting him or else he will disappear like all the others.
Cremator wrote:
You can skip the autoscroll after Mushroom's miniboss, but I don't know if that would actually save time as you need to scroll the screen back just a little bit to do that. Have you tested it, FractalFusion?
Hmm, didn't think about that. Should have thought about it since a similar thing happens in Mega Man Xtreme (GBC).
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Speaking of x^x, here is another question: What is the minimum value of x^x, and for which x does it occur? (where x is a positive real number)
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Satoryu wrote:
will the run will be 0% or any%? or maybe i should ask if you'll be getting any Heart Tanks for some additional health. 4 of them are directly on the path.
I'll grab them first and ask questions later. :) This run (at least now) is any%. By the way, it is faster to get rank S on all of the Cyber Peacock rooms than to wait and get rank A, if anyone was wondering.
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Thanks, mz. It syncs now with P.E.Op.S. Also, thanks for setting "Change XA speed" off by default. When on, it would produce some badly overpeaked sound while turboing.
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I did a TAS of the intro stage, Split Mushroom, and Magma Dragoon: YouTube videos: Intro: Split Mushroom: Magma Dragoon: Movie file:;11716025;/fileinfo.html ROM: Mega Man X4.iso Version: PCSX rerecording v0000006. Sound: Do not use P.E.Op.S. v1.9 unless you have to use it to record sound. It causes desync just after Split Mushroom Stage 1 unless you turbo through the bug miniboss. Use the newest P.E.Op.S. v1.9 modification from this site. Ones that work are Pete's MIDAS v1.7 and No Sound 0.4. You can use turbo, but do not pause or frame advance, because it may cause desync. - I have to frequently check for desyncs (about every 10 seconds of gameplay) while making the movie. Desyncs occur around 30% of the time. There is no problem with playback desync, except mentioned above. - Between stages, I did not optimize stuff. - Still some improvements possible. There are places where I take damage from an enemy where it is faster to go around or kill. - There are two types of (player) damage recovery. One is short, the other is long. Long is bad. - Zero's midair slash slows down the game when it hits. Don't be surprised if I avoid killing enemies I could have killed. - My first intentional luck manipulation was at Magma Dragoon where I luck-manipulate Magma Dragoon into using the flamethrower attack so I can SDC 80% of his health bar without stopping. - The game hates me whenever I use SDC, always desyncing what I input there. I have to guess frequently. This is most evident against the bug miniboss. A glitch that I found in Split Mushroom's stage while TASing:
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Dark Fulgore wrote:
I tried to encode a movie, but doesn't have sound. Is this normal? I already changed the audio settings for the playback, but when I encode, doesn't have sound. :\
The GPU plugin does not record sound. To do that, you need a sound plugin that records sound. For example, P.E.Ops (but, for me, that one desyncs my playback). See its configuration settings.
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1,2) pi = 4-(4/3)+(4/5)-(4/7)+... = 2*(2/1)*(2/3)*(4/3)*(4/5)*... So the answer is no in both cases. 3,4) pi, 1-pi, and 1/pi are all transcendental, but pi+(1-pi) = pi*(1/pi) = 1 5) If f is polynomial, then of course not. If f has the a_i as a power, then the function f=a_1^a_2 works, since for a_1=2, a_2=sqrt(2), 2^sqrt(2) is transcendental by the Gelfond–Schneider theorem.
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I don't know if the desyncs are because of ISO rather than BIN. I have a Mega Man X4 ISO and it desyncs often while recording (not while playing back, though some sound plugins (P.E.Ops in particular) may desync playback. I also assume that the only Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X5 ROMs going around are BIN files, since that's what I got, and PSX ROMs are rare. No desync reports from any of those games so far.
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mz wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Uh, how do you return to the menu in PCSX without ending the game? I tried esc, but I could not resume the game after that.
"Emulator"->"Run" to resume.
The only thing '"Emulator"->"Run"' does for me is attempt to resume the game but fail and end up freezing. Also, I have no way of resetting the game other than closing the emulator. "Emulator"->"Reset" doesn't do anything. When prompted to select a ROM/ISO, if one refuses, one is booted out of the emulator. Why? I know Bisqwit already said this, but I don't understand the "cannot play ISO" (or something) messages when it seems to play ISOs perfectly. Anyway, good work, mz. I tried out the emulator (v0.0...06) and I like it. However, I get desyncs frequently while making a movie, so I have to check my work consistently.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
... I don't know anything about uploading files to teh internets.
Are you serious, or just joking around? Anyway, here are some options:
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paul_t wrote:
I'd continue, but I can't get the colony to blow up.
Since no one knows what determines when the colony blows up, I suggest that you use savestates and create a situation where the colony blows up about 30%-70% of the time, and determine at what point the decision is made.